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@DragonFury.6243 said:It means you hit jackpotNah, jackpot would be loosing more points than what you gained in the last 5 matches despite both teams going over 500 points on overtime.

I still find it amusing that Anet has done nothing despite it probably being the main reason sPvP has utterly failed for the average pug - the binary scoring system. When a well played match is lost and you loose a metric ton of points no one want to continue playing. And on the other side, a complete steamroll still gives about as many point as if that well played match had been won.

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7HGlRsQ.pngfriend on opposite team got 7+ from that match, how does that make any sense? if I lose 40 rating that would meanthe match was unbalanced, yet team is only 60 points differentiate. Their team had 2 premades, 3 plat+ players and i got a plat2 player + 3 randoms.

Is your game broken? ive never experienced rating losses in this magnitude in games that are

  1. not unbalanced
  2. scores doesnt differentiate alot
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@TallBarr.2184 said:Is your game broken? ive never experienced rating losses in this magnitude in games that are

  1. not unbalanced
  2. scores doesnt differentiate alot

Score/personal performance, none of it matters. None of anything matters. The only thing that determines rating gain/loss is the people you're matched with and against. The ratings of the other people in your game.

@SeikeNz.3526 said:that means rank/individual skills matter nothing, enemy team had players with way less mmr and still won.

^ This is right. It's all RNG.

I'll add that if you run into some Duo/premade of 1 top player, and 1 other top player boosting their alt; whether they're on your team or the enemy team, you will lose more and gain less because of that.

Someone lied a long time ago and said that it always uses the MMR of the highest rated person in the party, but this just isn't true. There's no evidence to back it up, and nothing about it in the actual matchmaking algorithm. If that is the case with matchmaking it is very likely that it is the same deal with rating.After all; rating is based on one thing and one thing only, so it has to get that one thing right. If your rating was close to the other people in your game, this would not happen.

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berserker warrior in my team dying in 4 seconds every fightmirage in my team

2 premades in enemy team none in ours3 out of the players i dont even recognise and must be gold ratingis anyone else experiencing these absurd rating losses? I have never gotten these losses even losing at legend rating.

honk honk

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@"TallBarr.2184" said:jjOOa6f.png

berserker warrior in my team dying in 4 seconds every fightmirage in my team

2 premades in enemy team none in ours3 out of the players i dont even recognise and must be gold ratingis anyone else experiencing these absurd rating losses? I have never gotten these losses even losing at legend rating.

honk honk

lol bunch of my team were placements , trolls, wintraders, botters, whatever explains their inaction or horribly wrong gameplay (in plat) I dropped to gold QUICK. I gotta say its the first season I experienced that so quick, and what is this rating loss? pvp is straight up broken.

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@"TallBarr.2184" said:jjOOa6f.png

berserker warrior in my team dying in 4 seconds every fightmirage in my team

2 premades in enemy team none in ours3 out of the players i dont even recognise and must be gold ratingis anyone else experiencing these absurd rating losses? I have never gotten these losses even losing at legend rating.

honk honkIt might be annoying but those losses aren't absurd. You only have 11 games played, so your volatility is still high. I bet when your wins are +25 or smth.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:It might be annoying but those losses aren't absurd. You only have 11 games played, so your volatility is still high. I bet when your wins are +25 or smth.

If you said this a year ago i'd believe you. but when you keep coming across the same players on the other team over and over again the rating just gets borked to oblivion.And as much as I want to agree that the rating system seperates good and bad.. it does and it doesnt, as builds are the thing that carry bad players to the top.

Another factor that should come into play, if the other team has premade parties and yours does not, your team should not be punished massivly for a loss, (the other team if communicating via VOIP) has a massive advantage despite being 'lower rated'.

Just had a really enjoyable time of pvp against the exact same players 4 times in a row, who had a duo queue in each game, losses of 32, 28, 24 and 21.. its going to now take me 8-10 games to get those points back now.. if not more due to the borked rating loss system.

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What game will ever take into account if the player is a professional player or not? Or a competitive one? Not one game, it looks at their rating so I'm assuming both your team and enemy team ratings were close to each other.

The reason why you lose a lot is because of volatility, -45 isn't even much I think Jeffiez had a -100 once and I have had like -69 as the most.You also win a lot more than you lose, for example your placements are easily in the magnitude of 30-40+ rating per win just as an example

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