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Anyone Else Feel Necro Will Get Shields For The New Spec??


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@"Dadnir.5038" said:For me the issue with shield is that from my point of view it's a tool to "block" attack and the necromancer's defensive design is to take most if not all damage. It's not that thematically the tombstone wouldn't be great but I feel like the necromancer's shield skills design would be bound to be a source of frustration for the players.

Personally, I'd prefer Axe off-hand. Axe really feel like a "vicious" weapon which fit the necromancer's thematic. Mace/club could also fit the fantasy of a spellcaster for me. On another hand, I'm not thrilled by the idea of a hammer or a sword for the necromancer (Hammer basically give me a reaper 2.0 feel and sword a dagger 2.0 feel).

I wouldn't be against longbow as a weapon, thought, on a "bone magic" e-spec if we think about Diablo 2 necromancer. Afterall, I can very well see Teeth, Bone spear, Bone spirit, Bone prison and Bone wall as a longbow skillkit (The kit wouldn't be very far from ranger's and guardian's longbow skillkits).

Anyway, granted the LS schedule they gave us, we don't get any x-pac until august/september next year minimum so it's still far away.

That Highly depends if its a shroudless spec or not. If Its a shroud spec I'd agree with you that shield would be a bad idea. If Its a shroudless spec like scourge that doesn't have that use of major barrier without traits and its shroud is more utility than major defense than a shield wouldn't be nearly as frustrating as you assume it would be. From my perspective a Shield would be great for a Glass cannon Minion master Elite spec. One which sacrifices health for power with very very little actual defensive utility. Not that they really need it, the necromancer is so stacked with defensive utility.

What is offhand axe going to do? In terms of ranged offhands we have Dagger and focus. A power ranged off hand or a power melee offhand would be okay to have but not that great given the options we have now for its pair. The best option I see is Axe/Axe ranged which doesn't excite me personally as I'd just rather Focus be worked on than fiddle with an underwhelming offhand for an elite spec. Torch is great but I don't really want to tread that same ground again for the next elite spec.

Bow would be interesting. Necromancer doesn't have a 1,500 range weapon although I really don't think they need that high of range. But I see bow as more a blood weapon than Bone. Shield is more a bone weapon to me as is hammer or mace. Bow is usually a "good" weapon in mythology being associated with gods and creatures who are one with nature or have a divine calling. Necromancer's design is centered around being the Antagonist or villain of stories and their weapons and especially elite specs reflect this identity. Their green coloring is specific likely having some inspiration from Disney villains always having green smoke. Not saying bows can't work they can, but their general theming doesn't quite work out in relationship to the class.

Swords have far more Mythology around them and are frequently cursed though not as often as blessed or used to denote divinity or royalty. Swords have also gained an association with the aristocracy as the poor were seldom able to afford such a luxury or at least a sword of quality. This had changed throughout history but the elegance of a sword with the predatory nature of the Aristocratic vampire showing a guise of humanity really plays well into imbedded classic tropes.

The Primary trope that Axe covers is more the butcher or slasher horror character. The issue with this is that this trope has been more than well covered by reaper. So it just doesn't offer much in terms of theme for a new spec that wouldn't be retreading old ground.

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@Fueki.4753 said:For Shield to be viable for Necromancer in any way, Arenanet would have to rework main hand dagger to actually be a viable melee weapons, instead of the joke it currently is.

I look at shield more as a Midline control and supportive weapon as opposed to a frontline weapon. Considering the pairs are also Axe and Scepter as well as dagger.

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Could be both. If there was shield skills that may be used at any range. For instance, when successfully blocking any attack the attackee will receive X condition. Also what about a shield skill that makes the Necromancer invulnerable for a few seconds like the Guardian skill but instead of charging virtues it can provide some Life Force?

Speaking on whether to keep or replace shroud for a second. I think a classic Necromancer style would be nice. I know ive mentioned it, but to think if we had 3 Skeletons to select from (similar to how Ranger's select pets) with F1 & F2-F5 can be pet commands and abilities. We could have Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage, And Skeleton Archer. I think if shroud was removed a Shield + Sceptor build would be pretty cool to protect yourself. But like I said we would also need Sword as a core necro weapon too.

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Either a two handed weapon or two one handed ones. Like double sword/mace.

Only 2 or 3 new weapon skills would be extremely disappointing for me.

Necro has a support spec (scourge) even though it it's only shielding and reviving (lacks boons), a tanky spec (core), and one that lacks identity (reaper). Reaper is pushed to being dps, but still lacks a a bit of damage, while it was supposed to be a a slow and hard hitting bruiser (wvw build: ranger longbow 2 does more damage than reaper great sword 2, while necro has to be melee?, That's some really bad design/balance in my opinion)

So with the expansion I'm expecting anet to push reaper in one direction, while the new elite spec goes into the other direction.

I don't think we will get a shield. Unless it would be some kind of weird 900 range shield. Else it wouldn't go well together with the other weapons necro already has.Also if we only get a shield as second hand weapon, this elite spec won't ever be used due to poor Mainhand weapon choices (in pve) unless it gets a transform that gives extreme dmg.

So I'm expecting some two-handed weapon (favourite would be hammer but that might be too close to the reaper gs, so maybe shortbow or longbow) or two one handed ones (double pistol, double swords, double maces)

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The developers could put anything they want on any weapon. For example, if Necro got shield, it could act like a focus with a slow "wave at your opponent" skill and a "throwing disk" skill.

To Nimon's point, Arenanet can even make main hand dagger the elite and replace its current skills with something else as long as people can easily recognize the difference. Dagger would be "fixed" but cost the player an elite trait line to use.

And, of course, KrHome's pistol comment could be equally true.

Regarding the next elite, if there is an Eastern Asia theme, Lily's idea of blood cost and Grenth would fit in, too. Blood is "chi" 血 and could be used as a theme applied to Life Force. My only point here is to take into consideration the "flavor" of the next expansion area regardless of what functions the next elite may have.

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@"Anchoku.8142" said:Regarding the next elite, if there is an Eastern Asia theme, Lily's idea of blood cost and Grenth would fit in, too. Blood is "chi" 血 and could be used as a theme applied to Life Force.

The Japanese letter for Qi/Chi (which is the life force in Chinese medicine and philosophy) is 気, which is completely unrelated to blood.Additionally, as far as I know there are more words that have 血 be read as ketsu, rather than chi.Also, the ch in the "chi" you mentioned is pronounced as the ch's in church, not as the one in chimeraThis means the chi in Japanese blood doesn't even sound like the Chinese life force.

While I don't mind seeing some kind of vampire or Blood Mage specialization or even a Blood Shroud, I don't think a foreign language should be used as the bridge to explain a specialization.Developers shouldn't touch languages they possibly don't even have a surface level of understanding about.

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@"Nimon.7840" said:Either a two handed weapon or two one handed ones. Like double sword/mace.

Only 2 or 3 new weapon skills would be extremely disappointing for me.

Necro has a support spec (scourge) even though it it's only shielding and reviving (lacks boons), a tanky spec (core), and one that lacks identity (reaper). Reaper is pushed to being dps, but still lacks a a bit of damage, while it was supposed to be a a slow and hard hitting bruiser (wvw build: ranger longbow 2 does more damage than reaper great sword 2, while necro has to be melee?, That's some really bad design/balance in my opinion)

So with the expansion I'm expecting anet to push reaper in one direction, while the new elite spec goes into the other direction.

I don't think we will get a shield. Unless it would be some kind of weird 900 range shield. Else it wouldn't go well together with the other weapons necro already has.Also if we only get a shield as second hand weapon, this elite spec won't ever be used due to poor Mainhand weapon choices (in pve) unless it gets a transform that gives extreme dmg.

So I'm expecting some two-handed weapon (favourite would be hammer but that might be too close to the reaper gs, so maybe shortbow or longbow) or two one handed ones (double pistol, double swords, double maces)

Reaper is a Melee bruiser. There identity is extremely apparent. Their identity is more solid than Chronomancer and Scrapper. Although scrapper is also technically a bruiser as well a bit more of a mixed support bruiser. Where as Reaper is a control bruiser. Reaper is bulky and hits hard. The flaw of reaper is that its Sustain traits are underwhelming for that very job. Blighter's boon, Augury of Death and Soul Eater don't exactly work well to that goal. Where as the control elements of the Chill traits mostly do and the Pursuit traits to keep dealing damage work well enough. But they ARE a bruiser.

What is something you should take note of is that "Support" is not a monolith. Support comes in many forms. Like Bruiser is a form of DPS a Support can do quite a few things under the GW2 balance umbrella. Scourge is a Defensive support and Cindi DPS spec which tells you what its going to do. However a Chronomancer is a offensive support and DPS spec. And their roles in groups are vastly different even though they are both support. A Druid is a healer which also falls into that support catagory so the idea that its a "Support" doesn't tell us a lot.

Necromancer in GW2 when looking at the GW2 trinity, DPS, Support and Control, the Necromancer at its core is a control class. So all of its elite specs are control or a hybrid control. Control being Boon removal, limiting actions and movement, hard and soft CC. A Tank would also fall under the Control catagory IF arena net had a proper system to allow for tanks to thrive as such reaper would absolutely thrive as a DPS Tank. However that's my own personal complaint and I'll save it for another time.

So 3 Categories each with a wide diversity of what they can be. A DPS can be a bruiser, Glass cannon, DoT DPS, Sniper, so on and so on. So even if we got another Condi elite spec it doesn't mean it would play too similarly to scourge and the same is true for a power DPS spec.

So with this in mind, We could easily get a DPS Support spec once again but given the opportunities for a diversity within the guild wars Trinity that doesn't mean it'll play anything like the scourge.

For example a Bloodmage spec operate best in Melee similar to reaper but use conditions and might be a glass cannon as opposed to the bruiser type that Reaper is. Or perhaps a Minion Master is also a DPS support spec much like the Scourge and may very well be Midline but their skills buff the offensive abilities of allies as opposed to the defensive and lack the defensive utility like the free cleansing and access to an AoE uninterruptable fear.

Our options are very wide and quite diverse. We shouldn't limit ourselves to this idea of "We already have a DPS" or "We already have a support" because its a bit more complex and interesting in that. Just look at Deadeye and Daredevil. Both are high DPS specs but they do it in radically different ways and they're both loved elite specs.

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I know Anet is known for going different routes with elite specs which are very creative and out of the box, but this time if they dont give a good weapon like sword and go for dogshi weapon like mace or bow or something else I'll actually change classes. The same for the elite spec mechanics too.

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Swords is all we need, double sword vampire single target dps duelist, a bit of sustain more mobile than usual necro.Shield and hammer could be nice options too, ofc shield would be for a true tank spec, hammer idkBut no more shroud less specs or slow heavy hitting bs, cauz that didn't work properly before. Just start with a nice balance concept in mind without have to swing the spec from trash to op and reverse

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@NecroSummonsMors.7816 said:Swords is all we need, double sword vampire single target dps duelist, a bit of sustain more mobile than usual necro.Shield and hammer could be nice options too, ofc shield would be for a true tank spec, hammer idkBut no more shroud less specs or slow heavy hitting bs, cauz that didn't work properly before. Just start with a nice balance concept in mind without have to swing the spec from trash to op and reverse

Necromancer has too many sustain traits as it is. Needs to be cut by at least half. We're already too tanky at face value.

As for sword I do think it's most likely as well. My speculation comes from it being the most popular option as well as I have a suspicion that Sacrifice is going to be utilized for the next elite spec in some way. Blood bank makes me think this because barrier can be used as the health cost for Health Loss skills. You can test this yourself with signet of Undeath. I actually did by mistake and later tested again to confirm. Although I suspect it wasn't always that way but I can't confirm that.

A vampire/bloodmage spec is actually quite a high probability based on my speculation. And sword would be the best option imo.

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@Lily.1935 said:

@NecroSummonsMors.7816 said:Swords is all we need, double sword vampire single target dps duelist, a bit of sustain more mobile than usual necro.Shield and hammer could be nice options too, ofc shield would be for a true tank spec, hammer idkBut no more shroud less specs or slow heavy hitting bs, cauz that didn't work properly before. Just start with a nice balance concept in mind without have to swing the spec from trash to op and reverse

Necromancer has too many sustain traits as it is. Needs to be cut by at least half. We're already too tanky at face value.

As for sword I do think it's most likely as well. My speculation comes from it being the most popular option as well as I have a suspicion that Sacrifice is going to be utilized for the next elite spec in some way. Blood bank makes me think this because barrier can be used as the health cost for Health Loss skills. You can test this yourself with signet of Undeath. I actually did by mistake and later tested again to confirm. Although I suspect it wasn't always that way but I can't confirm that.

A vampire/bloodmage spec is actually quite a high probability based on my speculation. And sword would be the best option imo.

But what about bone skills, you think theres a chance for tradition Bone and summon skeleton necro spec?

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@MatyrGustav.6210 said:

@NecroSummonsMors.7816 said:Swords is all we need, double sword vampire single target dps duelist, a bit of sustain more mobile than usual necro.Shield and hammer could be nice options too, ofc shield would be for a true tank spec, hammer idkBut no more shroud less specs or slow heavy hitting bs, cauz that didn't work properly before. Just start with a nice balance concept in mind without have to swing the spec from trash to op and reverse

Necromancer has too many sustain traits as it is. Needs to be cut by at least half. We're already too tanky at face value.

As for sword I do think it's most likely as well. My speculation comes from it being the most popular option as well as I have a suspicion that Sacrifice is going to be utilized for the next elite spec in some way. Blood bank makes me think this because barrier can be used as the health cost for Health Loss skills. You can test this yourself with signet of Undeath. I actually did by mistake and later tested again to confirm. Although I suspect it wasn't always that way but I can't confirm that.

A vampire/bloodmage spec is actually quite a high probability based on my speculation. And sword would be the best option imo.

But what about bone skills, you think theres a chance for tradition Bone and summon skeleton necro spec?

Shield would be great for bones. But I don't know. It's hard to speculate. Even my speculation is built on thin ice so it could be super wrong.

Perhaps a bone collector which is sorta a Bloodborn or Dark souls thing. Which could work in a Horror trope.

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@Lily.1935 said:

@NecroSummonsMors.7816 said:Swords is all we need, double sword vampire single target dps duelist, a bit of sustain more mobile than usual necro.Shield and hammer could be nice options too, ofc shield would be for a true tank spec, hammer idkBut no more shroud less specs or slow heavy hitting bs, cauz that didn't work properly before. Just start with a nice balance concept in mind without have to swing the spec from trash to op and reverse

Necromancer has too many sustain traits as it is. Needs to be cut by at least half. We're already too tanky at face value.

As for sword I do think it's most likely as well. My speculation comes from it being the most popular option as well as I have a suspicion that Sacrifice is going to be utilized for the next elite spec in some way. Blood bank makes me think this because barrier can be used as the health cost for Health Loss skills. You can test this yourself with signet of Undeath. I actually did by mistake and later tested again to confirm. Although I suspect it wasn't always that way but I can't confirm that.

A vampire/bloodmage spec is actually quite a high probability based on my speculation. And sword would be the best option imo.

But what about bone skills, you think theres a chance for tradition Bone and summon skeleton necro spec?

Shield would be great for bones. But I don't know. It's hard to speculate. Even my speculation is built on thin ice so it could be super wrong.

Perhaps a bone collector which is sorta a Bloodborn or Dark souls thing. Which could work in a Horror trope.

If its a shield i have a feeling we will get to transform into a Bone thing or just summon bone armor for the next shroud mechanic. If its just Bone armor, maybe we could still use our normal attacks, and it would just mitigate damage like a massive barrier. But i dont think the community will be happy with that.

Everyone seems to want a Vampire Sword Necro, in which would be really cool. If so i hope its Dual sword to give some options for people to go ???/Sword or Sword/???.

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@MatyrGustav.6210 said:

@"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:Swords is all we need, double sword vampire single target dps duelist, a bit of sustain more mobile than usual necro.Shield and hammer could be nice options too, ofc shield would be for a true tank spec, hammer idkBut no more shroud less specs or slow heavy hitting bs, cauz that didn't work properly before. Just start with a nice balance concept in mind without have to swing the spec from trash to op and reverse

Necromancer has too many sustain traits as it is. Needs to be cut by at least half. We're already too tanky at face value.

As for sword I do think it's most likely as well. My speculation comes from it being the most popular option as well as I have a suspicion that Sacrifice is going to be utilized for the next elite spec in some way. Blood bank makes me think this because barrier can be used as the health cost for Health Loss skills. You can test this yourself with signet of Undeath. I actually did by mistake and later tested again to confirm. Although I suspect it wasn't always that way but I can't confirm that.

A vampire/bloodmage spec is actually quite a high probability based on my speculation. And sword would be the best option imo.

But what about bone skills, you think theres a chance for tradition Bone and summon skeleton necro spec?

Shield would be great for bones. But I don't know. It's hard to speculate. Even my speculation is built on thin ice so it could be super wrong.

Perhaps a bone collector which is sorta a Bloodborn or Dark souls thing. Which could work in a Horror trope.

If its a shield i have a feeling we will get to transform into a Bone thing or just summon bone armor for the next shroud mechanic. If its just Bone armor, maybe we could still use our normal attacks, and it would just mitigate damage like a massive barrier. But i dont think the community will be happy with that.

Everyone seems to want a Vampire Sword Necro, in which would be really cool. If so i hope its Dual sword to give some options for people to go ???/Sword or Sword/???.

It highly depends on how its executed. I think a "Bone spec" needs to do something unique enough that the core, scourge and reaper don't currently do. Sword Sword would be interesting but not sure what an offhand sword would really do for a necromancer. Main hand sword could be our melee condi weapon which we don't have. Offhand? not sure. Would be nice for Arena net to add more core weapons and not just elite spec weapons but that might be asking a bit much.

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@Lily.1935 said:Main hand sword could be our melee condi weapon which we don't have. Offhand? not sure. Would be nice for Arena net to add more core weapons and not just elite spec weapons but that might be asking a bit much.In addition to that main hand condi melee weapon, sword could become the melee condi offhand, which Necromancers also don't have.

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@"Anchoku.8142" said:Perhaps we should make a list of things Necromancer is bad at and consider which characteristics will not be OP and break balance if Necro has a specialization to add it.

  • Stealth
  • Boon-sharing or group buffing
  • Concentration stat
  • Long range dps
  • ?

I think it's easier to make a list of things that exist and are potentially in line with gw2's necromancer's "identity":

  • New condition: slow (We've got defense through sustain: reaper. We've got defense through area denial: scourge. I expect defense through conditions that mitigate damage next)
  • Advantage: Dark aura (It's thematically in line, we could very well get utility/shroud skills that provide us with the aura like shouts/overloads provide auras to tempest)
  • Movement: Immobilize (I can imagine the necromancer summoning hands from the floor to immobilize it's foe. The mechanism wouldn't be very different mechanically from ranger's grasping vines, so it should be pretty easy to implement).
  • I wouldn't rule confusion and retaliation out of the picture either.

With regard to range we already have melee covered by reaper and "long range" covered by scourge (because shade are basically that), I do think that it leave ANet room to choose any weapon at this point.The stat: Scourge's "stats" are expertise and concentration, so I'd say that concentration is covered already.

It might be a disappointing idea but I can easily imagine ANet giving the necromancer a shroudless "tank" spec with a main hand mace. The mace would apply slow on the third hit of the AA chain and maybe have another source of slow on skill#2 or #3. You could have a trait that apply immobilize when you daze or fear a foe with maybe a source of daze on mace.

I don't think ANet focus on what a profession lack when they create an e-spec but expand on the profession's design.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@"Anchoku.8142" said:Perhaps we should make a list of things Necromancer is bad at and consider which characteristics will not be OP and break balance if Necro has a specialization to add it.
  • Stealth
  • Boon-sharing or group buffing
  • Concentration stat
  • Long range dps
  • ?

I think it's easier to make a list of things that exist and are potentially in line with gw2's necromancer's "identity":
  • New condition: slow (We've got defense through sustain: reaper. We've got defense through area denial: scourge. I expect defense through conditions that mitigate damage next)
  • Advantage: Dark aura (It's thematically in line, we could very well get utility/shroud skills that provide us with the aura like shouts/overloads provide auras to tempest)
  • Movement: Immobilize (I can imagine the necromancer summoning hands from the floor to immobilize it's foe. The mechanism wouldn't be very different mechanically from ranger's grasping vines, so it should be pretty easy to implement).
  • I wouldn't rule confusion and retaliation out of the picture either.

With regard to range we already have melee covered by reaper and "long range" covered by scourge (because shade are basically that), I do think that it leave ANet room to choose any weapon at this point.The stat: Scourge's "stats" are expertise and concentration, so I'd say that concentration is covered already.

It might be a disappointing idea but I can easily imagine ANet giving the necromancer a shroudless "tank" spec with a main hand mace. The mace would apply slow on the third hit of the AA chain and maybe have another source of slow on skill#2 or #3. You could have a trait that apply immobilize when you daze or fear a foe with maybe a source of daze on mace.

I don't think ANet focus on what a profession lack when they create an e-spec but expand on the profession's design.

Although I am not sure even Scourge has much synergy with concentration equipment, I admit there is not much low-hanging fruit for a specialization to expand Necro's use case. Reaper brought power-cleave and Scourge brought barrier as an alternate support that stacks with main healer support. There is not a lot of distinctive opportunity left.

Your suggestion of a shroudless tank is interesting but it also sounds like a better version of core Necro, which brings up my top wish: rework core so it is actually useful. Even if Arenanet turned core into a "better" Minionmancer at least it would have a purpose.

I am still left wondering what Necro needs that does not address an intentional weakness in the profession's core design for balance purposes.

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@"Anchoku.8142" said:I am still left wondering what Necro needs that does not address an intentional weakness in the profession's core design for balance purposes.

I wouldn't say that there is anything left that necro really "need" within those boundaries. That's also why I say that at this point ANet can very well choose any weapon for the next e-spec.

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Your suggestion of a shroudless tank is interesting but it also sounds like a better version of core Necro, which brings up my top wish: rework core so it is actually useful. Even if Arenanet turned core into a "better" Minionmancer at least it would have a purpose.

Hmm they could create a blood / Bone espec that can work well with minions. Instead of a traditional shroud, what if we get a strong life syphon with all attacks, even pet attacks also syphon to you. We can get Blood/ Bone utility skills that provide bleeds and/or boons, and the Elite can be A Blood Skeleton that we can summon.

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