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Dread Reaper


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I'm experimenting Reaper with Dread and Fear of Death. Along with Signets of Suffering and many signets.

I'm rather impressed by the result. I can stay in shroud for very long times (almost perma). New Dread is exceptional for spamming Infusing Terror and Terrify.

I was able to solo a list of champions. As long as I have adds to kill, the more powerful I am. Every death gives LF and recharge a bit shroud 3, which become usable very quickly, giving defense and more LF.

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Personally never was a fan of Soul Barbs flashing, not terribly easy to keep track of the buff. But as long Soul Barbs exists, Reaper meta gameplay will involve you flashing in and out of shroud. But for solo it works and works well, Signets of Suffering is clearly built with a shroud focused style in mind.

Yes, I can see how Dread makes it sublimely easy to keep up Infusing Terror/Terrify with that massive cd reduction and in turn empowering lf generation. Have you looked at Blighters Boon? With Dread we have another source of Quickness. And BB will both assist with getting shroud up faster, as well healing you in shroud.I asume you picked flesh golem as the elite?

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It goes well too with hybrid reaper. I have a viper/grieving set I made for some tests, and it's quite nice in OW with dread, but also because I don't take reaper's onslaught and the reaper without quickness feel really lethargic.

But outside Pve OW ... ? Spiteful Spirit is to me more interesting in pvp modes and same for the +20% damage for group content.

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@Aigleborgne.2981 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Personally never was a fan of Soul Barbs flashing, not terribly easy to keep track of the buff.I asume you picked flesh golem as the elite?

I picked lich, it is very effective with Fear of Death and dread. And I highly dislike necro minions anyway.

My thought was because if you effectively have perma shroud as described. Then you can only really benefit from signets, and having the Flesh golem as the elite, as it still stays alive.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:My thought was because if you effectively have perma shroud as described. Then you can only really benefit from signets, and having the Flesh golem as the elite, as it still stays alive.

Yes, you are right. I don't really need Lich at this point. However, it still have its use. Sometimes, you need space when low on health / shroud. It happens when you took a very strong hit or cc lockdown.When it happens, I use my weapons first (GS 4, dagger 2...), then Lich, Lich 3 first (fear), then 5 and 4. All minions from 4 give me some room while 5 is good to heal. Casting terror first allow me to cast it a 2nd time, benefiting again from Dread and Fear of death.Globally, I think it gives me a similar burst as reaper shroud but from range. Some champions are really nasty at close range, like Fire Shaman in Iron Marches.

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I've been using dread in Open world for Condi Reaper. Its pretty good. it ramps up pretty quickly and lets me stick in shroud for as little time as possible. Which is the exact opposite of what you're trying to do. But with the Well of Darkness change Spite becomes pretty good in combination with Condi reaper, in open world at least. In Raids, not so much. Dread offers nothing there. Although I could justify it in Dungeons and MAYBE fractals, depending on the group. Overall though Scourge is just better with condi. Reaper is a bit more focused with condi and is alot easier to use in open world so there is that.

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