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Balance with a Sledge Hammer


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@"Kori Jenkins.9017" said:They did not by any stretch of the imagination "go overboard"

There were often 2 scourges on each team of a spvp match for a reason, there were often entire squads of scourges in wvw for a reason.

They deserved the nerf they got, toxic and overpowered spec. Whining won't bring it back.

It's almost like we're talking about pve in this thread. Perhaps you should take the time to read it.

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@"Kori Jenkins.9017" said:They did not by any stretch of the imagination "go overboard"

There were often 2 scourges on each team of a spvp match for a reason, there were often entire squads of scourges in wvw for a reason.

They deserved the nerf they got, toxic and overpowered spec. Whining won't bring it back.

I think you missed the point, people agree that scourges needed to be nerfed at pvp/wvw but this topic is primarily for PvE where they got slammed to 9th place(bottom tier).

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@Zefiris.8297 said:Yes, we all know that any poorly optimized group can kill raids. Nobody said that 10 reapers, necros, or scourges, or 10 guardians in green gear cannot clear raids. These are challenge runs. Possible, just not something that is a good idea for people not wanting to do challenge runs.

See, you may be selfish, but most people are not. Most people want to play something that helps their team. This has nothing to do with "class kittens", and instead with numbers. If there is a better choice, a team player will play the better choice. No team player will pick a bad choice for their team. As simple as that, and if you do not understand that, I really cannot help you.

You wanting Necromancer players to have a much harder time than you do is certainly not something that speaks well of you.

If 10 necros can kill a boss with minutes to spare, taking one or two is hardly a bad choice. It simply does not matter and people not accepting them is clearly insane since very few people are able to even reach benchmark figures in game. People get so uptight about things in this game (well, on the forum anyway) when you can literally play anything and it will work if you have half a clue. Just chill out and play for fun and get friends that play the same. You are not hindering anyone.

I don't want Necro players to have a much harder time, I play Necro almost as much as my main. Every time I do fractals it's 5 reapers, quick, easy, fun and casual AF.

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Alright, I'm weighing in on this.

How does one make Power Reaper Damage Competitive?Greatsword is probably fine. Maybe some love on Skill 3. Maybe not.That trait, Reaper's Onslaught. It looks fantastic, It looks downright beautiful. Why is it not working then? Because it doesn't play with quickness nicely at all from what I've gathered. This is on top of Ferocity being nearly useless until you have a certain amount of Power and can crit reliably. Not hard to achieve with exotics honestly, but beyond that other power builds just do what it does better.

There's also the GLARING issue with Death/Reaper Shroud and Lich Form: in order to reach that sweet-sweet 3000+ Power to start justifying the Ferocity: you have to take Signet of Spite. Guess what disappears during those above three forms?But you can fix that with a trait...

Except you can't, because you'd be giving up Close to Death for it in exchange for it.

Also, Power Reaper doesn't seem to know whether it's a Shroud Focused build or a Greatsword Focused build. Once an enemy reaches a certain point, you wind up alienating a couple of potential traits that revolve around activating shroud just so you can spam GS2.

Let's see... I guess we can forego another weapon-set, but let's say the Boss/Mechanic has a Defiance Bar: Warhorn is the choice I normally go for when it comes to making those pesky things go away. Of course there are other options, but overall if I choose warhorn for any reason: I have to figure out a good mainhand. Leaving me with Dagger, or Axe. Dagger is alright, but Axe is just bad.

Why am I bringing up the Axe? Because if you go Power, it only makes sense for players to choose the Spite Specialization, which focuses on direct damage, and one of the (arguably) stronger traits I've seen in there is to just power up the Axe. But even then it's outclassed by other unbuffed weapons in the Necromancer's own arsenal!

What are we to take? Lesser Spinal Shivers? More Vulnerability? Within a raid environment Vulnerability is virtually a given. You can't go 3 seconds without tripping over 25 stacks of the stuff.

See where I'm going with this? The Necromancer for nearly any build seems to be coming up with a "Hole in the Bucket," conundrum when it comes to their ability to do anything in Raiding and PvE in general... At least in comparison to Elementalists, who enjoy a stunning 45-50k DPS benchmark without even trying.

To quote from a humorous little book known as "Bart Simpson's Guide to Life", the aforementioned "Hole in the Bucket" situation goes like this:

"Bart! Sweep the walks!"

"With what shall I sweep them?"

"Try the broom!"

"The Broom handle's broken."

"Then fix it!"

"With what?"

"Try a curtain rod!"

"But the curtain rod's too long."

"Then cut it!"

"What with?"

"Try the saw."

"Where's the saw."

"In the Garage."

"The garage is too messy."

"Then clean it."

"With what shall I clean it?"

"Use the broom."

"But the broom handle's broken."

See what necro mains are going through right now? Art thou feeling it now Mr. Krabbs?

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@Robert Gee.9246 said:

@Lily.1935 said:Now I'm going to criticize the balance team because they, once again, went over board with the necromancer.

Criticism is a fine thing and it's one of the reason these forums exist. I don't mind responding to criticism, but I don't like responding to toxic threads, so I hope we can keep this one civil.

I'm gonna do quick bullets here to address the rest of your points since otherwise this is gonna get long:
  • Shade Aftercast - This isn't a bad idea and we've done similar things with Mesmer shatters in the past to prevent them all from activating at once.
  • Shade FX Readability - Art requests can take a little time to make since they have to go through a different team and we have a pretty strict budget for them as well. I agree that this is an issue though that I hope we can get some time for.
  • Shade Recharge vs Duration - I'm going to have to disagree about the recharge needing to stay in lockstep with the duration. Changing those values is how we adjust uptime and uptime was the area we intended to target with PvP and WvW splits.
  • Bug or Feature - Some bugs become can become features, others don't. The Desert Shroud repeatedly proccing Dhuumfire wasn't something we felt should be kept. If Scourge needed to rely on buggy behavior to be competitive then we need to fix the bug before we figure out what needs to be improved to make it competitive. If the bug is causing blowouts in other areas of the game then we need to fix it even sooner.

@Lily.1935 said:I'm so beyond upset right now, I can't be objective right now.As a developer I don't expect players to be objective. We expect players to be passionate, involved and subjective when it comes to their chosen profession(s). So if you're upset about something, then by all means let us know you are upset. However as developers,
it is
our job to be objective when it comes to choosing what changes to make (and what bugs to fix). Although even if your criticism is subjective, it's still helpful to give us reasons and context behind your thoughts. ;)

It's hopefull to see dev replies more than once in these forums so I hope it continues across all class subforums.

But, until the dev team takes a hard look at core necro and eases up on the "Atrition, selfish" theme instead of doubling down on it, each elite spec will just be a band aid attempt to fix core and it hasn't worked so far. Elite specs were supposed to be optional, but is mandatory for core necro because of how useless it is (anyone remember the time when core necro did more damage in downstate than actually using skills?)

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:I could see the shades turn a different color when activated so you can tell when its doing its thing (maybe red like every enemy AoE indicator). I think the stacking balance was good, however I agree that pulsing Dhuumfire was useful and not unbalanced.

I've thought about that too, the only concerns I have on that is people who have color blindness.

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@Axl.8924 said:

I don't want Necro players to have a much harder time, I play Necro almost as much as my main. Every time I do fractals it's 5 reapers, quick, easy, fun and casual AF.

How is soulbeast for power btw? just curious.When i leveled my ranger i wanted to be power so bad, and i was told to go condi or go heal ranger.

Pretty awesome burst and better for PvP/WvW, but yeah condi does like 10k more dps.

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@Vlad Morbius.1759 said:

@Junkpile.7439 said:I just don't understand why can't you just play class that makes lot's of DPS if being top in DPS means you so much?

Because that isn't the issue, I don't think anyone who posts here regularly is asking to be the new meta all they want is to play the class they enjoy and have it function well enough in high end content to have a role.

A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it. They wholly ignore the extra survivability, boon-to-condi, condi-to-boon, vulnerability, group healing, area blind, condi absorb/transfer, and other things that Necro can do. Why? Because raids don’t value it, it shouldn’t be perceived as having any value.

This tiny slice of the game, played by so few, continues to dominate the discussion. Terrible design allows players to ignore everything except DPS. Those giant, immobile, unthinking, mechanically-neutered bosses are the worst mistake made by ArenaNet.

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Bug is a bug and than need to be fix but, like a lot of other ppl already said, the scourge dps in now much lower so all these pro hardcore bla bla bla will kick necro even if totaly possible to complete that raid with it. Theres no special price if you complete the raid boss in 8m or just 10s before the timer. Also in pugs group there are ppl with right build but that dont know how to use it but who cares, they have that build and you know, build >>>>> skills...At the other side its also true that necro in general need some love and if anet want to fix bugs than whats about the line of sight for the shades? Its the shade that is doing dmg not the necro so is not important where the necro is. Never saw guardian/thief trap or an engi detonate turret with that message . Same for Trail of anguish where you can only buff allies with the trail but not yourself. True that it said "allies" and not "you and your allies" but the same is for WoP, shade F2-3 or other skills like guardian staff simbol. They will fix it, its works as intended or necro is just a splecial class?

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@mygamingid.5816 said:

Because that isn't the issue, I don't think anyone who posts here regularly is asking to be the new meta all they want is to play the class they enjoy and have it function well enough in high end content to have a role.

A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it. They wholly ignore the extra survivability, boon-to-condi, condi-to-boon, vulnerability, group healing, area blind, condi absorb/transfer, and other things that Necro can do. Why? Because raids don’t value it, it shouldn’t be perceived as having any value.

This tiny slice of the game, played by so few, continues to dominate the discussion. Terrible design allows players to ignore everything except DPS. Those giant, immobile, unthinking, mechanically-neutered bosses are the worst mistake made by ArenaNet.

Wait, what 38k spec are you referring to? Also let me just say I'm not just talking about raids I'm talking about the PvE game in general where sure I can survive longer but it takes a bloody eternity to kill anything and move on to the next thing in game. I'm not saying we want the best of both worlds, certainly I don't, but there is no valid reason Necromancer is bottom in DPS regardless of the build and I'm specifically targeting Power builds. They have openly admitted that this is a mess but it certainly shouldn't have taken 5 bloody years to come to that conclusion, fact is power has been underpowered for a very long time and even the dev's believe the misconception that adding something to power will instantly outstrip a reason to run condition damage, I say horseshit. Those who enjoy condition damage won't instantly flip, it's bloody expensive to do so and although there may be some who do who cares, it shouldn't negate the fact that power builds need to be fixed! I do agree that raids are not something I'm actively looking for but it would have been nice to get an invite occasionally on a power reaper just so I got to experience the content but hey we all know that shit isn't happening any time soon!

Back to the topic at hand I do not understand how a bug made it through a years worth of testing when it represents the bulk of the damage done by that elite, so yes this was clearly a case of Scourge being OP in PvP so screw PvE let's kill it for now and fix it later. That's not balancing that's reactionary to a poor design which went unseen or purposely ignored and ended up making to an expansion pack and the player base is now suffering for it. Add to that they haven't even discussed what the potential fix is or even when it'll happen, just imagine how many people will be ticked off enough by this to walk away altogether.

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@Vlad Morbius.1759 said:

@mygamingid.5816 said:

Because that isn't the issue, I don't think anyone who posts here regularly is asking to be the new meta all they want is to play the class they enjoy and have it function well enough in high end content to have a role.

A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it. They wholly ignore the extra survivability, boon-to-condi, condi-to-boon, vulnerability, group healing, area blind, condi absorb/transfer, and other things that Necro can do. Why? Because raids don’t value it, it shouldn’t be perceived as having any value.

This tiny slice of the game, played by so few, continues to dominate the discussion. Terrible design allows players to ignore everything except DPS. Those giant, immobile, unthinking, mechanically-neutered bosses are the worst mistake made by ArenaNet.

Wait, what 38k spec are you referring to? Also let me just say I'm not just talking about raids I'm talking about the PvE game in general where sure I can survive longer but it takes a bloody eternity to kill anything and move on to the next thing in game. I'm not saying we want the best of both worlds, certainly I don't, but there is no valid reason Necromancer is bottom in DPS regardless of the build and I'm specifically targeting Power builds. They have openly admitted that this is a mess but it certainly shouldn't have taken 5 bloody years to come to that conclusion, fact is power has been underpowered for a very long time and even the dev's believe the misconception that adding something to power will instantly outstrip a reason to run condition damage, I say horses kitten. Those who enjoy condition damage won't instantly flip, it's bloody expensive to do so and although there may be some who do who cares, it shouldn't negate the fact that power builds need to be fixed! I do agree that raids are not something I'm actively looking for but it would have been nice to get an invite occasionally on a power reaper just so I got to experience the content but hey we all know that kitten isn't happening any time soon!

Back to the topic at hand I do not understand how a bug made it through a years worth of testing when it represents the bulk of the damage done by that elite, so yes this was clearly a case of Scourge being OP in PvP so screw PvE let's kill it for now and fix it later. That's not balancing that's reactionary to a poor design which went unseen or purposely ignored and ended up making to an expansion pack and the player base is now suffering for it. Add to that they haven't even discussed what the potential fix is or even when it'll happen, just imagine how many people will be ticked off enough by this to walk away altogether.

This is a core issue with necromancer. The DPS should be slightly higher on their power reaper than that of a phalanx strength warrior since having more defense but bringing no group utility is not as valuable. Our personal survivability doesn't matter matter especially considering we aren't playing the tank and we don't have the desired traits required for tanking in GW2. So we don't have the ability to provide support as a power reaper, thus we should make up for that through our Damage. Which we currently do not. If we are filling 2-3 roles at once I'd agree with the devs, however we're only filling one. So that one should be significant.

As for Scourge I wouldn't mind losing some of our power damage in favor of Condi damage since the two elite specs should fill those different spots. If we're filling a DPS role and a support role than great! Unfortunately we are going to be compared to existing roles who do the same thing. Phalanx warrior comes up once again or Druid which can fill a DPS role and support role while still providing decent to good damage. The same can't be said about Scourge which its support is below average and its dps now is also below average.

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@Lily.1935 said:

@mygamingid.5816 said:

Because that isn't the issue, I don't think anyone who posts here regularly is asking to be the new meta all they want is to play the class they enjoy and have it function well enough in high end content to have a role.

A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it. They wholly ignore the extra survivability, boon-to-condi, condi-to-boon, vulnerability, group healing, area blind, condi absorb/transfer, and other things that Necro can do. Why? Because raids don’t value it, it shouldn’t be perceived as having any value.

This tiny slice of the game, played by so few, continues to dominate the discussion. Terrible design allows players to ignore everything except DPS. Those giant, immobile, unthinking, mechanically-neutered bosses are the worst mistake made by ArenaNet.

Wait, what 38k spec are you referring to? Also let me just say I'm not just talking about raids I'm talking about the PvE game in general where sure I can survive longer but it takes a bloody eternity to kill anything and move on to the next thing in game. I'm not saying we want the best of both worlds, certainly I don't, but there is no valid reason Necromancer is bottom in DPS regardless of the build and I'm specifically targeting Power builds. They have openly admitted that this is a mess but it certainly shouldn't have taken 5 bloody years to come to that conclusion, fact is power has been underpowered for a very long time and even the dev's believe the misconception that adding something to power will instantly outstrip a reason to run condition damage, I say horses kitten. Those who enjoy condition damage won't instantly flip, it's bloody expensive to do so and although there may be some who do who cares, it shouldn't negate the fact that power builds need to be fixed! I do agree that raids are not something I'm actively looking for but it would have been nice to get an invite occasionally on a power reaper just so I got to experience the content but hey we all know that kitten isn't happening any time soon!

Back to the topic at hand I do not understand how a bug made it through a years worth of testing when it represents the bulk of the damage done by that elite, so yes this was clearly a case of Scourge being OP in PvP so screw PvE let's kill it for now and fix it later. That's not balancing that's reactionary to a poor design which went unseen or purposely ignored and ended up making to an expansion pack and the player base is now suffering for it. Add to that they haven't even discussed what the potential fix is or even when it'll happen, just imagine how many people will be ticked off enough by this to walk away altogether.

This is a core issue with necromancer. The DPS should be slightly higher on their power reaper than that of a phalanx strength warrior since having more defense but bringing no group utility is not as valuable. Our personal survivability doesn't matter matter especially considering we aren't playing the tank and we don't have the desired traits required for tanking in GW2. So we don't have the ability to provide support as a power reaper, thus we should make up for that through our Damage. Which we currently do not. If we are filling 2-3 roles at once I'd agree with the devs, however we're only filling one. So that one should be significant.

As for Scourge I wouldn't mind losing some of our power damage in favor of Condi damage since the two elite specs should fill those different spots. If we're filling a DPS role and a support role than great! Unfortunately we are going to be compared to existing roles who do the same thing. Phalanx warrior comes up once again or Druid which can fill a DPS role and support role while still providing decent to good damage. The same can't be said about Scourge which its support is below average and its dps now is also below average.

^ this ;)

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@mygamingid.5816 said:A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it.

If your point depends on making up claims that other people supposedly made, then your point is not a good or well reasoned one.Checking the thread, there is not one player there that believes that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS.

Quite the opposite: What people actually want is a Necromancer spec that does the damage other classes do in realistic fights.

Which, by the way, is far from "38k". More something like a realistic 25-28k on Cairn. Easily doable even on a spec like Mirage that many consider to be fairly weak. Scourge is, unfortunately, more on 20k when played near the limit.

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@Vlad Morbius.1759 said:Wait, what 38k spec are you referring to? Also let me just say I'm not just talking about raids I'm talking about the PvE game in general where sure I can survive longer but it takes a bloody eternity to kill anything and move on to the next thing in game. I'm not saying we want the best of both worlds, certainly I don't, but there is no valid reason Necromancer is bottom in DPS regardless of the build and I'm specifically targeting Power builds.

Somebody has to be the bottom spec. If I have to choose such a class, I’d look to professions with power damage, who offer support, and who have max health. The two prime candidates there are Power PS Warrior and Power Necro. I’d probably pick PS Warrior for bottom spec, but Necro shouldn’t be far from it. The problem is that power Necro should be ahead, even if nominally, and it’s far behind. I agree Power Necro needs a buff, but I’m looking at 27k-28k with full raid meta support, not the ridiculous asks we see from the Necro community. FWIW, you seem to be asking for reasonable performance, but haven’t thrown out any numbers.

Back to the topic at hand I do not understand how a bug made it through a years worth of testing when it represents the bulk of the damage done by that elite, so yes this was clearly a case of Scourge being OP in PvP so screw PvE let's kill it for now and fix it later.

It was broken everywhere, not just PvP and WvW, but the AI won’t complain when something is broken. Players will.

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@mygamingid.5816 said:

@Junkpile.7439 said:I just don't understand why can't you just play class that makes lot's of DPS if being top in DPS means you so much?

Because that isn't the issue, I don't think anyone who posts here regularly is asking to be the new meta all they want is to play the class they enjoy and have it function well enough in high end content to have a role.

A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it. They wholly ignore the extra survivability, boon-to-condi, condi-to-boon, vulnerability, group healing, area blind, condi absorb/transfer, and other things that Necro can do. Why? Because raids don’t value it, it shouldn’t be perceived as having any value.

This tiny slice of the game, played by so few, continues to dominate the discussion. Terrible design allows players to ignore everything except DPS. Those giant, immobile, unthinking, mechanically-neutered bosses are the worst mistake made by ArenaNet.

I know right! Those stupid raids, game became so much worse with them! Because when fractals and dungeons were supreme, nobody cared about DPS, and necros were welcome everywhere for all their survivability and self-reliance! People were kicking eles left and right to take necros into dungeon runs, right? Right, guys? Guys?

Mockery aside, let's go through that nсie list of yours:Extra survivability - Scourge has none.Boon to condi - garbageCondi to boon - even more garbageVulnerability - yeah, right with all the other classesGroup healing - lolwut? Transfusion? AHAHAHAHA.Area blind - lolwut?Condi absorb - where?Condi transfer - I guess broken clock is right twice per day...Other things - what other things?

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@Wintermute.5408 said:Group healing - lolwut? Transfusion? AHAHAHAHA.

Transfusion is actually good - don't badmouth it, it can do some serious stuff, and is probably strongest on Scourge, compared to other Necro specs, because we don't need to swap to shroud to use it.

That aside, the person you're arguing with is generally pretty delusional in their belief that Necromancers must be below every other class and doesn't actually read what others are saying, so don't engage. Not worth it.

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@Robert Gee.9246 said:

@Lily.1935 said:Now I'm going to criticize the balance team because they, once again, went over board with the necromancer.

Criticism is a fine thing and it's one of the reason these forums exist. I don't mind responding to criticism, but I don't like responding to toxic threads, so I hope we can keep this one civil.

I'm gonna do quick bullets here to address the rest of your points since otherwise this is gonna get long:
  • Shade Aftercast - This isn't a bad idea and we've done similar things with Mesmer shatters in the past to prevent them all from activating at once.
  • Shade FX Readability - Art requests can take a little time to make since they have to go through a different team and we have a pretty strict budget for them as well. I agree that this is an issue though that I hope we can get some time for.
  • Shade Recharge vs Duration - I'm going to have to disagree about the recharge needing to stay in lockstep with the duration. Changing those values is how we adjust uptime and uptime was the area we intended to target with PvP and WvW splits.
  • Bug or Feature - Some bugs become can become features, others don't. The Desert Shroud repeatedly proccing Dhuumfire wasn't something we felt should be kept. If Scourge needed to rely on buggy behavior to be competitive then we need to fix the bug before we figure out what needs to be improved to make it competitive. If the bug is causing blowouts in other areas of the game then we need to fix it even sooner.

@Lily.1935 said:I'm so beyond upset right now, I can't be objective right now.As a developer I don't expect players to be objective. We expect players to be passionate, involved and subjective when it comes to their chosen profession(s). So if you're upset about something, then by all means let us know you are upset. However as developers,
it is
our job to be objective when it comes to choosing what changes to make (and what bugs to fix). Although even if your criticism is subjective, it's still helpful to give us reasons and context behind your thoughts. ;)

First - Thank you for respondingSecond - I hope that you can bring necro back into a pve/raid spot that you like and we like

I'm hoping beyond hope for a unique defensive mechanic beyond barrier or trait that our barrier does something extra (more than and incuding might and condi cleanse) and get lots of synergy with being a defensive support class.

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I wonder why with necro balance our numbers get such huge swings by only changing small interactions. Sure dhuumfire not on all 7 hits of DS hurts but it's a small change that brings it in line with the other shroud sbilities. You dont get dhuumfire through all of reaper spin.

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