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Power revenant is new easymode.


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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:What people don't understand: These builds keep a lot of tank breakers in check.

There is a really easy fix to this which i really dont get why its not already a thing... Give everyone 1 amulet to use that has split stats.

Runes can stay the same, same as sigils.

"But build divercity?!" - You still have traits to control how tanky or suport like your build is.Now damage and healing can actually be balanced. We currently have a system where you can min>max defence and damage. Which causes huge problems where someone can be 100>0 from 1 or 2 skills.

This way (providing balance is actually done) tank builds can be kept in check, they would only be as tanky as the traits they pick rather than the Amulet and traits.

Balance can never be achieved when players can exploit builds that abuse traits and stats combined. Unless they manage to really pull it off on the next balance patch.

Or better yet. In PvP and ONLY IN Spvp make it that your class has two options A or B and those two options are balanced for the game mode, you can edit nothing and can change nothing. You must play this way and only this way so everyone can stop complaining because if it exists as it does, then its intended to work this way and play this way. HOWEVER. They'd need to split the WvW balance from PvP which I WISH they already had done~ Because WvW doesn't need to be bogged down by changes made for PvP.

PvP is the reason why WvW feels so wonky right now.

Anet is not going to nerf PvP to oblivion just because some people complain about losing. The nerfs it already has are annoying enough, but if they make it so you can only choose between two builds no one will PvP. Even MOBAs let you do more than that.

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Whether a player calls infuse light OP or not is a good indicator for his skill level.

  • No skill reaction: It's OP !!!!
  • Skill reaction: Weapon stow on green number pop up is part of my muscle memory since 2015 and if I am condi I do the big condi dump after the IL cast.

Side Note: I am a reaper player. I have been a freekill for power shiro for years. I have a history of frustration looking back at these encounters. But meanwhile the build has seen so many nerfs, that is absolutely dealable.

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@"Shiyo.3578" said:Stow weapon doesn't stop condis from ticking or remove pulsing AOE on the ground.

So it's basically going full circle again, too hard to understand for condi users that you should not dump all your skills until you know they don't have IL anymore so you actually have something to fight back with? It's not like they can clear any condis at will anyway, you'd know from the very base design of Revenant why they get heavy damage reduction and not more clears.

Players are the one making it easy on Revenants by facerolling, (Nothing new really) Mallyx was nerfed out of existence because of the same reasons with Resistance. Can't people play at all with some thinking for just a few seconds? Nope, don't think so.

We had players crying out loud for bunker meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for condi meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for CC spam meta, never happened. Meta is still power but on a healthy level with a lot of playable content. Aside stuff like Condi Rev core, herald, renegade that got absolutely nerfed in every aspects because playing around predictable sustain too hard, too much torment, can't just wait until burst is over to clear which I can halve the damage by standing still as there's one primary condition to worry about.

Now because Revenants are basically able to "kill" as Power we can't have it either, how dare they be able to kill anything with power with berserker stats, revs should just be full on Ventari node bunker with nothing else to accomplish. Already they can't stunbreak as much without spending half their entire utility, it's not enough, IL too stronk.

We have players for all sort of complains that just can't accept it. If you die, it's because they are OP, not because you cannot evaluate all the possible situations at your reach.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:Stow weapon doesn't stop condis from ticking or remove pulsing AOE on the ground.Half of the fight the rev isn't in glint anyway (feel free to burst him at this point). And half of the glint time he has IF on cooldown (feel free to burst him at this point too).

If he has it off cooldown and sets it up (facet of light) then he has a big medical cross in his buffbar which indicates that he will use it the moment you pressure him hard. You can bait and avoid that skill so easily, it's ridiculous. It's even easier than baiting reaper shroud and disengage.

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:Also, you may stow weapon, allies may notThis is intentional. As others said power rev melts in team fights. So IF has an adequate scaling to save him at least for 3 seconds. If your whole team focusses him, you can even ignore IF, heal him up and and just continue bursting and kill him 1 second after it ran out.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@"Shiyo.3578" said:Stow weapon doesn't stop condis from ticking or remove pulsing AOE on the ground.

So it's basically going full circle again, too hard to understand for condi users that you should not dump all your skills until you know they don't have IL anymore so you actually have something to fight back with? It's not like they can clear any condis at will anyway, you'd know from the very base design of Revenant why they get heavy damage reduction and not more clears.

Players are the one making it easy on Revenants by facerolling, (Nothing new really) Mallyx was nerfed out of existence because of the same reasons with Resistance. Can't people play at all with some thinking for just a few seconds? Nope, don't think so.

We had players crying out loud for bunker meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for condi meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for CC spam meta, never happened. Meta is still power but on a healthy level with a lot of playable content. Aside stuff like Condi Rev core, herald, renegade that got absolutely nerfed in every aspects because playing around predictable sustain too hard, too much torment, can't just wait until burst is over to clear which I can halve the damage by standing still as there's one primary condition to worry about.

Now because Revenants are basically able to "kill" as Power we can't have it either, how dare they be able to kill anything with power with berserker stats, revs should just be full on Ventari node bunker with nothing else to accomplish. Already they can't stunbreak as much without spending half their entire utility, it's not enough, IL too stronk.

We have players for all sort of complains that just can't accept it. If you die, it's because they are OP, not because you cannot evaluate all the possible situations at your reach.

You'd probably get more people to agree with the other stuff if you weren't defending stupid levels of resistance uptime and 30s cd invuln. I don't even have a problem with rev, but that stuff is pretty obnoxious.

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@Falan.1839 said:Not true, Power Rev has always been one of the more mechanically challenging classes since it can allow very little facetanking and depends on a kind of gapless execution of its cds and movement to survive. It still has very strong skills like Glint heal or IO, but it's definitely not outperforming other dps specs like Reaper or Nade Holo atm, quite to the contrary, those 2 builds are generally preferred over Power Rev atm.

Easy builds are those like symbol guard who just mash their cds in a random order to put up passive pressure while their sustain allows them to keep facetanking, but definitely not squishy dps builds like Power Rev. If anything is broken about it than it is its easy and permanent access to portengages, but definitely not the damage it does or its ability to survive.I think it is more general issue with teleports in the game and sword/sword shiro rev just happens to have multiple and it makes it really sticky, so kiting and LoS is not really an option against them except abusing some weird interactions with some of the terrain. Rev probably has one of the most fair teleports in the game on axe but almost no one uses it since it can be stopped by LoS and it has after teleport cast which gives counterplay and the other tp skills just have precast. Other classes might even have more broken teleports like the instant ones that let precasts or the overloaded ones that do multiple things at once.Unrelenting assault is also annoying for everyone i think, for rev cause it is a buggy mess of a skill that can get you stuck in walls or do nothing or whatever flavour bug of the week there is , as for everyone else cause it follows you and you only know it is active once it is on you, it would have been better if it was just Area of effect circle skill where the rev attacks targets in it and people can dodge out of the circle (and that is coming from me who despises all the circle spam crap gameplay we have on some classes).

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Let me just list off some things that currently harass PRevenant since people are on a tangent of either it's too weak, too strong, or perfectly fine. I'll list some things that people do that kinda just shutdown Rev in multiple ways.

Just some basic ideas to try:

  • Bait Infused Light activation via graphic animations or known burst skills and stowing them last-frame.
  • Side-stepping Deathstrike.
  • Jumping onto pillars or ledges to negate Unrelenting Assault. Or about-facing to get just out of range at the beginning of their cast.
  • Shocking Aura.
  • Spectral Ring, Line of Warding, Unsteady Ground to interrupt teleporting skills.

A majority of these bandwagon Revenants aren't aware of just how easy it is to lose all their burst potential until they suddenly get shutdown. Then we'll see a post about 'Buff Revenant.'

@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"Shiyo.3578" said:Stow weapon doesn't stop condis from ticking or remove pulsing AOE on the ground.

So it's basically going full circle again, too hard to understand for condi users that you should not dump all your skills until you know they don't have IL anymore so you actually have something to fight back with? It's not like they can clear any condis at will anyway, you'd know from the very base design of Revenant why they get heavy damage reduction and not more clears.

Players are the one making it easy on Revenants by facerolling, (Nothing new really) Mallyx was nerfed out of existence because of the same reasons with Resistance. Can't people play at all with some thinking for just a few seconds? Nope, don't think so.

We had players crying out loud for bunker meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for condi meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for CC spam meta, never happened. Meta is still power but on a healthy level with a lot of playable content. Aside stuff like Condi Rev core, herald, renegade that got absolutely nerfed in every aspects because playing around predictable sustain too hard, too much torment, can't just wait until burst is over to clear which I can halve the damage by standing still as there's one primary condition to worry about.

Now because Revenants are basically able to "kill" as Power we can't have it either, how dare they be able to kill anything with power with berserker stats, revs should just be full on Ventari node bunker with nothing else to accomplish. Already they can't stunbreak as much without spending half their entire utility, it's not enough, IL too stronk.

We have players for all sort of complains that just can't accept it. If you die, it's because they are OP, not because you cannot evaluate all the possible situations at your reach.

You'd probably get more people to agree with the other stuff if you weren't defending stupid levels of resistance uptime and 30s cd invuln. I don't even have a problem with rev, but that stuff is pretty obnoxious.

Resistance got their durations slapped into uselessness, don't talk about old stuff. Resistance Runes and MAYBE Ancient Echo are their main sources of 'stupid levels of Resistance' now. The heal is perfectly capable of being useless if you just keep pressuring anyway through it and cause them to double-take on their choice of running through AoEs, purposefully taking aggro, etc.

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@Smoosh.2718 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:What people don't understand: These builds keep a lot of tank breakers in check.

There is a really easy fix to this which i really dont get why its not already a thing... Give everyone 1 amulet to use that has split stats.

Runes can stay the same, same as sigils.

"But build divercity?!" - You still have traits to control how tanky or suport like your build is.Now damage and healing can actually be balanced. We currently have a system where you can min>max defence and damage. Which causes huge problems where someone can be 100>0 from 1 or 2 skills.

This way (providing balance is actually done) tank builds can be kept in check, they would only be as tanky as the traits they pick rather than the Amulet and traits.

Balance can never be achieved when players can exploit builds that abuse traits and stats combined. Unless they manage to really pull it off on the next balance patch.

I am not sure what you mean. Like everybody has to use celestial amulet (or something similarish, less tanky)?

That doesn't sound very exciting and less creative indeed. But no discussion needed: While I would be willing to try it (with various stat combinations), it will never ever be implemented.

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@Coeruleum.9164 said:

@"Megametzler.5729" said:What people don't understand: These builds keep a lot of tank breakers in check.

There is a really easy fix to this which i really dont get why its not already a thing... Give everyone 1 amulet to use that has split stats.

Runes can stay the same, same as sigils.

"But build divercity?!" - You still have traits to control how tanky or suport like your build is.Now damage and healing can actually be balanced. We currently have a system where you can min>max defence and damage. Which causes huge problems where someone can be 100>0 from 1 or 2 skills.

This way (providing balance is actually done) tank builds can be kept in check, they would only be as tanky as the traits they pick rather than the Amulet and traits.

Balance can never be achieved when players can exploit builds that abuse traits and stats combined. Unless they manage to really pull it off on the next balance patch.

Or better yet. In PvP and ONLY IN Spvp make it that your class has two options A or B and those two options are balanced for the game mode, you can edit nothing and can change nothing. You must play this way and only this way so everyone can stop complaining because if it exists as it does, then its intended to work this way and play this way. HOWEVER. They'd need to split the WvW balance from PvP which I WISH they already had done~ Because WvW doesn't need to be bogged down by changes made for PvP.

PvP is the reason why WvW feels so wonky right now.

Anet is not going to nerf PvP to oblivion just because some people complain about losing. The nerfs it already has are annoying enough, but if they make it so you can only choose between two builds no one will PvP. Even MOBAs let you do more than that.

But see thats what people seem to want~ I say give it to them. Then you can basically throw it out there "Welp we tried this, that and those and nothing worked." I honestly think SPvP is on the verge of being dead as is anyhow... so whats the issue? Clearly if A-net wanted it to survive they'd give it more time and care... just like with us WvWers eventually you have to accept that you're neither needed nor wanted and make up next to nothing on their blip book.

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@Falan.1839 said:Not true, Power Rev has always been one of the more mechanically challenging classes since it can allow very little facetanking and depends on a kind of gapless execution of its cds and movement to survive. It still has very strong skills like Glint heal or IO, but it's definitely not outperforming other dps specs like Reaper or Nade Holo atm, quite to the contrary, those 2 builds are generally preferred over Power Rev atm.

Easy builds are those like symbol guard who just mash their cds in a random order to put up passive pressure while their sustain allows them to keep facetanking, but definitely not squishy dps builds like Power Rev. If anything is broken about it than it is its easy and permanent access to portengages, but definitely not the damage it does or its ability to survive.

Even putting appart temporisarion uptime.What about aoe spamming (can't count the number of time I get killed behind pill while kitting while having clone insta died), no real CD (you will never see a rev autoing because out of CD after lauching 4 skills combo), damage who hit before the animation ?Sorry but seeing a rev rollfacing being rupt on his keyskills and still pressuring me to hell didn't serm challenging at all. I even prefer facing holo because he has more visible animations.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"Shiyo.3578" said:Stow weapon doesn't stop condis from ticking or remove pulsing AOE on the ground.

So it's basically going full circle again, too hard to understand for condi users that you should not dump all your skills until you know they don't have IL anymore so you actually have something to fight back with? It's not like they can clear any condis at will anyway, you'd know from the very base design of Revenant why they get heavy damage reduction and not more clears.

Players are the one making it easy on Revenants by facerolling, (Nothing new really) Mallyx was nerfed out of existence because of the same reasons with Resistance. Can't people play at all with some thinking for just a few seconds? Nope, don't think so.

We had players crying out loud for bunker meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for condi meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for CC spam meta, never happened. Meta is still power but on a healthy level with a lot of playable content. Aside stuff like Condi Rev core, herald, renegade that got absolutely nerfed in every aspects because playing around predictable sustain too hard, too much torment, can't just wait until burst is over to clear which I can halve the damage by standing still as there's one primary condition to worry about.

Now because Revenants are basically able to "kill" as Power we can't have it either, how dare they be able to kill anything with power with berserker stats, revs should just be full on Ventari node bunker with nothing else to accomplish. Already they can't stunbreak as much without spending half their entire utility, it's not enough, IL too stronk.

We have players for all sort of complains that just can't accept it. If you die, it's because they are OP, not because you cannot evaluate all the possible situations at your reach.

You'd probably get more people to agree with the other stuff if you weren't defending stupid levels of resistance uptime and 30s cd invuln. I don't even have a problem with rev, but that stuff is pretty obnoxious.

I never disagree'd with reworking Demonic Defiance, I was in fact been suggesting for the longest time to even rework Empowering Misery with baseline 2 seconds Resistance and delete DD altogether for something else because the heal is useless without it and the 2 seconds on any skill every 5 seconds is cancer, always was. Seems like nobody notices that to effectively use it without the trait you need to spend 35% (Aside Core) or waste your rune slot and risk yourself having even more conditions on yourself that you can't get rid of so easily because everything else was also nerfed.

It was enough that Mallyx was a sitting duck for any type of damage, now it has nothing to compensate and it barely works if you go all the way Resistance which only most of the memes do with 0 Damage (Mace 2 was destroyed, Mace 3 CD is pathetically high, Axe has no Condition Damage, Torment on Chill from it as a joke while the problem was EtD and CtA).

Obviously I'm gonna be told to play Herald Mallyx with all the traits, I used to even without, I'm tired of it and we didn't need that. We wanted to nerf that popular build specifically and what we got instead the establishing decision to ONLY have this as a playable traitline.

I was actually playing without Demonic Defiance, it was doable when I had SOME Resistance(Spirit Boon ONLY) to play around with for transfers (That were also nerfed). I had actual options, this patch deleted all potential variety for Mallyx, unplayable without Herald because any compromises outweigh any possible benefit in Core or Renegade when you try to go for anything, you're always without damage and the sustain is nearly non existent, no balance to be found in the choices to make.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@"Shiyo.3578" said:Stow weapon doesn't stop condis from ticking or remove pulsing AOE on the ground.

So it's basically going full circle again, too hard to understand for condi users that you should not dump all your skills until you know they don't have IL anymore so you actually have something to fight back with? It's not like they can clear any condis at will anyway, you'd know from the very base design of Revenant why they get heavy damage reduction and not more clears.

Players are the one making it easy on Revenants by facerolling, (Nothing new really) Mallyx was nerfed out of existence because of the same reasons with Resistance. Can't people play at all with some thinking for just a few seconds? Nope, don't think so.

We had players crying out loud for bunker meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for condi meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for CC spam meta, never happened. Meta is still power but on a healthy level with a lot of playable content. Aside stuff like Condi Rev core, herald, renegade that got absolutely nerfed in every aspects because playing around predictable sustain too hard, too much torment, can't just wait until burst is over to clear which I can halve the damage by standing still as there's one primary condition to worry about.

Now because Revenants are basically able to "kill" as Power we can't have it either, how dare they be able to kill anything with power with berserker stats, revs should just be full on Ventari node bunker with nothing else to accomplish. Already they can't stunbreak as much without spending half their entire utility, it's not enough, IL too stronk.

We have players for all sort of complains that just can't accept it. If you die, it's because they are OP, not because you cannot evaluate all the possible situations at your reach.

Well said Shao !

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Shiro true nature, enchanted daggers, sword blinking assault thingyEzpzlemonsqueezy burst to 0 with 8 hits in one second while dodgingnow that requires skill, balanced, thxReroll to grenade abuser or lich form reaper, condi mesmer/thief thxThose too can delete someone from 100 to 0 in two secondsUnless you're a tempest, in which case only 1v3 that could happen xd

Anet what's going on? You mentioned a really cool philosophy that was against no-counterplay braindead CC+damage bursts, but they still existI mean the rest of the game is really awesome, but pls

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@Xca.9721 said:I wish people would try out a class first before calling it easy mode Pepege Clap

well, depends on the player really, low skilled players would find it challenging to play,

while i find it ok

and i literally find warrior hard to play, specially core, as most stuff are packed in one skill that i can't use them separately to do multiple things at once. which i guess some way you can't say it's hard to play because it's too easy.

so in another way, rev is easy because when you played at high level, it's op,

rev has very high skill ceiling potential while warrior has basically none.why most power rev are plat 2+and in gold or low end there's basically no power rev.

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@felix.2386 said:

@Xca.9721 said:I wish people would try out a class first before calling it easy mode Pepege Clap

well, depends on the player really, low skilled players would find it challenging to play,

while i find it ok

and i literally find warrior hard to play, specially core, as most stuff are packed in one skill that i can't use them separately to do multiple things at once. which i guess some way you can't say it's hard to play because it's too easy.

so in another way, rev is easy because when you played at high level, it's op,

rev has very high skill ceiling potential while warrior has basically none.why most power rev are plat 2+and in gold or low end there's basically no power rev.

Most power rev's likely have been playing that spec for a while, and probably came from playing warrior who has similar skills (Infused light is Defiant stance as a one to one example.) Warrior is hard to play now and damn near useless because they NERFED it into oblivion like they do everytime they are working on E-specs, then when they launch warrior will be stupid busted and clap everything and anything for about a year or two and then be nerfed out of the game again.

Rev has managed to stay decent, even though they've gutted and simplified it to such a level that its no where near as cool as it was when it came out. Rather than build upon it they took foundations out and you have basically power or condi. But anytime Condi-rev begins to catch up to the other classes it gets hit with the nerf hammer, which I might add is basically like the wrath of khan when it comes to devastating. So once more power rev is really the last man standing, as it usually for this class ends up being but its still in my eyes as someone who has played rev since HoT weak as heck compared to what it was. And its no-where near as fun as it once was either.

Too me it feels like they are trying to find a way to essentially remove rev from the game, they know they can't just pull it out or a riot will break out. So nerfing it gradually until its un-fun and ineffective when compared to other classes is the next best thing... and thats where warrior is pretty much right now when it comes to competitive. I play both, Warrior was my first character ever and Rev was my second. Until HoT I had one character from launch which was my warrior, and never has it felt THIS bad to play.. even when the berserker nerfs rolled out it still wasn't this bad. Its weak but CMC said its what he wants for all classes; So take a good long look at warrior and regardless of what you play... realize that is what is intended for you. Knowing that, thinking that can you HONESTLY tell me you'd still enjoy your character if you were brought to a level where even your fundamental mechanics and a good chunk of your traits just did nothing, offered nothing and hardly functioned? Because thats where we are headed until Cantha rolls around.

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Any form of power rev gets to stay because they can rotate faster by default.

No matter how hard they nerf it, as long as it can 1+ like it does right now, it will stay relevant in some way.

Most of the nerfs are making little to no sense at this point because you can tell apart from the flow that gets broken down further for others to exploit from.

The changes that made sense;

  • Removal of Empty Vessel.
  • Riposting Shadows to 40%Pain Absorption to 35% (Even 40% wouldn't have been that bad.)
  • Call to Anguish to 35%
  • Embrace the Darkness to 1 extra stack per skill.
  • Removal of damage on Axe 5 CC.
  • Staff 2 removal of delay for damage rather than having to take damage for a cheesy interrupt, even if it had weakness on first hit.
  • Staff 5 delay.
  • Sword 2 being actually useful, turning main-hand into a consistent viable damage output for shield usage.
  • Sevenshot actually working as a skill now.
  • Permeating Pestilence added delay.
  • Stability on stunbreak availability.
  • Forced Engagement multi-target is greatly appreciated for teamfights.
  • Inspiring Reinforcement deploy rate and lenght is also greatly appreciated, no longer have to stand next to anyone to hit them with it.

The changes that made no sense.

  • Banish Enchantment to 30% (If it did actual good power damage or kept the confusion, would have been reasonable, 25% is better until then.)
  • Deathstrike constant change of speed, removal of conditions and increased cooldown. It was fast enough in the past with quickness, conditions made it hit better and consistently, finally the cooldown is higher to the point of making off-hand sword unattractive compared off-hand damage and utility.)
  • Shackling Wave being the clunky joke since the removal of Duelist Preparation, off-hand sword couldn't have gotten more generic as a weapon. All it needed was a damage buff.
  • Hammer's god awful skill 2, bring back the old one, learn from Sevenshot targetting.
  • Impossible Odds Superspeed removal, while keeping the same upkeep cost. (Vengeful Hammers are a less risky and more useful upkeep in both damage and sustain now.)
  • Mace total destruction of viability as a condition weapon in PvP. Barely ever did damage, cooldowns are too high. Slowpoke 3 is not even affected by quickness to begin with. (Shortbow deals better conditions damage and more often.)
  • Unwarranted nerfs on shield healing that doesn't affect Herald IL sustain whatsoever.
  • Facet of Chaos to 2 seconds protection, bring back the upkeep cost, not a hole in the sustain.
  • Facet of Darkness cooldown is 5 seconds too high, Gaze of Darkness is not viable if reveal can't be applied before stealth.
  • Elemental Blast weakness is too low at 2 seconds, it's not even long enough to stay until the end of the skill.
  • Removal of Resistance altogether as something that cannot be used now, making Mallyx the worst legend again with no particular sustain or other damage than enemies spamming conditions for transfer as Herald overtuned F2 activation. (Dwarf + Renegade mitigates condition damage better now and without the fear of boon removal. Demonic Defiance should have be the only trait changed as something different, everything else was fine and predictable, Empowering Misery deserves to have it's own baseline Resistance of 2 seconds instead.)
  • Permeating Pestilence delayed puny number of transferred conditions should be 3, not 2. (Have no delay otherwise but where's the counter play then?)

Can scratch more, but off the top of my head that's what comes up. There's also many suggestions to improve other things such as what to replace Demonic Defiance with or nerf Infuse Light to an anti burst heal rather than free full heal from conditions.

Regardless, right now, Power is peak performance with Revenant and it's definitely not invincible.

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