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Strike missions 'Whisper of Jormag' and 'Cold War' bugs

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These two bugs are completely unrelated to each other, but I'm making a single thread to report them because they are pretty straight forward to explain.

Whisper of Jormag bug: During the first phase of the encounter (i.e. boss' health > 75%) someone in the squad will be randomly one-shot midair by the boss during the attack that launches players up in the air. I've seen it happen many times and it only happens during the first phase of the encounter. The person 'chosen' to die will go directly to the 'defeated' state, skipping the 'downed' state completely.

Cold War bug: As far as I'm aware this bug only affects firebrand mantras (all of them). Throughout the strike mission the firebrand mantra ammunition counter will keep desyncing with actual recharge of the mantras, as such it will end up showing more charges than you actually have available. Several times the ammunition counter said a certain mantra had 2 charges left, but when I used said mantra only once the skill went in full cooldown. This happened many many times with me playing as either healbrand or condi firebrand. I have not seen this bug happen anywhere else in the game, only inside the Cold War Strike Mission.

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The first bug (WoJ) is probably someone not popping their glider? If you don't glide and just fall out of the sky you will die to fall damage.

Cold War has a bug with having to walk back and then back into the arena sometimes. I haven't noticed the desyncing mantras issue however. I've done Cold War strike mission about a hundred times or more , mostly on HealBrand and condi scourge with blood magic for res-ing. The only other bug I've seen is the mobs persisting a few seconds after Varinia spawns.

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@Infusion.7149 said:If you don't glide and just fall out of the sky you will die to fall damage.Wrong! That 'attack' that propels players upward DOES NOT deal letal fall damage. Like I said before, players die MIDAIR and not when they're landing. This can happen on the very opening attack when players are at full health, also the fall damage is 1600 hit points, impossible to kill anyone at max level.

@Infusion.7149 said:Cold War has a bug with having to walk back and then back into the arena sometimes. I haven't noticed the desyncing mantras issue however. I've done Cold War strike mission about a hundred times or more , mostly on HealBrand and condi scourge with blood magic for res-ing. The only other bug I've seen is the mobs persisting a few seconds after Varinia spawns.

If you look at the changelog of firebrand mantra skills on the wiki you will see that on February 06, 2018 they "fixed" the exactly bug I'm talking about, it reads: "Mantras: Fixed a bug in which recharges could get desynchronized between their active skill and their final skill."Now why this bug is back and only inside the Cold War instance, I don't know.

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Whisper of Jormag has plenty of bugs, but that isn't one of them. ;)

Last phase (25%) bugs:

  • WoJ disappears below the platform, making it impossible to attack and defeat it
  • WoJ is stuck in a pacified state, making it super easy to kill it, because it stands still and doesn't use any skills
  • WoJ knocks players down in an endless loop (meaning you can't get back up on your feet), hence the fight is lost
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@Ashantara.8731 said:Whisper of Jormag has plenty of bugs, but that isn't one of them. ;)

Last phase (25%) bugs:

  • WoJ disappears below the platform, making it impossible to attack and defeat it
  • WoJ is stuck in a pacified state, making it super easy to kill it, because it stands still and doesn't use any skills
  • WoJ knocks players down in an endless loop (meaning you can't get back up on your feet), hence the fight is lost

Then I guess the ice spikes sometimes hit one timer and sometimes hit 1 time each for all the ice spikes under you.

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As far as the WoJ gliding issue, the Whisper targets an attack on the ground where you launched from, so it's conceivable you could be hit with both fall damage and the ground damage and be nearly instantly double-downed. My best guess is that it's a lag/desynch issue. It seems to happen a lot in this fight, where the boss' attacks hit out of synch with the animation. It's especially problematic with the icicle drops.

Other than that the only other things that could really do that would be playing on a character too low level to have unlocked downstate, maybe on an account that doesn't have gliding unlocked. But it sounds like you think it's not anything like that. I've never seen this particular thing happen, though.

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