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Vanishing Omnomberries bug

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@Tag Nahoor.6251 said:I just tested this: I had 718 omnomberries in storage. I farmed 33. I deposited the 33 in storage, which resulted in 0 omnomberries total. I'm reviewing the math now...

There was an issue with Candy Corn a few months ago, only the other way round: I would farm 18 of those at my home instance, and by depositing them my total amount in the storage would go to 2,000 pieces, even when it was 0 before.

I suggest ArenaNet checked the storage for errors. There is definitely something not kosher there.

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There was an issue with Candy Corn a few months ago, only the other way round: I would farm 18 of those at my home instance, and by depositing them my total amount in the storage would go to 2,000 pieces, even when it was 0 before.

Shoot. If only that would happen to me with like Elonian Leather Squares!

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