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Is it just me?


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So ever since we got mounts I find myself spending more time trying to jump over something than walk around it. It's like Skyrim all over again. It doesn't matter if there's clearly an easier way to do it.

Not to mention the fact that I spent half an hour last night trying to scale a mountain in the Riverlands only to reach the top and find it has an invisible wall...

Just wondering if I'm the only one with this illness ._.

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Um this is me in almost any game.I want to/like to just keep going ahead if I'm aiming for something specific. If I'm just traveling around then I won't do it.

But if I'm seeing a heart/poi/vista and the guide is leading me north? I'm going to go north.Not north then I see a path then go northeast then northwest then south because it's a spiral... I'm going to go north.

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It is all the way worse if you are Thief used to Shadowstep up the ledges long before Mounts came to be. So before, it was "I am gonna go straight through here, if not I will go around, meh" now it changed to "I am gonna go straight through here, if not... THERE CAN BE NO OTHER WAY!"It's fun.

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I often spend time fitting against a single rock that is in my way, smashing myself against it in an attempt to get on top, just so I can glide off it on the other side.I will run around it eventually, but not before I've wasted several teeth-gnashing seconds trying to scale it.The straight line mentality.Is real.~TG

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