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Matchmaking completely busted


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So I normally however around plat 2 within top 100 to 250 for the most part but this season my placement matches tanked me down to gold 3 due to 3(!) games with afks on my team, this was annoying but I just continued playing as normal finally ending up plat 2/3 and reaching rank 66 on leaderboards. From here on out it has been a string of constant losses, I have lost 15 of my last 20 games, every game a complete blowout (500-100, 500-50 etc), my team unable to rotate & insta feeding whereas the enemy team is absolutely destroying my team mates. I am often getting 3-4 top stats, no deaths etc but there is literally no way I can carry these teams, the odds are stacked dramatically against me it seems. I am playing the same class I always play (Sagebrand) and these games are not played all in a row, if I get 2 losses in a row I just stop at this point and try again tomorrow so there should be no tilting involved.

I feel like the matchamking is just completely tanking my rating with nothing I can do to prevent it, there is a clear skill gap between my team and the enemy, it feels like gold 2 vs plat 2 which is obviously ending awfully for me. From experience I expect the matchmaking to get me down to a certain level and then ill end up getitng 10 wins in a row which isnt really ideal, it feels like you are just along for the ride with the matchmaking which really sucks, the games are absolutely not even teams. I am sure I will get the "git gud" comments but I am consistently in top 250 at a mininum so I do know how to play but I cannot win these absolute blowouts, I play the same class as always and there has been no balance patch to change how this class performs in the meta.

TLDR Matchkmaking tanked me from plat 2/3 to gold with a string of 15 losses to 5 wins.

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To carry games u need to be or a high dmg class wich can carry team fights or a sidenoder wich carrys winning fast duels.

I think sometimes u cant carry at sidenoding cuz the actual sidenoder meta is pretty tanky and if u face a player who is even half as good as u his tanky build will probably stuck u on a endless 1v1.

Running high burst builds r the best way i would say to carry . Power herald ,renegade shiro ,nades holo ,sic em ranger. Best way is duoqing both roamer/thief

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Don't play on weekends or off prime time and don't spam games one after another. If the first game is a total bust like 100 500 200 500 do not queue again, win or lose doesn't matter the next game it might get you on the crappy team.Also there are allot of volatile rating players for some reason this season.

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@jsp.6912 said:gold tier (plat 1 gold 3) is zooland

It's just a never ending purgatory of bots, wintrading, and extremely skewed matches. There's really no point in trying to get anywhere with the rating system. The match is decided before the screen loads. Enjoy getting 5 top stats and fighting 3v1 on a cap while your team can't even manage to get another or spends half the match chasing some ranger or thief.

If they aren't bots then matchmaking is pulling in bronze and silver players into this bracket. Which usually leaves the other side having anywhere from gold 3 to plat 3.

It's just so laughably bad at this point. You can't even enjoy farming gold anymore because you're going to get stomped to the point that you might as well sit in base if matchmaking wants you to lose. If it wants you to win you could play the worst build imaginable and still win by a landslide.

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@Bast.7253 said:

@jsp.6912 said:gold tier (plat 1 gold 3) is zooland

It's just a never ending purgatory of bots, wintrading, and extremely skewed matches. There's really no point in trying to get anywhere with the rating system. The match is decided before the screen loads. Enjoy getting 5 top stats and fighting 3v1 on a cap while your team can't even manage to get another or spends half the match chasing some ranger or thief.

If they aren't bots then matchmaking is pulling in bronze and silver players into this bracket. Which usually leaves the other side having anywhere from gold 3 to plat 3.

It's just so laughably bad at this point. You can't even enjoy farming gold anymore because you're going to get stomped to the point that you might as well sit in base if matchmaking wants you to lose. If it wants you to win you could play the worst build imaginable and still win by a landslide.

I just don't get how I can be winning 2vs1's the entire game with my duo partner is winning 2vs1's and we're still somehow behind by 200 points the entire match.

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@Bast.7253 said:

It's just so laughably bad at this point. You can't even enjoy farming gold anymore because you're going to get stomped to the point that you might as well sit in base if matchmaking wants you to lose. If it wants you to win you could play the worst build imaginable and still win by a landslide.

Lol, so true, yesterday i won a match with a build I've played 3 times

I had this feelings before, if you have 1 teammate that is decent at rotations you can play whatever you want you just have to rotate right and not die more than 2 times you prolly gonna win the game even if you do no dmg

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@jsp.6912 said:gold tier (plat 1 gold 3) is zooland

It's just a never ending purgatory of bots, wintrading, and extremely skewed matches. There's really no point in trying to get anywhere with the rating system. The match is decided before the screen loads. Enjoy getting 5 top stats and fighting 3v1 on a cap while your team can't even manage to get another or spends half the match chasing some ranger or thief.

If they aren't bots then matchmaking is pulling in bronze and silver players into this bracket. Which usually leaves the other side having anywhere from gold 3 to plat 3.

It's just so laughably bad at this point. You can't even enjoy farming gold anymore because you're going to get stomped to the point that you might as well sit in base if matchmaking wants you to lose. If it wants you to win you could play the worst build imaginable and still win by a landslide.

I just don't get how I can be winning 2vs1's the entire game with my duo partner is winning 2vs1's and we're still somehow behind by 200 points the entire match.

I may have misunderstood ur post but if ur 2v1'ing most the match that leaves the rest of the map 3v4 and ur wondering why u still lose when u and ur partner keep winning ur 2v1? Unless ur partner is a thief in which he should have the mobility to +1 not only ur fights but the rest of the teams as well with in reason which is why that and decap are teef roles otherwise always going for a 2v1 will leave ur team outnumbered constantly throughout the map. With all ur teef nerf posts I doubt ur duo partner is a thief lol. Just a suggestion.

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He's means him and his partner are winning/surviving two discrete 1v2's, meaning his other teammates are in theory 3v1'ing somewhere and not succeeding. This def happens when two guildies queue up just for dailies and have no real knowledge of pvp, rendering that 3v1 truly a 1v1. Actually it's worse than a normal 1v1 (for the team with the baddies), because the baddies keep dying and feeding 10 points at a time over and over, when a normal 1v1 would just be 5 points and done.

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@vorpal.1497 said:He's means him and his partner are winning/surviving two discrete 1v2's, meaning his other teammates are in theory 3v1'ing somewhere and not succeeding. This def happens when two guildies queue up just for dailies and have no real knowledge of pvp, rendering that 3v1 truly a 1v1. Actually it's worse than a normal 1v1 (for the team with the baddies), because the baddies keep dying and feeding 10 points at a time over and over, when a normal 1v1 would just be 5 points and done.

A I see so their both winning 1v2's, that makes more sense now. Well considering no one rotates anymore and most players treat conquest like a 5v5 DM it's not surprising lol.

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@vorpal.1497 said:He's means him and his partner are winning/surviving two discrete 1v2's, meaning his other teammates are in theory 3v1'ing somewhere and not succeeding. This def happens when two guildies queue up just for dailies and have no real knowledge of pvp, rendering that 3v1 truly a 1v1. Actually it's worse than a normal 1v1 (for the team with the baddies), because the baddies keep dying and feeding 10 points at a time over and over, when a normal 1v1 would just be 5 points and done.

Yeah, basically. If I die right before the game ends just so I can see the % of team deaths I am(because I normally have 0 deaths because lol d/p daredevil shadow arts thief), my team ends up with 20-30 deaths total . That's up to 150 points fed for free just from deaths, and why it started to make sense that I'd win games by 30-40 points that I was 2 capping and holding 2 nodes nearly the entire game - which means I should be winning by a landslide, but I'm not, due to endless feeding.

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