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More Spammable Minions


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Could we have more spammable minions on necro like summon madness on lich form and rise on reaper? I would like it if there were ways to just summon a ton of minions, maybe using life force. The current necro minions just feel like having a pet, and there's nothing wrong with having a pet, but i just want to spam these things everywhere if I'm going to be taking minion skills. Maybe necro could have an extra bar above the shroud/shade bar that uses life force and lets you summon a bunch of minions using your life force. Honestly summoning minions using your life force is what I'd expect necros to do, but the pet options seem nice too, especially since you can somewhat control them and use them to add condis, heal, and explode.

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^Number 2, especially.

Imagine an elite specialization that roots the player, placing him or her in a lawn chair with an umbrella while reading a book (focus) in the main hand and holding a novelty in the off hand. The player casts, "Summon Party Fiends!" and 10 random undead mobs from Orr appear to wander a 1200 radius area and aggro anything they find when not following the How to Dance vol 1 instructions you give them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@paShadoWn.5723 said:

@"Nimon.7840" said:
  1. Minions are bad in pvp modesYeah being matched against a full minion zoo can be frustrating, you can not just hit him/her in the face, minions get in the way...

Well you can just Faceroll over minion master necro's.Those minions are just too bad. They do little damage, have low health and can easily be killed. Even if you trait minions they are a lot less useful than for example the ranger pets, that actually have additional attacks like knockdown..., And not just an autoattack

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Minions are unworkable in their current state.

ANet doesn't like passive builds that just auto-play themselves, so auto attacking AI like Minions (Especially ones summoned en masse that don't have dedicated swap skills like the utility minions), Turrets and Animal Companions are not allowed to be any good.

PvP/WvW completely negates AI because they can be easily killed, if even necessary, given how poorly AI deals with terrain and pathing (As well as AI having a tendency to stand still to attack making holding W a hard counter to AI)

Still, it's theoretically possible to get minions that are workable however, unlikely.

There's that quest in PoF where you have to use a banner to control some awakened mooks. Which can be adapted to being an actual weapon set with the skills being attacks as opposed to the "Go attack this in melee", "Go attack this at range" and "AFK in a certain formation" ones utilized in that quest/similar heart.

Essentially making it so that instead of having some rando mooks auto attacking alongside you using your normal weapon skills, the minions ARE your weapon skills.

An alternative would be something like Mesmer's Phantasms/Renegade's Spirits. Where skills summon things that do the attack against the target/in an area.

Of course, the issue with these are that it would still be difficult to balance them properly. Especially in PvP/WvW where cleaving down AI can be a thing (Hence the state of Mesmer forever...)

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