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No Response from Partner Program

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So it seems like allot of people who apply are not getting a response or that their application has even been reviewed. My friend has a large following on YouTube and Twitch...he more then meets the minimum requirements. Yet he has heard nothing. His videos have about 50k views each and he has thousands of subs. He keeps a streaming schedule weekly streaming not only gw2, but gw1. He applied 3 times in the past year with no answer. There are partners that do not have have of what he does..and they don't come close to his quality. .so I am curious what the policy is for processing these applications...I really think Arenanet should let people know. Even if it is a rejection. Saying nothing is not good.

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There's this disclaimer: Please note that we will only be contacting you back if you are selected to join the program.And this: ...we’ll let new partners into the program from time to time. You’ll receive a contact request from us when we’re interested...

I'd assume your friend just needs to wait...


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