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My honest feelings about map mob difficulty in PoF

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@Hesione.9412 said:

@Mungo Zen.9364 said:--snip --For me, it's not a condi-cleanse issue. I can defeat a mob but the game considers me to still be "in combat" so I can't mount, SB can't swap pets, other professions can't swap weapons, etc... Players end up having to travel a significant distance from the encounter before they are no longer locked in combat... but then are subjected to the vast aggro range of other mobs or if they remain in-place and wait for the "timer" to let them out of combat, the mob re-spawns.

If we understand how we interact with the game world, or how it interacts with us, then we can plan for those eventualities.

If you are in combat, then there must be a reason. Is there an enemy attacking you? Is there a condi on you? Is there a ground aoe you are in or close? Did you just take fall damage? There are many more questions one can ask about the game state they are in, and exploring those questions will help with understanding the game and having confidence in entering any situation that may arise.

Personally, I haven't had the same game experience that some have raised here. Occasionally I get stuck in a situation I can't just escape, but occasionally, not always. If the same sticky situation happens to me reliably, then I have learned to expect it, and adjust my gameplay when applicable.

Nope. The in-combat session just lingers much longer than in other zones. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one to have experienced it. /shrug


a lot of the time I can't see which mob is aggro'd so I can kill it.
Also, mobs aggro'ing on a higher level that assumes I would use a mount to get up there. I can't mount to attack (because in combat). Which leaves me to:
  1. jump off the place and glide until I'm out of combat. This assumes I can jump off and glide. Also, using stealth gliding often doesn't remove me out of combat (e.g. DWC and the portal activities)
  2. run on foot to get away, and then aggro another set of mobs because I can't wp as I am in combat.

I have noticed a time delay between when the debuffs tick off and I can mount/wp again. This is super annoying.

It's that one stupid little sand lion cub running away from you with the invulnerable buff on it because you somehow just barely kited out of its aggro range.

While you're still in combat with a lowered health pool and debuffs from fighting other mobs.

This game has the worst kiting implementation I have experienced
. I can't even get it back into combat while it's running back and it's health is increasing. However,
remain in combat. :/

Does it? I don't think it has any worse kiting implementation than other similar games (based on my experience, correct me if I'm wrong). Obviously you can't just try and kite a mob through half of the map. That doesn't seem to be anything out of ordinary.You are in combat because you are the one that made that happen. At this point you probably understand that kiting a mob too far from its original spawn point results in the mob trying to "hard reset", so... don't do that and you're fine? You're literally complaining about you making the choice to run in a straight line away from the mob for too long -that reset mechanic isn't the cause, you are. As far as I know kiting in this game isn't somehow inexplicably hard, you just need to make a u-turn every now and then, instead of trying to abuse limited mob behavior.

Thank you for telling me I don't know how to kite. That's very helpful. Especially as it doesn't address the point I made.

No problem. Can you tell me what point you've made in your previous post that wasn't addressed by me? I've even asked in what way it's "the worst kiting implementation you've experienced" in games of this type, but for some reason you didn't clarify. I'd like to understand exactly what you're talking about.

E: judging by absolutely no response, it seems I didn't really miss any point you claim you've made.

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@Hesione.9412 said:I feel for you. I get sick of having to clear 4 or 5 mobs, including a veteran, when I just want to mine a node that is a bit out of the way (but a rich orichalcum node). The one I am thinking of has four jacaranda, including a veteran, and you get at least two of them activated simultaneously when you go there. Having a character with stability would help, but one shouldn't expect players to bring stab when they are just trying to gather.With maxed out Magic Find that rich Ori node can easily drop 3 orbs worth 8 or so silver a piece. Why shouldn't you be expected to mitigate significant aggro for it?

@"zistenz.1945" said:But, in HoT, both are viable almost equally. In fact, even my soulbeast can solo some of the hp champs or roaming veteran groups. The significant difference between HoT and PoF is the aggro range / respawn rate and the huge condi spam (huge as in "constantly pulses" and "disgustingly long"...), those are the main problems, and make the life much harder for condi characters in PoF.Nope.My condi shortbow Soulbeast is equally as strong on PoF maps.My Dire Tempest runs around with about the same level of challenge as she did in Orr.My full vipers renegade laughs at them both and solos bounties in Crystal Oasis.OP is a condi user, with even better set than me (trailblazer), so I can sympathize with him/her. It is not a "git gud", nor "learn to play" issue,I know I shouldn't be the one to say it is....but most it likely is.Condi builds in OW are significantly overtuned everywhere thanks in part to the way condi damage scales off one or two stats but power needs three. This allows a player to get full near full damage value from a stat set like Dire or Traiblazers while being able to slot for tons of vit and toughness. Meanwhile a power damage user needs to either sacrifice damage or sustain from their gear. This applies in both desert and jungle maps. And while mitigating in jungle maps is usually best done via toughness, dealing with the condi PoF maps is just better done with vit.That said there isnt even any significant condi play from AIs in desert maps until Istan anyways.I play a ton of condi focussed builds and I assure you there is zero meaningful difference between their capabilities in PoF or HoT content.

Maybe instead of making blanket statements based on your personal experience you should post your build for us.

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@Valfar.3761 said:I like dangerous mobs, but I do not like damage sponges.

I liked how dangerous HoT mobs were (before the nerfs). If you made a mistake and dropped into a pack of tiny little raptors, you were dead.

What I do not like are damage sponges. I don't want to spend 2 minutes trying to kill one guy. I want to kill him in 30-45 seconds and move on with my life. If the mob is a champion, then I will accept the fight taking longer, but the fight needs to introduce new mechanics as it goes on. I don't want to be doing the same mechanics for five to ten minutes.

So for generic mobs I'd prefer highly dangerous mechanics that force me to move/do something/be skilled, but a low time to kill.

Fortunately none of the mobs that you can solo in PoF are damage sponges unless the player is fighting them with a wet noodle.

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@radda.8920 said:I totally want the opposite.Pof was way too simple as an extension, it was really made for casuals. And unlike HOT, it never asked to think about your build and try to improve your skill.I don't want to spam 1 and falling asleep on my keyboard like the last maps they added in game.

So please, arena, make EoD mobs much more complicated . And more numerous. Thank you.

Hopefully its like GW1.So you know you fighting professions just like you.Just like Toxic Alliance, they go into downstateMaybe sophisticated enough to revive each otherThey know how to use finisher on you if you go downThey know to CC you.

Like if you running, CC time

Be nice if they hunted you down too.

Not just a static, always in same spot.

Be nice if, they hunt you down for sake of hunting you down.

You be minding your own business, working on something and all sudden, Warrior NPC comes outta nowhere, doing Warrior stuff on you.

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I changed my original post to describe the problem a little bit more.And for everyone who are against me, I wrote:People who want hardcore open world experience can always wear blue grade gear.I hope casuals will be at least noted when designing mobs. Not everyone likes super intense combat. If it's intense for everyone, not everyone have fun. If it's easy for everyone, those who want can choose for it to be more challenging by using lower grade gear. And if they change their mind they can always use better gear again. Result: maps are fun for everyone, hardcores and casuals alike.

I suppose alternatively they could think of a system that let's you choose map difficulty when you enter it. That would be awesome.

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@"Pockethole.5031" said:I changed my original post to describe the problem a little bit more.And for everyone who are against me, I wrote:People who want hardcore open world experience can always wear blue grade gear.I hope casuals will be at least noted when designing mobs. Not everyone likes super intense combat. If it's intense for everyone, not everyone have fun. If it's easy for everyone, those who want can choose for it to be more challenging by using lower grade gear. And if they change their mind they can always use better gear again. Result: maps are fun for everyone, hardcores and casuals alike.

I suppose alternatively they could think of a system that let's you choose map difficulty when you enter it. That would be awesome.

I think the point here is that OW isn't "hardcore", it's just more engaging and alive instead of being another place to afk in the middle of. If you understand basic mechanics of the game as well as the concept of having a coherent build with proper equipment (meaning exotics with relevant stat combination), you shouldn't have much of a problem with clearing open world mobs and their respawn times shouldn't really overwhelm you. Reversing the content to the tutorial grade when we're heading for third expansion is not something that should happen.Suggesting that players should run with blue equipment in their inventory instead of you learning the actual game mechanics after years of playing it is some grade A backwards logic. Well... to me at least.

Even if you just want to mine/herb/log in peace.

There it is... Basically "free gold without interacting with the game plox" or "give me place to set a character indefinitely to repeatedly farm one node"

Or want to sightsee.

Use mounts -easy sightseeing.

-There is not always space to fight the mob (spellbreaker harpies. Where do I dodge if I'm atop a tiny platform? )

Work on your positioning, there's pretty much always space to dodge, that also includes the harpy-platforms.

Also spellbreaker harpies are very annoying. I wish they would be less annoying.

The fact that mobs require you to actually to something instead of pressing 1 is a good thing.

-The amount of time you waste on PoF mobs in comparison to HoT or core Tyria is way more. Take notes next time you go around PoF and leave your griffon, skyscale and beetle home.

Nope, I disagree.And about "you can glide away in HoT -well, now we have mounts. Mounts with skills even. We're better than we were.

Therefore you always have to kill enemies for 3 minutes straight so you can mount up and pray you will be fine or kill enemies for 3 minutes straight and die anyway.

I don't think this ever happened to me tbh, so... I just can't blindly agree with this?Ascended compared to exotics doesn't make such a huge difference, especially in open world where you don't spam high hp targets like, for example, in raids.

-Yeah, I still want that -5% hp reduction for mobs. They have hard enough mechanics for it.

Not needed, they're not dmg sponges anyways.

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@Pockethole.5031 said:I changed my original post to describe the problem a little bit more.And for everyone who are against me, I wrote:People who want hardcore open world experience can always wear blue grade gear.I hope casuals will be at least noted when designing mobs. Not everyone likes super intense combat. If it's intense for everyone, not everyone have fun. If it's easy for everyone, those who want can choose for it to be more challenging by using lower grade gear. And if they change their mind they can always use better gear again. Result: maps are fun for everyone, hardcores and casuals alike.

I suppose alternatively they could think of a system that let's you choose map difficulty when you enter it. That would be awesome.

People who aren't up to the challenge can always get help with the tough parts or, you know, just git gud. See how that works?

Having said that, I still feel they should tone down the aggro range of some of the mobs in PoF and later content. Being hardcore/casual good/bad or anything else has nothing to do with it. It's just annoying.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Pockethole.5031 said:I changed my original post to describe the problem a little bit more.And for everyone who are against me, I wrote:
People who want hardcore open world experience can always wear blue grade gear.
I hope casuals will be at least noted when designing mobs. Not everyone likes super intense combat. If it's intense for everyone, not everyone have fun. If it's easy for everyone, those who want can choose for it to be more challenging by using lower grade gear. And if they change their mind they can always use better gear again. Result: maps are fun for everyone, hardcores and casuals alike.

I suppose alternatively they could think of a system that let's you choose map difficulty when you enter it. That would be awesome.

People who aren't up to the challenge can always get help with the tough parts or, you know, just git gud. See how that works?

Having said that, I still feel they should tone down the aggro range of some of the mobs in PoF and later content. Being hardcore/casual good/bad or anything else has nothing to do with it. It's just annoying.

having multiple instances with different difficulties of OW maps would be very expensive to make and maintain. i doubt that will ever happeni was thinking more of a difficulty selector a la STO, where they buff or nerf your character according to the players choicemuch easier to make, and almost same result

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@battledrone.8315 said:having multiple instances with different difficulties of OW maps would be very expensive to make and maintain. i doubt that will ever happeni was thinking more of a difficulty selector a la STO, where they buff or nerf your character according to the players choicemuch easier to make, and almost same result

The system already in the game: the Core Tyria automatic level adjustment could provide a good basis for this. It works even in different areas of a map. I don't think it is instance-based.

Meanwhile I finished the worst PoF map, the Desolation, (mostly) solo with my condi soulbeast. But while I did the PoF maps in the last week, I found a worrisome trend (in EU): many PoF map instances dies down within tens of minutes, even the Lily clears out fast. Last Saturday I had five emptying map warning within an hour (mostly Deso and Vabbi). That's... not good.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Valfar.3761" said:I like dangerous mobs, but I do not like damage sponges.

I liked how dangerous HoT mobs were (before the nerfs). If you made a mistake and dropped into a pack of tiny little raptors, you were dead.

What I do not like are damage sponges. I don't want to spend 2 minutes trying to kill one guy. I want to kill him in 30-45 seconds and move on with my life. If the mob is a champion, then I will accept the fight taking longer, but the fight needs to introduce new mechanics as it goes on. I don't want to be doing the same mechanics for five to ten minutes.

So for generic mobs I'd prefer highly dangerous mechanics that force me to move/do something/be skilled, but a low time to kill.

Fortunately none of the mobs that you can solo in PoF are damage sponges unless the player is fighting them with a wet noodle.Never underestimate the amount of people trying to fight with their wet noodle... I am a WvWer used to running a condi bunker roamer as main but at least I
to bring some damage to PvE. Lately I've been doing public DRMs and when I see someone struggle with a poor veteran, then I come in and punch like 15% off its hp with my autoattacks I just wanna go "was that it!?".

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@zistenz.1945 said:

@"battledrone.8315" said:having multiple instances with different difficulties of OW maps would be very expensive to make and maintain. i doubt that will ever happeni was thinking more of a difficulty selector a la STO, where they buff or nerf your character according to the players choicemuch easier to make, and almost same result

The system already in the game: the Core Tyria automatic level adjustment could provide a good basis for this. It works even in different areas of a map. I don't think it is instance-based.

Meanwhile I finished the worst PoF map, the Desolation, (mostly) solo with my condi soulbeast. But while I did the PoF maps in the last week, I found a worrisome trend (in EU): many PoF map instances dies down within tens of minutes, even the Lily clears out fast. Last Saturday I had five emptying map warning within an hour (mostly Deso and Vabbi). That's... not good.

That seems to be expected, considering we have ever growing number of maps. People join particular metas, opening new instances and after the meta is done they move somewhere else, which closes instances created during meta events. I'm not sure why that's "not good", seems unavoidable and pretty reasonable.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:That seems to be expected, considering we have ever growing number of maps. People join particular metas, opening new instances and after the meta is done they move somewhere else, which closes instances created during meta events. I'm not sure why that's "not good", seems unavoidable and pretty reasonable.

I mean, on HoT maps, after a meta, people usually stay and organizing hp runs, calling help for mastery points, etc.. After a PoF meta everyone just left, no one wants to stay there. Today we have the Desolation on daily, and we just finished the legendary forged event. After that, everyone grabbed their rewards and just left, the map emptied in 5 mins. Occasionally I'm doing the Tarir meta, and never had this, even on weekday nights.

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@zistenz.1945 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:That seems to be expected, considering we have ever growing number of maps. People join particular metas, opening new instances and after the meta is done they move somewhere else, which closes instances created during meta events. I'm not sure why that's "not good", seems unavoidable and pretty reasonable.

I mean, on HoT maps, after a meta, people usually stay and organizing hp runs,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but pretty sure HoT HPs are a bit harder on average than they are in PoF, which might be why people are more likely to form helping groups and more people seek out to join them. So... we need harder content to make people group up and stay on the map? I wonder what does OP think about this one? :D(also it's a fact that there are hp trains on PoF maps as well -MIGHT be less frequent, but I don't feel I'm capable of confidently making this statement)

calling help for mastery points, etc..

This one I didn't really notice tbh.

After a PoF meta everyone just left, no one wants to stay there. Today we have the Desolation on daily, and we just finished the legendary forged event. After that, everyone grabbed their rewards and just left, the map emptied in 5 mins. Occasionally I'm doing the Tarir meta, and never had this, even on weekday nights.

I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make. I said this is nothing out of ordinary, because the fact is that it's not and you saying "it also happens during dailies!" doesn't change that. This is as true for other maps. I join VB for meta completion, we kill matriarch in 2 minutes and shortly after I get the promp about map closing, because people obviously move to do something else. This is something to be expected, it is logical, clearly explainable and nearly anavoidable seeing how we have more and more maps with different kinds of metas and varying rewards.I can't say I agree with you that this is something that's not happening in hot maps. And, again, I don't understand what argument you're trying to make here.

And actually comming back to your initial comment, I think making level scale down as some kind of "difficulty slider" in late/endgame maps is just nonsense that achieves nothing and isn't even a real difficulty slider, but just something that perpetuates dmg sponges that pretend to be "difficulty setting". Mobs in pof maps aren't even dps sponges in the first place, so I don't understand how you went from "point a" to "point b" claiming this is anywhere near a solution to... anything, really -all while ignoring what OP wants here is basically... more stuff easier with minimal effort or interaction with the game.

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@zistenz.1945 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:That seems to be expected, considering we have ever growing number of maps. People join particular metas, opening new instances and after the meta is done they move somewhere else, which closes instances created during meta events. I'm not sure why that's "not good", seems unavoidable and pretty reasonable.

I mean, on HoT maps, after a meta, people usually stay and organizing hp runs, calling help for mastery points, etc.. After a PoF meta everyone just left, no one wants to stay there. Today we have the Desolation on daily, and we just finished the legendary forged event. After that, everyone grabbed their rewards and just left, the map emptied in 5 mins. Occasionally I'm doing the Tarir meta, and never had this, even on weekday nights.

Yeah. PoF maps are less rewarding then going to HoT and even staying to do maps probably because of shiny baubles smaller size and just more engaging map wide slowly build up the lanes by events. Now to say AB doesn't close maps is false. I mean at reset there are at least 6 maps made with 4 or 5 octo completion and if you stay which I do you will get the map close prompt 5 times. PoF almost max except for casino blitz few extra maps are made and yes once we do that event we all bouncing to more lucrative areas. Map closing means nothing except it's trying to funnel 2 or 3 maps w 10 players into one map with 30 players.The thing to with the HP runs. HoT has alot of pita need a bunch of players hence the calls for help vs PoF where most only need a few max and most soloable

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@zistenz.1945 said:

@battledrone.8315 said:having multiple instances with different difficulties of OW maps would be very expensive to make and maintain. i doubt that will ever happeni was thinking more of a difficulty selector a la STO, where they buff or nerf your character according to the players choicemuch easier to make, and almost same result

The system already in the game: the Core Tyria automatic level adjustment could provide a good basis for this. It works even in different areas of a map. I don't think it is instance-based.

Meanwhile I finished the worst PoF map, the Desolation, (mostly) solo with my condi soulbeast. But while I did the PoF maps in the last week, I found a worrisome trend (in EU): many PoF map instances dies down within tens of minutes, even the Lily clears out fast. Last Saturday I had five emptying map warning within an hour (mostly Deso and Vabbi). That's... not good.

Oh that's not really that worrisome, at least it means enough people have gone to the map to cause additional instances to spawn. What's truly worrisome is when a map is clearly underpopulated and broken events show up. Now that's a real problem since you end up with progression blocking bugs that just won't go away until the next version update. Never seen that before? Try doing Ogre Wars in the Field of Ruins on Monday night and you'll probably have a chance to see it.

That said don't let this silver lining detract from the fact PoF mobs are incredibly annoying.

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@Pockethole.5031 said:I changed my original post to describe the problem a little bit more.And for everyone who are against me, I wrote:People who want hardcore open world experience can always wear blue grade gear.I hope casuals will be at least noted when designing mobs. Not everyone likes super intense combat. If it's intense for everyone, not everyone have fun. If it's easy for everyone, those who want can choose for it to be more challenging by using lower grade gear. And if they change their mind they can always use better gear again. Result: maps are fun for everyone, hardcores and casuals alike.

I suppose alternatively they could think of a system that let's you choose map difficulty when you enter it. That would be awesome.

What makes difficult content interesting it's mobs / bosses with innovative mechanics that make you think and improve your skill/ your placement in space.It has absolutely nothing to do with wearing blue gear and taking more damage, come on ...

With a build and a suitable stuff, the maps of pofs can be explored while sleeping. You don't even have to concentrate, you can watch TV while playing. strictly nothing comparable with HOT where you had to concentrate constantly otherwise you were one shot.

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This thread really reminds me of the thread I made about PvE retaliation, where I was trying to point out a mechanical flaw where one skill could proc 11k+ worth of retal dmg where others only took 700... then ppl came flying in saying it was good cuz it makes the ppl only getting hit for 700 ‘think’ and ‘play less brainlessly’, leaving the ppl who had the perspective of 11k thinking ‘wtf :anguished:’.

Like someone said somewhere, both that and this discussion is basically a mental exercise since it is somewhat expected that anet will ignore most of this anyway.

I agree with the comments about aggro range though. Recently, my siblings revisited the game and we ran through the PoF maps together. One of them managed to get dismounted and have up to a dozen separate (not grouped) branded ogres chasing after them. From my exp in core gw2, you’d only get 3-4 risen (given how ‘high-density’ Orr is) chasing you before the furthest one gave up. For HoT, probably only 2-3 mobs. And it doesn’t help that every mob in PoF seems to have a ranged attack as well (10s poison from scarabs literally intended to keep you in combat/dismounted LOL).

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I don't want GW2 to turn into a plug/play walking simulator that's designed for people that, deliberately, don't look both ways before crossing the street. I'm fine with the game having some more casual, exploration focused areas within maps, but this game's community often makes me feel like it wants to be rewarded for failing. In 90% of my interactions and experiences with newer, more causal focused players their builds are an unfinished, incomplete mess with an assorted, hobbled together combination of armor-stats, random runes (lacking T4/T6 bonuses) and whatever innate sigil is on their weapon.

This is completely independent of their active skill choice. It's pretty much like filling up your car with apple juice and expecting to take it on a cross-country road trip. Instead, inevitably, they break down on the side of the road or start raging about how the game is too hard because they're wearing tupperware training wheels.

Lots of casual players just seem to want GW2 to be this plug and play experience where they unlock their Soulbeast, their Dragonhunter, whatever, and GW2 auto-designates their build based on their weapon choice. The expansions are endgame content designed for players that make deliberate build choices. They're not places where you should be running around if you struggle to kill veteran mobs. They're placed meant to encourage and facilitate open world cooperation. This isn't a single-player game; if you choose to play it that way and you're struggling then you're making an active, concerted choice to struggle.

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-The amount of time you waste on PoF mobs in comparison to HoT or core Tyria is way more. Take notes next time you go around PoF and leave your griffon, skyscale and beetle home. You gotta understand my perspective here. HoT has been designed in such way that you can most of the time glide away from the threat. But in PoF you run slowly, and then you die, if you cannot be assed to kill your enemies. Therefore you always have to kill enemies for 3 minutes straight so you can mount up and pray you will be fine or kill enemies for 3 minutes straight and die anyway. If you have ascended gear, good for you. I'm sure it makes a little difference. Well I don't. I have exotics. kitten me, right?

True for core Tyria but imo not for HoT. HoT Areas are imo still the most deadly areas, maybe lake Doric can join them in terms of difficulty. I play a lot of toons and mostly OW Stuff these days. A lot just equipped with a wild mix of different self found exo gear (My last playtrough to PoF including 100% map completion was an core ele on yellow/exo gear a week ago, camping in fire mostly because jeah im a lazy player and play to relaxe) because i'm too lazy to craft them all some stuff or switching ascended around my 20+ toons. But honestly imo PoF is still a cakewalk. The aggro range should be reduced mounting can be annoying but beside of one or two areas with a whole lot of those fire Djinn guys nothing is really a threat. You can still hold your ground even if you are fresh out of combat without any CD ready and run into a vet+add pack. In HoT something like this is in 99% of all cases a death sentence. Have you ever add a aditional pack of shrooms, stealthy froggys, bristlebacks or my personal nightmare a few smokeskales? They tear you apart easily if you don't have CD's or dodge ready. Even the HP challenges are a joke most of them can get bursted down really easy. Only thing you need sometimes is to switch some utility or traits around to adapt to certain types of mobs for some qol.The only place i really can see some issues if you are just walking around without mounts is on the Desoliation map. But not because the mobs are hard they are just anoying. The shattered ravines and jokos domain can really be a chain pull party but on the other hand that's enemy territory there should be some danger for us.

Edit: Imo PoF is the middle ground between core Tyria and HoT. It should be going on this way with some little tweaks to more qol. Do i wish some mobs should be harder or vets should be more deadly. Sure. But i also see that this would be a problem for a wide array of the playerbase. For me personaly would be a down tuning of HP or DPS deald by the mobs result in maybe quitting the game. OW it's my main content but i dont want to auto attack trough it like in core Tyria.

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