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Why running away is a viable tactic in sPvP Conquest.


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running away is top tier tactic, any good player with awareness will disengage once they feel the fight is lose, because if you keep fighting, all you get is getting wiped, or get snowballed and lose you the node on top of other nodes and get your teammates on the other node killed as well.

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Running away is straight forward. It is deciding when to fight out numbered is what is difficult. If you won’t make it, you want to ensure you burn as much time as possible. Also is fighting on the point worth or just trolling on the side. Also, what class your playing makes a huge difference. It is very easy to run as thief. It is actually dumb if you do not. Not as easy as necro. Should you try to fight? Should you stay on the point?

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@otto.5684 said:Running away is straight forward. It is deciding when to fight out numbered is what is difficult. If you won’t make it, you want to ensure you burn as much time as possible. Also is fighting on the point worth or just trolling on the side. Also, what class your playing makes a huge difference. It is very easy to run as thief. It is actually dumb if you do not. Not as easy as necro. Should you try to fight? Should you stay on the point?

You should> @otto.5684 said:

Running away is straight forward. It is deciding when to fight out numbered is what is difficult. If you won’t make it, you want to ensure you burn as much time as possible. Also is fighting on the point worth or just trolling on the side. Also, what class your playing makes a huge difference. It is very easy to run as thief. It is actually dumb if you do not. Not as easy as necro. Should you try to fight? Should you stay on the point?

shouldbt try to fight outnumbered apart from trying to troll the node .

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@wevh.2903 said:

@otto.5684 said:Running away is straight forward. It is deciding when to fight out numbered is what is difficult. If you won’t make it, you want to ensure you burn as much time as possible. Also is fighting on the point worth or just trolling on the side. Also, what class your playing makes a huge difference. It is very easy to run as thief. It is actually dumb if you do not. Not as easy as necro. Should you try to fight? Should you stay on the point?

You should> @otto.5684 said:

Running away is straight forward. It is deciding when to fight out numbered is what is difficult. If you won’t make it, you want to ensure you burn as much time as possible. Also is fighting on the point worth or just trolling on the side. Also, what class your playing makes a huge difference. It is very easy to run as thief. It is actually dumb if you do not. Not as easy as necro. Should you try to fight? Should you stay on the point?

shouldbt try to fight outnumbered apart from trying to troll the node .

Indeed, but it does happens often in random games.

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@otto.5684 said:

@otto.5684 said:Running away is straight forward. It is deciding when to fight out numbered is what is difficult. If you won’t make it, you want to ensure you burn as much time as possible. Also is fighting on the point worth or just trolling on the side. Also, what class your playing makes a huge difference. It is very easy to run as thief. It is actually dumb if you do not. Not as easy as necro. Should you try to fight? Should you stay on the point?

You should> @otto.5684 said:

Running away is straight forward. It is deciding when to fight out numbered is what is difficult. If you won’t make it, you want to ensure you burn as much time as possible. Also is fighting on the point worth or just trolling on the side. Also, what class your playing makes a huge difference. It is very easy to run as thief. It is actually dumb if you do not. Not as easy as necro. Should you try to fight? Should you stay on the point?

shouldbt try to fight outnumbered apart from trying to troll the node .

Indeed, but it does happens often in random games.


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@"paShadoWn.5723" said:If one player is chasing you it's a 1-1 tie; if 2 or more it's a pure win as they are leaving points undermanned for your teammates to cap.That is, if you are built properly and not get downed / shake off pursuit too fast.

"It flees! Chase it!" /Dragon's Dogma, Pawn

@"paShadoWn.5723" said:If one player is chasing you it's a 1-1 tie; if 2 or more it's a pure win as they are leaving points undermanned for your teammates to cap.That is, if you are built properly and not get downed / shake off pursuit too fast.

"It flees! Chase it!" /Dragon's Dogma, Pawn

The title should rather be called or formulated more or less like this:Why it is tactically viable, healthier and meanwhile the better option not to play pvp (anymore).

There could be quite a lot of text here.[ ... ]


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The OP is not talking about disengaging when you know you will lose the encounter. This is of course what you should do for a quicker recovery than dying, granting your enemy 5 points and waiting for a respawn. That's trivial. And it's also not a tactic because you lost the capture point anyway and the game mode is about not losing the point. It is just minimizing the damage to your team for losing the point.

He is talking about kiting two players around the map binding them into a 2v1 offside the capture point, which works only in lower divisions or against salty people trying hard to gank you. So this is not generally viable, because it depends on how smart your encounter is.

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@"paShadoWn.5723" said:If one player is chasing you it's a 1-1 tie; if 2 or more it's a pure win as they are leaving points undermanned for your teammates to cap.That is, if you are built properly and not get downed / shake off pursuit too fast.

"It flees! Chase it!" /Dragon's Dogma, Pawn

Don't need to chase if you can just one shot it with Arc of Obliteration, Dark Buffed Iraklis, and Conqueror's Periapt. Go home Grigori you can't steal my waifu

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