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raid pug/tag class


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Metabattle has a section for easy raid builds:https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:Simple_Raid_Builds

Feel free to browse a bit there and pick one or 2 classes. As far as getting into raids, my personal recommendation would be:1.) find a damage dealer class you enjoy, ideally one for power damage and one for condition damage2.) find a raid training guild or join a raid training discord (NA has Raid Academy, EU has Crossroads Inn, etc. check out Snowcrows website for more raid training guilds and discords: https://snowcrows.com/raids/training/ ). Look for training runs for easier bosses there and join those. Usually only listening in is more than enough, no reason to talk in voice for players with social anxiety.3.) ask for advice during trainings. No one is going to bite your head off for being curious

  1. as final alternative you can try joining training runs via the LFG, I'd still advise to use the other methods, but that is a possibility

That should get you started.

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@weaponwh.9810 said:whats a good class to tag/pug for raid? in term of needed/easiness for raid newb.

depend what role you want to play (dps support boon)if you go to snowcrows website there you can see which build are interesting for raid and on which boss they do good you also can get a lot of knowledge about what to do on specific encounter in class guide ;) you can also have discord invite to great training community in the raid training section.if you prefer learning in lfg its possible but joining a 250li group to begin with is a mistake i'd recommand you either to joing training group or create you own in lfg. that way to learn is possible but slower/more annoying as people tend to leave after each attempt on boss

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