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Any plans on fixing LW4 maps?


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The issue isn’t affecting all players or at least on the NA side. Your best course of action is to find the server IP’s that are causing issues, run a traceroute or use pingplotter, and share that data with Anet.

Another option you could do in the meantime is put all of your graphics settings to the lowest value and especially the character model limit. See if that helps in case the issue isn’t network related.

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@Blocki.4931 said:Oddly enough most of the time I have no issue in LW4 maps, but in raids. 2 out of 3 times I went raiding last week were plagued with 200 to 1600 ping in the instances, back to 40 ping right outside. Very weird stuff going on there.

Are you in EU or NA ? In EU I ran a full set of wings last week, and didn't not have a single piece of lag during those raids (which was quite pleasant actually) I only seem affected on maps in the Path of Fire main area. The map chat also revolve entirely on lag in those areas. Does Anet store different maps on different servers or some similarly strange architecture ?

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@Naxos.2503 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Oddly enough most of the time I have no issue in LW4 maps, but in raids. 2 out of 3 times I went raiding last week were plagued with 200 to 1600 ping in the instances, back to 40 ping right outside. Very weird stuff going on there.

Are you in EU or NA ? In EU I ran a full set of wings last week, and didn't not have a single piece of lag during those raids (which was quite pleasant actually) I only seem affected on maps in the Path of Fire main area. The map chat also revolve entirely on lag in those areas. Does Anet store different maps on different servers or some similarly strange architecture ?

EU.None of my guild mates/friends hat any issues. My connection to Discord was an expected 40 ping, the moment I left the instances it worked fine.Really weird stuff going on, I hope they manage to find the issue. I was thinking before maybe it had something to do with some instances just being open for too long or something, but I doubt that would be the case for raid instances.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Naxos.2503 said:What's odd is that it literally only affect path of fire maps. And everyone on the map feels those lagspike, I haven't had anyone tell me they didn't. It's EU atleast. As soon as I go back to other regions, everything runs smooth as silk.

Indeed, although it did affect what appeared to be everyone in Bjora earlier

Bjora is the biggest culprit map for me personally, it's were i've had the most issues with lag.Most recently I had it during Drakkar even though there were only about 20 of us actually fighting it.. makes no sense.

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@TristisOris.2165 said:oh yeah, tracerts of course. Support say problem becasue of my ping. So LS4 geographically farther from me than other maps!

Actually... although the servers are in the same physical location, the path you're taking to reach them may vary by IP and could be going through completely different networks. There are also other factors that may only affect specific IPs, such throttling.

That said, the servers generally rotate after each patch, so the odds of only a specific map being affected every time is rather unlikely.

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@Healix.5819 said:That said, the servers generally rotate after each patch, so the odds of only a specific map being affected every time is rather unlikely.I'm by no means very knowledgeable on this topic, but I presume that this means that maps such as Thunderhead Peaks, on which the lag has been obscene since around March (for me), means that it's likely not a problem with my connection? I upgraded to full fibre recently and that map still gives me the same 5-10 second lagspikes with great frequency.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:The issue isn’t affecting all players or at least on the NA side.The cynics among us who reside outside of NA suspect that this is the reason for it not seeming to be very high up ArenaNet's to-do list.

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