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Drizzlewood Coast deserves rezzing rewards.

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Yeah, I know it's been discussed in the past, and in the past I have always been on the side of "You don't revive your fellow players for the rewards." But, seriously, I spend three quarters of my time in the Frost Citadel trying to peel people off the floor, and I am not the only one running around trying to revive the dead and dying more than fighting. It is starting to feel like some sort of appreciation would be in order.

Because of the No One Left Behind achievement (Combat Healer title for 1000 rezzes) we know that reviving people can be counted. Pretty sure almost everyone hits 1000 early on in their game careers.How about, say, a medical backpack at 20,000? A Rescue Squad outfit at 50,000? An ambulance raptor skin at 100,000?

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Unless you want the primary export of Divinity's Reach to be corpses, I'd recommend against this.

When skyscales were introduced in Living World Season 4, one of the tasks involved rezzing a certain number of allies (Skyscale of Life collection). To streamline this process, a number of players took to leaping to their demise off of some of the higher areas in Divinity's Reach. While an amusing bit of emergent gameplay, you can expect players will take this to further extremes if some valuable rewards are attributed to rezzing large numbers of allies.

Similar behavior will occur if the rewards are limited to acquisition in Drizzlewood Coast. Instead of rewarding the behavior that you outlined, players will at best sacrifice themselves for the war effort in the Charr home camps (which lore-wise is still probably not good for morale). At worst, players may end up sabotaging key parts of metas to assist with progressing towards these rewards.

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