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UI needs updates.

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Returning player, and I have to say that the UI in this game really needs some work. When this game came out, it was good enough but it hasn't aged well. The UI just "gets the job done" but needs an extra coat of polish. The best UI is one that conveys a lot of info in a short amount of time.

Starting with the worst problems IMO, so the criticism will start the most harsh.

  • Inventory. Going through my inventory is a chore. I like that you have a button to automatically deposit crafting materials and to compact the inventory. A grid of icons does not convey much though so figuring out what to keep is a slow process. A sortable list of items would be preferred, but a sort button would be sufficient. I often find myself logging off instead of dealing with this.
  • Crafting. I get that crafting shouldn't be too easy but the discovery system has got to go. Its just clicking a recipe with extra steps since everyone just looks up a guide. We're not making decisions so it isn't depth. I'll be honest. This is the reason I haven't done a whole lot of crafting. I usually love crafting in MMOs.
  • Boons and conditions. Just need to be more easily read at a glance. Especially conditions. Add in some more distinct coloring to different types of conditions. Especially those the player has a chance to act on.
  • Action bars. While this is the thing you'll see the most, I'd say its the lesser of the issues. I'd just like some alternate shapes to the action bars. A lot of people have a MMO mouse and it would be nice to have a version of the action bar that matches that layout. The action bars as they are work and can be gotten used to.

GW2 doesn't allow UI addons. Which is fine. But that also means the dev team takes full burden for making a good UI.

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Most of this is a minor issue with more play time they become non issues.

  1. First what the heck are you lugging around in your bags?Suggestion you can have items sort by bag if you use the different bag types Eg bags that only hold equipment or mats or vendor junk and when picked up it sorts to them till they are full then over flows. My guess is that is why they don't have a sort it would defeat the purpose of those I guess.

As for recognition the more you play the more familiar the icons are, within a few days that aren't many you shouldn't know what they are at a glance. Here is how I manage my bags maybe it will help. Click on the gear: Auto deposit all mats, right click on a salvage kit and salvage all blue gear or all green, deposit all mats again. Go to a vendor sell all junk. That cleans up most of it. Now that most green, blue, yellow gear comes in bags that stack its easy to go days without salvaging or depositing things,, except when leveling up.

  1. Meh it takes an hour to max a crafting prof to 500 with boosters and saved up mats. IDK

  2. Sure boons and condis could be bigger or a different color but that creates other issues with the color blind players IDK. More time playing the more familiar they are. Maybe a boon/condi tutorial like the dodge roll for new players so they can see what they do.

  3. I don't understand what the feedback is here, you want to change the layout configurable action bars you can move and change like SWTOR has or addons let you do in WoW?

That said I'm all for improvements good luck.

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@"Vrath.1754" said:Most of this is a minor issue with more play time they become non issues.

  1. First what the heck are you lugging around in your bags?Suggestion you can have items sort by bag if you use the different bag types Eg bags that only hold equipment or mats or vendor junk and when picked up it sorts to them till they are full then over flows. My guess is that is why they don't have a sort it would defeat the purpose of those I guess.

As for recognition the more you play the more familiar the icons are, within a few days that aren't many you shouldn't know what they are at a glance. Here is how I manage my bags maybe it will help. Click on the gear: Auto deposit all mats, right click on a salvage kit and salvage all blue gear or all green, deposit all mats again. Go to a vendor sell all junk. That cleans up most of it. Now that most green, blue, yellow gear comes in bags that stack its easy to go days without salvaging or depositing things,, except when leveling up.

  1. Meh it takes an hour to max a crafting prof to 500 with boosters and saved up mats. IDK

  2. Sure boons and condis could be bigger or a different color but that creates other issues with the color blind players IDK. More time playing the more familiar they are. Maybe a boon/condi tutorial like the dodge roll for new players so they can see what they do.

  3. I don't understand what the feedback is here, you want to change the layout configurable action bars you can move and change like SWTOR has or addons let you do in WoW?

That said I'm all for improvements good luck.

IDK? Doesn't that mean "I don't know"? That's at least what I thought, and a google search seems to confirm this, does it have a double meaning? If not, it didn't really make much sense in your response.

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The inventory Search function is quite powerful and smarter than you'd think. Try it out.

"They're just going to Google it" is not an excuse to stop having puzzles. Discovery is the only crafting in the game that actually feels like crafting. Anything else is just clicking menus.

Color coding doesn't work because a surprisingly large number of players are color blind. The unique shapes are sufficient. Purely a L2P issue.

Eh... Customization options are good, but your reasoning is dumb. Nobody but you cares about your mouse.

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@Talsen.6829 said:

  • Inventory. Going through my inventory is a chore. I like that you have a button to automatically deposit crafting materials and to compact the inventory. A grid of icons does not convey much though so figuring out what to keep is a slow process.

I find that using the "Show Item Rarity" option helps speed things up.

Can easily sort through items in moments:

  • Grey = Vendor junk (Use the Sell Junk option at any vendor) don't even look at it.
  • White = Salvage junk
  • Blue = Salvage junk
  • Green = Salvage junk
  • Yellow = Salvage junk
  • Orange = Check if it's worth anything on TP and if not salvage junk

@Talsen.6829 said:

  • Crafting. I get that crafting shouldn't be too easy but the discovery system has got to go.

Honestly, it isn't too bad. Beyond Cooking, it's pretty simple.

Item Part A + Item Part B + Stat Item = Craft.

Anyway, once getting to level 400 in a craft, meaning you can start making something actually worth the time to craft, everything comes from recipes anyway...

@Talsen.6829 said:

  • Boons and conditions. Just need to be more easily read at a glance. Especially conditions. Add in some more distinct coloring to different types of conditions. Especially those the player has a chance to act on.

This is hard to do due to the number of colour blind players in the game.

At best, I could see them add in options to make the icons larger for relevant ones (I.e. Conditions on self, Boon on enemies) so they're easier to read.

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