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No Downstate Week


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@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet, can we have a No Stomping weekend next?And an Automatic Revival weekend after that?

You shouldn't support only one side of the argument.

The other side of the argument is downstate as it is balanced now (and for all time).

For 51 out of 52 weeks the other side of the argument is supported. For one week we get to play without the crutch that is current downstate.

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@Doug.4930 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet, can we have a
No Stomping
weekend next?And an
Automatic Revival
weekend after that?

You shouldn't support only one side of the argument.

The other side of the argument is downstate as it is balanced now (and for all time).

The downed state simply existing is
the other side. It's just sitting in the middle.THe other side of being able to kill other faster would be to make it harder, which could contain any number of thing like 1000% increasing health, reducing damage taking or improving the downside.

For 51 out of 52 weeks the other side of the argument is supported. For one week we get to play without the crutch that is current downstate.How about those down state haters
get to play without the crutch that is current

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet, can we have a
No Stomping
weekend next?And an
Automatic Revival
weekend after that?

You shouldn't support only one side of the argument.

The other side of the argument is downstate as it is balanced now (and for all time).

The downed state simply existing is
the other side. It's just sitting in the middle.THe other side of being able to kill other faster would be to make it harder, which could contain any number of thing like 1000% increasing health, reducing damage taking or improving the downside.

For 51 out of 52 weeks the other side of the argument is supported. For one week we get to play without the crutch that is current downstate.How about those down state haters
get to play without the crutch that is current

I admit I am for no downstate week, but would also be open to a week where Vit and Tough values are increased since this would have been an alternative to the damage nerf and we could test if that would have achieved the same result. But again personally I think the damage nerf was because glass cannon was killing glass cannon too fast and people thought that was bad for some reason. Bring back the deeps (with the CC abilities as well) and up Vit/Tough and let play test for a week.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet, can we have a
No Stomping
weekend next?And an
Automatic Revival
weekend after that?

You shouldn't support only one side of the argument.

The other side of the argument is downstate as it is balanced now (and for all time).

The downed state simply existing is
the other side. It's just sitting in the middle.THe other side of being able to kill other faster would be to make it harder, which could contain any number of thing like 1000% increasing health, reducing damage taking or improving the downside.

For 51 out of 52 weeks the other side of the argument is supported. For one week we get to play without the crutch that is current downstate.How about those down state haters
get to play without the crutch that is current

I admit I am for no downstate week, but would also be open to a week where Vit and Tough values are increased since this would have been an alternative to the damage nerf and we could test if that would have achieved the same result. But again personally I think the damage nerf was because glass cannon was killing glass cannon too fast and people thought that was bad for some reason. Bring back the deeps (with the CC abilities as well) and up Vit/Tough and let play test for a week.

Mmmm. Instability week, all damage sources are increased by 33%. Would be so much fun :sunglasses:

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet, can we have a
No Stomping
weekend next?And an
Automatic Revival
weekend after that?

You shouldn't support only one side of the argument.

The other side of the argument is downstate as it is balanced now (and for all time).

The downed state simply existing is
the other side. It's just sitting in the middle.THe other side of being able to kill other faster would be to make it harder, which could contain any number of thing like 1000% increasing health, reducing damage taking or improving the downside.

For 51 out of 52 weeks the other side of the argument is supported. For one week we get to play without the crutch that is current downstate.How about those down state haters
get to play without the crutch that is current

No it existing in its current state, is the other side, the middle ground would be a mix of the following:

1-1 revive speedMaking reviving slower than stompingNo rallying66%-33%-deadetc

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet, can we have a
No Stomping
weekend next?And an
Automatic Revival
weekend after that?

You shouldn't support only one side of the argument.

The other side of the argument is downstate as it is balanced now (and for all time).

The downed state simply existing is
the other side. It's just sitting in the middle.THe other side of being able to kill other faster would be to make it harder, which could contain any number of thing like 1000% increasing health, reducing damage taking or improving the downside.

For 51 out of 52 weeks the other side of the argument is supported. For one week we get to play without the crutch that is current downstate.How about those down state haters
get to play without the crutch that is current

I admit I am for no downstate week, but would also be open to a week where Vit and Tough values are increased since this would have been an alternative to the damage nerf and we could test if that would have achieved the same result. But again personally I think the damage nerf was because glass cannon was killing glass cannon too fast and people thought that was bad for some reason. Bring back the deeps (with the CC abilities as well) and up Vit/Tough and let play test for a week.

Mmmm. Instability week, all damage sources are increased by 33%. Would be so much fun :sunglasses:

We should have a "bloodstone" week, where we all randomly gain the "curse of the bloodstone" where downed skills take 50% longer to cast, and take 100% longer to recharge, and have half your normal downed health,and ressing takes twice as long, or gain "aura of the bloodstone" where downed skills activate and recharge 50% faster, you are revived 50% faster and you have twice as much as downed and revived health. The curse or aura has a chance to change on each tick, every 5 minutes. The longer it has been since it changed from curse or aura, the greater the chance to flip. Oh and giant chunks of bloodstone have fallen into the keeps, increasing the buffs normally given

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@archmagus.7249 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet, can we have a
No Stomping
weekend next?And an
Automatic Revival
weekend after that?

You shouldn't support only one side of the argument.

The other side of the argument is downstate as it is balanced now (and for all time).

The downed state simply existing is
the other side. It's just sitting in the middle.THe other side of being able to kill other faster would be to make it harder, which could contain any number of thing like 1000% increasing health, reducing damage taking or improving the downside.

For 51 out of 52 weeks the other side of the argument is supported. For one week we get to play without the crutch that is current downstate.How about those down state haters
get to play without the crutch that is current

I admit I am for no downstate week, but would also be open to a week where Vit and Tough values are increased since this would have been an alternative to the damage nerf and we could test if that would have achieved the same result. But again personally I think the damage nerf was because glass cannon was killing glass cannon too fast and people thought that was bad for some reason. Bring back the deeps (with the CC abilities as well) and up Vit/Tough and let play test for a week.

Mmmm. Instability week, all damage sources are increased by 33%. Would be so much fun :sunglasses:

We should have a "bloodstone" week, where we all randomly gain the "curse of the bloodstone" where downed skills take 50% longer to cast, and take 100% longer to recharge, and have half your normal downed health,and ressing takes twice as long, or gain "aura of the bloodstone" where downed skills activate and recharge 50% faster, you are revived 50% faster and you have twice as much as downed and revived health. The curse or aura has a chance to change on each tick, every 5 minutes. The longer it has been since it changed from curse or aura, the greater the chance to flip. Oh and giant chunks of bloodstone have fallen into the keeps, increasing the buffs normally givenAlso it only randomly happen to just you.
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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mmmm. Instability week, all damage sources are increased by 33%. Would be so much fun :sunglasses:

The thoughts about the fractal instabilities is interesting......

I am thinking of the social awkwardness instability. Now of all that would be hilarious. Group of 50 “stack....then we push. I didn’t say push first!!!” Bumper car treatment where folks just bump people off the walls or worse ones a red bl off a cliff.

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@Sinfullysweet.4517 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mmmm. Instability week, all damage sources are increased by 33%. Would be so much fun :sunglasses:

The thoughts about the fractal instabilities is interesting......

I am thinking of the social awkwardness instability. Now of all that would be hilarious. Group of 50 “stack....then we push. I didn’t say push first!!!” Bumper car treatment where folks just bump people off the walls or worse ones a red bl off a cliff.Omg that would so hilarious :lol:
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Isn't EoTM instanced like an overflow map? Couldn't we have an NPC to toggle options for an instanced GvG signup there? The map is in need of new life, already has no mounts, and could have options to turn on features like no downstate. Perhaps skin changes would be fun in these instanced maps such as holiday skin choices for zombie stomping. The same goes for the GvG training grounds and arena pit in the Bastion. Just my 2 copper

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No Downstate: simultaneously the favourite and most hated of all the WvW events. You would think they should come up with an event that is less divisive. The WvW "community" (if we can call it that) doesn't need any more encouragement to be hateful or bad sports to each other.

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@"Adzekul.3104" said:No Downstate: simultaneously the favourite and most hated of all the WvW events. You would think they should come up with an event that is less divisive. The WvW "community" (if we can call it that) doesn't need any more encouragement to be hateful or bad sports to each other.

Won't disagree there for the most part. But do favor week long trials for things and to test concepts. Hence I see it as a positive since it means we might get other weeks where mechanics are adjusted and players can play test potential changes before they are rolled out. I know, overly optimistic here but....

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I'll do the same as the last time this terrible event came around - spend a lot more time away from wvw. My guestimation is that no down state will drive down play time for more than it increases the day to day wvw players and I can't see it enticing a single non wvw to show up. The double XP is going to bring anyone new in. To those who enjoy this event, have fun.

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@Sinfullysweet.4517 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mmmm. Instability week, all damage sources are increased by 33%. Would be so much fun :sunglasses:

The thoughts about the fractal instabilities is interesting......

I am thinking of the social awkwardness instability. Now of all that would be hilarious. Group of 50 “stack....then we push. I didn’t say push first!!!” Bumper car treatment where folks just bump people off the walls or worse ones a red bl off a cliff.

Social Awkwardness should have alwaya been a thing, in both PvE and PvP modes. It makes no sense to be able to walk 'into' your allies or opponents simply for mechanical benefits. Body blocking with appropriate counters would also increase combat complexity and better mimic actual warfare strategies then the current wvw or pve boss incarnation of stack to win.

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