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Anet can you fix the fractal rec rotations and add a tracker for the weekly chests?


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with the addition of the weekly fractal chests for completing unique fractals in each tier it would be really nice to be able to better track these in game. I would also like to see the recs all be unique instead of having 2 of the same fractal appear twice in the rec rotation. Sirens Reef is done twice in T2 recs and Sunqua Peak is twice in T3 recs. That way you would know you can always just do a set number of fractals that are never in the rotation to reach the number for the weekly chest. Also fix the rotations so we don't have the same fractal on different levels twice in one day as we did yesterday with Mai trin being the T2 and T3 rec. Thanks!

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I've resorted to jotting down which fractals I did for the weekly T1+T2s...I agree with you, there should have been a tracker of some sort within the achievement itself similar to Fractal Initiate and Fractal Adept. The caveat there is that it is unique fractals and not unique scales. There's a difference. If two scales are the same fractal, it doesn't add to the weekly achievement which makes it frustrating considering you need to do 15 of 21 for the T1 weekly.T3 / T4 weekly are perfectly manageable because 6 (T4) and 9 (T3) unique fractals are easily attained in a week if you just do anything more than T4+Recs.

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