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Power Herald WvW Roaming


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So I just came back to the game after nearly 2 years and I'm trying out WvW roaming again with my power rev. Is it still viable? I'm feeling like sword offhand's damage is way lower than I remember and sword 2 is also somewhat clunky (like the second tick of damage only occurs around the initial tick's location and not around the character?). Staff 5 feels like just an evade now, can't really cc anyone with it.

This is my build- Invo/Devastation/Herald with a mix of zerker/marauder and a bit of soldier.

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I'd drop the soldier's pieces for berserker's pieces and also use a rune with power in it or durability runes. Leadership runes aren't that great.The two options you have are:

  1. switch soldier's for berserker's or maruader's and then use durability rune , brawler rune, or scrapper rune for toughness
  2. switch soldier's for cavalier's and then use a all in power rune such as scholar or similar such things as ogre runes

I'd also run food with condi resistance or -10% incoming damage rather than endurance food. Even lifesteal on crit is decent since it gives you added sustain against condition builds.

Also I'd probably run Brutality or Swift Termination instead of Dance With Death. Battle Scars is rather terrible in competitive modes (~60 per stack) while borderline OP in PVE (~300 per stack), the scaling is severely different.

If you have problems with condi builds I'd use a cleansing sigil for roaming since the cleansing on staff is basically the only use for it because there's a huge windup on staff 5. Hammer has an evade on 3 and CC on 5 after all. Because stability can't be removed more than once in a 0.75 second interval I find hammer to be better in group scenarios.

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@Infusion.7149 said:I'd drop the soldier's pieces for berserker's pieces and also use a rune with power in it or durability runes. Leadership runes aren't that great.The two options you have are:

  1. switch soldier's for berserker's or maruader's and then use durability rune , brawler rune, or scrapper rune for toughness
  2. switch soldier's for cavalier's and then use a all in power rune such as scholar or similar such things as ogre runes

I'd also run food with condi resistance or -10% incoming damage rather than endurance food. Even lifesteal on crit is decent since it gives you added sustain against condition builds.

Also I'd probably run Brutality or Swift Termination instead of Dance With Death. Battle Scars is rather terrible in competitive modes (~60 per stack) while borderline OP in PVE (~300 per stack), the scaling is severely different.

If you have problems with condi builds I'd use a cleansing sigil for roaming since the cleansing on staff is basically the only use for it because there's a huge windup on staff 5. Hammer has an evade on 3 and CC on 5 after all. Because stability can't be removed more than once in a 0.75 second interval I find hammer to be better in group scenarios.

Leadership runes are pretty good at condi cleasning though right? Back then I ran durability runes too but I didn't like them as much as leadership runes.

The rest makes sense, I'll do those things. Thanks!

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Dura runes made more sense when we were entering the period where wanton burst builds were hiding in every corner, where a single Ranger LB combo will down anyone, where the roaming scene was largely dominated by Spellbreakers, Boonbeasts and Holosmiths.

Right now, it's Condi meta left right and center, and Leadership runes have never shined better than now since Herald is the only Legend which lets yu proc its effects with absolutely minimal cost and it also procs on the Facet activation cast, meaning yu can even save yur Elite active by swapping Legends out of Glint.

Alternatives to this is running Hoelbrak Runes to reduce Condition damage by 10%

I recommend against running Swift Termination unless yu pick yur fights only with squishy targets where mistakes will instantly cost them their entire healthbar.Frankly, Power Rev only really needs top-down damage to force a heal because their self pulsing 25 Might is more than overkill to finish someone off with basically any Sword skill.

The only reason yu will ever wanna take Swift Termination is if yu aren't even interested in fighting players and wanna quick cap Camps, Towers, Keeps because Swift Termination definitely has most value when taking down Lords.

Brutality is still good if yu wish to have alot of Quickness uptime and Dance of Death is decent for Camp clearing since a single Shackling Wave will net 12 Vuln up to 3 targets which yields a substantial amount of healing just by throwing Shackling wave into a grouped up Camp.

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The thing is it's WVW not PVP. Cleansing sigil removes 3 conditions in WVW (as opposed to 1 in PVP) so if conditions are that much of a problem that is a better option.

Likewise you can use -20% incoming condition food which tends to be cheaper than -10% incoming damage food.

The total stat bonus on leadership is +36 (+8,+12,+16) , the boon duration isn't of much use when facets other than the elite facet have 100% coverage without it. Any other rune typically has +175 to the major stat if not +225.

There's a reason why people run Resistance rune (toughness main stat with resistance applied on heal) or Revenant rune (resistance) which gives +78 to all stats rather than Leadership in PVP.

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@Infusion.7149 said:The thing is it's WVW not PVP. Cleansing sigil removes 3 conditions in WVW (as opposed to 1 in PVP) so if conditions are that much of a problem that is a better option.

Likewise you can use -20% incoming condition food which tends to be cheaper than -10% incoming damage food.

The total stat bonus on leadership is +36 (+8,+12,+16) , the boon duration isn't of much use when facets other than the elite facet have 100% coverage without it. Any other rune typically has +175 to the major stat if not +225.

There's a reason why people run Resistance rune (toughness main stat with resistance applied on heal) or Revenant rune (resistance) which gives +78 to all stats rather than Leadership in PVP.

I'm running cleansing already - it's been meta since 2 years ago and back then my worst matchup was condi mirage which could apply condi continuously. Also because they also nerfed boon duration back then so I ran leadership to help with that.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Dura runes made more sense when we were entering the period where wanton burst builds were hiding in every corner, where a single Ranger LB combo will down anyone, where the roaming scene was largely dominated by Spellbreakers, Boonbeasts and Holosmiths.

Right now, it's Condi meta left right and center, and Leadership runes have never shined better than now since Herald is the only Legend which lets yu proc its effects with absolutely minimal cost and it also procs on the Facet activation cast, meaning yu can even save yur Elite active by swapping Legends out of Glint.

Alternatives to this is running Hoelbrak Runes to reduce Condition damage by 10%

I recommend against running Swift Termination unless yu pick yur fights only with squishy targets where mistakes will instantly cost them their entire healthbar.Frankly, Power Rev only really needs top-down damage to force a heal because their self pulsing 25 Might is more than overkill to finish someone off with basically any Sword skill.

The only reason yu will ever wanna take Swift Termination is if yu aren't even interested in fighting players and wanna quick cap Camps, Towers, Keeps because Swift Termination definitely has most value when taking down Lords.

Brutality is still good if yu wish to have alot of Quickness uptime and Dance of Death is decent for Camp clearing since a single Shackling Wave will net 12 Vuln up to 3 targets which yields a substantial amount of healing just by throwing Shackling wave into a grouped up Camp.

Yep that's true, and even back then with how much damage we had I had no problem against power classes so I ran leadership specifically so that I could fight condi mirage.

As for the traits do you think Brutality is best then? I can't check right now but it doesn't proc on legend swap right?

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