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Combustive shot? Weird?


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So i was playing with longbow on core warrior with berserker amulet

What i noticed is

Tier 13sec, 1044 damage (x2 +burningTier 26sec, 1566 damage (x3 +burningTier 39second 2088 damage (x4 +burning

So look at tier 1 and 2, time is doubled, yet only has 1 extra hit?comparing tier 3 to tier 1, basically tripled the time for only double the hits?essentially means tier 1 has highest DPS?..the higher the tier the lower the dps?...

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Combustive Shot is a relic of 2012. You get the initial hit + burn, then another hit + burn every 3 seconds depending on the Tier. So, at Tier 3 its the initial hit + burn and then 3 hits + burn every 3 seconds for 9 seconds.

They really need to streamline it for 2020. Either make it tick every second for damage + burn up to 9 seconds, like it should work, or if they don't want to increase it's DPS to that degree (100% likely the case) then they need to compress the duration to 1s, 2s, and 3s per tier with it ticking every second rather than every 3 seconds.

For comparison Scorched Earth can hit someone every 0.5s :grimace:

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@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:They really need to streamline it for 2020. Either make it tick every second for damage + burn up to 9 seconds, like it should work, or if they don't want to increase it's DPS to that degree (100% likely the case) then they need to compress the duration to 1s, 2s, and 3s per tier with it ticking every second rather than every 3 seconds.

Yeah that's how it used to function, pulse dmg every second with a 1 second burn. I think the pulses were increased because the build trees for all classes back then were pretty organized around "on-crit" effects, and so a warrior could keep up nearly permanent fire fields while cleaving and just getting ridiculous amounts of on-crit procs. Would be nice to revert that, now that on-crit has been mostly aborted, as a faster pulse with shorter burns would assist a weak weapon keep slightly more condi up on a condi-cleanse heavy meta.

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