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[NA/OCE] Looking for PvE Guild


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Hello! I'm looking for a PvE Guild that play late NA(10pm)/mid day OCE(1pm). I'm a returning player coming back from World of Warcraft. After playing Wow, I came back to Gw2 for an MMO that is more casual and doesn't need all the grind to stay where I am at in Wow. Currently in Gw2, I'm doing my Fractals (non cm) and some dungeon clears to regain memory and get practice in my rotations.

My current experience is on the lower end. Before going to Wow, I have had Fractal CM experience on release of them, yet sadly no full completions. I also have W1-3 Exp, again, on release. No hate to anyone, but I very much so dislike pug groups because of how slow or little progress can be made. With that said, I'm not necessarily looking for a teaching guild, but a guild/group willing to teach.

I'm looking to learn, and then help whenever I can. I'm interested in doing Fractal CM's and Raid clears. Even after I'm done learning, and am able to consistently clear content, I'm always down to help friends in need! If that consists of multiple CM's a day, so be it, it From my Wow experience, I learn new things pretty fast, do research of my own before any demo/attempts, and take constructive criticism well. I always try to play for the team, coming as a healer main in most MMO's I play.

Classes for me, I currently have Power/Condi Engi, which was my old main. I have full harrier HB. I have at least one full set of ascended for each gear type, currently working on the second set which will be power for heavy. I'm one of those people who will play whatever role/ build the team needs, so don't be afraid to ask!

I think I covered most things I'd need to cover. Any questions feel free to either reply here, message in game at: ceco.6134


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