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Firebrand Mantra Charge Bug when Picking up Essence While Fully stacked

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Firebrands playing in the Ice brood saga maps might have noticed something's wrong when mantras go on full CD even though you're suppose to still have 1 charge left but can't really explain why it's happening.From my experience it seems that when you have fully stacked essence buff(30), picking up additional essences will now reduce all your CDs by like 1 second per pick up.However that also applies to your Mantra Charge cooldown, but not actually; only visually.Meaning if I have 1 charge and I pick up essences to get charge(2), in reality I still only have 1 charge even though it displays 2.So if I use a charge after it shows 2 after picking up essences, it'll go from 2 to 0 instead of 2 to 1. Kinda confusing but just try it.Hit any pylons, get full 30 stacks, then spend 2 charges and pick up some essences to get charge(2) then use a charge. it will not go to (1), it will go on full cooldown instead.

Can't really paint the full picture, just gotta try it.



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