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Drizzlewood cache keys


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So I am here again about this topic cause I feel there is still no balance in chest vs cache keys in drizzlewood. And yes I buy keys everyday. Even a few when they are 1000 a piece. But still no balance in this!!I really love the map and I don’t want less chest, but I would like more keys for events and chest at forts etc.You need to do south south south before you run north, or don’t open the chest at south if you want to open the chest north.

And why do we still get chart field homing beacons who also needs to be opened with cache keys? If you take that also in account the balance is even worse between keys and chest

And let me say I run this map because of the amount of loot. So I don’t want a nerf, I would like to gain more keys!!

Please anet! Change this!

For the rest its a really nice update. This episode and the one before. I hope you have also maps like this in the expac (like drizzlewood and not dragon stand).

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I can’t imagine you were. If I do south events and open the chest at the forts I get like 20 keys plus the keys at boss. Let’s say in total, and I think it’s too high , you get 30 keys.You buy like 25 keys once a day. So for the first run you have enough. 24 at keepers and 25 at north meta.But if I do a second round same day, I can’t buy keys anymore, cause I already did. So my second run will be 20 keys from doing events and opening chest af forts and participation. If I then open all chest at south and north I don’t have enough (roughly estimate 20 keys gained minus 49 chests = -29 per run after the first run)

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