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A bug in the squad system 2.0

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GreetingsOn several occasions I received "___ has voted to kick from squad" messages in chat which are confusing and offputting becausea) I was not a member to my knowledgeb) I had not requested to join the squad I receive that particular message from.

From the wiki I have been able to figure out that if squad "leader" has set mechanics to "allow members to send invites"this gives the "leader" the approval panel to yea or nay.I am guessing that is where the disapproval message is generated from if the leader says nope?I suggest disabling or modifying that result when the player in question has not requested to join.Perhaps the "inviter" could receive a message saying "___ declined to approve your invitation" is more appropriate.Any potential for illwill or mean spirited usage would vamoose & "invitees" receiving the confusing results wouldn't be confused in the process.Or maybe that whole process of notification needs to be looked at again from a more "compassionate" perspective when the playerbase becomes more toxic

I greet you like the morning sun


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