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Nerf Fesh air build


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Okay, we will need a bit more info on that right now.

First off, Fresh Air is based on the Air Traitline that offers close to 0 survival and is geared towards damage (fast swapping damage). So people take fresh air to "burst you down" however poorly what ele is doing right now can be called a "burst".

You were probably facing either a bunker Tempest (which, frankly, is weak right now given the new elite specs) or you faced a tank Weaver - which theoretically is not bad (and it is crazy that the spec seems more geared towards this with Sword when it was marketed as a DPS Spec - but hey, that is what ANET Balance team is all about, hitting you with curve balls) and is able to pump barriers (small, but with some frequency), can trait with Water/Earth or Water/Arcane for added sustain and has 6 dodges / evades at its disposable, plus 2 teleports, 1 invul and 1-2 Arcane Shields to survive better (not to mention the 4s CD water swap heal with condi removal goodness).

I do recognize that the Weaver - geared towards tank - can be somewhat bunkerish (selfish) with 0 damage, but not sure if it would be called "good at that" given the Firebrand builds out there that excel at survival and keeping the whole team going while doing decent damage for itself.

But I would suggest to first try to find out what that ele was doing to be so "bunkerish" and then we can talk about what needs to be changed.

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What were you trying to kill it with?

I could sort of see it if it was earth water weaver, s/f, specced purely for cleanse, with maximum possible defenses, against four builds with only condi damage and no might stacks, but otherwise I find this hard to believe even if you're just autoattacking and using no skills, and it shouldn't have any chance of killing you that way either.

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We cann't really take this seriously...you give no info at all, just some nonsense " nerf ele cause i couldn't kill him ". Give us video, names, builds, who were you? what class what build? same for the other three people, same for the ele.

It's like i ask " Please nerf Power Longbow Ranger " cause i didn't have the brain to dodge the PewPewPewPew and standing like a scarecrow until i die. As i said just nonsense!!!

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@sokeenoppa.5384 said:Fresh air tank? :DMaybe auramancer ^^ it can Be hard to deal with.

Im running celestial water/earth/tempest Staff. CC is The answer here.

I'm starting to like Ele a lot, but i see no use for staff in small encounters like the ones from sPvP.It's just a legitimate question from a newbie ele: Why staff instead of D/F?

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@sokeenoppa.5384 said:

@Omar Aschi Popp.7496 said:Am I drunk?

No sir/madam. There must Be somekind of super bunker fresh air build that can oneshot every1 in 1vsX fights.

Well someone catch this guy already!! Who knows what he or she will do to the neighbourhood.

Man I wake up today to find out PvP is now broken, whats next, soggy cereal for breakfast!?

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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@sokeenoppa.5384 said:Fresh air tank? :DMaybe auramancer ^^ it can Be hard to deal with.

Im running celestial water/earth/tempest Staff. CC is The answer here.

I'm starting to like Ele a lot, but i see no use for staff in small encounters like the ones from sPvP.It's just a legitimate question from a newbie ele: Why staff instead of D/F?

Not a very common oppinion, but Staff is a godlike dueling weapon, Even in small circle u have space to run and kite ur Enemy and split The whole point with ur hard CC and most of ur skills cover the whole point.

Also water 2 is now/have Been a while blast with very low CD

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@Stephen.1207 said:this build on ele needs to be nerfed u have no other real tanks in pvp but ele 4 on1 the ele still could not be killed and its starting that people r teaming up in 2 man ele groups to bunker 2 points there is no way to win in this case.

@Stephen.1207 said:there r ele's in pvp that take no Dmg or the little they do they heal right away they took away my warrior tank my gard tank my necro tank and all others take the ele tank away no matter whats it called

This kid is going places. Not college but... places.

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Fresh Air is done primarily as a core build with Water/Air/Arcane and a Marauder's amulet. It is actually reasonably effective these days as few people are running toughness and is strongest using S/F because the instant cast lightning strikes won't interrupt a cast from a different attunement allowing for big damage spikes when cast correctly. Gale, Crystal Wave and Obsidian Flesh are all key defensive spells from the focus but other setups exist.

Fresh Air done with a scepter is particularly good against scourges as once the scourge shades are down there is very little that necro can do to defend himself from you at 900 range and without death shroud they collapse quickly.

However, bunker is not something I'd associate with fresh air, certainly not this version anyway. I don't really see the appeal of fresh air in a bunker build anyhow. Air isn't the worst attunement for bunkering but the primary reason to use fresh air at all is for free lightning strikes. If you're just going survivability I don't see the appeal of resetting your air attunement cooldown, water and earth are better for recovery and defense, air just gives CC, blind and mobility. You do get some defensive cooldowns and traits particularly final shielding as well as taking arcane shield as a utility, you could take mist form too I suppose but I wouldn't want to drop lightning flash nor my instant cast auto critical in case RNG is not being kind to me with critical hits.

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neeerf dragon tooth!!got hit by it while i was afk on my spellbreaker within 4sec of its cast time and animation and after cast,and it hits way too hard almost as my 1/3rd sec aa!!I regened it back within 2sec passively,but looked so scary,must be OP!!

on more serious note,what on earth you mean with " took away my warrior tank my gard tank my necro tank",they stole your character?!or how took away?And what is necro tank?So many questions,i doubt i will get answers but had to try :)

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