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Steam users wont stick with this game if servers remain the same


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@kratan.4619 said:Stopped reading after OP said lag is server based.

You're confusing skill lag with fps drops.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Neftex.7594 said:@Ayrilana.1396cba going back through posts and vods from twitch where developers talked about it

its really simple: im on spawn top of the map, 50v50 is happening in the bottom of the map - im nowhere in range to see them so they have 0 impact on my game client, no data about the battle should be getting to me. i try casting skills, theyre not going off or have big delays...BECAUSE THE SERVER CANT HANDLE ALL THE STUFF THATS HAPPENING IN THE MAP INSTANCE

they reduced the map cap to make the battles easier to handle, didnt fix the problem

the only reasons you dont personally experience lags: youre not on full map with people that press more than autoattack, or youre the one not pressing anything else but autoattack so you dont notice skills not working...

I have a rotation that I always do and I have been in maps that are full, people claim lag, but it didn’t impact me. This in on PvE maps. I haven’t been in WvW in a couple of months.

As far as I know (I don't play much OW) the problems are mainly present in PoF, LW4 and early Icebrood maps (WvW aside). You would also be the first person I've heard of that isn't at all affected in those.

The rest of the game (zergs excluded) is completely fine for me at least.

No real stake in this issue, but I do not experience any skill lag, or any other kind of lag in those, or any other maps.

Just out of curiosity, are you EU or NA? @Ayrilana.1396 as well.

NA. West Coast.

My connection goes to Seattle > Colorado > Texas > Virginia

And that's where this discussion can basically end.The vast majority of complaints are from EU players. So you not noticing any issues does not mean ANYTHING, as you're on a completely different instance of the game.I just don't quite understand your... mission? You're under every single post about lag/latency issues, vehemently opposing any sort of indication that this might be an issue on Anets side. I understand that you're trying to show another reason why those lags might happen, but you're going WAY beyond that. We get that you have a different opinion, that's totally fine. But why are you arguing so much? At the end, there is NOTHING we as players can do. The only people who can do anything about this are working for Anet.Even if it's somehow related to our ISP, that still wouldn't change much. Considering that Gw2 is the only game that has those problems, there has to be something going on with this specific game. Maybe there is an issue with our ISPs, but why is every single other game able to somehow circumvent this issue? Maybe there is something Anet can do about it, even if the issue is caused by the ISPs.

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@Maikimaik.1974 said:

@kratan.4619 said:Stopped reading after OP said lag is server based.

You're confusing skill lag with fps drops.

@Neftex.7594 said:@Ayrilana.1396cba going back through posts and vods from twitch where developers talked about it

its really simple: im on spawn top of the map, 50v50 is happening in the bottom of the map - im nowhere in range to see them so they have 0 impact on my game client, no data about the battle should be getting to me. i try casting skills, theyre not going off or have big delays...BECAUSE THE SERVER CANT HANDLE ALL THE STUFF THATS HAPPENING IN THE MAP INSTANCE

they reduced the map cap to make the battles easier to handle, didnt fix the problem

the only reasons you dont personally experience lags: youre not on full map with people that press more than autoattack, or youre the one not pressing anything else but autoattack so you dont notice skills not working...

I have a rotation that I always do and I have been in maps that are full, people claim lag, but it didn’t impact me. This in on PvE maps. I haven’t been in WvW in a couple of months.

As far as I know (I don't play much OW) the problems are mainly present in PoF, LW4 and early Icebrood maps (WvW aside). You would also be the first person I've heard of that isn't at all affected in those.

The rest of the game (zergs excluded) is completely fine for me at least.

No real stake in this issue, but I do not experience any skill lag, or any other kind of lag in those, or any other maps.

Just out of curiosity, are you EU or NA? @Ayrilana.1396 as well.

NA. West Coast.

My connection goes to Seattle > Colorado > Texas > Virginia

And that's where this discussion can basically end.The vast majority of complaints are from EU players. So you not noticing any issues does not mean ANYTHING, as you're on a completely different instance of the game.I just don't quite understand your... mission? You're under every single post about lag/latency issues, vehemently opposing any sort of indication that this might be an issue on Anets side. I understand that you're trying to show another reason why those lags might happen, but you're going WAY beyond that. We get that you have a different opinion, that's totally fine. But why are you arguing so much? At the end, there is NOTHING we as players can do. The only people who can do anything about this are working for Anet.Even if it's somehow related to our ISP, that still wouldn't change much. Considering that Gw2 is the only game that has those problems, there has to be something going on with this specific game. Maybe there is an issue with our ISPs, but why is every single other game able to somehow circumvent this issue? Maybe there is something Anet can do about it, even if the issue is caused by the ISPs.

GW2 isn’t the only game having problems.

Different players will get different experiences depending on where they are located, their own hardware/network configuration, and how their ISP routes their connections to the server. This connection will vary from game to game. The route the ISP does for GW2 servers will be different from the one for WoW, which will be different from the one for ESO, and etc.

In numerous posts I have stated that I cannot comment on the EU side of things.

EU players are not the only ones complaining. This isn’t a “EU only” thread.

I’ve stated numerous sources of lag that could be the culprit rather than jump on the “blame the servers” bandwagon.

If the issue doesn’t affect all players connected to the particular server then it’s unlikely to be the server.

Based on report from other players, the issue could be with the data that goes back and forth between the client and the servers. If, in order for a skill to go off, data about it needs to first go to the servers and then come back, then there’s a potential cause for what people are experiencing. I think this is the same reason using bouncy mushrooms and the zepherite crystals cause issues since the actions themselves are not client side. Depending on what other data Anet sends back and forth, and how ISPs are throttling networks, there’s a potential for data to be lost.

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@Maikimaik.1974 said:

@kratan.4619 said:Stopped reading after OP said lag is server based.

You're confusing skill lag with fps drops.

@Neftex.7594 said:@Ayrilana.1396cba going back through posts and vods from twitch where developers talked about it

its really simple: im on spawn top of the map, 50v50 is happening in the bottom of the map - im nowhere in range to see them so they have 0 impact on my game client, no data about the battle should be getting to me. i try casting skills, theyre not going off or have big delays...BECAUSE THE SERVER CANT HANDLE ALL THE STUFF THATS HAPPENING IN THE MAP INSTANCE

they reduced the map cap to make the battles easier to handle, didnt fix the problem

the only reasons you dont personally experience lags: youre not on full map with people that press more than autoattack, or youre the one not pressing anything else but autoattack so you dont notice skills not working...

I have a rotation that I always do and I have been in maps that are full, people claim lag, but it didn’t impact me. This in on PvE maps. I haven’t been in WvW in a couple of months.

As far as I know (I don't play much OW) the problems are mainly present in PoF, LW4 and early Icebrood maps (WvW aside). You would also be the first person I've heard of that isn't at all affected in those.

The rest of the game (zergs excluded) is completely fine for me at least.

No real stake in this issue, but I do not experience any skill lag, or any other kind of lag in those, or any other maps.

And that's where this discussion can basically end.The vast majority of complaints are from EU players. So you not noticing any issues does not mean ANYTHING, as you're on a completely different instance of the game.

Well then change the title to EU players only because I have no idea who is from EU on here or NA so going the vast majority are EU is your guess based off the same data I have and yes it would make a difference. Of course that's if no one on NA ever lags and no one in EU plays w/o lag otherwise we are right back at same question. Why do some lag and most don't or why do most lag and some don't. Again no numbers showing percentage of who lags/doesn't so how on earth can we ever narrow down what is at fault.Next thread make just EU and ask everyone to include where they are from and maybe you will find a common denominator of what locations these issues are from

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:The lag happens in endgame zones, not even the current ones. I doubt any of them would encounter any issues.

Dunno where you are from but from me the lag is all over even tyria is unplayable at this time.

@aaron.7850 said:Have you done the world boss rush event? lags happens in any map where there are too many players. Steam will make all starter zones a lag fest.Unless Anet does something about it, the lag will scare away many potential players.

Turn down the graphics settings, such as the character model limit, or run the game on a better PC to get max settings.

Doesn't make any difference my ping is jumping from 250-1000-250-556-600 etc Zero to do with graphics. Never done this for many years and i've been here on and off for 8 years.Also i noticed servers are flipping every few mins in Pof that can't be normal...

Like I said in my reply to the poster, I don't see the number of player affecting network lag. If this were true, adjusting the character model limit should resolve that.

When Americans are asleep my ping isn't so bad, when they wake up my game goes to hell.. so its definitely population based.

Or it’s based on the ISP networks which are not as overloaded when people are asleep.

No SWTOR, FALLOUT 76 and ESO are running fine thanks. Just ask in LA if people are having network issues if you don't believe me.

Not all connections are routed the same by the ISP.

This is true, however I think the problem is documented to be so widespread and affecting users all over the world so much that there is clearly more work Anet can do on their end to fix these issues than the average user can.Riot had this kind of problem with their NA servers years ago and reworked their entire system so that routing was overall faster for everyone afterwards.

At the end of the day, this is such a serious problem in content that must be paid for (PoF, LS4) that the nuances and fine technical points don't matter. The end result is the same. Instead, a potential new player may be simply put off playing the game forever.

Anet must not let this come to pass.

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@TrOtskY.5927 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:The lag happens in endgame zones, not even the current ones. I doubt any of them would encounter any issues.

Dunno where you are from but from me the lag is all over even tyria is unplayable at this time.

@"aaron.7850" said:Have you done the world boss rush event? lags happens in any map where there are too many players. Steam will make all starter zones a lag fest.Unless Anet does something about it, the lag will scare away many potential players.

Turn down the graphics settings, such as the character model limit, or run the game on a better PC to get max settings.

Doesn't make any difference my ping is jumping from 250-1000-250-556-600 etc Zero to do with graphics. Never done this for many years and i've been here on and off for 8 years.Also i noticed servers are flipping every few mins in Pof that can't be normal...

Like I said in my reply to the poster, I don't see the number of player affecting network lag. If this were true, adjusting the character model limit should resolve that.

When Americans are asleep my ping isn't so bad, when they wake up my game goes to hell.. so its definitely population based.

Or it’s based on the ISP networks which are not as overloaded when people are asleep.

No SWTOR, FALLOUT 76 and ESO are running fine thanks. Just ask in LA if people are having network issues if you don't believe me.

Not all connections are routed the same by the ISP.

This is true, however I think the problem is documented to be so widespread and affecting users all over the world so much that there is clearly more work Anet can do on their end to fix these issues than the average user can.

I’m sure that there are certainly things that Anet could do to minimize the latency players are experiencing. Things such as adjusting the problematic maps or what what data needs to be sent back and forth (like what things can be moved to client side).

Riot had this kind of problem with their NA servers years ago and reworked their entire system so that routing was overall faster for everyone afterwards.

They built their own network which is something that Anet is very unlikely to do.


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@"Jilora.9524" said:Why do some lag and most don't or why do most lag and some don't. Again no numbers showing percentage of who lags/doesn't so how on earth can we ever narrow down what is at fault.

Someone that is playing with 10-20 ping won't notice if it goes up to 40-50. Someone that usually plays with 100 will surely notice if it goes up to 150, or even 120. It's all a perception and what a player is used to. I used to play with 100-120 ping when my connection was terrible and then I updated and my ping was lowered to 50-60, the difference is gigantic. So, all those saying "I'm not affected", are they absolutely sure they aren't? What was your ping before all the lag situation started? What's your ping on similar games (preferably with servers in the same country/region) Is it the same as it is now? Is it higher? Lower? That someone doesn't "feel" like lagging (or someone "feels" like lagging of course, this goes both ways) is completely irrelevant, because those are feelings and personal perceptions. The real question is if the ping of the average player has gone up or down, or stays the same.

Think of it this way, if you used to play with 20 ping and now you have 50, you will barely notice the change. That doesn't mean the change isn't there and those that had worse connections will also be more affected.

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@Nightcore.5621 said:My pc is 2000$ i got one of the highest internet you can get, still this game run like kitten and huge lag most maps ... Just fix it we live in 2020 world of warcraft.. Patch of exile other older games can get engine updates is pafatic we cant in this game

We may live in 2020, but the code for the game lives 10+ years in the past.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Jilora.9524" said:Why do some lag and most don't or why do most lag and some don't. Again no numbers showing percentage of who lags/doesn't so how on earth can we ever narrow down what is at fault.

Someone that is playing with 10-20 ping won't notice if it goes up to 40-50. Someone that usually plays with 100 will surely notice if it goes up to 150, or even 120. It's all a perception and what a player is used to. I used to play with 100-120 ping when my connection was terrible and then I updated and my ping was lowered to 50-60, the difference is gigantic. So, all those saying "I'm not affected", are they absolutely sure they aren't? What was your ping before all the lag situation started? What's your ping on similar games (preferably with servers in the same country/region) Is it the same as it is now? Is it higher? Lower? That someone doesn't "feel" like lagging (or someone "feels" like lagging of course, this goes both ways) is completely irrelevant, because those are feelings and personal perceptions. The real question is if the ping of the average player has gone up or down, or stays the same.

Think of it this way, if you used to play with 20 ping and now you have 50, you will barely notice the change. That doesn't mean the change isn't there and those that had worse connections will also be more affected.

Well said trust me you feel it at 400-1000 which is what i'm seeing a certain times a day.. i hope its not just servers filling up causing these issues cause when steam arrives..

@kharmin.7683 said:

@Nightcore.5621 said:My pc is 2000$ i got one of the highest internet you can get, still this game run like kitten and huge lag most maps ... Just fix it we live in 2020 world of warcraft.. Patch of exile other older games can get engine updates is pafatic we cant in this game

We may live in 2020, but the code for the game lives 10+ years in the past.

Code is suppose to to be updated.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@aaron.7850 said:Have you done the world boss rush event? lags happens in any map where there are too many players. Steam will make all starter zones a lag fest.Unless Anet does something about it, the lag will scare away many potential players.

Turn down the graphics settings, such as the character model limit, or run the game on a better PC to get max settings.

Its never issue with graphic settings its always servers causing lagg,stutter frame drops. Server lagg is on almost every instance and map now

As I have said to everyone who responded to this post, there are two types of lag: graphical and network. The lag you see with a ton of players, such as at any WB like Maw, is graphical. Dropping the character model limit down removes it.

Mine is network and its only started in the last week or so.. Pings of 400-1000 is not graphical.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"maddoctor.2738" said:So, all those saying "I'm not affected", are they absolutely sure they aren't? What was your ping before all the lag situation started?

I average between 110-120 ping from NA West Coast using Comcast.

That's not an answer. If you want to know if you are affected you MUST compare your ping from last year, or at least before the complaints, with your ping today. Only then you will know if you are affected or not.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Shiyo.3578 said:It's fine, Valve will offer refunds and then Anet will be FORCED to fix their server issues.

Refunds assume players buy the game. If performance is so horrible when they try the free version, it's unlikely that they will buy the game.

Other people might have problems in all maps, but for me it's only in PoF maps. Why? I don't know, i simply avoid going there until a fix. If it's the same for people on steam, they won't notice anything until it's too late. I wonder if you can return in-game purchases through steam? Unlikely. If the expansion can be bought from steam store, then no problem, but the question is: can they be bought from steam or not?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

Other people might have problems in all maps, but for me it's only in PoF maps. Why? I don't know, i simply avoid going there until a fix.We have the same experience. We're NA East Coast and only see lag in PoF maps. Sometimes it isn't very much, like a hiccup whereas other times it is laughable.

I'm not in NA. I'm in EU. What decides what kind of lag people get? Only anet can figure that out.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

Other people might have problems in all maps, but for me it's only in PoF maps. Why? I don't know, i simply avoid going there until a fix.We have the same experience. We're NA East Coast and only see lag in PoF maps. Sometimes it isn't very much, like a hiccup whereas other times it is laughable.

I'm not in NA. I'm in EU. What decides what kind of lag people get? Only anet can figure that out.

I'm not sure either. From what I've been reading, though, it seems that the problem is worse for EU. I just added my comment to help Anet with their troubleshooting (which assumes that they are reading this thread).

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:So, all those saying "I'm not affected", are they absolutely sure they aren't? What was your ping before all the lag situation started?

I average between 110-120 ping from NA West Coast using Comcast.

That's not an answer. If you want to know if you are affected you MUST compare your ping from last year, or at least before the complaints, with your ping today. Only then you will know if you are affected or not.

It’s been my average the entire time. I have arcdps set to show me my ping so I always see it when I’m playing.


I should probably more blunt since it was misinterpreted in my last post. I have had between 110-120 ping over this past year.

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