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Celestial gear, does it have a purpose? Should it be buffed?

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To me it's more an issue of low healing coefficient, and low impact of toughness/vitality per brackets.

Wether you have 0 or 1500 healing, as thief for example, means you'll go from 456 to 576 healing on PvE espacist fortitude (drd heal on evade) or 150 to 270 in PvP/WvW. That's almost meaningless.So investing into healing power reduces significantly your DPS, and you barely get anymore healing done/survivability.

Same goes for toughness and vitality. Between 11k HP or 16k or between 14k to 20k, when certain creatures do about 20k on one hit... The difference does not help. It would help in certain circumstances but they are limited. :-/

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@Infusion.7149 said:Do you realize that if concentration and expertise were added at the same rate it would probably be pretty broken when mixed with other stats rather than when run as a full set?It's +639 if it's a full ascended set (trinkets/weapon/armor) which results in an additional 42.6% boon duration and condition duration. This is just a bit above the minor stat on a 4-stat combination (which would have +633 for a full set i.e. marauder or minstrel's).That's for a full set. Said full set would be significantly lacking in power/condi damage when compared to the 4-stat sets.The same goes for the individual pieces - maybe one or two might be somewhat useful, but in general celestial loses so much for being nonspecialized, that those additional overall stat points it provides are not able to cover that loss. This would not change even if concentration and expertise were just added on top of the current stats using the same stat values. Celestial would still be a subpar choice even with that - which should tell you something about how bad it is now.

The only reason why celestial was ever useful in SPvP, by the way, is that this mode doesn't allow for mixing different stat pieces. For WvW, if you look closely, for every build that utilizes/utilized celestials there was always a better version using a mix of 3 and 4-stat pieces.

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