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Looking forward to getting old, I think?


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@Super Hayes.6890 said:Apples and Oranges. And with those stats I still choose GW2 over WoW because making payments on a video game was one of the worst things the gaming community ever accepted. I have not and will not ever play a game with a monthly payment. Anet pulled off an amazing game without forced monthly payments to keep playing.

You and me both man, I'll never support them either.Mandatory subs can go take a bath with a toaster XD

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@Court.7180 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Apples and Oranges. And with those stats I still choose GW2 over WoW because making payments on a video game was one of the worst things the gaming community ever accepted. I have not and will not ever play a game with a monthly payment. Anet pulled off an amazing game without forced monthly payments to keep playing.

Yes they did do a great job. But clearly its not enough.. when's the last time we had an expansion? or a real surge of new content. Last thing I saw was a freaking skimmer under water (seriously?). No new water mounts? Still waiting on Legendary Armory! If they had proper funding from continual income they could afford to do so much more. I'm in the same boat as you, I don't like paying for mmorpg's but I see the benefits of it when comparing it to other games strategies.

Well to be fair they had a pretty poor reception to the last two expansions and a good number of players have made it clear that while they still want expansions in this game they also want them to be big traditional expansions not the smaller HoT/PoF kind that we've gotten so far in gw2..

Though to be fair HoT may not have been a big expansion but it added a huge amount of new systems and features and mechanics etc that became like a foundation for living world and PoF to build on so it's forgivable that we didn't get many maps and a big amount of story.PoF was less forgivable although it did give us easily the best Mount system ever seen in a MMO and more playable content than HoT did.. but it really dropped the ball in difficulty and a lot of people found it almost absent challenge which was a shame.

I don't blame Anet from stepping off expansions after that but there was no way us players were going to accept a no more expansions statement, whether Anet wants to make them or not there is still a big demand for expansions and thankfully Anet knows that, so we're confirmed getting another one but nobody knows anything about it besides the fact that it will feature locations in Cantha and may possible be entirely based there.. much to the delight of many of us Gw1 players who are very very fond of this region of the world ^^Here's hoping it will be a big traditional experience though with at least some parts being around HoT level of difficulty.. it will be a real shame if it fails to meet everyones expectations considering how vocal people have been about what they want in a Gw2 expansion over all these years.

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I'm with @Mewcifer.5198 on this one. It seems like you're trying to solve a problem you don't actually know exists by pushing your personal preference for an overly ambitious and probably impossible solution, with no guarantee it will actually do any of the things you want it to.

I have to wonder how many of the people who seem to think GW3 is some magic bullet that will solve all the problems with GW2 have actually played GW1. I love both 1 and 2 but they're very different games. Releasing GW2 didn't solve many of the problems with GW1, it made some of them irrelevant because the game is so different that some things simply don't come up, but it also caused a range of new problems for players by being such a different game. I can't see any reason to think the same studio would take a different approach to making a 3rd game in the series, so GW3 is likely to be yet another new interpretation on the concept of an MMORPG rather than minor updates to the game they've already got.

I understand wanting a new game, even a new game in the GW series, but coming here and declaring we all agree with your perception of the current population of GW2 and what you tell us we're doing with our time in the game is not the way to get what you want, or even to get other players to support the idea. Add on the fact that there's no reason to think a 3rd GW game would be what you want it to be and I just don't think it's a good approach to take. It would be better to explain what you think are the problems with GW2 (instead of assuming everyone else already agrees with your opinion without even knowing what that is) and specify what you'd like to see done to fix it, whether that's in this game or in some sort of re-mastered edition, which is more what you're asking for than a brand new game made from scratch.

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Unfortunately, while the lore and background information situation in GW2 is suboptimal, the situation in WoW is simply ridiculous and far worse. Any immersion has been impossible for me since no later than WotLK.Adding to that various scandals in Blizzards strategic decisions (Warcraft 3 Reforged) and HR management (salary development of workers compared to management) makes me want to avoid any Blizzard game. :smirk: Yeah. Stupid idealism.

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I just wanted to point out, quite amused, that the website used to describe Gw2's failling (which is far from official) labels it as the 7th out of 129 MMo with the biggest population. I would say you're shooting yourself in the foot.

I also consider any discussion that start by comparing gw2 with WoW to be null and void. It's been done and the arguments never fit. Those are two different systems, two different MMos, two different corporation sizes, two different philosophies. You may as well be asking which is better, and all you'd get as a -fair- answer is that it is subjective.

6 year old player here, still active very much -not- doing dailies. If I do them, it's accidental. And I still play daily, and have fun in doing so. And I'm not the only one judging by my guild, which you may think is a bad metric, but to be honest, it's probably more accurate a metric than you've used so far. Just logging on and seeing "people" do stuff doesn't make that behaviour a majority.

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@"Naxos.2503" said:6 year old player here, still active very much -not- doing dailies. If I do them, it's accidental. And I still play daily, and have fun in doing so. And I'm not the only one judging by my guild, which you may think is a bad metric, but to be honest, it's probably more accurate a metric than you've used so far. Just logging on and seeing "people" do stuff doesn't make that behaviour a majority.

Agreed. Even if you're able to tell that someone is doing dailies there's no way to know, short of effectively stalking them, if that's all they do. I'm sure I'm not the only one who splits activities between my characters, so I log into one to gather stuff from my home instance and guild hall, another to do dailies (if I'm doing them at all) and then switch to a 3rd for whatever I actually want to do that day. If someone happened to see me doing dailies it probably would look like I completed them and then logged off - unless they add me to their contact list and watch for when I log into another character and start playing. But that might not be right away, it might be an hour or two later after I've made and eaten dinner or something so you'd have to keep checking all evening. It's possible to track one person in that level of detail and speculate on how they spend their time in-game, but there's no way you could do it for enough people to get a representative sample.

But while we're on the subject of anecdotal evidence here's some giving an opposing view. Arenanet (who can get precise data on exactly how many accounts there are, what type of account they are, how often they log in, what they do etc. etc.) have recently taken the time to create both a New Player Guide on the website and a Beginner Experience Collection in the game to help new and returning players learn how the game works. If the population was dying off with less and less people logging in each day and mostly veteran players just logging in to do dailies and then leaving why on earth would they waste their time doing that? Unless you really believe Anet are so utterly incompetent they can't understand their own data or know even the most basic things about their players and are either wasting their time on resources no one will ever use or creating effectively fake help for beginners who don't exist to pretend that the game is more popular than it is...in which case I can't imagine why you'd want to have anything to do with it. If I thought a business was that incompetent I'd stay well away from all their products.

For what it's worth my own anecdotal evidence says they're on the right track with that - the Players Helping Players section of the forum always has a steady stream of topics from new and returning players, and it's not hard to find them in-game either if you spend any time around the low level maps or cities. And in a few days we'll get some anecdotal evidence of how many veteran players are still around too, when the oldest characters start getting new birthday gifts and inevitably want to show off their new infusion. Last year there were lines of people in LA using the new rock 'chair' and I'm expecting to see the same thing this year too.

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@Court.7180 said:

@Court.7180 said:Lets put the fanboy-ism aside and really take a look at why Gw2 is failing.. and lets not start a debate as to whether or not its failing, the numbers speak for themselves.. I love the game don't get me wrong. But the development of the game is lacking severely. I don't want it to die, I want them to do better!

Can you give me a source for the numbers. I find it is helpful to have all the data when talking about things.

Has the numbers. Yes its still considered a "healthy" game by current standards. But the player base logs in to do things like dailies instead of play the game for extended sessions (self included). Just look at the subscriber to daily player ratio and those "daily players" have a good amount of pop-in players.

Lol. There's a lot of guessing and misinformation on that site. "Estimate this, due to sentiment that"; not exactly overwhelmingly trustworthy.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Court.7180 said:Lets put the fanboy-ism aside and really take a look at why Gw2 is failing.. and lets not start a debate as to whether or not its failing, the numbers speak for themselves.. I love the game don't get me wrong. But the development of the game is lacking severely. I don't want it to die, I want them to do better!

Can you give me a source for the numbers. I find it is helpful to have all the data when talking about things.

Has the numbers. Yes its still considered a "healthy" game by current standards. But the player base logs in to do things like dailies instead of play the game for extended sessions (self included). Just look at the subscriber to daily player ratio and those "daily players" have a good amount of pop-in players.

Lol. There's a lot of guessing and misinformation on that site. "Estimate this, due to sentiment that"; not exactly overwhelmingly trustworthy.

Not to mention how Wildstar is still in the list with 13250 players.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Court.7180 said:Lets put the fanboy-ism aside and really take a look at why Gw2 is failing.. and lets not start a debate as to whether or not its failing, the numbers speak for themselves.. I love the game don't get me wrong. But the development of the game is lacking severely. I don't want it to die, I want them to do better!

Can you give me a source for the numbers. I find it is helpful to have all the data when talking about things.

Has the numbers. Yes its still considered a "healthy" game by current standards. But the player base logs in to do things like dailies instead of play the game for extended sessions (self included). Just look at the subscriber to daily player ratio and those "daily players" have a good amount of pop-in players.

Lol. There's a lot of guessing and misinformation on that site. "Estimate this, due to sentiment that"; not exactly overwhelmingly trustworthy.

I mean those numbers aren't bad IMO, it's a 8 year old game and it's still in the top 7.

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@Court.7180 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Apples and Oranges. And with those stats I still choose GW2 over WoW because making payments on a video game was one of the worst things the gaming community ever accepted. I have not and will not ever play a game with a monthly payment. Anet pulled off an amazing game without forced monthly payments to keep playing.

Yes they did do a great job. But clearly its not enough.. when's the last time we had an expansion? or a real surge of new content. Last thing I saw was a freaking skimmer under water (seriously?). No new water mounts? Still waiting on Legendary Armory! If they had proper funding from continual income they could afford to do so much more. I'm in the same boat as you, I don't like paying for mmorpg's but I see the benefits of it when comparing it to other games strategies.

When you say they could do more, what do you want them to do exactly?

I believe in more than just voicing a complaint, so I appreciate your question.Easy answer: I want them to come out with guildwars 3!Not so easy answer: I want them to establish a different business model. The game has gotten monotonous and repetitive, even the new content is the same concept with the same pieces thrown around in a different way. I want them to embrace next gen and the amazing new tech coming out. With all the Tflops of data being chomped up by consumer hardware now a days, I want them to revolutionize the MMORPG genre just like they did back with Gw1 and Gw2 no grieving system. But this time I want them to focus more on AI development. The winner of the next MMORPG wars will have changed the game by utilizing the power of current hardware in a way never done before and for mmorpgs that focus MUST be on how NPCs interact with players.

Right, so you want most of the players not to be able to play the game. You do realize that most of the players don't have the most up to date computer hardware...right....right?

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@coso.9173 said:

@Court.7180 said:Lets put the fanboy-ism aside and really take a look at why Gw2 is failing.. and lets not start a debate as to whether or not its failing, the numbers speak for themselves.. I love the game don't get me wrong. But the development of the game is lacking severely. I don't want it to die, I want them to do better!

Can you give me a source for the numbers. I find it is helpful to have all the data when talking about things.

Has the numbers. Yes its still considered a "healthy" game by current standards. But the player base logs in to do things like dailies instead of play the game for extended sessions (self included). Just look at the subscriber to daily player ratio and those "daily players" have a good amount of pop-in players.

Lol. There's a lot of guessing and misinformation on that site. "Estimate this, due to sentiment that"; not exactly overwhelmingly trustworthy.

I mean those numbers aren't bad IMO, it's a 8 year old game and it's still in the top 7.

Bear in mind, as @Raknar.4735 pointed out that site also lists Wildstar at rank 31 with over 13,000 daily players and that game was shut down in 2018, so I don't think their numbers are entirely accurate. They've also got City of Heroes at rank 39 with almost 24,000 daily players and that's been offline since 2012.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Court.7180 said:Lets put the fanboy-ism aside and really take a look at why Gw2 is failing.. and lets not start a debate as to whether or not its failing, the numbers speak for themselves.. I love the game don't get me wrong. But the development of the game is lacking severely. I don't want it to die, I want them to do better!

Can you give me a source for the numbers. I find it is helpful to have all the data when talking about things.

Has the numbers. Yes its still considered a "healthy" game by current standards. But the player base logs in to do things like dailies instead of play the game for extended sessions (self included). Just look at the subscriber to daily player ratio and those "daily players" have a good amount of pop-in players.

Lol. There's a lot of guessing and misinformation on that site. "Estimate this, due to sentiment that"; not exactly overwhelmingly trustworthy.

I mean those numbers aren't bad IMO, it's a 8 year old game and it's still in the top 7.

Bear in mind, as @Raknar.4735 pointed out that site also lists Wildstar at rank 31 with over 13,000 daily players and that game was shut down in 2018, so I don't think their numbers are entirely accurate. They've also got City of Heroes at rank 39 with almost 24,000 daily players and that's been offline since 2012.

I don't know about wildstar, but I know city of heroes has lots of private servers right now. I odn't know if they count those.Also yeah i have no idea is the site has accurate numbers or no, but it was used to supposedly demostrate it was doing poorly, and I don't think the numbers show that at all.

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@Tere.4759 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Apples and Oranges. And with those stats I still choose GW2 over WoW because making payments on a video game was one of the worst things the gaming community ever accepted. I have not and will not ever play a game with a monthly payment. Anet pulled off an amazing game without forced monthly payments to keep playing.

Yes they did do a great job. But clearly its not enough.. when's the last time we had an expansion? or a real surge of new content. Last thing I saw was a freaking skimmer under water (seriously?). No new water mounts? Still waiting on Legendary Armory! If they had proper funding from continual income they could afford to do so much more. I'm in the same boat as you, I don't like paying for mmorpg's but I see the benefits of it when comparing it to other games strategies.

When you say they could do more, what do you want them to do exactly?

I believe in more than just voicing a complaint, so I appreciate your question.Easy answer: I want them to come out with guildwars 3!Not so easy answer: I want them to establish a different business model. The game has gotten monotonous and repetitive, even the new content is the same concept with the same pieces thrown around in a different way. I want them to embrace next gen and the amazing new tech coming out. With all the Tflops of data being chomped up by consumer hardware now a days, I want them to revolutionize the MMORPG genre just like they did back with Gw1 and Gw2 no grieving system. But this time I want them to focus more on AI development. The winner of the next MMORPG wars will have changed the game by utilizing the power of current hardware in a way never done before and for mmorpgs that focus MUST be on how NPCs interact with players.

Right, so you want most of the players not to be able to play the game. You do realize that most of the players don't have the most up to date computer hardware...right....right?

Well that's what happens with generational upgrades. With the new PS5 and Xbox Series X gaming is getting a huge boost and they are being introduced at the usual $500 mark. Compare that to last gen Xbox and Ps4. So yes players are going to have the most up to date, its just a matter of WHEN they decide to get it. Why should developers have to wait til the consumer (who by the way has been complaining about not having games utilize their hardcore systems fully) upgrades. This is a great push by console and game developers, this is the time when everything is exciting. Remember when Crysis came out and blazed everyones PC's? Thats what we are dealing with now with ray tracing and clearly the majority can play Crysis now ez-pz. Its great for us PC gamers (hardcore or not) because it will push developers and hardware makers to make more affordable and awesome tech. 3 big players in GPU this year, last year was just Nvidia.

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@Tere.4759 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Apples and Oranges. And with those stats I still choose GW2 over WoW because making payments on a video game was one of the worst things the gaming community ever accepted. I have not and will not ever play a game with a monthly payment. Anet pulled off an amazing game without forced monthly payments to keep playing.

Yes they did do a great job. But clearly its not enough.. when's the last time we had an expansion? or a real surge of new content. Last thing I saw was a freaking skimmer under water (seriously?). No new water mounts? Still waiting on Legendary Armory! If they had proper funding from continual income they could afford to do so much more. I'm in the same boat as you, I don't like paying for mmorpg's but I see the benefits of it when comparing it to other games strategies.

When you say they could do more, what do you want them to do exactly?

I believe in more than just voicing a complaint, so I appreciate your question.Easy answer: I want them to come out with guildwars 3!Not so easy answer: I want them to establish a different business model. The game has gotten monotonous and repetitive, even the new content is the same concept with the same pieces thrown around in a different way. I want them to embrace next gen and the amazing new tech coming out. With all the Tflops of data being chomped up by consumer hardware now a days, I want them to revolutionize the MMORPG genre just like they did back with Gw1 and Gw2 no grieving system. But this time I want them to focus more on AI development. The winner of the next MMORPG wars will have changed the game by utilizing the power of current hardware in a way never done before and for mmorpgs that focus MUST be on how NPCs interact with players.

Right, so you want most of the players not to be able to play the game. You do realize that most of the players don't have the most up to date computer hardware...right....right?

And that there are those of us in one-income families with mortgages, local authority bills, electric, etc etc to pay.

Is the PC still the main method for games? What is the console versus PC game ratio for recent games?

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@"Court.7180" said:So let me get this right... WoWs next expansion is including Ray Tracing, has DX12 support and is 16yrs old... GW2 took OUT voice acting, still uses DX9 and is half WoWs age at 8yrs old... So I guess when i'm twice as old at 76 i'll be better looking and more efficient??

Remember they removed VA for now due to covid. MOST voice actors don't have the equipment at home NOR are paid enough to just rush out and buy it. As for comparing wow to gw2, I advise against it. Wow may be "bigger" but it lacks tons of polish. I play both daily but I prefer gw2.

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@Anirri.4156 said:

@"Court.7180" said:So let me get this right... WoWs next expansion is including Ray Tracing, has DX12 support and is 16yrs old... GW2 took OUT voice acting, still uses DX9 and is half WoWs age at 8yrs old... So I guess when i'm twice as old at 76 i'll be better looking and more efficient??

Remember they removed VA for now due to covid. MOST voice actors don't have the equipment at home NOR are paid enough to just rush out and buy it. As for comparing wow to gw2, I advise against it. Wow may be "bigger" but it lacks tons of polish. I play both daily but I prefer gw2.

This was never a WoW vs Gw2 comparison, of course people read it and pushed their comments in that direction.. But this is a comparison of game development & maintenance during the COVID19 era. I chose WoW because of the utilization of Ray Tracing, the ONLY current MMORPG other than Justice (Chinese MMORPG) to implement it. What I am saying is the excuse of COVID19 stopping GW2 from voice acting, or regular patches and expansions isn't cutting it, especially when so many other developers are thriving and bringing new tech to their games (ie. WoW) or even bringing/developing new upcoming MMORPGs (ie. Blue Protocol).

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@Court.7180 said:

@Court.7180 said:So let me get this right... WoWs next expansion is including Ray Tracing, has DX12 support and is 16yrs old... GW2 took OUT voice acting, still uses DX9 and is half WoWs age at 8yrs old... So I guess when i'm twice as old at 76 i'll be better looking and more efficient??

Remember they removed VA for now due to covid. MOST voice actors don't have the equipment at home NOR are paid enough to just rush out and buy it. As for comparing wow to gw2, I advise against it. Wow may be "bigger" but it lacks tons of polish. I play both daily but I prefer gw2.

This was never a WoW vs Gw2 comparison,

WoWs next expansion is including Ray Tracing, has DX12 support and is 16yrs old... GW2 took OUT voice acting, still uses DX9 and is half WoWs age at 8yrs old...

How is that not a WoW vs Gw2 comparison?

What I am saying is the excuse of COVID19 stopping GW2 from voice acting, or regular patches and expansions isn't cutting it

You very clearly have no intention of looking at the facts of the situation. GW2 is not "stopping" voice acting. It was only delayed because most of the voice actors did not have home set ups. Voice acting will be coming back, starting with the next fractal and they will be retroactively adding in the missing voice acting from the releases that did not get it from covid.

GW2 is also getting regular patches and will be getting a new expansion.

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@Court.7180 said:Lets put the fanboy-ism aside and really take a look at why Gw2 is failing.. and lets not start a debate as to whether or not its failing, the numbers speak for themselves.. I love the game don't get me wrong. But the development of the game is lacking severely. I don't want it to die, I want them to do better!

There have been 3 chapters released during Covid, plus the updates, festivals and ever-present gem store goodies. And this while working on the next expansion. You really think there is no development? Or do you only want tech improvements?

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@Court.7180 said:

@Court.7180 said:So let me get this right... WoWs next expansion is including Ray Tracing, has DX12 support and is 16yrs old... GW2 took OUT voice acting, still uses DX9 and is half WoWs age at 8yrs old... So I guess when i'm twice as old at 76 i'll be better looking and more efficient??

Remember they removed VA for now due to covid. MOST voice actors don't have the equipment at home NOR are paid enough to just rush out and buy it. As for comparing wow to gw2, I advise against it. Wow may be "bigger" but it lacks tons of polish. I play both daily but I prefer gw2.

This was never a WoW vs Gw2 comparison,

WoWs next expansion is including Ray Tracing, has DX12 support and is 16yrs old... GW2 took OUT voice acting, still uses DX9 and is half WoWs age at 8yrs old...

How is that not a WoW vs Gw2 comparison?

What I am saying is the excuse of COVID19 stopping GW2 from voice acting, or regular patches and expansions isn't cutting it

You very clearly have no intention of looking at the facts of the situation. GW2 is not "stopping" voice acting. It was only delayed because most of the voice actors did not have home set ups. Voice acting will be coming back, starting with the next fractal and they will be retroactively adding in the missing voice acting from the releases that did not get it from covid.

GW2 is also getting regular patches and will be getting a new expansion.

People like you on forums are exhausting.. in that whole section on WoWs
and Gw2
, Its clearly not a WoW vs Gw2 conversation, its a _TECH _discusion. Other wise I would ujst talk about the actual games themselves not the game
being utilized.

You very clearly have problems reading and not putting your own spin on things. Not one statement claimed they were taking out voice acting for ever.. It clearly stated that they "took OUT voice acting." The timeline in the discussion should have indicated to you that all of the aforementioned was time based and of that time being the current actions, neither past nor future.

Yes... I am the exhausting one here. Clearly. But please bear with my poor problems and explain yourself further.

It was a tech discussion.... in which you compared the tech of two games. That is called making a comparison between the two games.That would be like me talking about how many playable races WoW has compare to GW2 an saying "It's a race discussion, not a game comparison".It does not matter what aspect of the games you were comparing, you were still comparing the two games.

As for one's putting their own spin on things, you are the one who heard (I paraphrase here) "Our voice actors do not have home set-ups, and we do not want to risk their health by having them come into the studio, so we will be working with them to get set-ups and then get back to recording, in the meantime we will not delay releases on the content. It will get the voices added in once we can get the recordings done" and took that to mean "Anet is removing voice acting. Covid is just an excuse. Anet isn't giving us more content."

You clearly are grasping at straws to find as many faults as you can with Anet. I don't know what is going on in your head, and at this point I don't think I ever will.


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@DeanBB.4268 said:

@"Court.7180" said:Lets put the fanboy-ism aside and really take a look at why Gw2 is failing.. and lets not start a debate as to whether or not its failing, the numbers speak for themselves.. I love the game don't get me wrong. But the development of the game is lacking severely. I don't want it to die, I want them to do better!

There have been 3 chapters released during Covid, plus the updates, festivals and ever-present gem store goodies. And this while working on the next expansion. You really think there is no development? Or do you only want tech improvements?

Seriously ur crediting festivals and current content as new developments? Its the same THING! The store takes and removes things calling them seasonal, updates are shifts in the programming that were long overdue (anyone with a legendary will tell you that ). The whole game has been the same thing in one way or another, just content lazily shifted around to convince the blind its something new and exciting. With this blind loyalty Anet definitely has a strong fan base, they can get away with anything! Sorry for wasting my time hoping some people had eyes to see or atleast the vision to see what could be done better.. Enjoy your "perfect" gw2.

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