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Pets and Recovery


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I just thought of a way to make it so pets aren't horrible in PvP. Instead of automatically getting up when you kill something, you should just get back health proportional to how much health and damage the thing you killed has. So, if you kill another player, yes, you can get back up automatically, but if you kill a bone minion, lesser elemental, or something else tiny, no, you don't automatically get back up with full health. What do you think?

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@Coeruleum.9164 said:I just thought of a way to make it so pets aren't horrible in PvP. Instead of automatically getting up when you kill something, you should just get back health proportional to how much health and damage the thing you killed has. So, if you kill another player, yes, you can get back up automatically, but if you kill a bone minion, lesser elemental, or something else tiny, no, you don't automatically get back up with full health. What do you think?

While that would make SENSE, like Smoosh said, people would stop using pets at all in PvP since it would essentially be a buff to the other team. If the health recovery from killing a pet while downed was extremely low however, then what's the point of the change? The truth of the matter is this: Minions/summons/illusions are BAD for any competitive mode mostly because of the massive visual noise they generate. Other reasons they should be designed out of the game are: Players suddenly have more things demanding attention outside of watching the enemy player (+ it's harder to even find the enemy to target); the tax on the game is higher as there is more to render; and damage, CC, and potentially attack obstruction are all passive occurrences. There are likely other reasons but it's past 1am and a man's gotta sleep. Sorry to rain on your parade but adds are simply best in PvE (and honestly better still in a single player game).

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