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Sloth Queen ember bay


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I need to get the last coin in the cave of the sloth queen, but I cannot get in there. I get teleported out. Now I tried to do the event to kill the sloth queen but I am unable to kill it with so few people that are still in that map. Anyone know if it is even soloable or should I just give up..

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Solo the Sloth Queen? Maybe if you're benchmarking top DPS. I used to do it 1 or 2 other randoms back in the day. The catch is, with less people you actually have to do the mechanics, since you will likely fail to out DPS the heal at every ~20%. I vaguely remember having to stop DPS, wait for the food delivery to enable the break bar, then bursting and repeat.

Your best bet is just waiting for the daily.

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As well as waiting for it to be one of the daily achievements it helps to start gathering people as soon as you can. When the pre-events start announce it in map chat and make sure to say it's leading up to the sloth queen. If anyone has a commander or mentor tag turning that on will help let people know something is happening in the area, and even putting a message in LFG to attract people who are on other maps can help.

How many people turn up will vary depending on the time of day and how busy the map is of course (if you did this yesterday it's likely to be quieter than usual because a festival just started), but there may well be several people in the map or looking at LFG who want to do it, or just aren't doing anything in particular and will join in if they know you want to do it.

I know I have a habit of going to a map for one specific thing and then getting drawn into whatever's happening while I'm there, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. It's actually one of the things I like about GW2, it makes it really easy to join in with whatever you see other players doing, but unless you're close enough to see it needs someone to let you know it's happening first.

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