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Warrior is Terrible still


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@ArielRebel.3426 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right?

That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider.

Not the instance I'm referring to, but I think this also drives the point home.

I struggled with embedding the images in these forums.

That's 19k damage over 3 instances that at least 2 are dodged from a single roll. That aside, he must have been fully might stacked and most likely had the trait that gives might +10 power per stack (so he had +1000 power from might if he had all 25 stacks) and/or you were glass cannon with vulnerability stacks. I cannot believe that was a regular instance of arc divider.

Full might on a destroyer amulet versus 2.6k armor with all three hits crit. Standard Str/Disc/Bers setup. Assuming no damage reduction traits or protection on the receiving end mind you.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right?

That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider.

Not the instance I'm referring to, but I think this also drives the point home.

I struggled with embedding the images in these forums.

That's 19k damage over 3 instances that at least 2 are dodged from a single roll. That aside, he must have been fully might stacked and most likely had the trait that gives might +10 power per stack (so he had +1000 power from might if he had all 25 stacks) and/or you were glass cannon with vulnerability stacks. I cannot believe that was a regular instance of arc divider.

Full might on a destroyer amulet versus 2.6k armor with all three hits crit. Standard Str/Disc/Bers setup. Assuming no damage reduction traits or protection on the receiving end mind you.

IDK what is standard for armor amounts.

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@ArielRebel.3426 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right?

That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider.

Not the instance I'm referring to, but I think this also drives the point home.

I struggled with embedding the images in these forums.

That's 19k damage over 3 instances that at least 2 are dodged from a single roll. That aside, he must have been fully might stacked and most likely had the trait that gives might +10 power per stack (so he had +1000 power from might if he had all 25 stacks) and/or you were glass cannon with vulnerability stacks. I cannot believe that was a regular instance of arc divider.

Full might on a destroyer amulet versus 2.6k armor with all three hits crit. Standard Str/Disc/Bers setup. Assuming no damage reduction traits or protection on the receiving end mind you.

IDK what is standard for armor amounts.

1) Edit: I mistyped while posting before, I blame my toddler for distracting me. A Demolisher's amulet is what I meant to say.2) A warrior with said amulet has 2,667 armor. Tooltips are based on 2,681 armor.3) A warrior with Demolisher, Dolyak runes, and a shield would have 3k armor.4) An ele would have 2,688 armor with the same amulet and runes.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right?

That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider.

Not the instance I'm referring to, but I think this also drives the point home.

I struggled with embedding the images in these forums.

That's 19k damage over 3 instances that at least 2 are dodged from a single roll. That aside, he must have been fully might stacked and most likely had the trait that gives might +10 power per stack (so he had +1000 power from might if he had all 25 stacks) and/or you were glass cannon with vulnerability stacks. I cannot believe that was a regular instance of arc divider.

Full might on a destroyer amulet versus 2.6k armor with all three hits crit. Standard Str/Disc/Bers setup. Assuming no damage reduction traits or protection on the receiving end mind you.

IDK what is standard for armor amounts.

1) Edit: I mistyped while posting before, I blame my toddler for distracting me. A Demolisher's amulet is what I meant to say.2) A warrior with said amulet has 2,667 armor. Tooltips are based on 2,681 armor.3) A warrior with Demolisher, Dolyak runes, and a shield would have 3k armor.4) An ele would have 2,688 armor with the same amulet and runes.

So are you implying that Arc Divider deals about 20k of damage in a constant, reliable and easy to reproduce fashion in any PVP fight?

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@ArielRebel.3426 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right?

That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider.

Not the instance I'm referring to, but I think this also drives the point home.

I struggled with embedding the images in these forums.

That's 19k damage over 3 instances that at least 2 are dodged from a single roll. That aside, he must have been fully might stacked and most likely had the trait that gives might +10 power per stack (so he had +1000 power from might if he had all 25 stacks) and/or you were glass cannon with vulnerability stacks. I cannot believe that was a regular instance of arc divider.

Full might on a destroyer amulet versus 2.6k armor with all three hits crit. Standard Str/Disc/Bers setup. Assuming no damage reduction traits or protection on the receiving end mind you.

IDK what is standard for armor amounts.

1) Edit: I mistyped while posting before, I blame my toddler for distracting me. A Demolisher's amulet is what I meant to say.2) A warrior with said amulet has 2,667 armor. Tooltips are based on 2,681 armor.3) A warrior with Demolisher, Dolyak runes, and a shield would have 3k armor.4) An ele would have 2,688 armor with the same amulet and runes.

So are you implying that Arc Divider deals about 20k of damage in a constant, reliable and easy to reproduce fashion in any PVP fight?

No. Damage reduction and protection exist and blind is a thing. Those numbers will inevitably be lower. But they are achievable and realistic so long as your target does not play like they are fresh out of Queensdale.

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Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Ah ok yeah that's exactly my point too.

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@Morokey.8534 said:Yes, good warrior can compete at any level of PvP, but it's hard af and still not fair agains noobfriendly classes like pew pew ranger, condispaming revenant or annoying necros.. Why am I able to kill one of the best warriors for example Vaanss with necro that easy ? I played necro for like 1 hour before a joined ranked and got plat 2 almost 3. I play warrior for 4 years and got max. plat 1 thats the point. Warrior is weak af...If you can do that, then he isn't as good as you say.

A compentent warrior player is a tough matchup for necro. Doesn't matter what elite spec both are using. In general necro has pretty much the same hardcounters like warrior, because boon corrupts are useless these days. So if you think warrior needs a huge buff, then necro needs it too - and I doubt that you think necro needs any buff.

Btw. warrior has always been the most beginner friendly class in the game, because half of its mechanic is passive.

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Since you are all talking about berserker here:

  • direct damage berserker hardcounters core necro (bait dodges, shred shroud with arc divider, faceroll).
  • core warrior hardcoutners core necro (stunlock, burst, kite, stunlock, burst)
  • spellbreaker softcounters the meta reaper (it can simply outsustain it)

Now you say these builds are not viable in tournaments? Well:

Warrior has a tournament build (healbreaker), necro hasn't one. You don't like playing a healer? Too bad, I don't like playing scourge in WvW. And I would like to have a viable roaming build. Life is hard sometimes. The moment holo, thief (esp. condi) and soulbeast (less in tournaments, more in ranked) are nerfed, warrior will be in a much better spot without any changes to the class. And the mentioned classes are a problem for pretty much everything in the game rigth now. They are favored against everything. Why do warrior players think they are the only ones having a hard time? You guys have at least a viable tournament build. Stop whining!

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@"KrHome.1920" said: Why do warrior players think they are the only ones having a hard time? You guys have at least a viable tournament build. Stop whining!

That's litterally like saying "hey, there are homeless people out there, how dare you complain about anything!".Because others may have hardships, it doesn't invalidate someone else's.

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So I should be happy because there is only one useful build for warrior and none for necro for tournaments ? I created build for scourge and almost everytime have more than 3 top stat, (healing and damage) always. If you spend 4 years playing warrior, spend tons of hours with build editor, testing in unrankeds and roaming, you would find out warrior is not that adaptable like other noobfriendly classes for example necro. Warrior is easy to understand there is any hard mechanic, but show me how u can effectively use that zero potential skills warrior have...

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@gmmg.9210 said:Just a reminder that Warrior is still the worst class in PvP. Let ANET ban me idc, it has to be said. Been getting nerfed for almost a decade and it needs to end.from topic summary I don't understand is author mean ir warrior overpowered, or useless .. Is last part sarcasm, or not ? Is should nerfed more ? or what?because we still have warriors, who can kill 2 players in same time, and still have players who can kill 2 warriors ..So what author say?

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@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my ass, as i'm on the ranger's ass. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "wtf just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.Every class has gimmicky builds, they stack all of their offensive mods and skills to click at the same time they explode in damage and if they fail they die and cant repeat that for another minute or 2, warrior has been having these for 'FUN' builds for years pop all signets shoot with rifle or spin with greatsword. The first time the warrior might get you by surprise but the fucker doesn't have some teleport to do surprise attacks like Other classes, he walks to you and wacks you with a stick.Also this is the intended gameplay by Arenanet after the rework on Berserker, if you look at the traits the whole Elite speck is designed to do that, instead of making it a viable speck they made it a full gimmick and because of that no one plays it in competitive. In 3v3 that might work cause you can switch your build between fights, so you can start with healbreaker, then switch to berserker and then go to bruiser breaker, the thing is everyone can do that.

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See the issue of warrior is that has one embedded mechanic, that does not function if you don't build for it Burst. So you always need adrenaline generation and fast weapon swap and discipline it is on every fucking build you can think of pve or pvp doesn't matter. Lets see thief for example it has 4 embedded mechanics, it has Steal , it has initiative for no cd skills, it has dual wield for different skills and it has the stealth attack mechanic and all of this is given by default, It doesn't need to be traited.The thing is if they want to make warrior have more then one build they will have to make allot of traits on discipline baseline, is not fair that this class needs this traitline to function at all, but other classes don't need their special skill trairtline to work, either everyone is bound by the same rules and gets to use only 2 traitlines or no one is and everyone gets to use all 3.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.

I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have anything else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point.

Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply.

Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.

I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have
else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point.

Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply.

Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have.

It is the nature of mirage to decide on dodgeing for offense, or saving it for defense. It wasn't a bad play on my part. My health was full or near fulI. I use dodge, which allows me to cast mirage advance (shadowstep) to the ranger without interruption, putting me out of the melee range of my two pursuers and puts me on top of their ranger to finish him off. The surprise came from that triple arc divider and its range which floored me instantly. Was a fun match and i'm not salty about it. It just surprised me and surprises me even more people would proclaim that no warrior could ever beat another class.

i say i was killed by a warrrior and everyone on the thread jumps on me to tell me why it's impossible for a warrrior to beat another class. and then dissects why that player has to be horrible player or new the game to have lost. lol you guys are ridiculous. believe it or not, a warrior probably killing someone in a match at this very moment lol. it can happen.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.

I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have
else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point.

Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply.

Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have.

It is the nature of mirage to decide on dodgeing for offense, or saving it for defense. It wasn't a bad play on my part. My health was full or near fulI. I use dodge, which allows me to cast mirage advance (shadowstep) to the ranger without interruption, putting me out of the melee range of my two pursuers and puts me on top of their ranger to finish him off. The surprise came from that triple arc divider and its range which floored me instantly. Was a fun match and i'm not salty about it. It just surprised me and surprises me even more people would proclaim that no warrior could ever beat another class.

i say i was killed by a warrrior and everyone on the thread jumps on me to tell me why it's impossible for a warrrior to beat another class. and then dissects why that player has to be horrible player or new the game to have lost. lol you guys are ridiculous. believe it or not, a warrior probably killing someone in a match at this very moment lol. it can happen.

Nobody said warriors can't kill another class. You attempted to use a strawman falacy which was ignored rightfully so. The points that you seem to ignore on every posts you write are :

  1. Warriors need to tryhard much more than most other classes to win a fight. There's a reason the most meta build in PVP and WvW is actually a support build and not a DPS build (aka Healbreaker). They are just much more useful and efficient when NOT played as DPS.
  2. You say you didn't play badly. That's your opinion. Facts are : you used up your defensive abilities (such as your dodge), were sitting duck and paid for it.
  3. Arc Divider (for all 3 hits to land) only has 240 range. That's melee range. You are either lying when you said you were away from the warrior or you were flanked and hugged by the warrior which allowed him to land all 3 of his arc divider attacks (aka: outplayed).
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@ArielRebel.3426 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.

I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have
else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point.

Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply.

Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have.

It is the nature of mirage to decide on dodgeing for offense, or saving it for defense. It wasn't a bad play on my part. My health was full or near fulI. I use dodge, which allows me to cast mirage advance (shadowstep) to the ranger without interruption, putting me out of the melee range of my two pursuers and puts me on top of their ranger to finish him off. The surprise came from that triple arc divider and its range which floored me instantly. Was a fun match and i'm not salty about it. It just surprised me and surprises me even more people would proclaim that no warrior could ever beat another class.

i say i was killed by a warrrior and everyone on the thread jumps on me to tell me why it's impossible for a warrrior to beat another class. and then dissects why that player has to be horrible player or new the game to have lost. lol you guys are ridiculous. believe it or not, a warrior probably killing someone in a match at this very moment lol. it can happen.

Nobody said warriors can't kill another class. You attempted to use a strawman falacy which was ignored rightfully so. The points that you seem to ignore on every posts you write are :
  1. Warriors need to tryhard much more than most other classes to win a fight. There's a reason the most meta build in PVP and WvW is actually a support build and not a DPS build (aka Healbreaker). They are just much more useful and efficient when NOT played as DPS.
  2. You say you didn't play badly. That's your opinion. Facts are : you used up your defensive abilities (such as your dodge), were sitting duck and paid for it.
  3. Arc Divider (for all 3 hits to land) only has 240 range. That's melee range. You are either lying when you said you were away from the warrior or you were flanked and hugged by the warrior which allowed him to land all 3 of his arc divider attacks (aka: outplayed).

Just going to continue off of Ariel's post here. You had a red glowing guy with a greatsword on your tail and blew your main defense to get some offense. Whether it was a good play or a bad play ultimately depended on the outcome, whether the berserker used it against you. Turns out it was a bad play. It happens to all of us. You got greedy on the ranger. It happens. I get greedy and over extend at times.

The point the rest of us are making is that for the current warrior, independent of spec, to function as a DPS in this meta requires the stars to align just right. It's possible, but the tools we have to do that have all been nerfed hard and it is difficult to pull off without over extending or without blowing multiple CDs. In your case you aligned the stars for the other guy. It happens. You are right to not get salty over it, but trust the mains who are saying that there are issues and deficiencies in their class that are not present to the same degree on other classes. FWIW I think the single Mirage dodge was a bad tradeoff and should not have happened, had it been there you would have negated the Arc Divider and possibly punished the Berserker.

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@ArielRebel.3426 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.

I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have
else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point.

Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply.

Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have.

It is the nature of mirage to decide on dodgeing for offense, or saving it for defense. It wasn't a bad play on my part. My health was full or near fulI. I use dodge, which allows me to cast mirage advance (shadowstep) to the ranger without interruption, putting me out of the melee range of my two pursuers and puts me on top of their ranger to finish him off. The surprise came from that triple arc divider and its range which floored me instantly. Was a fun match and i'm not salty about it. It just surprised me and surprises me even more people would proclaim that no warrior could ever beat another class.

i say i was killed by a warrrior and everyone on the thread jumps on me to tell me why it's impossible for a warrrior to beat another class. and then dissects why that player has to be horrible player or new the game to have lost. lol you guys are ridiculous. believe it or not, a warrior probably killing someone in a match at this very moment lol. it can happen.

Nobody said warriors can't kill another class. You attempted to use a strawman falacy which was ignored rightfully so. The points that you seem to ignore on every posts you write are :
  1. Warriors need to tryhard much more than most other classes to win a fight. There's a reason the most meta build in PVP and WvW is actually a support build and not a DPS build (aka Healbreaker). They are just much more useful and efficient when NOT played as DPS.
  2. You say you didn't play badly. That's your opinion. Facts are : you used up your defensive abilities (such as your dodge), were sitting duck and paid for it.
  3. Arc Divider (for all 3 hits to land) only has 240 range. That's melee range. You are either lying when you said you were away from the warrior or you were flanked and hugged by the warrior which allowed him to land all 3 of his arc divider attacks (aka: outplayed).

100% i was outplayed. I didn't expect that triple arc divider trump card. Warrior is a solid class with good damage, survability, and CC. It's versatile and that it can be good for many different playstyles. As with all classes, varying with balance patches, in ALL games, there will be some builds/classes that hard are more challenging to play well. The skill ceiling may be higher or the effort it takes to pull off a win is just more. Or it could be easier, simpler, and just as rewarding. That in itself is also part of the balance process. Because there will always be players that seek out underrated builds/classes cause they like that challenge. And there will be players that seek an easier play session so they go for classes with simpler mechanics. I'm not saying warrior is without issues, as i have said many times, but if you strongly feel like warrior, in this particular balance patch, is too challenging for you to play well or requires too mch work to be successful, then warrior is not for you at this current time in the game. It sucks, but balance patches can flip everything. Trust, I can relate. I've mained the same class since launch and have never swapped mains ever. Through all the ups and downs, I just made it work, even though some periods it was much harder. Maybe you should just play another class right now. I think warrior has a lot of strong attributes, and is by no means and objectively weak class.

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@felix.2386 said:it's not really bad players getting warrior nerfed, it's how anet refused to give warrior high skill ceiling high potential skills to warrior.so end up with simple skills that only hit noobs.

like giving warrior high skill ceiling/high skill floor skill, first it would make warrior pvp viable, second it would shut all the noobs up.yet they refuse to do so. instead they like to make the skills as simple as possible while buffing pure numbers and passives

That's it ... Warrior is the class for players looking for a simple and straightforward 'warrior' archetype in any MMO. I have no doubt it's actually intended like this. Different classes, differ skill threshold/ranges. I mean, why wouldn't a game dev offer that to players? Makes sense.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.

I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have
else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point.

Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply.

Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have.

It is the nature of mirage to decide on dodgeing for offense, or saving it for defense. It wasn't a bad play on my part. My health was full or near fulI. I use dodge, which allows me to cast mirage advance (shadowstep) to the ranger without interruption, putting me out of the melee range of my two pursuers and puts me on top of their ranger to finish him off. The surprise came from that triple arc divider and its range which floored me instantly. Was a fun match and i'm not salty about it. It just surprised me and surprises me even more people would proclaim that no warrior could ever beat another class.

i say i was killed by a warrrior and everyone on the thread jumps on me to tell me why it's impossible for a warrrior to beat another class. and then dissects why that player has to be horrible player or new the game to have lost. lol you guys are ridiculous. believe it or not, a warrior probably killing someone in a match at this very moment lol. it can happen.

Nobody said warriors can't kill another class. You attempted to use a strawman falacy which was ignored rightfully so. The points that you seem to ignore on every posts you write are :
  1. Warriors need to tryhard much more than most other classes to win a fight. There's a reason the most meta build in PVP and WvW is actually a support build and not a DPS build (aka Healbreaker). They are just much more useful and efficient when NOT played as DPS.
  2. You say you didn't play badly. That's your opinion. Facts are : you used up your defensive abilities (such as your dodge), were sitting duck and paid for it.
  3. Arc Divider (for all 3 hits to land) only has 240 range. That's melee range. You are either lying when you said you were away from the warrior or you were flanked and hugged by the warrior which allowed him to land all 3 of his arc divider attacks (aka: outplayed).

I think warrior has a lot of strong attributes, and is by no means and objectively weak class.

There's an oxymoron in that sentence. You can't say "I think" and then end with "objectively weak class". You are applying your opinion (from being outplayed by a warrior once) and, from that opinion, extrapolating that objectively it's a strong class (because you're saying it's not weak, then it can only be summarized as strong).

Side note : Warriors can have all the damage in the world, if they always struggle to land it, they are essentially useless and extremely one-trick ponies.Warriors have 3 main problems :

  1. Their ranged weapons suck so they are stuck relying mostly on melee weapons for burst which brings the 2 next issues to light
  2. Our main (melee) damage abilities require the target to remain close to us (and even stationary in the case of thousand blades) so we need to pretty much always use CC to setup our main damaging abilities otherwise you can litterally just immob us or walk away (ie: 1000blades) and laugh as we whiff everything. A lot of our utilities are thus used for gapclosing and CCing where as other classes, they can bring more team presence/utilities to the teamfights.
  3. Warrior was most likely the most "damaged" class when they essentially completely removed damage on every CC applying skills (beside the Lightning Rod trait for some reason). Because we rely so much on CC, back when it was still dealing decent and good amounts of damage, our rotation wasn't solely dependent on landing our main damaging abilities because the CC was already dealing a good amount of our damage itself so we had much better DPS consistency and reliability. As it's not the case anymore, we depend more than ever on our main damaging abilities to land so we have to work extra hard to be sure to land them otherwise we do no damage at all. For that reason, we are stuck using up most if not all of our utilities just to land our damage where as other classes can MUCH MUCH more reliably land their burst, say from range, while doing comparable or even better numbers and without always requiring CC or a utility skill to do so.
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@Obtena.7952 said:

@felix.2386 said:it's not really bad players getting warrior nerfed, it's how anet refused to give warrior high skill ceiling high potential skills to warrior.so end up with simple skills that only hit noobs.

like giving warrior high skill ceiling/high skill floor skill, first it would make warrior pvp viable, second it would shut all the noobs up.yet they refuse to do so. instead they like to make the skills as simple as possible while buffing pure numbers and passives

That's it ... Warrior is the class for players looking for a
'warrior' archetype in any MMO. I have no doubt it's actually intended like this. Different classes, differ skill threshold/ranges. I mean, why wouldn't a game dev offer that to players? Makes sense.

exactly, it's not like they can't make complex skills, look at other classes, it's only if they want to or not.

@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Allow my to expound further. Such numbers, barring damage mitigation, are easy to achieve. But all three hits will probably not hit, blinds are prevalent, and damage reduction modifiers and protection are handed out like candy on some classes.

If someone comes to these forums complaining about being 'one shot' or otherwise complain about Arc Divider damage then they suffered from the following:Did not dodgeDid not apply blindDid not clear the 10-20 stacks of vulnerabilityDid not take toughnessDid not take damage reduction traitsDid not kite the red glowing warriorDid not use protection (double entrende intended)Or more importantly, just got outplayed.

Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.

I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have
else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point.

Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply.

Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have.

It is the nature of mirage to decide on dodgeing for offense, or saving it for defense. It wasn't a bad play on my part. My health was full or near fulI. I use dodge, which allows me to cast mirage advance (shadowstep) to the ranger without interruption, putting me out of the melee range of my two pursuers and puts me on top of their ranger to finish him off. The surprise came from that triple arc divider and its range which floored me instantly. Was a fun match and i'm not salty about it. It just surprised me and surprises me even more people would proclaim that no warrior could ever beat another class.

i say i was killed by a warrrior and everyone on the thread jumps on me to tell me why it's impossible for a warrrior to beat another class. and then dissects why that player has to be horrible player or new the game to have lost. lol you guys are ridiculous. believe it or not, a warrior probably killing someone in a match at this very moment lol. it can happen.

Nobody said warriors can't kill another class. You attempted to use a strawman falacy which was ignored rightfully so. The points that you seem to ignore on every posts you write are :
  1. Warriors need to tryhard much more than most other classes to win a fight. There's a reason the most meta build in PVP and WvW is actually a support build and not a DPS build (aka Healbreaker). They are just much more useful and efficient when NOT played as DPS.
  2. You say you didn't play badly. That's your opinion. Facts are : you used up your defensive abilities (such as your dodge), were sitting duck and paid for it.
  3. Arc Divider (for all 3 hits to land) only has 240 range. That's melee range. You are either lying when you said you were away from the warrior or you were flanked and hugged by the warrior which allowed him to land all 3 of his arc divider attacks (aka: outplayed).

100% i was outplayed. I didn't expect that triple arc divider trump card. Warrior is a solid class with good damage, survability, and CC. It's versatile and that it can be good for many different playstyles. As with all classes, varying with balance patches, in ALL games, there will be some builds/classes that hard are more challenging to play well. The skill ceiling may be higher or the effort it takes to pull off a win is just more. Or it could be easier, simpler, and just as rewarding. That in itself is also part of the balance process. Because there will always be players that seek out underrated builds/classes cause they like that challenge. And there will be players that seek an easier play session so they go for classes with simpler mechanics. I'm not saying warrior is without issues, as i have said many times, but if you strongly feel like warrior, in this particular balance patch, is too challenging for you to play well or requires too mch work to be successful, then warrior is not for you at this current time in the game. It sucks, but balance patches can flip everything. Trust, I can relate. I've mained the same class since launch and have never swapped mains ever. Through all the ups and downs, I just made it work, even though some periods it was much harder. Maybe you should just play another class right now. I think warrior has a lot of strong attributes, and is by no means and objectively weak class.

a mirage/berserker match up, mirage should be winning 90% of the times, if you call that a solid class with good damage and survability, you have something wrong.

same with versatile and many different playstyle, there's only 2 playstyle for warrior in pvp for 8 years, that's gs/shield side noder, or shout support with sword.thief in 1 year had more meta playstyles then warrior had in 8 years and thief has only one role.

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