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The Warclaw needs to be fixed


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1) When you try to dismount(skill 1) it fails a majority of the time2) The dismount an enemy skill(skill 4) misses its target most of the time3) The sniff ability(skill 2) should be able to detect stealth players4)The speed nerf it got is horrible. You can literally run faster by getting the shrine buff in red blIt was good when it was first introduced but now it feels like it is almost completely useless. How bout some fixes for this ANET

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No. 1 should be fixed, that's so annoying. I jumped of some grass leaf and got the "1" on cooldown. What??No. 3 sniff should also detect stealthed players, but I would ok with a smaller radius for thatNo. 4 speed. Jep. Every 3 legged cat with 30 years and several car accidents is faster

No. 2 is ok, you should be able to dodge this thing.

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@"Beorne.9248" said:4)The speed nerf it got is horrible. You can literally run faster by getting the shrine buff in red bl

I am not getting tired of telling people how damn happy I am with the speed that comes from the Warclaw, however little it is. Not because it is a boost, but because it unifies speeds across classes. How many times did I need to wait for a Necro that was slumping behind the group? How many times did I beg classes to not use speed sigils in their skill slot because they "felt like they were moving way too slow"? With the current implementation everyone can keep up and through the passive buff even players without the Warclaw can run along.

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The only consolation is that now, new accounts need only put 1 rank point in Warclaw Mastery at first, then focus on other more useful things.

Great for alts, not so great for those that got used to WCs previous skills or even worse those that maybe were working on full mastery this past year only to have it nerfed out from under them once they got it maxed.

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@Beorne.9248 said:1) When you try to dismount(skill 1) it fails a majority of the time

Number 1 goes on cd when you drop even a small amount from say some terrain being uneven. It does feel like a bug and as such maybe needs addressing even if it's working as intended.

@Beorne.9248 said:2) The dismount an enemy skill(skill 4) misses its target most of the time

Yes, the current dismount skill is lacking. It needs some addressing, first and foremost: no range cap once fired, no prevention via aegis or dodge. At least imo.

@Beorne.9248 said:3) The sniff ability(skill 2) should be able to detect stealth players

Could be implemented at reduced range, mostly to allow easier sweeping of objectives. I'd personally prefer a larger revamp of anti stealth mechanics.

@Beorne.9248 said:4)The speed nerf it got is horrible. You can literally run faster by getting the shrine buff in red bl

The speed is fine as is. The original speed was far to high, the bonus speed in own territory was a huge defender benefit. Currently the speed and area affect of the ability make the mount a nice base speed increase and normalize for squads.

@Beorne.9248 said:It was good when it was first introduced but now it feels like it is almost completely useless. How bout some fixes for this ANET

It was completely overpowered on launch. It was fun yes, to be one of the first to have a mount, then circle blob fights like sharks to engage and finish. It was super unhealthy for the game mode though. Triple dodge, multiple player finisher, increased speed in own territory, decent engage damage, this thing was way over the top. Now it's a nice tool with situational use.

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@Beorne.9248 said:1) When you try to dismount(skill 1) it fails a majority of the time2) The dismount an enemy skill(skill 4) misses its target most of the time3) The sniff ability(skill 2) should be able to detect stealth players4)The speed nerf it got is horrible. You can literally run faster by getting the shrine buff in red blIt was good when it was first introduced but now it feels like it is almost completely useless. How bout some fixes for this ANET

  1. Use the default dismount skill, not maul, maul fails at random and goes on CD, the default does not.
  2. It does not miss, you are either out of range, or you are facing the wrong direction when you use it, as it will not turn you to lance, just like the change to DH F1, you have to manually face your character the direction you want to use it.
  3. I don't have an opinion on this, however it should NOT detect defeated players, which is does now.
  4. The speed nerf was needed, the maps are not big enough, out side of DBL for the speed, all the other maps it allowed people to get back and contest FAR to fast.
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@Beorne.9248 said:1) When you try to dismount(skill 1) it fails a majority of the time2) The dismount an enemy skill(skill 4) misses its target most of the time3) The sniff ability(skill 2) should be able to detect stealth players4)The speed nerf it got is horrible. You can literally run faster by getting the shrine buff in red blIt was good when it was first introduced but now it feels like it is almost completely useless. How bout some fixes for this ANET

I totally agree on (1) and (3). Those need a rework.

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@Beorne.9248 said:1) When you try to dismount(skill 1) it fails a majority of the timeOnly if you don't understand why it does. The skill cancels when you are mid air. And even if it does, then just use the unmount hotkey, which works every time.2) The dismount an enemy skill(skill 4) misses its target most of the timeOnly if you don't understand how projectiles work.3) The sniff ability(skill 2) should be able to detect stealth playersWhy? Because you have issues dealing with stealth? Other people don't.4)The speed nerf it got is horrible. You can literally run faster by getting the shrine buff in red blNo you can't. And besides that almost no one plays on red borderland.It was good when it was first introduced but now it feels like it is almost completely useless. How bout some fixes for this ANETImmune to cc, extra health to deny oneshots, higher travel speed than on foot, two dodges to trigger AOEs like traps or marks, strong gap closing abilities (double dodge forwards) to deal with pewpew builds ...

... it's extremely ignorant to call this almost completely useless.

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3) allow mount sniff to detect stealth but also allow players with stealth skills to kill the rider by killing the mount if they open up with a stealth attack.

Realistically that's dumb though, that sniff has a big radius and you can't be that much of a slouch.

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@"Justine.6351" said:I don't know how you think lance "misses" "most" of the time. I'm not sure it even can miss a target in range and not dodging/behind an object. The projectile even makes angled turns in midflight to hit a target.It cant, but it does suffer similar issues as normal dodging - even when the dodge appear to be finished, the player is still in the dodge window and thus invoulnerable. The broken desync doesnt really help either.

I think the warclaw would handle better if we made dodges shorter and quicker, while the dismount skill gets a heavy cd reduction so its actually usable as a "combat" skill between mounted players, instead of how it is now where if you miss you might as well give up chasing.

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I'm sure Anet has more accurate statistics, but since the most recent gutting of the warclaw WvW has been gaining popularity AND players I'm pretty sure. Players are much happier with it being weak, but allowing slower builds to get around the map and still allowing you to get back into fights faster.

Besides the 1 skill bugging out 99% of the time(Why is it randomly on cooldown all the time...?) the current version of warclaw is perfect.

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Other things I was thinking of that need to be "fixed".

  1. Position sync, you will see warclaws all over that are not there, move to them and they will disappear, move away and they will pop back. In many cases this person is probably back at their own spawn. I have also dismounted players and killed them, only to not be able to stomp, because they are actually 2,000+ units away.
  2. Dismount bugs. Some people have a falling animation when dismounted, others glitch really bad that just port all over the place. In any case, they are almost impossible to fight, you can't tell where they really are or what they are doing because animations and tells etc dont work, I can't tell you how many times this has gotten me killed.
  3. Since warclaw release for some reason people riding within range where name tags USED to show, they don't, the person has to be just about on top of you before their name tag shows unless you click on them to see if they are friendly or not. Pretty big issue for a solo roamer, being in a fight with someone already and seeing someone closing in....Are they backup? Or am I about to get 2-3vs1?
  4. Lance will go on random CD at times, mostly in close. I think this has to do with the sync problem, you lance as they are very close so they have less time to dodge, but really they have already passed you and when you use it it goes on full CD because you were facing the wrong direction for where they really were at.
  5. Using #1 to dismount when jumping off a cliff etc will often result in your glider not working, and you free falling, you wont take dmg at least if you hit the ground and you can reopen the glider to have it work, but still very annoying.
  6. Its slower than running on foot up stairs in DBL, dodging while going up stairs will also often totally stop your movement and the smallest defect in the ground will get you stuck on it, however trying to turn around on a wall and it will run right over the edge and fall out?!?!
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@Xervite.5493 said:if you people

If by that you mean people who play WvW, then maybe this argument isn’t for you.

Or maybe, you may want to be more specific as to who you mean.

Grouping people like this only leads to very antagonistic responses.

Oh. Also: so since you note the lance pops it with one shot, And the HP is a negligible issue, then maybe you’d also be interested like some of US people in reducing its health to 100 hp?

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Leave everything as it is, BUT increase its speed back to how it was durring release when in owned territories. Its too dang slow, it can't execute anyone anymore and its laughable on the health department so at the very least give the speed back to the people who Own that territory. This would make owning territory mean something because as it stands... why bother?

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