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Hello guys I want to share some Ideas for the steam release/ new expansion release + some of my thoughts on the game.If you guy have some interesting ideas let me know, we shoul all provide our feedback since we are experienced players in this game.

Things to improve/fix in time for EoD/steam release


  • Tutorial for beginners, a true tutorial, you know (maybe a new lv 1 quest could be ok, ideas are welcome)
  • Tutorial (+ expectations, possibilities) on masteries when you reach level 80 (even on F2P, could help the player to buy expansions if well done! :D)
  • Introducing action cam at the begin of the tutorial and let the player choose whatever he prefer for character controls (he might enjoy it more than the standard cam, like me)
  • Nerf, nerf A LOT the stats of higher level players in lower level map, they do oneshot everything they hit (or almost), new players are punished by this a lot (need to wait respawn, can't even land one hit to the mob before he dies -> slower progression)
  • Ideas are welcome :D

Please use images and short descriprions for progressive tutorials (i know that anet has better designer than me -or future me, I am studying yet :D)We don't want new players to skip tutorials and quit because they don't know how to progress, so make them fast and good looking :wink: .


  • Invest on servers (I just think this is the only effective way to solve lag/crash -and so on- problems, maybe could be a long term profit -less extraordinary mainetance)
  • Adjust range/density/respawn timers for mobs in some maps (a lot of players complain about aggro distance in PoF, and I agree, you can easily die -depending on the class, ok- because you engage a fight and when you're done and low hp some other mobs come and attack you, and then, you can't even move around enough to reduce incoming damage because you could aggro something else while doing so :anguished: )
  • Events- remove/adjust rewards/revisit : some events take you a lot of time to complete (Diessa plateau "bring back the stolen cows" - I'm just talking about recent experiences) and then reward you with the same amount of xp/karma than events that you can complete 10 times faster, some other event could be removed or reworked (keep higher quality/ funnier)
  • Mobs - REMOVE or ADJUST some of their MOVEST (let me explain). What I mean is: an attack or skill that can oneshot you (or CC you for 3 seconds) , should always be visible and you should be able to REACT to them.

For example, if a mob only hit you with an autoattack and oneshot you, this sucks and it's not funny at all, if you see a mob charging an hit that looks dangerous and you can SEE it and REACT to it, this is FUN (ettins are a good example). The point is, let the autoattacks be autoattacks, punish when YOU make errors in dodging or blocking dangerous attacks.

This below are only personal thought, let me know what do you think:here is an example from the event that I was doing just some moments ago. During the event an Ascalonian Ghost Captain apperas and.... Every attack, skill or block (he often blocks) he does knockdown for 2-3 seconds. So what to do? You can face him in ranged and hope to be far enough to not be hit by his dash, if you are only using melee weapons, you can imagine. This was probably the most boring and annoying experience that i had in the last year in gw2.

Fight is one of (if no THE) main mechanic in the game. It should always be funny! Reward you when you EVADE or BLOCK dangerous attacks at the right time, not just annoying you for 3 minutes with infinite knockdowns like that Ascalonian Ghost boss .

I also think that mobs have too many CCs , especially on expansion/living world maps, and not always you can SEE and REACT to them (to be clear not just evading because you learned that the mob does knockdown you with his first or second attack, this is different from REACTING).

An example of mechanic that is bad implemented is the ray of light that goes around some bosses and deals tons of damage (almost oneshot).Why i think that is bad: I play HoT since 2013 and I only noticed this moth in 2020 that some bosses that I faced for years (legendary blademaster for example) have this mechanic . Also, you fight these bosses in medium/large groups so the visual effect should be even more visible and noticeable even on low graphic settings! (we are not better than potato pc owners' !)

Anet, community is here to provide you feedback. Survey us!!

Please create surveys, also consider to add them in game in a format like "Let's make Guild Wars 2 great! Your help make the difference!". My Idea would be to bring a small survey every week, each one focusing on a different aspect of the game, for example:

  • Week 1 New player experience
  • Week 2 Dungeons
  • Week 4 Fractals
  • Week 5 Combat feelings
  • Latency (servers status)

This game has a lot of content!

Focusing more on what you already have and improving it could be a great idea!(chough dungeons/fractals cough) Survey will help you to know what players want!

ANET we are the community and you are part of us <3 !Let's work togheter

I'm sorry if something is not clear, I'm not mother tongue as you can see :confounded:

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Although some ideas are very reasonable, I would not support them to have priority.I believe these type of posts are often a result of a personal situation being burned out on the game. Arenanet should not focus on individual needs, but on what they believe is the common good. This starts in my opinion with releasing new and refreshing content.

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OP, bless your heart for still having this level of faith in ANet. I, for one, consider this a futile effort and wasted hope. If there's one thing ANet consistently does, it is abandoning old content to push out half-baked new content (which they in turn abandon as well). As much as I agree that some open-world hearts take much too long compared to others and that we need much better new-player-teaching systems, I don't see any of that happening.

Actually, I'd prefer not to see them even attempt some of these fixes. If the Icebrood Saga Champions release is any indication, ANet does not seem capable of putting out good lower-priority content when they have higher-priority content taking most of their attention.

Pretty much the only thing I want them to do is fix the latency/server issues.

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@"LucianDK.8615" said:Theres no needs to nerf the difficulty. You need to learn to react to tells for moves, as well learning to dodge.

I don't want to nerf difficulty, is just dumb that you can get oneshot by something you can't identify/see. I don't want less damage on anything like this, just a different animation that makes you understand that you are in danger. Anyway this is a should list, a "could list" would fit it better this point.

As I said at the end of the post, Anet should be interested in surveying us and gather some large scale infos, i am open to suggestion, i don't mind who agree or not with me :D

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@TheThief.8475 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Theres no needs to nerf the difficulty. You need to learn to react to tells for moves, as well learning to dodge.

I don't want to nerf difficulty, is just dumb that you can get oneshot by something you can't identify/see. I don't want less damage on anything like this, just a different animation that makes you understand that you are in danger. Anyway this is a should list, a "could list" would fit it better this point.

As I said at the end of the post, Anet should be interested in surveying us and gather some large scale infos, i am open to suggestion, i don't mind who agree or not with me :D

One shot? Hardly. What exactly gave you that problem? Ive encountered nothing in pof that gave that issue.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Theres no needs to nerf the difficulty. You need to learn to react to tells for moves, as well learning to dodge.

I don't want to nerf difficulty, is just dumb that you can get oneshot by something you can't identify/see. I don't want less damage on anything like this, just a different animation that makes you understand that you are in danger. Anyway this is a should list, a "could list" would fit it better this point.

As I said at the end of the post, Anet should be interested in surveying us and gather some large scale infos, i am open to suggestion, i don't mind who agree or not with me :D

One shot? Hardly. What exactly gave you that problem? Ive encountered nothing in pof that gave that issue.


(As a side note sometimes I wonder if WvW players are the only ones who realize there are armor stats other than Berserker and maurauders.)

Short of a legendary bounty or two, And even then only if you aren’t paying attention, little in PoF is one shot material.

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@OP, when you leveled up, and were presented with the level up rewards, did you bother clicking on any of the info links provided in the "level up guide"? They are there for exactly what you request, info for new players. I'm guessing based upon the new "Tiffy Wiffy Guides" Anet has been publicizing that not many players bother to seek out that info, which is abundantly available on the wiki. But don't say that Anet doesn't provide it. If new players quit because of lack of info, it is just them not being willing to find answers that is to blame.

Maybe how it can be better provided is the question? Maybe 30 second you-tubes that younger gamers will bother watching is the answer?

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@DeanBB.4268 said:@OP, when you leveled up, and were presented with the level up rewards, did you bother clicking on any of the info links provided in the "level up guide"? They are there for exactly what you request, info for new players. I'm guessing based upon the new "Tiffy Wiffy Guides" Anet has been publicizing that not many players bother to seek out that info, which is abundantly available on the wiki. But don't say that Anet doesn't provide it. If new players quit because of lack of info, it is just them not being willing to find answers that is to blame.

Maybe how it can be better provided is the question? Maybe 30 second you-tubes that younger gamers will bother watching is the answer?

EXACTLY, why putting it outside of the game and not inside? :D

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Talking about oneshots, I'm not referring to normal mobs, champion and some small bosses tho can easily oneshot you (that happened to me yesterday in auric basin). Think about baltazhar priest for example, the first time I went there alone I fought him for 1-2 minutes, bring him to 50% then... I died, because I don't know that he will oneshot everything around if I don't climb up the wall, this is dumb, it is a mechanic that you cannot react to.

They say ok you will die the first time, come back a second time so you know what to do. Do you think i'm happy when I waste 5 minutes for this? :bawling:

Talking about CCs : if you figt 5 mobs of the same type and they all have a CC, what happen if the animation is not clear? (this doesn't happen with ettin for exaple, cause their animations are great) You get stunned, knocked down and chained in CC to death, unless you have a stun break. I just think that dangerous attack deserve a "dangerous feeling" animation for some mobs

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One last thing- I'm not trying to do their job, this is a personal list and it has always been opened to changes but I got no suggestion in the comments, just some agreement on server issues and disagreement araund a lot of points.

I only want gw2 to be huge again, and I think that the best way to do so is surveying players, survey= juicy data that can help them make decisions during the design/developement of the next expansion and eventually bring to us great contents

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@TheThief.8475 said:One last thing- I'm not trying to do their job, this is a personal list and it has always been opened to changes but I got no suggestion in the comments, just some agreement on server issues and disagreement araund a lot of points.

If lots of people are disagreeing, perhaps that indicates that what you think is important isn't as important as you think. (Or, at least, that it's not important to many people.)

I only want gw2 to be huge again, and I think that the best way to do so is surveying players, survey= juicy data that can help them make decisions during the design/developement of the next expansion and eventually bring to us great contents

This kind of survey, being opt-in, is what's known in the poll-taking business as self-selecting, and therefore of marginal utility. The participants will be over-representative of people who think that something needs to be done, and that will not be a true reflection of what, if anything, really needs to be done.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

One last thing-
I'm not trying to do their job, this is a personal list and it has always been opened to changes but I got no suggestion in the comments, just some agreement on server issues and disagreement araund a lot of points.

If lots of people are disagreeing, perhaps that indicates that what you think is important isn't as important as you think. (Or, at least, that it's not important to many people.)

I only want gw2 to be huge again, and I think that the best way to do so is surveying players, survey=
juicy data
that can help them make decisions during the design/developement of the next expansion and eventually bring to us
great contents

This kind of survey, being opt-in, is what's known in the poll-taking business as self-selecting, and therefore of marginal utility. The participants will be over-representative of people who think that something needs to be done, and that will not be a true reflection of what, if anything,
needs to be done.

This is why i would suggest to add some mini in game surveys, you all act like this is impossible, i just would like to hear what anet has to say about it :D

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@TheThief.8475 said:

One last thing-
I'm not trying to do their job, this is a personal list and it has always been opened to changes but I got no suggestion in the comments, just some agreement on server issues and disagreement araund a lot of points.

If lots of people are disagreeing, perhaps that indicates that what you think is important isn't as important as you think. (Or, at least, that it's not important to many people.)

I only want gw2 to be huge again, and I think that the best way to do so is surveying players, survey=
juicy data
that can help them make decisions during the design/developement of the next expansion and eventually bring to us
great contents

This kind of survey, being opt-in, is what's known in the poll-taking business as self-selecting, and therefore of marginal utility. The participants will be over-representative of people who think that something needs to be done, and that will not be a true reflection of what, if anything,
needs to be done.

This is why i would suggest to add some mini in game surveys, you all act like this is impossible, i just would like to hear what anet has to say about it :D

You missed the point about "opt-in". If the survey doesn't block us from playing until we answer it, lots of people won't bother, and that will mean that the seriousness of people's concerns will be exaggerated. If it does block us from playing, lots of people will have very negative things to say as a result. "What the heck is this [REDACTED]?" will be the least of it.

And in any event, I didn't say it was impossible, but rather, in essence, that it's futile, or at least less informative than they'd want.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

One last thing-
I'm not trying to do their job, this is a personal list and it has always been opened to changes but I got no suggestion in the comments, just some agreement on server issues and disagreement araund a lot of points.

If lots of people are disagreeing, perhaps that indicates that what you think is important isn't as important as you think. (Or, at least, that it's not important to many people.)

I only want gw2 to be huge again, and I think that the best way to do so is surveying players, survey=
juicy data
that can help them make decisions during the design/developement of the next expansion and eventually bring to us
great contents

This kind of survey, being opt-in, is what's known in the poll-taking business as self-selecting, and therefore of marginal utility. The participants will be over-representative of people who think that something needs to be done, and that will not be a true reflection of what, if anything,
needs to be done.

This is why i would suggest to add some mini in game surveys, you all act like this is impossible, i just would like to hear what anet has to say about it :D

You missed the point about "opt-in". If the survey doesn't block us from playing until we answer it, lots of people won't bother, and that will mean that the seriousness of people's concerns will be exaggerated. If it
block us from playing, lots of people will have very negative things to say as a result. "What the heck is this [REDACTED]?" will be the least of it.

And in any event, I didn't say it was
, but rather, in essence, that it's
, or at least less informative than they'd want.

Yes but maybe they know/can find a way to solve this problem since it's worth the effort. Let's say 10% of population anwer the survey (it is 50k) it's alwaysbetter than "we do what we whink is good" that could result in a succes, but who knows..

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