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Tempest fix when?

Poledra Val.1490

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Avatar.3568" said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

people use 30 skills to get a down, you use 2 to negate all that work

he is talking about slots not how many times you hit a button

and I am talking about skills as a whole, both utility, class mechanics, weapon skills and pet skills.If entire team puts in effort to get a down and tempest makes a no counterplay rez there is a problem.

What ele can do every other from the big heal elites classes can do it = safe rez a player from a distance. I think we talking about this build :
. There are 2 more important things to say about it first it is really weird or is not healer build second there is no other or all together a healer build for pvp any more at least on meta battle . Also from technical viewpoint giving up 2 slots is really expensive if you knew what you could take otherwise.

All the builds I see which use mender amulet on Metabattle are bunker builds essentially . Okay first what went wrong ? The big nerf at the beginning of the year but also in general supporter are always attacked how OP their stuff is . It's not it isn't completely but it is essentially for brining team play into the game because otherwise you can run around like a bot or like brain dead person. This mainly helps the bot users because their bots are behave like the average pvp player now and this is not a joke I honestly can not distinguish any more between them:

-they rarely talk
  • they run solo
  • they don't come for help or group up
  • they run to the same target over and over.

In retrospect many of the threads with nerf this and that looks like champaigns form bot users to turn pvp in a bots only farm ~.~To be fair not every players are like this I had one group after week which was great we still lost but I was still really grateful to see players which play as team not like it is now .

In the end I must also say this build of the Tempest is broken but it is on other places in the build like tornado and some trait lines are not sorted in the right way I don't like how the build is actually so self-fish and can still be good I think menders need less power and more heal . I also have a post about the current situation of healers in general in gw2

I speak from AT perspective, 1 good revive can end entire teamfight. If one team runs mistform tempest and another doesnt, you by default have to win the fight twice.And mist form itself is REALLY good for tempest, if your ally gets focus you use it to no-counterplay rez, if you are focused you use it to run and reset, and since you run full healing stuff by the time you return to fight you are full hp.

Well > @Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Avatar.3568" said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

people use 30 skills to get a down, you use 2 to negate all that work

he is talking about slots not how many times you hit a button

and I am talking about skills as a whole, both utility, class mechanics, weapon skills and pet skills.If entire team puts in effort to get a down and tempest makes a no counterplay rez there is a problem.

What ele can do every other from the big heal elites classes can do it = safe rez a player from a distance. I think we talking about this build :
. There are 2 more important things to say about it first it is really weird or is not healer build second there is no other or all together a healer build for pvp any more at least on meta battle . Also from technical viewpoint giving up 2 slots is really expensive if you knew what you could take otherwise.

All the builds I see which use mender amulet on Metabattle are bunker builds essentially . Okay first what went wrong ? The big nerf at the beginning of the year but also in general supporter are always attacked how OP their stuff is . It's not it isn't completely but it is essentially for brining team play into the game because otherwise you can run around like a bot or like brain dead person. This mainly helps the bot users because their bots are behave like the average pvp player now and this is not a joke I honestly can not distinguish any more between them:

-they rarely talk
  • they run solo
  • they don't come for help or group up
  • they run to the same target over and over.

In retrospect many of the threads with nerf this and that looks like champaigns form bot users to turn pvp in a bots only farm ~.~To be fair not every players are like this I had one group after week which was great we still lost but I was still really grateful to see players which play as team not like it is now .

In the end I must also say this build of the Tempest is broken but it is on other places in the build like tornado and some trait lines are not sorted in the right way I don't like how the build is actually so self-fish and can still be good I think menders need less power and more heal . I also have a post about the current situation of healers in general in gw2

I speak from AT perspective, 1 good revive can end entire teamfight. If one team runs mistform tempest and another doesnt, you by default have to win the fight twice.And mist form itself is REALLY good for tempest, if your ally gets focus you use it to no-counterplay rez, if you are focused you use it to run and reset, and since you run full healing stuff by the time you return to fight you are full hp.

Well mistform already got a cd nerf , ofc it is a good skill but i dont think needs more nerfs

I agree with fixing the bug

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

people use 30 skills to get a down, you use 2 to negate all that work

he is talking about slots not how many times you hit a button

and I am talking about skills as a whole, both utility, class mechanics, weapon skills and pet skills.If entire team puts in effort to get a down and tempest makes a no counterplay rez there is a problem.

Finally someone understands, there should always be counterplay to someone being rez'd, bottom line this needs to be addressed.

What about pulling out some dmg to cleave the kitten out?

Good eles will likely precast the glyph or almost use it instant when someone get downed , there is no physically possible dmg to get the target down to 33% with poison in the glyph cast time

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@DonNee.5128 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

you have always used 2 skills to secure rez, either guard stabbing up or tempest flashing awayu now have poison and massive cleave or launch which really limits the options countering the rezofc rez is far more valuable

Both guard stabbing or tempest flashing away away are skilled plays but skill have a counterplay

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@Dantheman.3589 said:Rez signet into mist is obnoxious for sure. I’m not sure you can do it and stone form or magnetic shield invuln though. If you can I think that should at least be patched out. But most form man, obnoxious as hell- at least ele down state is alittle weak in many cases though.

Obsidian flesh (if thats ur stone form) has its own cast time after a recently patch to u cant use it while casting glyph , same to magnetic shield , it locks u into a animation so u cant cast ,

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@wevh.2903 said:

@"Avatar.3568" said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

people use 30 skills to get a down, you use 2 to negate all that work

he is talking about slots not how many times you hit a button

and I am talking about skills as a whole, both utility, class mechanics, weapon skills and pet skills.If entire team puts in effort to get a down and tempest makes a no counterplay rez there is a problem.

What ele can do every other from the big heal elites classes can do it = safe rez a player from a distance. I think we talking about this build :
. There are 2 more important things to say about it first it is really weird or is not healer build second there is no other or all together a healer build for pvp any more at least on meta battle . Also from technical viewpoint giving up 2 slots is really expensive if you knew what you could take otherwise.

All the builds I see which use mender amulet on Metabattle are bunker builds essentially . Okay first what went wrong ? The big nerf at the beginning of the year but also in general supporter are always attacked how OP their stuff is . It's not it isn't completely but it is essentially for brining team play into the game because otherwise you can run around like a bot or like brain dead person. This mainly helps the bot users because their bots are behave like the average pvp player now and this is not a joke I honestly can not distinguish any more between them:

-they rarely talk
  • they run solo
  • they don't come for help or group up
  • they run to the same target over and over.

In retrospect many of the threads with nerf this and that looks like champaigns form bot users to turn pvp in a bots only farm ~.~To be fair not every players are like this I had one group after week which was great we still lost but I was still really grateful to see players which play as team not like it is now .

In the end I must also say this build of the Tempest is broken but it is on other places in the build like tornado and some trait lines are not sorted in the right way I don't like how the build is actually so self-fish and can still be good I think menders need less power and more heal . I also have a post about the current situation of healers in general in gw2

I speak from AT perspective, 1 good revive can end entire teamfight. If one team runs mistform tempest and another doesnt, you by default have to win the fight twice.This is EXACTLY why res utils and passives have no place in this game.

This is exactly why res utils are skilled base gameplay . Good teams or good players will rupt glyph cast while not that good players wont . The only problem here is being able to invul while cast glyph (wich have a easy solution) not the glyph itself

If a player cant rupt a glyph is a l2p issue not a balance requirement

There is absolutely zero skill involved in pressing a res utility to counter the DPS and COOLDOWNS of 2-3 people. The only class that can interact with res utils is x/pistol thief, no other classes actually have the tools to interact with them. It's just stupid.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@"Avatar.3568" said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

people use 30 skills to get a down, you use 2 to negate all that work

he is talking about slots not how many times you hit a button

and I am talking about skills as a whole, both utility, class mechanics, weapon skills and pet skills.If entire team puts in effort to get a down and tempest makes a no counterplay rez there is a problem.

What ele can do every other from the big heal elites classes can do it = safe rez a player from a distance. I think we talking about this build :
. There are 2 more important things to say about it first it is really weird or is not healer build second there is no other or all together a healer build for pvp any more at least on meta battle . Also from technical viewpoint giving up 2 slots is really expensive if you knew what you could take otherwise.

All the builds I see which use mender amulet on Metabattle are bunker builds essentially . Okay first what went wrong ? The big nerf at the beginning of the year but also in general supporter are always attacked how OP their stuff is . It's not it isn't completely but it is essentially for brining team play into the game because otherwise you can run around like a bot or like brain dead person. This mainly helps the bot users because their bots are behave like the average pvp player now and this is not a joke I honestly can not distinguish any more between them:

-they rarely talk
  • they run solo
  • they don't come for help or group up
  • they run to the same target over and over.

In retrospect many of the threads with nerf this and that looks like champaigns form bot users to turn pvp in a bots only farm ~.~To be fair not every players are like this I had one group after week which was great we still lost but I was still really grateful to see players which play as team not like it is now .

In the end I must also say this build of the Tempest is broken but it is on other places in the build like tornado and some trait lines are not sorted in the right way I don't like how the build is actually so self-fish and can still be good I think menders need less power and more heal . I also have a post about the current situation of healers in general in gw2

I speak from AT perspective, 1 good revive can end entire teamfight. If one team runs mistform tempest and another doesnt, you by default have to win the fight twice.This is EXACTLY why res utils and passives have no place in this game.

This is exactly why res utils are skilled base gameplay . Good teams or good players will rupt glyph cast while not that good players wont . The only problem here is being able to invul while cast glyph (wich have a easy solution) not the glyph itself

If a player cant rupt a glyph is a l2p issue not a balance requirement

There is absolutely zero skill involved in pressing a res utility to counter the DPS and COOLDOWNS of 2-3 people. The only class that can interact with res utils is x/pistol thief, no other classes actually have the tools to interact with them. It's just stupid.

If u cast a bad glyph it will be rupted , thief role is meab to be this but there os lot of classes with aoe stuns or range stuns , othee tempest is a great example .

Again if u can rupt a glyph is a skill basrd problem not a balance one , not a single top player complains about glyph ;)

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@wevh.2903 said:

@"Avatar.3568" said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

people use 30 skills to get a down, you use 2 to negate all that work

he is talking about slots not how many times you hit a button

and I am talking about skills as a whole, both utility, class mechanics, weapon skills and pet skills.If entire team puts in effort to get a down and tempest makes a no counterplay rez there is a problem.

What ele can do every other from the big heal elites classes can do it = safe rez a player from a distance. I think we talking about this build :
. There are 2 more important things to say about it first it is really weird or is not healer build second there is no other or all together a healer build for pvp any more at least on meta battle . Also from technical viewpoint giving up 2 slots is really expensive if you knew what you could take otherwise.

All the builds I see which use mender amulet on Metabattle are bunker builds essentially . Okay first what went wrong ? The big nerf at the beginning of the year but also in general supporter are always attacked how OP their stuff is . It's not it isn't completely but it is essentially for brining team play into the game because otherwise you can run around like a bot or like brain dead person. This mainly helps the bot users because their bots are behave like the average pvp player now and this is not a joke I honestly can not distinguish any more between them:

-they rarely talk
  • they run solo
  • they don't come for help or group up
  • they run to the same target over and over.

In retrospect many of the threads with nerf this and that looks like champaigns form bot users to turn pvp in a bots only farm ~.~To be fair not every players are like this I had one group after week which was great we still lost but I was still really grateful to see players which play as team not like it is now .

In the end I must also say this build of the Tempest is broken but it is on other places in the build like tornado and some trait lines are not sorted in the right way I don't like how the build is actually so self-fish and can still be good I think menders need less power and more heal . I also have a post about the current situation of healers in general in gw2

I speak from AT perspective, 1 good revive can end entire teamfight. If one team runs mistform tempest and another doesnt, you by default have to win the fight twice.This is EXACTLY why res utils and passives have no place in this game.

This is exactly why res utils are skilled base gameplay . Good teams or good players will rupt glyph cast while not that good players wont . The only problem here is being able to invul while cast glyph (wich have a easy solution) not the glyph itself

If a player cant rupt a glyph is a l2p issue not a balance requirement

There is absolutely zero skill involved in pressing a res utility to counter the DPS and COOLDOWNS of 2-3 people. The only class that can interact with res utils is x/pistol thief, no other classes actually have the tools to interact with them. It's just stupid.

If u cast a bad glyph it will be rupted , thief role is meab to be this but there os lot of classes with aoe stuns or range stuns , othee tempest is a great example .

Again if u can rupt a glyph is a skill basrd problem not a balance one , not a single top player complains about glyph ;)

i dont think u understand what this is about, if u can't mist form during glyph, you obviously can't get interruptedthe op is a high lvl player btw

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@DonNee.5128 said:

@"Avatar.3568" said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

people use 30 skills to get a down, you use 2 to negate all that work

he is talking about slots not how many times you hit a button

and I am talking about skills as a whole, both utility, class mechanics, weapon skills and pet skills.If entire team puts in effort to get a down and tempest makes a no counterplay rez there is a problem.

What ele can do every other from the big heal elites classes can do it = safe rez a player from a distance. I think we talking about this build :
. There are 2 more important things to say about it first it is really weird or is not healer build second there is no other or all together a healer build for pvp any more at least on meta battle . Also from technical viewpoint giving up 2 slots is really expensive if you knew what you could take otherwise.

All the builds I see which use mender amulet on Metabattle are bunker builds essentially . Okay first what went wrong ? The big nerf at the beginning of the year but also in general supporter are always attacked how OP their stuff is . It's not it isn't completely but it is essentially for brining team play into the game because otherwise you can run around like a bot or like brain dead person. This mainly helps the bot users because their bots are behave like the average pvp player now and this is not a joke I honestly can not distinguish any more between them:

-they rarely talk
  • they run solo
  • they don't come for help or group up
  • they run to the same target over and over.

In retrospect many of the threads with nerf this and that looks like champaigns form bot users to turn pvp in a bots only farm ~.~To be fair not every players are like this I had one group after week which was great we still lost but I was still really grateful to see players which play as team not like it is now .

In the end I must also say this build of the Tempest is broken but it is on other places in the build like tornado and some trait lines are not sorted in the right way I don't like how the build is actually so self-fish and can still be good I think menders need less power and more heal . I also have a post about the current situation of healers in general in gw2

I speak from AT perspective, 1 good revive can end entire teamfight. If one team runs mistform tempest and another doesnt, you by default have to win the fight twice.This is EXACTLY why res utils and passives have no place in this game.

This is exactly why res utils are skilled base gameplay . Good teams or good players will rupt glyph cast while not that good players wont . The only problem here is being able to invul while cast glyph (wich have a easy solution) not the glyph itself

If a player cant rupt a glyph is a l2p issue not a balance requirement

There is absolutely zero skill involved in pressing a res utility to counter the DPS and COOLDOWNS of 2-3 people. The only class that can interact with res utils is x/pistol thief, no other classes actually have the tools to interact with them. It's just stupid.

If u cast a bad glyph it will be rupted , thief role is meab to be this but there os lot of classes with aoe stuns or range stuns , othee tempest is a great example .

Again if u can rupt a glyph is a skill basrd problem not a balance one , not a single top player complains about glyph ;)

i dont think u understand what this is about, if u can't mist form during glyph, you obviously can't get interruptedthe op is a high lvl player btw

I already say i ageee with fixing the bug of mistform glypg cast cuz it doesnt allow to counteeplay but this guy isnt talking about that

Hes talking about deleling all ress skills (including glyph) wich i completely disagree with

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@wevh.2903 said:

@"Avatar.3568" said:Idk you use 2 utility skills to save rez, I think that's fair

people use 30 skills to get a down, you use 2 to negate all that work

he is talking about slots not how many times you hit a button

and I am talking about skills as a whole, both utility, class mechanics, weapon skills and pet skills.If entire team puts in effort to get a down and tempest makes a no counterplay rez there is a problem.

What ele can do every other from the big heal elites classes can do it = safe rez a player from a distance. I think we talking about this build :
. There are 2 more important things to say about it first it is really weird or is not healer build second there is no other or all together a healer build for pvp any more at least on meta battle . Also from technical viewpoint giving up 2 slots is really expensive if you knew what you could take otherwise.

All the builds I see which use mender amulet on Metabattle are bunker builds essentially . Okay first what went wrong ? The big nerf at the beginning of the year but also in general supporter are always attacked how OP their stuff is . It's not it isn't completely but it is essentially for brining team play into the game because otherwise you can run around like a bot or like brain dead person. This mainly helps the bot users because their bots are behave like the average pvp player now and this is not a joke I honestly can not distinguish any more between them:

-they rarely talk
  • they run solo
  • they don't come for help or group up
  • they run to the same target over and over.

In retrospect many of the threads with nerf this and that looks like champaigns form bot users to turn pvp in a bots only farm ~.~To be fair not every players are like this I had one group after week which was great we still lost but I was still really grateful to see players which play as team not like it is now .

In the end I must also say this build of the Tempest is broken but it is on other places in the build like tornado and some trait lines are not sorted in the right way I don't like how the build is actually so self-fish and can still be good I think menders need less power and more heal . I also have a post about the current situation of healers in general in gw2

I speak from AT perspective, 1 good revive can end entire teamfight. If one team runs mistform tempest and another doesnt, you by default have to win the fight twice.This is EXACTLY why res utils and passives have no place in this game.

This is exactly why res utils are skilled base gameplay . Good teams or good players will rupt glyph cast while not that good players wont . The only problem here is being able to invul while cast glyph (wich have a easy solution) not the glyph itself

If a player cant rupt a glyph is a l2p issue not a balance requirement

There is absolutely zero skill involved in pressing a res utility to counter the DPS and COOLDOWNS of 2-3 people. The only class that can interact with res utils is x/pistol thief, no other classes actually have the tools to interact with them. It's just stupid.

If u cast a bad glyph it will be rupted , thief role is meab to be this but there os lot of classes with aoe stuns or range stuns , othee tempest is a great example .

Again if u can rupt a glyph is a skill basrd problem not a balance one , not a single top player complains about glyph ;)

i dont think u understand what this is about, if u can't mist form during glyph, you obviously can't get interruptedthe op is a high lvl player btw

I already say i ageee with fixing the bug of mistform glypg cast cuz it doesnt allow to counteeplay but this guy isnt talking aboug that

Hes talking about deleling all ress skills (including glyph) wich i completely disagree with

i misunderstood sorryim also highly in favor of rez skills, i'd like some bug fix' and visual adjustments though

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or knock away the dead body if you see the tempest drop mistform? Half the time in pug plays a glyph will fail due to a variety of reasons. 1/3rd of the classes (mesmer/thief/eles) usually mistform/port away from the dead spot and then its a glyph gone wasted. Pug games aren't on discord where you can shout don't move i'm glyphing. Good revenants can push knockback the downed body. If there is a tempest on your team too, then they can tornado push and GG the kill is secured. And tbh I would much rather save the mistform for my own ass rather than chain it with the glyph in pug play I have 2 measly CC breaks. Lightning flash and mistform in this cc heavy meta. In most fights a thief or ranger or mesmer will be on me 24/7 to keep me from supporting/healing anything. It's not a game breaking mechanic tbh. Saying it has no counter play is bizarre. You can counter it with anything that knockbacks downed players or anything that can stun/cc the tempest as soon as the player goes down.

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@wevh.2903 said:

@aelska.4609 said:One of the billion things we expect to be fixed by small patches that never occur.

They actually nerfed Mist form because of it, so I guess it's working as intended?

And OP please, lets not make a topic of 'Fix Tempest' when there isn't anything to 'fix' more of a 'Glyph Combo with Mist form'

If thats the case then every class should have the ability to revive while being invunrable free for all circus right?...I seriously doubt that is working as intended.

Engineers can do it

You can use stealth to res aswell if you like

Sorry for lack of comment, it's just pointless to explain to someone who would rather cry on forums about something that isn't totally broken rather than playing said class and trying it out for himself

Engineers can ress while invul like misfform eles can do too (this only allows to ress while not being cced or taking aoe cleave dmg) , engineer needs to drop the elixir toss while not being invulnerable . Also elixir isnt a insta ress you can COUNTER it by hard cleaving the downed when you CANT COUNTER the INSTA ress made by a good tempest player wich is the scenario poledra is talking about , surely on a low elo team fight u can pretty much lower the downed life enogh to cancel the ress by a poisoned 33%hp but at high elo tempest will likely precast the signet mading a non countereable scenario (even if the downed is moved by cc top eles can still land the glyph moving the cast)

Stealth the downed also can be countered by aoe cleave or some aoe reveals

What i mean is you can counter all scenarios u said by cleaving or poisoning the downed but u cant counter mist glyph cast , glyph is a perfectly balanced skill but both mistform + glyph isnt cuz it doenst allow to counterplay and this is said by Crann one of the best actual sup tempest of the game ;)I understand but I wasn't saying that engineer shouldn't be able to do it, but just that they can do it
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It can be countered by knockbacks. Funny enough, one of the very few special skills ele actually posesses unlike unblockables, corrupts and stuff which people like to mention as "but it has counterplay!"

On topic: Please just nerf the stupid rezz skill. And all other rezz skills too.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:@Megametzler.5729@Zeesh.7286you know that ele can retarget glyph right? you know what knocking back does nothing against good ele as they just retarget and rez anyways? and you waste just another skill in hopes of securing a kill in vain attempt to stop no counterplay-rez

You have to stow and wait for the recast though. When corrupting, they just break fear and re-stab. it is still counterplay.

Btw. I am being only half serious here. :wink: I just want to point out that the counterplay argument is often pointless.

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@Megametzler.5729@"Zeesh.7286"you know that ele can retarget glyph right? you know what knocking back does nothing against good ele as they just retarget and rez anyways? and you waste just another skill in hopes of securing a kill in vain attempt to stop no counterplay-rez

You have to stow and wait for the recast though. When corrupting, they just break fear and re-stab. it is still counterplay.

Btw. I am being only half serious here. :wink: I just want to point out that the counterplay argument is often pointless.

With instant ground targeting the glyph is cast wherever your cursor is at the END of the cast, so you can "retarget" if the body gets knocked. So vs mistform glyph you basically gotta knock the body out of LoS or out of range, or rupt them the milliseconds between they click glyph and then mistform. That's the only counterplay, Other than cleaving fast/poison ofc :)

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@wevh.2903 said:

@Shiyo.3578 said:Better solution: Remove all res utils and passives.

Passives already got big nerfs sir

I wanted to say that too passiv traits for rezzing have been removed nearly completely actually the whole down state topic splits the community completely. I personally been on the side keep it as it is. Also down state has been one of the biggest success stories of GW 2 every big game company integrated it in their product e,g Fortnite .

I haven mentioned it because I said they nerfed supporters a lot a more complete list:

  • nerfed boon duration and boon effectiveness ( in pvp boon duration is often a joke in general)
  • nerfed class specific boons e.g spotter from 150 to 100 precession
  • removed chronos boonsharing
  • nerfed heal by nerfing runes giving +10% of heal only to allied not to the healer itself + food the same.
  • removed passiv traits for rez except memser I thinkthis year:
  • nerfed stabi (while we still have too much cc in the game )
  • nerfed heal in general by reducing the heal multiplicator in pvp and wvw (like they did for power dmg)
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@Crann.1342 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@Megametzler.5729@"Zeesh.7286"you know that ele can retarget glyph right? you know what knocking back does nothing against good ele as they just retarget and rez anyways? and you waste just another skill in hopes of securing a kill in vain attempt to stop no counterplay-rez

You have to stow and wait for the recast though. When corrupting, they just break fear and re-stab. it is still counterplay.

Btw. I am being only half serious here. :wink: I just want to point out that the counterplay argument is often pointless.

With instant ground targeting the glyph is cast wherever your cursor is at the END of the cast, so you can "retarget" if the body gets knocked. So vs mistform glyph you basically gotta knock the body out of LoS or out of range, or rupt them the milliseconds between they click glyph and then mistform. That's the only counterplay, Other than cleaving fast/poison ofc :)

Oh wow. Now that is a legit bug I would like to see changed.^^ Does it work during activated mistform?

€: Rethinking, that happens on every ground targeted skill. And that should indeed be changed.

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@snoow.1694 said:I think Tempest has a few ways of breaking the meta at the moment and by far the worst one is that obnoxious Shock Aura spam. People are complaining left and right about the stun fest sPvP has become and Shock Aura for the team is what does it‘s best to make it even worse

If you have a symbol down and it hits someone with shock aura while you're channeling it interrupts shelter. Shock aura is flat out stupid.

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