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My honest feelings about map mob difficulty in PoF

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Of course. However, builds are going to have the most direct impact on difficulty. I wouldn't recommend someone that's disabled try to play Sword/Dagger Elementalist and you wouldn't recommend someone with poor eye-sight to play something that requires lots of positioning or awareness focused gameplay such as Axe Mirage.

HoT and PoF require players to _learn _how to build and adapt their builds to content. Sometimes that means making changes to traits, runes and sigils are in your best interest. Players typically want a "One Size Fits All," build, but that's not how GW2 works. It's not changing anytime soon, so I think it frankly, useless, to complain about things that you lack the power to change and instead focus on the things that you do.

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@"mtpelion.4562" said:I wouldn't say that PoF mobs are difficult. Rather, I would say they are antagonistically annoying.

Between the long lasting conditions that they can instantly reapply, the plethora of blinds, the thick goopy mob density, and the alarming respawn rate, playing solo on PoF maps is a chore. The amount of tedium involved in even basic activities compared to the potential rewards is a scale tipped all the way to "hard pass".

That means "difficult" to me. This explains very well what I'm after. Thank you. The many conditions, lots of mobs, fast respawn, and spellbreaker harpies. They can be soloed but they are not "fun". They are too common where they are.My "easier" would be less mob density, -5% hp from each mob (yes, wow, I am not asking to one-shot anything), at least triple longer respawn rate, less shitty conditions like slow (from joko minions).For those wanting to blame me for being a noob, if condi open world, I try to do trailblazers and patch it with similar stats, for power, marauder. Me dying is not the problem. The reasons mentioned before are the problem. The high difficulty is the problem, you have raid level trash mobs around the map. For just wanting to roam the map for fun in PoF means you will be killing mobs 90% of the time for "fun" let me tell you it gets old, allright? Especially when it's made difficult and there is no empty space where you can just sit in peace without a mob getting triggered because of your presence.

I hope I've cleared everything and if you don't understand why I want map roaming to be a LITTLE BIT enjoyable experience, NOT ONE SHOTTING, I repeat, NOT. NOT. NOT one-shotting. Then I don't know how I could explain it to you. I never asked for one-shotting. I just want open world to be a more pleasant and more casual experience. It doesn't have to be hard-core war zone where I am fighting every little bug and bird that wants to assert dominance simply because it's programmed to.

Out of the box perspective:Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry ass. Fuck. Or zombies, even worse. Every person you pass by trying to kill you. I just want to enjoy myself in the wild. Much like open-world. I don't go there because I want to mash mobs, ever. If it has to be an option then majority of them can be made neutral so bloodthirsty players can mash as many mobs as they like.

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A lot of PoF enemies were made with the sole purpose of annoying players: Jacaranda with their instant knockdowns, Sand lions with their blind spamming shield, Harpy spellbreakers that gain resistance when you hit them with a hard CC, Branded Griffons that float a couple feet off the ground and evade every attack thrown at them, every creature with an aggro range longer than their leash range resulting in them hitting you and then returning to position while invulnerable and keeping you stuck in combat.

@"Pockethole.5031" said:My "easier" would be less mob density, -5% hp from each mob (yes, wow, I am not asking to one-shot anything), at least triple longer respawn rate, less kitten conditions like slow (from joko minions).

I just want to point out with the slow from Joko minions, you can remove the slowing tar by dodging with endurance.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Pockethole.5031" said:Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry kitten.So what exactly
you do if you meet a bear?No, it's more like what would YOU do if you met 5 bears? They attack you and while you are trying to defend yourself they maul, stun or otherwise strike you with such force as to slow your reactions. You use every skill and tool available to you that you have with you and finally manage to defeat all five bears. Then, as you try to catch your breath and maybe even recover somewhat, 5 more bears appear. The cycle repeats.

No, it's more like it's a pretty stupid and baseless comparison to begin with and people that compare mmorpgs to real life only do that in a very specific way to show what they want to show, but the game isn't real life and it's absolutely shouldn't ever be balanced about "what you do in real life". What kind of a stand-in pseudo-argument is that, I don't even know. (yes, I know you weren't the one who originally brought it up)Actually if you want to play "that game", you wouldn't "use every tool you have to defeat 5 bears", you would literally die to a single bear if that bear felt it doesn't want you anywhere nearby. So much for "but in real life".Actually the best that came out of this whole argument is what @Dawdler.8521 wrote here:

From the sounds of it, you dont want a forest. You want a park. There's one in the center of Divinitys Reach to stroll around in if thats your cup of tea.No need to be so extreme. What I feel players like this poster want is to be able to actually stop and view the maps that Anet has spent so much time/effort in creating for us without engaging in what seems to be an endless combat scenario.

It's not "extreme", it's a fact. In a fantasy mmorpg you simply fight monsters. If you want a walk in a park, go to a park. There are park equivalents in the game too. But you go to a hostile territory and then complain that it's hostile? Just... uh...

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Pockethole.5031" said:Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry kitten.So what exactly
you do if you meet a bear?No, it's more like what would YOU do if you met 5 bears? They attack you and while you are trying to defend yourself they maul, stun or otherwise strike you with such force as to slow your reactions. You use every skill and tool available to you that you have with you and finally manage to defeat all five bears. Then, as you try to catch your breath and maybe even recover somewhat, 5 more bears appear. The cycle repeats.

No, it's more like it's a pretty stupid and baseless comparison to begin with and people that compare mmorpgs to real life only do that in a very specific way to show what they want to show, but the game isn't real life and it's absolutely shouldn't ever be balanced about "what you do in real life". What kind of a stand-in pseudo-argument is that, I don't even know. (yes, I know you weren't the one who originally brought it up)Actually if you want to play "that game", you wouldn't "use every tool you have to defeat 5 bears", you would literally die to a single bear if that bear felt it doesn't want you anywhere nearby. So much for "but in real life".Actually the best that came out of this whole argument is what @Dawdler.8521 wrote here:

From the sounds of it, you dont want a forest. You want a park. There's one in the center of Divinitys Reach to stroll around in if thats your cup of tea.No need to be so extreme. What I feel players like this poster want is to be able to actually stop and view the maps that Anet has spent so much time/effort in creating for us without engaging in what seems to be an endless combat scenario.

It's not "extreme", it's a fact. In a fantasy mmorpg you simply
fight monsters
. If you want a walk in a park, go to a park. There are park equivalents in the game too. But you go to a hostile territory and then complain that it's hostile? Just... uh...

Yeah then there's the guy that goes way too far and gets way to upset over a comparison.Not even rl but I remember there was a chest after you took a jackal portal up under a bridge and your like ohhh a chest so you go towards it but the dumb af aggro radius of jacaranda you ended up vs 4 reg and 1 vet and you killed the reg and took forever vs the vet and the regs all respawned so ya that was bs. Now hostile zone I get endless annoying af fighting annoying af mobs naaa.There can be somewhere in between dawdlers suggestion and that experience and present a dangerous environment and not some unfun game exp

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@Pockethole.5031 said:

@"mtpelion.4562" said:I wouldn't say that PoF mobs are difficult. Rather, I would say they are antagonistically annoying.

Between the long lasting conditions that they can instantly reapply, the plethora of blinds, the thick goopy mob density, and the alarming respawn rate, playing solo on PoF maps is a chore. The amount of tedium involved in even basic activities compared to the potential rewards is a scale tipped all the way to "hard pass".

That means "difficult" to me. This explains very well what I'm after. Thank you. The many conditions, lots of mobs, fast respawn, and spellbreaker harpies. They can be soloed but they are not "fun". They are too common where they are.My "easier" would be less mob density, -5% hp from each mob (yes, wow,
I am not asking to one-shot anything
), at least triple longer respawn rate, less kitten conditions like slow (from joko minions).For those wanting to blame me for being a noob, if condi open world, I try to do trailblazers and patch it with similar stats, for power, marauder.
Me dying is not the problem.
The reasons mentioned before are the problem.
The high difficulty is the problem, you have raid level trash mobs around the map.
For just wanting to roam the map for fun in PoF means you will be killing mobs 90% of the time for "fun" let me tell you it gets old, allright? Especially when it's made difficult and there is no empty space where you can just sit in peace without a mob getting triggered because of your presence.

I hope I've cleared everything and if you don't understand why I want map roaming to be a LITTLE BIT enjoyable experience, NOT ONE SHOTTING, I repeat, NOT. NOT. NOT one-shotting. Then I don't know how I could explain it to you. I never asked for one-shotting. I just want open world to be a more pleasant and more casual experience. It doesn't have to be hard-core war zone where I am fighting every little bug and bird that wants to assert dominance simply because it's programmed to.

Out of the box perspective:Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry kitten. kitten. Or zombies, even worse. Every person you pass by trying to kill you.
I just want to enjoy myself in the wild. Much like open-world.
I don't go there because I want to mash mobs, ever. If it has to be an option then majority of them can be made neutral so bloodthirsty players can mash as many mobs as they like.

I feel for you. I get sick of having to clear 4 or 5 mobs, including a veteran, when I just want to mine a node that is a bit out of the way (but a rich orichalcum node). The one I am thinking of has four jacaranda, including a veteran, and you get at least two of them activated simultaneously when you go there. Having a character with stability would help, but one shouldn't expect players to bring stab when they are just trying to gather.

To boot, the mobs drop shite.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:It's not "extreme", it's a fact. In a fantasy mmorpg you simply fight monsters. If you want a walk in a park, go to a park. There are park equivalents in the game too. But you go to a hostile territory and then complain that it's hostile? Just... uh...Some of us aren't asking for a walk in the park. Many of us aren't complaining about the difficulty of the enemies, either. One of the larger complaints centers on the aggro radius and respawn rate. A territory can still be hostile without these factors being tuned to the degree that they are in PoF. I think this is the point that is being missed or purposefully ignored to hammer away at players who find content more frustrating than others. And, to me, Anet got the hint as these factors were not as aggressive in later S4 maps.

Some of us would like PoF maps to be tuned down in a similar manner. Some of us would not. That doesn't mean that those opposed should be disparaging to each other.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@"Pockethole.5031" said:Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry kitten.So what exactly
you do if you meet a bear?No, it's more like what would YOU do if you met 5 bears? They attack you and while you are trying to defend yourself they maul, stun or otherwise strike you with such force as to slow your reactions. You use every skill and tool available to you that you have with you and finally manage to defeat all five bears. Then, as you try to catch your breath and maybe even recover somewhat, 5 more bears appear. The cycle repeats.

No, it's more like it's a pretty stupid and baseless comparison to begin with and people that compare mmorpgs to real life only do that in a very specific way to show what they want to show, but the game isn't real life and it's absolutely shouldn't ever be balanced about "what you do in real life". What kind of a stand-in pseudo-argument is that, I don't even know. (yes, I know you weren't the one who originally brought it up)Actually if you want to play "that game", you wouldn't "use every tool you have to defeat 5 bears", you would literally die to a single bear if that bear felt it doesn't want you anywhere nearby. So much for "but in real life".Actually the best that came out of this whole argument is what @Dawdler.8521 wrote here:

From the sounds of it, you dont want a forest. You want a park. There's one in the center of Divinitys Reach to stroll around in if thats your cup of tea.No need to be so extreme. What I feel players like this poster want is to be able to actually stop and view the maps that Anet has spent so much time/effort in creating for us without engaging in what seems to be an endless combat scenario.

It's not "extreme", it's a fact. In a fantasy mmorpg you simply
fight monsters
. If you want a walk in a park, go to a park. There are park equivalents in the game too. But you go to a hostile territory and then complain that it's hostile? Just... uh...

Yeah then there's the guy that goes way too far and gets way to upset over a comparison.

Feels like you're trying to direct it at me, but I fail to see at which point exactly I "took it too far" or where I'm "upset over a comparison". I just say the comparison he made doesn't make sense in relation to the game for the situation he's describing, because it doesn't.

Not even rl but I remember there was a chest after you took a jackal portal up under a bridge and your like ohhh a chest so you go towards it but the dumb af aggro radius of jacaranda you ended up vs 4 reg and 1 vet and you killed the reg and took forever vs the vet and the regs all respawned so ya that was bs.

It's almost as if those mobs are there for a reason and you need to do something about them because that's how the game works... Again, you're in a fantasy mmorpg killing monsters.

There can be somewhere in between dawdlers suggestion and that experience and present a dangerous environment and not some unfun game exp

And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about? Changing the range so you can freely ignore everything to get free shinies, not even zooming past the threat on a mount, but also just walking up to any chest you see? That's not the point of this game when you enter the area that's clearly not meant to be a friendly one. Also that's hardly an "inbetween".

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@"Sobx.1758" said:And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about? Changing the range so you can freely ignore everything to get free shinies, not even zooming past the threat on a mount, but also just walking up to any chest you see? That's not the point of this game when you enter the area that's clearly not meant to be a friendly one. Also that's hardly an "inbetween".It seems to me that you're taking an extreme position here. No one is asking to change the range to the extent that you state.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:It's not "extreme", it's a fact. In a fantasy mmorpg you simply
fight monsters
. If you want a walk in a park, go to a park. There are park equivalents in the game too. But you go to a hostile territory and then complain that it's hostile? Just... uh...Some of us aren't asking for a walk in the park. Many of us aren't complaining about the difficulty of the enemies, either.

Cool, but what you were answering to was commenting on this:"Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry kitten."

So I still don't see how that answer was extreme considering the comparison that was made there (and you even expanded on it later).

One of the larger complaints centers on the aggro radius and respawn rate. A territory can still be hostile without these factors being tuned to the degree that they are in PoF. I think this is the point that is being missed or purposefully ignored to hammer away at players who find content more frustrating than others. And, to me, Anet got the hint as these factors were not as aggressive in later S4 maps.

And I think you're purposefully ignoring the level of power (both in engaging the fight and the pure mobility making it easier to even avoid any) we got with the introduction of mounts. I don't see why the mobs/game would need to remain "as they always were", while the player constantly gets stronger. Do you think the changes to the mobs were somehow randomly decided by roilling a dice? To me they seem pretty reasonable.

Some of us would like PoF maps to be tuned down in a similar manner. Some of us would not. That doesn't mean that those opposed should be disparaging to each other.

Disparaging? Who, where, how? It seems all of the previous answers were strictly answering to what was written before without some randomized insults.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about? Changing the range so you can freely ignore everything to get free shinies, not even zooming past the threat on a mount, but also just walking up to any chest you see? That's not the point of this game when you enter the area that's clearly not meant to be a friendly one. Also that's hardly an "inbetween".It seems to me that you're taking an extreme position here. No one is asking to change the range to the extent that you state.

Despite me throwing something off the top of my head (also based on the fact that these complaints are basically complaints about something aggroing on me at all), that was a question. And still is: And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about?

But now I have some additional ones:Then to what "extent" do you propose doing it to somehow make everyone happy? How do you decide on it? Why do you think you'll be able to determine that better, easier and with more accuracy than anet did/does?

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@"Sobx.1758" said:Then to what "extent" do you propose doing it? How do you decide on it?With regards to aggro radius and respawn rates, I would prefer PoF maps to be tuned like the S4 maps that came after it.

The entire exercise here is academic anyway. Anet isn't going to make any changes of this kind to maps that have already been released.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Pockethole.5031" said:Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry kitten.So what exactly
you do if you meet a bear?No, it's more like what would YOU do if you met 5 bears? They attack you and while you are trying to defend yourself they maul, stun or otherwise strike you with such force as to slow your reactions. You use every skill and tool available to you that you have with you and finally manage to defeat all five bears. Then, as you try to catch your breath and maybe even recover somewhat, 5 more bears appear. The cycle repeats.

No, it's more like it's a pretty stupid and baseless comparison to begin with and people that compare mmorpgs to real life only do that in a very specific way to show what they want to show, but the game isn't real life and it's absolutely shouldn't ever be balanced about "what you do in real life". What kind of a stand-in pseudo-argument is that, I don't even know. (yes, I know you weren't the one who originally brought it up)Actually if you want to play "that game", you wouldn't "use every tool you have to defeat 5 bears", you would literally die to a single bear if that bear felt it doesn't want you anywhere nearby. So much for "but in real life".Actually the best that came out of this whole argument is what @Dawdler.8521 wrote here:

From the sounds of it, you dont want a forest. You want a park. There's one in the center of Divinitys Reach to stroll around in if thats your cup of tea.No need to be so extreme. What I feel players like this poster want is to be able to actually stop and view the maps that Anet has spent so much time/effort in creating for us without engaging in what seems to be an endless combat scenario.

It's not "extreme", it's a fact. In a fantasy mmorpg you simply
fight monsters
. If you want a walk in a park, go to a park. There are park equivalents in the game too. But you go to a hostile territory and then complain that it's hostile? Just... uh...

Yeah then there's the guy that goes way too far and gets way to upset over a comparison.

Feels like you're trying to direct it at me, but I fail to see at which point exactly I "took it too far" or where I'm "upset over a comparison". I just say the comparison he made doesn't make sense in relation to the game for the situation he's describing, because it doesn't.

Not even rl but I remember there was a chest after you took a jackal portal up under a bridge and your like ohhh a chest so you go towards it but the dumb af aggro radius of jacaranda you ended up vs 4 reg and 1 vet and you killed the reg and took forever vs the vet and the regs all respawned so ya that was bs.

It's almost as if those mobs are there for a reason and you need to do something about them because that's how the game works... Again, you're in a fantasy mmorpg
killing monsters

There can be somewhere in between dawdlers suggestion and that experience and present a dangerous environment and not some unfun game exp

And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about? Changing the range so you can freely ignore everything to get free shinies, not even zooming past the threat on a mount, but also just walking up to any chest you see? That's not the point of this game when you enter the area that's clearly not meant to be a friendly one. Also that's hardly an "inbetween".

You went on a rant because some dude talked about tanks in a forest and bears then kharmin expanded on the silly comparison as it being 5 bears then after you kill the 5 bears you'd have to fight 5 more which is the crossover between rl bear and the games mechanic of respawning mobs. Every one knows it's a fantasy game and once in a while they try to appy rl to it which yes is silly but again the went to far is going it's a pretty stupid and baseless comparison and the you upset is how serious you took this silly comparison of fantasy to rl so you seemed upset.And if you can't see that there are absolutely no mobs in dawdlers park so that be dumb a map with chests and nodes but no mobs to the complete aggravation of jacaranda and white mantle and iboga when you have to fight half the map. The middle ground is almost every other damn mob everywhere like spiders and harpys or 99 percent of mobs where yes you can avoid most of them while traversing the map and have to kill one or 2 once in a while if you were gathering etc.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@"Pockethole.5031" said:Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry kitten.So what exactly
you do if you meet a bear?No, it's more like what would YOU do if you met 5 bears? They attack you and while you are trying to defend yourself they maul, stun or otherwise strike you with such force as to slow your reactions. You use every skill and tool available to you that you have with you and finally manage to defeat all five bears. Then, as you try to catch your breath and maybe even recover somewhat, 5 more bears appear. The cycle repeats.

No, it's more like it's a pretty stupid and baseless comparison to begin with and people that compare mmorpgs to real life only do that in a very specific way to show what they want to show, but the game isn't real life and it's absolutely shouldn't ever be balanced about "what you do in real life". What kind of a stand-in pseudo-argument is that, I don't even know. (yes, I know you weren't the one who originally brought it up)Actually if you want to play "that game", you wouldn't "use every tool you have to defeat 5 bears", you would literally die to a single bear if that bear felt it doesn't want you anywhere nearby. So much for "but in real life".Actually the best that came out of this whole argument is what @Dawdler.8521 wrote here:

From the sounds of it, you dont want a forest. You want a park. There's one in the center of Divinitys Reach to stroll around in if thats your cup of tea.No need to be so extreme. What I feel players like this poster want is to be able to actually stop and view the maps that Anet has spent so much time/effort in creating for us without engaging in what seems to be an endless combat scenario.

It's not "extreme", it's a fact. In a fantasy mmorpg you simply
fight monsters
. If you want a walk in a park, go to a park. There are park equivalents in the game too. But you go to a hostile territory and then complain that it's hostile? Just... uh...

Yeah then there's the guy that goes way too far and gets way to upset over a comparison.

Feels like you're trying to direct it at me, but I fail to see at which point exactly I "took it too far" or where I'm "upset over a comparison". I just say the comparison he made doesn't make sense in relation to the game for the situation he's describing, because it doesn't.

Not even rl but I remember there was a chest after you took a jackal portal up under a bridge and your like ohhh a chest so you go towards it but the dumb af aggro radius of jacaranda you ended up vs 4 reg and 1 vet and you killed the reg and took forever vs the vet and the regs all respawned so ya that was bs.

It's almost as if those mobs are there for a reason and you need to do something about them because that's how the game works... Again, you're in a fantasy mmorpg
killing monsters

There can be somewhere in between dawdlers suggestion and that experience and present a dangerous environment and not some unfun game exp

And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about? Changing the range so you can freely ignore everything to get free shinies, not even zooming past the threat on a mount, but also just walking up to any chest you see? That's not the point of this game when you enter the area that's clearly not meant to be a friendly one. Also that's hardly an "inbetween".

You went on a rant because some dude talked about tanks in a forest and bears

It wasn't a rant, it was a direct answer related to the topic itself and to the pretty unreasonable argumentation someone tried using to push their opinion. Not everything you disagree with is somehow automatically an "upset rant" or whatever you keep repeating in an attempt to target me instead of actually targetting what is being said in this thread.Maybe when kharmin was talking about not needing to be disparaging to each other, he was actually talking about you -that would explain a bit.

then kharmin expanded on the silly comparison as it being 5 bears then after you kill the 5 bears you'd have to fight 5 more which is the crossover between rl bear and the games mechanic of respawning mobs. Every one knows it's a fantasy game and once in a while they try to appy rl to it which yes is silly

Exactly, it was a silly irrelevant comparison that shouldn't be used as any kind of argument. And that's the point.

but again the went to far is going it's a pretty stupid and baseless comparison and the you upset is how serious you took this silly comparison of fantasy to rl so you seemed upset.

Honestly I have no idea what you've tried to say in the first part of this sentence.And what I said in this thread still doesn't make me upset in any way, if he understands his comparison made no sense then he should stop trying to use it as an argument or validation for his opinion. Why? Because it makes no sense. Yup, that's it.

And if you can't see that there are absolutely no mobs in dawdlers park so that be dumb a map with chests and nodes but no mobs to the complete aggravation of jacaranda and white mantle and iboga when you have to fight half the map. The middle ground is almost every other kitten mob everywhere like spiders and harpys or 99 percent of mobs where yes you can avoid most of them while traversing the map and have to kill one or 2 once in a while if you were gathering etc.

So the core zones designated for new-ish players where we had less power, mostly no top gear available and no new powerful engage/combat avoidance mechanics like mounts. Yup, that's what I'm talking about. This is not "middle ground" in any way. This is a tutorial-grade content.

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I feel OP, but I think mobs should stay the way they are.

When I first got to HoT maps, VB to be exact, i wanted to quit. I leveled to 80, bought full exotic gear and decent exotic weapons and accessories, only to be murdered by VB mobs in 3 -5 hits. Didn't really matter if I used berserker or knight, i got murdered by everything. Everywhere I went, these things are there, compounded by the maze-like map. CC, bleeds/poison, and those stupid snipers. Mobs in this game are insane, I hated it initially but this also forced me to sit down and study my build, my rotation and change my general approach to mobs. I stopped charging in and started planning, and avoided as many as possible by finding shortcuts or following other players. OH and I had no mounts til near the end of the HoT story.

I honestly think this is better and more realistic. You are playing a flesh and blood character just like the mobs in front of you, and half of the time they are bigger and physically stronger. So it makes logical sense for them to be able to kill you in a few hits. Don't want to die? Avoid them, be smart with your skills, or ask for more bodies to help you. This isn't a fantasy game that your character is basically a god. I understand some people aren't accustomed to this, but this is actually what makes gw2 special.

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This is youNo, it's more like it's a pretty stupid and baseless comparison to begin with and people that compare mmorpgs to real life only do that in a very specific way to show what they want to show, but the game isn't real life and it's absolutely shouldn't ever be balanced about "what you do in real life". What kind of a stand-in pseudo-argument is that, I don't even know. (yes, I know you weren't the one who originally brought it up)Actually if you want to play "that game", you wouldn't "use every tool you have to defeat 5 bears", you would literally die to a single bear if that bear felt it doesn't want you anywhere nearby. So much for "but in real life".That is a rant. That is not a direct answer as no question was asked. Taking something silly and treating it as serious and going a bear could kill you in rl like we know and a flamethower would burn and grenades would take off limbs and I can't respawn in rl. We know. He knows. It was silly and you went all serious and disparaging calling his comment a stupid and baseless comparison when who cares if he mixed fantasy w rl for a second in a way you didn't think made sense.The op thinks pof mobs are difficult and I could see that. I find them to aggravating as I don't want to fight 15 mobs otw to something. The aggro radius is big and the I'm in combat 5 miles away is annoying in pof.Middle ground man. Some aggravation good. Extended ridiculous aggravation bad. Walk in the park is bad too but we are here to play a game for enjoyment and sometimes that's getting to events not getting knocked down 15 times fighting everything and missing the event because you think "we are in a dangerous area" and should have to fight relentlessly over a chest w 1 unid gear 2 empyreal shards in it.

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@Innokatsu.2937 said:I feel OP, but I think mobs should stay the way they are.

When I first got to HoT maps, VB to be exact, i wanted to quit. I leveled to 80, bought full exotic gear and decent exotic weapons and accessories, only to be murdered by VB mobs in 3 -5 hits. Didn't really matter if I used berserker or knight, i got murdered by everything. Everywhere I went, these things are there, compounded by the maze-like map. CC, bleeds/poison, and those stupid snipers. Mobs in this game are insane, I hated it initially but this also forced me to sit down and study my build, my rotation and change my general approach to mobs. I stopped charging in and started planning, and avoided as many as possible by finding shortcuts or following other players. OH and I had no mounts til near the end of the HoT story.

I honestly think this is better and more realistic. You are playing a flesh and blood character just like the mobs in front of you, and half of the time they are bigger and physically stronger. So it makes logical sense for them to be able to kill you in a few hits. Don't want to die? Avoid them, be smart with your skills, or ask for more bodies to help you. This isn't a fantasy game that your character is basically a god. I understand some people aren't accustomed to this, but this is actually what makes gw2 special.

WTH? at this point, the character has taken down several demi gods. ancient beings, that could commmand death itself, and literally CREATE swarms of minions.not only are they still sending us on grunt duty, they try to make it look like it is NORMAL.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about? Changing the range so you can freely ignore everything to get free shinies, not even zooming past the threat on a mount, but also just walking up to any chest you see? That's not the point of this game when you enter the area that's clearly not meant to be a friendly one. Also that's hardly an "inbetween".

Well, how about the way HoT handles it? It's arguably more challenging than PoF, yet the aggro radius is not expanded the way it is in PoF. Why is it fine in HoT and not in PoF?

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@Innokatsu.2937 said:I feel OP, but I think mobs should stay the way they are.

When I first got to HoT maps, VB to be exact, i wanted to quit. I leveled to 80, bought full exotic gear and decent exotic weapons and accessories, only to be murdered by VB mobs in 3 -5 hits. Didn't really matter if I used berserker or knight, i got murdered by everything. Everywhere I went, these things are there, compounded by the maze-like map. CC, bleeds/poison, and those stupid snipers. Mobs in this game are insane, I hated it initially but this also forced me to sit down and study my build, my rotation and change my general approach to mobs. I stopped charging in and started planning, and avoided as many as possible by finding shortcuts or following other players. OH and I had no mounts til near the end of the HoT story.

I honestly think this is better and more realistic. You are playing a flesh and blood character just like the mobs in front of you, and half of the time they are bigger and physically stronger. So it makes logical sense for them to be able to kill you in a few hits. Don't want to die? Avoid them, be smart with your skills, or ask for more bodies to help you. This isn't a fantasy game that your character is basically a god. I understand some people aren't accustomed to this, but this is actually what makes gw2 special.

WTH? at this point, the character has taken down several demi gods. ancient beings, that could commmand death itself, and literally CREATE swarms of minions.not only are they still sending us on grunt duty, they try to make it look like it is NORMAL.

This assumes that every player plays through all of the chapters of the story in order. I know many that don't, myself included. I enjoy the exploration aspects of GW2 and don't really care about the lore/story. The way that I want to play the game is adversely affected in PoF maps because of the aforementioned aggro radius and respawn rates.

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PoF offers some high intensity, diverse fights if you're new to it. Initially fun. They get kinda old fast. However, what gets old instantly, is the absohuge aggro radius and miniscule respawn timers. It's as if they're there to slow you down and make you pay an additional month's subscription. -10% aggro radius and +33% respawn timer is a very simple edit to make, would do nothing to the actual difficulty of the individual mobs, but would improve the exploration and play experience around the PoF areas immensely.

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I'm a casual player. My two 4+ year old mains is a power no-minions chill shout/well semi-meta reaper, and semi-meta survival/stance condi soulbeast. I have other characters too but I play these two almost exclusively all the time.

  • In PoF my reaper can mow down almost anything, even the locked breakbar veterans and elites too, by brute force, in a half minute, tops. He has a full asc marauder set and weapons (the usual gs + axe/wh combo). This is the level of equipment and pure force that could say "it's manageable easily", or "spamming '1' could kill anything" - this is a big, fat lie, but for the sake of simplicity, let's say it. I can't solo champs or legendaries, but that's the lack of my player skills, of course.
  • My soulbeast is just at the beginning of the item grind, having a full exotic carrion set and weapons (d/t + sb) with some viper's trinkets, and he has some asc here and there, like an Occam's coat and a dagger. He can somewhat manage it in PoF; I soloed and finished almost all the maps, but it is definitely much-much slower than the reaper. He needs much more mobility, dodge, condi clean, weapon swapping, changing the tactics between melee and ranged - it requires much more attention to play. While his hard and soft CCs are much better than the reaper's, since most of the breakbar enemies clearly ignore many condition effects (like slow, or immobility), it is definitely harder and slower to solo kill them until their bar breaks and/or hp melts - while all the enemies start to harass me and mob on me from every corner of the map...

But, in HoT, both are viable almost equally. In fact, even my soulbeast can solo some of the hp champs or roaming veteran groups. The significant difference between HoT and PoF is the aggro range / respawn rate and the huge condi spam (huge as in "constantly pulses" and "disgustingly long"...), those are the main problems, and make the life much harder for condi characters in PoF.

OP is a condi user, with even better set than me (trailblazer), so I can sympathize with him/her. It is not a "git gud", nor "learn to play" issue, it is some design miscalculation.

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@"Jilora.9524" said:That is a rant.

Nah, it's not, it's a direct answer about something that pretends to be a valid argument while not being one.

That is not a direct answer as no question was asked.

"Answering to post" doesn't require that post to be a question.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about? Changing the range so you can freely ignore everything to get free shinies, not even zooming past the threat on a mount, but also just walking up to any chest you see? That's not the point of this game when you enter the area that's clearly not meant to be a friendly one. Also that's hardly an "inbetween".

Well, how about the way HoT handles it? It's arguably more challenging than PoF, yet the aggro radius is not expanded the way it is in PoF. Why is it fine in HoT and not in PoF?

I already wrote in the previous post what's the difference between HoT and PoF, it seems pretty obvious why the mobs changed between these expansions.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:And what is that "inbetween solution" you're talking about? Changing the range so you can freely ignore everything to get free shinies, not even zooming past the threat on a mount, but also just walking up to any chest you see? That's not the point of this game when you enter the area that's clearly not meant to be a friendly one. Also that's hardly an "inbetween".

Well, how about the way HoT handles it? It's arguably more challenging than PoF, yet the aggro radius is not expanded the way it is in PoF. Why is it fine in HoT and not in PoF?

I already wrote in the previous post what's the difference between HoT and PoF, it seems pretty obvious why the mobs changed between these expansions.

Sorry, I don't have the patience to dig through all the back-and-forth to find whatever point you may have had, but I'm going to guess it's the tried-and-not-so-true "mounts" excuse?

If the purpose of increased aggro range was to act as an obstacle to mounted players, it was misguided. Walking past or flying over enemies is trivial. But there is no avoiding getting stuck in combat when dismounting and then having to clear a wide area before you can get out of combat and re-mount. Many players quite rightly find this annoying and unnecessary.

Yet HoT exists as it always did even though purchasing PoF now also gives players access to HoT. Is the lower aggro range in HoT a problem? I certainly don't hear many players complaining that the combat has been trivialized by mounts. Wouldn't that make sense if the premise is that mounts make open world too easy because of their ability to bypass enemies?

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