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An idea for off-season PvP


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A system where both teams are presented with a list of say 15 pre-built classes (traits, skills and weapons already chosen). Then they pick/ban accordingly. Change the pre-built classes every off-season. (Idea from MOBAs). This can be fun and it can be a entry point for new players looking to PvP and it will most definitely feel very different from the in season games.

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They tried something like this back in Guild Wars 1. They removed Team Arenas and replaced it with Codex Arenas. Every week it provided classes with a limited skill selection to make a build from and was meant to encourage build diversity. It had the opposite effect and players hated it as ArenaNet effectively took away their freedom of choosing how the player wanted to play the game and thus, the gamemode died within weeks.

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@Broady.2358 said:They tried something like this back in Guild Wars 1. They removed Team Arenas and replaced it with Codex Arenas. Every week it provided classes with a limited skill selection to make a build from and was meant to encourage build diversity. It had the opposite effect and players hated it as ArenaNet effectively took away their freedom of choosing how the player wanted to play the game and thus, the gamemode died within weeks.

Ah !How about daily in the PvP area theres a notification where it list 15-20 pre/limited builds .If people manually reroll to those specs to meet the notification criteria for their next match , will be placed randomly in each team and :a)will have bonus points for killing an enemyb) they cost 1 (instead of 5) to be killedc) have less respawnd) instant downstate (rather than waiting for the enemy to kill you/bleed you out)e) will lower the winning condition (rather than reaching 500 points , each limited build will lower it by 50)f) extra rewards

Whoever don't like it , they can still use their normal specs

(btw succefull stuns/fears (hard cc) + 1k damage afterwards (in 3 sec), just like knockbacks , decaps 1% of the base ? The more damage you do in 3 sec , the faster the decap ?)(otherwise create orbs in random locations near the captured point , high mobility classes trying to reach them will get boons/remove boon/decap with each hit for 5 sec )

edit 2:(how about teleporting the players standing in the captured points to other captured points ?For example you are dueling an unkillable tank and he is not dying=> push the emergency rotation button and if he stays on the points at the last tick (you better cc him) , you will be teleported to a base you control ...and he is the one that must kill you.Otherwise knockback/fear 2x enemies from the mid fight , and your team + 2x other enemies will be teleported somewhere secluded (instantly 4v4 middle fight > 5v2(+1 the initial person who is trying to capture non middle) at sides) .Or if they stay , tell your mobility classes to get off the last second .

Is this more exciting to twitch ? (give Eng , the old 5 sec swiftness on weapon switch + Core Ele to use 2 weapon (in combat) for more burst + 1 sec weapon swap when traited for Core Warrior:))or deleted runes/sigils for only Core

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i had a similar, but instead of an idea for very casual off season, it would be something made for a high level competition like mAt or MoTA.

A team could choose from picking up a map or banning an elite spec, if you get the map the other team bans an elite and vice versa. Then every team still can ban a core traitline, this could bring a more strategic aspect to the game instead of run pretty much the same 5 builds with small tweaks to adapt to the other team.

Now, your idea could literally turn into another game mode with minimal efforts. I used to play DC Universe Online, and they had a mode like we have now and a mode called Legends, that's pretty similar to your sugestion.

In legends you could play iconic DC characters like superman and batman with preset builds that were attached to that character. They could do something similar adding for example, destiny's edge characters, trehearne, joko with their own builds that could be unique for this game mode.

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One thing I like about this sort of idea of pre-set builds is that it would be an excellent entry point for new players.

Guild Wars 2 does a terrible job of introducing new players into PvP, how to create suitable builds or even how to rotate in the game mode.

It would be fantastic if a new player had access to some of decent builds and a brief explanation on their role works all in game!Yes, places like metabattle and godsofpvp exist but players should not have to go to a 3rd party to learn how to play the game or find a suitable build for PvP.

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