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End of Dragons: New Races (Realistic Expectations) and Elite Specializations - [Merged]

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@"Lonami.2987" said:Both tengu and largos could join the other races in the Personal Story without any problems. The Pact has tengu and largos members already, such as Izu Steelshrike and Sayeh al' Rajihd.

No they really can't without massive problems.

Besides there is no reason to add any of them to the story as a playable race. Tengu are isolationist that just now are going to open, but their territories are small and their race the same, they just don't have much weight outside SOME commerce and their bolstered defenses. Nothing of import. Largos are basically extinct and completely irrelevant.

Literally you have a billion more reasons to add Centaurs, Skritt, Dredge or Kodan above both of them any day.

I hope they just don't add any new race, THE FIVE races of Tyria are perfect representation of the relevant powers on the continent. Adding a new playable race would just be a massive and jarring waste of resources.

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:new combatic tonic > new race.


Even more, add with time "class racial combat tonics". Maybe limit them to the specific color schemes of the 9 main classes (no elites) and have them like with some very basic sets just for RP purposes. Like "Tengu Necromancer Combat Tonic" and they just make a single Tengu model with necromancy appearance and the black-green colors of a very common set. Maybe the tonic can read what class are you and switch to the skin correspondent to that class.

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@Bast.7253 said:

@Daddy.8125 said:Without the option to race change I don't see the point of this really. You can't really reroll without redoing every hero point etc etc it's alot of work for a race change.. so I don't think new races is the best idea

How is that different than when they added Revenants though?

If you were a warrior main swapping to rev you were maining a new class if your swapping Ur race Ur rerolling for the sake of a aesthetic to redo the same class over again.

One can be deemed more worthwhile then the other in some eyes.

Also rev is the least populated class in the game which kinda proves my point on that front.

What rev added was another choice in gameplay. A new race won't achieve that. And I think more wouldnt reroll for a new race then would. Which kinda leads me to beleive there are prolly other ideas that would appease a larger audience comparitively.

Ofcourse that doesn't mean they wouldn't do it. I just personally think they could do better things. Unless they launch a race change option into the gemstore with it ofcourse. Which is a option

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Different skins races is the only realistic expectation i can think of. Undead humans that are just humans Char tagues or Char with featers i am not so sure about the other races in the game.

As for the elite spec. more power creep and anet nerfing the PoF elite spec. and i can only talk for ele but odds are its a new wepon that give a few more skills and anet will make a big deal of it but sadly all the skills will just be a copy of existing effects and skill ele already has. The next ele elite spec will give reg swiftness protection and might it will have burning and bleed only condis and it will do some burst power dmg with some stuns just like weaver just like tempest just like core the only different it will be more power creeped in one way or another.

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All i know is that they need to hurry up and give a teaser for some elite specs or game modes...whatever!...in the next expansion...its been 7 months and nothing to show for it. DRMs suck and its getting high time they reveal something else.

I want Largos as a playable race, the unending ocean starts to melt so we could see them

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@Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:All i know is that they need to hurry up and give a teaser for some elite specs or game modes...whatever!...in the next expansion...its been 7 months and nothing to show for it. DRMs suck and its getting high time they reveal something else.

I want Largos as a playable race, the unending ocean starts to melt so we could see themAt this point, the safe bet is that they're waiting until Icebrood is done before giving out info on EoD. Hopefully they're planning to start teasing stuff soonish after the last episode goes live.

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@Daddy.8125 said:

@Daddy.8125 said:Without the option to race change I don't see the point of this really. You can't really reroll without redoing every hero point etc etc it's alot of work for a race change.. so I don't think new races is the best idea

How is that different than when they added Revenants though?

If you were a warrior main swapping to rev you were maining a new class if your swapping Ur race Ur rerolling for the sake of a aesthetic to redo the same class over again.

One can be deemed more worthwhile then the other in some eyes.

Also rev is the least populated class in the game which kinda proves my point on that front.

What rev added was another choice in gameplay. A new race won't achieve that. And I think more wouldnt reroll for a new race then would. Which kinda leads me to beleive there are prolly other ideas that would appease a larger audience comparitively.

Ofcourse that doesn't mean they wouldn't do it. I just personally think they could do better things. Unless they launch a race change option into the gemstore with it ofcourse. Which is a option

That's true. Maybe they could alleviate that by adding some extra hero points while leveling to be able to unlock the full core spec + whatever elite spec is coming with Cantha?

Not sure that's necessary though. And if they make the new race only unlockable to people that have max level characters already of another race, that person will likely have some banked tomes meaning the only hero points they REALLY need will come from elite specs. And there's quite a few characters I've just bought some hero point tomes with in WvW to unlock the full spec.

Might be more obnoxious for new players but if they're really new they may have the opportunity to level a profession they haven't played yet.

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If they added Tengu and made sure their story arc revolved around various missions in Dominion of Winds and a few ones in the open world, they could build a story leading up to the PC joining the Pact, like every other race did.

From there, how much would they have to alter the stories of HoT and PoF to make it work with the pact commander being a Tengu? There are other Tengu out there who comment on the rest of their race choosing to remain behind in DoW, so the PC being one as pact commander who still does not hold the support of his own race and as such acts independently of them but tries to rally their support, as we've all done unsuccessfully too up until now.

I'd be willing to ignore certain parts that didn't make sense in those xpacs if it made sense to add Tengu as a new playable race. They shouldn't be added simply from an RP perspective, that would be too costly, I would rather hope it was due to it making sense story wise in EoD or due to some new mechanic. But I'm not sure what justifies adding a new race. But Tengu is really the only race I would consider plausible adding at this point.

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I pondered this topic and thought of a way Anet could introduce a new playable race(s) without disrupting the previous 8 years of development and storytelling all while cutting down costs of new voice actors. The story for the race(s) would start around the events of the pact and their killing Mordremoth (back in the past). The idea is to discover where the race(s) have disappeared to and why. We begin our story as a lieutenant (to speed up the story and avoid discontinuity) who witnesses a new evil elder dragon or the current evil elder dragon (or insert any tragic event here) consume a large majority of their race. These tragic events propel our character to return to Tyria to warn the Pact of these events and help fight. The commander (in this instance would not be us but an NPC named John Deere - something to this affect) would be in charge of the pact. To keep from jumbling the story too much, they could kill off the NPC Commander in these stories and force the different race(s) to become the commander. 

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Warrior: Grandmaster




Minor Proficiency


You can wield a staff.







Minor Adept


Gain access to Grandmaster Techniques. Combination Bursts replace Burst.



[Combination bursts are 3 sequenced/chain – boon focused burst attacks that flow seamlessly into each other and are available after 30 strikes of adrenaline is achieved. Each stage has 3 different attacks to choose from (F1 – F3), for a total of 27 different possible combination bursts for each weapon. (As a visual example, imagine Marth’s dancing blade in Super Smash Bros.) Combination Bursts will require 3 separate key entries (e.g. F1, F1, F3), with the 3rd attack being exceptionally strong. The combination burst sequence must not be interrupted otherwise it will go on full cooldown with all 30 strikes of adrenaline expended. Tradeoff: Adrenaline will start to decay even if the warrior is in combat but haven’t strike anything for 5 seconds. To sustainably grow adrenaline, the Grandmaster is required to actively engage in combat. 15s CD]



[Grandmaster Techniques are a unique utility skill type exclusive to Grandmaster warriors that allow them to enter a combination burst right away without requiring full adrenaline and outside of combination burst cooldown. Grandmaster techniques will replace the first burst sequence when used, giving you access the second and final burst sequences.]







Major Adept


F1 combination burst skills grants Protection and swiftness.


Major Adept


F2 combination burst skills grants Resolution and regeneration.


Major Adept


F3 combination burst skills grants Resistance and vigor









Minor Master


Final Combination Bursts inflict weakness on foes (once per target for multi hitting skills).







Major Master


A percentage of your vitality is converted to concentration. Staff strikes against foes with more health than you grants you might and quickness.  


Major Master


Grandmaster Technique skills require 10 less adrenaline to activate.


Major Master


Conditions and control effects inflicted by Combination bursts last longer.









Minor Grandmaster


Final combination bursts grants self stability. Gain extra boons based on combos executed:


Three of a kind  (e.g. F2, F2, F2): Gain Might

Two of a kind (e.g F1, F3, F3): Gain Fury

Straight Flush: (e.g. F1, F2, F3): Gain Quickness









Major Grandmaster


Boons gained from Combination Bursts are shared with nearby allies.


Major Grandmaster


Upon completion of a Combination Burst sequence, gain Grandmaster’s Fortitude for 3s. [Grandmaster’s Fortitude: Causes all incoming damage within 300 units to glance. A percentage of incoming glancing hits is returned to you as healing.]


Major Grandmaster


Final Combination Bursts deal more damage. All final combination bursts inflict torment. (Once per target for multi hitting skills)









Profession Mechanic




First Burst Sequence


F1: Leap and strike your target, gain Swiftness.

F2: Vault yourself, become untargetable for 1s.

F3: Strike your target with an undercut before slamming them back down with an overhead strike, dazing them.



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Leap and strike your target, then leap again, gaining might.

F2: Adjust your stance, blocking attacks. Your next burst sequence deals increased damage and inflicts Slow and Vulnerability.

F3: Strike your target’s weak spots, inflicting weakness.



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Leap a long distance and strike your target. Gain quickness, might, and swiftness.

F2: Sweep at your target’s footing, knocking a single target down before delivering an overhead strike, dealing heavy damage.

F3: Spin your staff several times, dealing AOE damage and knocking back foes on the last strike.









First Burst Sequence


F1: Perform an uppercut launching slash against a single foe. Gain Might.

F2: Daze your target with a hilt bash. Gain Vigor.

F3: Focus your stance. Deals no damage, Removes all inhibiting conditions and gain might and Vigor.



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Lunge and perform a horizontal slash towards your foe

F2: Perform a powerful horizontal slash that releases a piercing shockwave damaging foes in front of you.

F3: Stab your foe multiple times in a cone in front of you, inflicting vulnerability.



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Lunge and perform a wide arcing horizontal slash that knocks back multiple targets.

F2: Perform a horizontal and diagonal slash that releases 2 piercing shockwaves in front of you.

F3: Deliver a fatal stab that deals bonus damage against vulnerable foes.







First Burst Sequence


F1: Smash the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and grants nearby allies protection. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.

F2: Smash the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and grant nearby allies Stability. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.

F3: Smash the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and grant nearby allies Resistance. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Smash the ground again, dealing damage to nearby enemies and cause foes to knockdown for 1s. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.

F2: Smash the ground again, dealing damage to nearby enemies and cause bonus damage against enemies that are below 50% health. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.

F3: Smash the ground again, dealing damage to nearby enemies and inflicting vulnerability, weakness, and blindness on nearby foes. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Deliver a final overhead smash on the area surrounding you, dealing massive damage against enemies that are in a state of control. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.

F2: Deliver a final overhead smash on the area surrounding you, dealing massive damage against enemies that are below 25% health. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.

F3: Leap into the air, becoming untargetable for 1 second before crashing down with a wide AOE attack. Blast finisher, unable to move while casting.







First Burst Sequence


F1: Barrage the target area with bleeding arrows. (no field, 1 strike)

F2: Barrage the target area with crippling arrows. (no field, 1 pulse)

F3: Barrage the target area with explosive arrows. (no field, 1 pulse)



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Barrage the target area with poison arrows. (no field, 1 pulse)

F2: Barrage the target area with weakening arrows. (no field, 1 pulse)

F3: Barrage the target area with dazing arrows. (no field, 1 pulse)



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Barrage the target area with burning arrows. (no field, 1 pulse)

F2: Barrage the target area with immobilizing arrows. (no field, 1 pulse)

F3: Barrage the target area with stunning arrows. (no field, 1 pulse)







First Burst Sequence


F1: Rapidly fire multiple shots at your target’s general direction, piercing and striking multiple targets in the crossfire.

F2: Throw a flash grenade at your target area, stunning and blinding targets in the area. Creates light field.

F3: Fire a shot shell, dealing high damage to foes in front of you in a cone.



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Rapidly fire multiple shots at the target’s general direction, piercing and striking multiple targets in the crossfire.

F2: Reload, does no damage but prepares the next sequence for bonus damage. Grants self Might, Quickness, and Fury.

F3: Fire an unblockable shotgun slug, knocking down your target



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Rapidly fire multiple shots at the target’s general direction, piercing and striking multiple targets in the crossfire.

F2: Fire an armor piercing shot at your target. Deals bonus damage based on your foe’s toughness and if the target has protection.

F3: Deliver a fatal headshot, deal bonus damage to targets that are not moving or targets facing you. Glances if target is facing away or moving.






First Burst Sequence


F1: Lunge and strike the area in front of you. Inflict Vulnerability

F2: Throw your axe, inflict crippled.

F3: Ready your stance. Gain might and Fury.



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Lunge and strike the area in front of you twice. Inflict Vulnerability

F2: Throw multiple axes at the target area, inflicting crippled.

F3: Ready your stance. Gain a damage boost for final burst.



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Lunge and evade towards the target area, unleashing a flurry of strikes that deals bonus damage against vulnerable foes.

F2: Throw an axe that knocks down your target.

F3: Unleash a devastating unblockable strike.







First Burst Sequence


F1: Leap and strike your foe, inflicting weakness

F2: Strike and daze your foe

F3: Strike your foe with an unblockable attack, gain resistance



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Leap and strike your foe, inflicting vulnerability

F2: Strike your foe with an unblockable attack, gain stability

F3: Strike and daze your foe



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Leap and strike your foe, dealing more damage against foes with weakness and vulnerability

F2: Strike and stun your foe

F3: Strike your foe with an unblockable attack, deals more damage if target is blocking. Gain Fury.







First Burst Sequence


F1: Evade and slash your foe.

F2: Lunge and stab your foe multiple times, inflict bleeding

F3: Disarm your foe, inflict daze and weakness.



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Evade and stab your foe

F2: Thrust your sword, inflict bleeding

F3: Ready your stance for a decisive strike. (No damage) gain Fury, might, and quickness. Next attack deals bonus damage.



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Evade and strike your foe several times.

F2: Leap and thrust your sword, launching and inflicting torment on your foe.

F3: Deliver a fatal strike with your sword against downed foes.



Harpoon Gun


First Burst Sequence


F1: Rapidly fire multiple shots at your target’s general direction, piercing and striking multiple targets in the crossfire.

F2: Fire a spear shot, inflict weakness and vulnerability.

F3: Fire a spear shot, gain quickness.



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Rapidly fire multiple shots at your target’s general direction, piercing and striking multiple targets in the crossfire.

F2: Reload, does no damage but prepares the next sequence for bonus damage. Grants self Might, Quickness, and Fury.

F3: Fire a spear shot that dazes your target.



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Rapidly fire multiple shots at your target’s general direction, piercing and striking multiple targets in the crossfire.

F2: Fire a spear shot that inflicts bleeding and torment.

F3: Fire a spear shot that pulls the target to you.







First Burst Sequence


F1: Evade and spin towards your target, striking foes along the way and inflicting cripple.

F2: Rapidly jab your target with strikes, inflict bleeding

F3: Immobilize your foe.



Second Burst Sequence


F1: Evade and spin towards your target, striking foes along the way and inflicting slow.

F2: Rapidly jab your target with strikes, inflict torment

F3: Daze your foe.



Final Burst Sequence


F1: Evade and spin towards your target, striking foes along the way and inflicting weakness.

F2: Deliver a lethal strike, deals more damage against foes with bleeding or torment.

F3: Stun your foe.




Staff Skills




Auto Attack chain, swipe your staff at your target. Gain adrenaline if you strike a weakened target.



Swing your staff with a large arcing radius 3 times, striking up to 5 targets 3x



Overhead smash a target, inflict weakness.



Lunge forward 4 times, striking twice each time.



Deliver a forceful strike that knocks back foes and inflict weakness.


Utility Skills




Requires 20 adrenaline to use. Removes 4 conditions and Imbues your weapon with your conditions. Your next combination burst attack will inflict the conditions over on the next outgoing strike. Heal for every condition transferred. 30s CD

Utility 1


Requires 20 adrenaline to use. Focus - gain stability, protection, resolution, and resistance. 45s CD

Utility 2


Requires 20 adrenaline to use. Focus – inflict torment, vulnerability, and weakness on your next combination burst attack. 30s CD

Utility 3


Requires 20 adrenaline to use. Focus – Evade for 2 seconds. 45s CD



Requires 20 adrenaline to use. Grant nearby allies Grandmaster’s fortitude for 4s, causing all incoming damage within range (300 units) to glance. A percentage of Incoming glancing damage heal. 75s CD


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An interesting concept that wouldn't affect previous lore, or force the creators to redo 8yrs worth of voice lines, while still providing a new race would be to provide an option for your current character to gain a new form/celestial appearance. So your same character basically ascends to become a new powerful entity. The same voice actors can remain, and instead you can give their voices a slight echo effect or filter. Saves money and time on having to recreate everything from the ground up. And this celestial form can be switched on or off, like how you can make pieces of your armour be visible or not to allow players to portray their characters as they see fit. 

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On 3/28/2021 at 11:39 PM, Daddy.8125 said:

Without the option to race change I don't see the point of this really. You can't really reroll without redoing every hero point etc etc it's alot of work for a race change.. so I don't think new races is the best idea

As an WvW player getting all hero points to reroll and having everything unlocked takes 2 minutes. Ill just buy them from a wvw vendor 😄


Its more work discovering the whole map to have at least all important way points. 

Edited by phreeak.1023
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