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mastery points should be available in the gemstore

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:Now Anet sells things like Level 80 boosts, waypoint unlocks and other things in the gem store, they do not hurt progression in any way. The Mastery points are the same in this game sometimes easy to get some times a pain to get. So if you can purchase them from the gem store or trade them for certain items in game that will take away some of the things you may not like doing in game. Of course if you like the way it's set up you can do it that way too.

The problem that I see here is that waypoints are all the same and getting to level 80 is a very straightforward process, so they are both easy to put a price on.

Any idea Anet couldn't put a price on MP's, no matter how 'difficult' it would be for them is ... highly speculative. Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's. In addition, leveling isn't a singular path; it's dependent on how a player decides to obtain those levels which leads to the fundamental idea of what makes this MMO appealing to many players ...

It all boils down to players having choice. They have choices for how they want to level ... and now they have choice for how to unlock WP's ... and likewise, the OP is asking for similar choice to MP's.

Anet can't put a price on individual MPs because their acquisition method varies, there is no speculation here because they ARE different. Waypoint variety doesn't even come close to Mastery Point variety. Also, Anet doesn't sell waypoint unlocks outside Central Tyria, are we talking about Central Tyria only mastery points?

Anet did NOT figure how to price individual WP unlocks, you buy and unlock all the waypoints of a specific region(s) at once.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elite_Reinforcements_Package costs 3000 gems, unlocks all waypoint in Central Tyria, plus more itemshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_Waypoint_Unlock_Package costs 2000 gems, unlocks all waypoints in Central Tyriahttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waypoint_Unlock_Box 600 gems, unlocks all waypoints in a chosen region of Central Tyria, there are 5 regions

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:Now Anet sells things like Level 80 boosts, waypoint unlocks and other things in the gem store, they do not hurt progression in any way. The Mastery points are the same in this game sometimes easy to get some times a pain to get. So if you can purchase them from the gem store or trade them for certain items in game that will take away some of the things you may not like doing in game. Of course if you like the way it's set up you can do it that way too.

The problem that I see here is that waypoints are all the same and getting to level 80 is a very straightforward process, so they are both easy to put a price on.

Any idea Anet couldn't put a price on MP's, no matter how 'difficult' it would be for them is ... highly speculative. Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's. In addition, leveling isn't a singular path; it's dependent on how a player decides to obtain those levels which leads to the fundamental idea of what makes this MMO appealing to many players ...

It all boils down to players having choice. They have choices for how they want to level ... and now they have choice for how to unlock WP's ... and likewise, the OP is asking for similar choice to MP's.

Anet can't put a price on individual MPs because their acquisition method varies, ...

Um, they most certainly CAN ... because that's also true for levels.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, they most certainly CAN ... because that's also true for levels.

Level acquisition doesn't vary though, you acquire all of them the same way, you earn experience.

That's not true ... I can earn levels SIMPLY by logging in every day and accumulating tomes. it doesn't really matter anyways ... because you can't assume difficulty is a significant (or any) part of the input that goes into pricing something on the GS.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, they most certainly CAN ... because that's also true for levels.

Level acquisition doesn't vary though, you acquire all of them the same way, you earn experience.

That's not true ... I can earn levels SIMPLY by logging in every day and accumulating tomes. it doesn't really matter anyways ... because you can't assume difficulty is part of the input that goes into pricing something on the GS.

There are exactly two ways of acquiring a level: increasing the experience bar and using tomes. There is no variety there. You earn a specific mastery point by fulfilling its set requirements, no other way allowed. So equating levels with Mastery Points is irrelevant, same goes for waypoints and any other account unlock we have. There is no comparison.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, they most certainly CAN ... because that's also true for levels.

Level acquisition doesn't vary though, you acquire all of them the same way, you earn experience.

That's not true ... I can earn levels SIMPLY by logging in every day and accumulating tomes. it doesn't really matter anyways ... because you can't assume difficulty is part of the input that goes into pricing something on the GS.

There are exactly two ways of acquiring a level: increasing the experience bar and using tomes. There is no variety there. You earn a specific mastery point by fulfilling its set requirements, no other way allowed. So equating levels with Mastery Points is irrelevant, same goes for waypoints and any other account unlock we have. There is no comparison.

I'm not debating variety ... we are talking about the difference in DIFFICULTY. Your point about MP's is that some are hard and some are easy ... leveling is the same. Therefore, difficulty is not a reason Anet can't price and sell MP's.

You also earn waypoints by fulling a set requirement ... by being in the WP vicinity ... yet Anet decided to sell WP unlocks. So how something is earned doesn't seem to be a factor in how anet decides what they can sell in the GS as progression.

You want to say there is no comparison .. but actually the comparisons are REALLY relevant to the discussion here.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, they most certainly CAN ... because that's also true for levels.

Level acquisition doesn't vary though, you acquire all of them the same way, you earn experience.

That's not true ... I can earn levels SIMPLY by logging in every day and accumulating tomes. it doesn't really matter anyways ... because you can't assume difficulty is part of the input that goes into pricing something on the GS.

There are exactly two ways of acquiring a level: increasing the experience bar and using tomes. There is no variety there. You earn a specific mastery point by fulfilling its set requirements, no other way allowed. So equating levels with Mastery Points is irrelevant, same goes for waypoints and any other account unlock we have. There is no comparison.

I'm not debating variety ... we are talking about the difference in DIFFICULTY. Your point about MP's is that some are hard and some are easy ... leveling is the same. Therefore, difficulty is not a reason Anet can't price and sell MP's.

YOu also earn waypoints by fulling a set requirement ... by being in the WP vicinity ... yet Anet sells WP unlocks.

Anet doesn't sell individual waypoint unlocks, you can check what Anet offers in my post above. Also, there is no way to unlock waypoints in Season 3/4/5 maps or expansion maps. So your argument is irrelevant.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, they most certainly CAN ... because that's also true for levels.

Level acquisition doesn't vary though, you acquire all of them the same way, you earn experience.

That's not true ... I can earn levels SIMPLY by logging in every day and accumulating tomes. it doesn't really matter anyways ... because you can't assume difficulty is part of the input that goes into pricing something on the GS.

There are exactly two ways of acquiring a level: increasing the experience bar and using tomes. There is no variety there. You earn a specific mastery point by fulfilling its set requirements, no other way allowed. So equating levels with Mastery Points is irrelevant, same goes for waypoints and any other account unlock we have. There is no comparison.

I'm not debating variety ... we are talking about the difference in DIFFICULTY. Your point about MP's is that some are hard and some are easy ... leveling is the same. Therefore, difficulty is not a reason Anet can't price and sell MP's.

YOu also earn waypoints by fulling a set requirement ... by being in the WP vicinity ... yet Anet sells WP unlocks.

Anet doesn't sell individual waypoint unlocks, you can check what Anet offers in my post above. Also, there is no way to unlock waypoints in Season 3/4/5 maps or expansion maps. So your argument is irrelevant.

So your reasoning Anet shouldn't sell individual MP's is because they don't sell individual WP's? Um ... that doesn't make sense. Again, we are talking about reasons Anet shouldn't sell MP's ... the fact they don't sell individual WP's in definitely not a good reason. I don't see how those things are related at all.

I mean, you are telling me my argument is irrelevant ... but it's you making the argument to me they can't sell them so ... what you talking about? Let me remind you:

You are telling me Anet can't price individual MP's because of (fill in reason) so they shouldn't offer MPs ... but that doesn't make sense because you don't know how (those reasons) are used to determine pricing in the first place.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, they most certainly CAN ... because that's also true for levels.

Level acquisition doesn't vary though, you acquire all of them the same way, you earn experience.

That's not true ... I can earn levels SIMPLY by logging in every day and accumulating tomes. it doesn't really matter anyways ... because you can't assume difficulty is part of the input that goes into pricing something on the GS.

There are exactly two ways of acquiring a level: increasing the experience bar and using tomes. There is no variety there. You earn a specific mastery point by fulfilling its set requirements, no other way allowed. So equating levels with Mastery Points is irrelevant, same goes for waypoints and any other account unlock we have. There is no comparison.

I'm not debating variety ... we are talking about the difference in DIFFICULTY. Your point about MP's is that some are hard and some are easy ... leveling is the same. Therefore, difficulty is not a reason Anet can't price and sell MP's.

YOu also earn waypoints by fulling a set requirement ... by being in the WP vicinity ... yet Anet sells WP unlocks.

Anet doesn't sell individual waypoint unlocks, you can check what Anet offers in my post above. Also, there is no way to unlock waypoints in Season 3/4/5 maps or expansion maps. So your argument is irrelevant.

So your reasoning Anet shouldn't sell individual MP's is because they don't sell individual WP's? Um ... that doesn't make sense. Again, we are talking about reasons Anet shouldn't sell MP's ... the fact they don't sell individual WP's in definitely not a good reason. I don't see how those things are related at all.

I mean, you are telling me my argument is irrelevant ... but it's you making the argument they can't sell them so ... what you talking about?

I'm not sure what you are talking about at this point. You made a claim:

Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's.

I gave the reason why your claim is irrelevant:

Anet did NOT figure how to price individual WP unlocks, you buy and unlock all the waypoints of a specific region(s) at once.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elite_Reinforcements_Package costs 3000 gems, unlocks all waypoint in Central Tyria, plus more itemshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_Waypoint_Unlock_Package costs 2000 gems, unlocks all waypoints in Central Tyriahttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Waypoint_Unlock_Box 600 gems, unlocks all waypoints in a chosen region of Central Tyria, there are 5 regionsAnet doesn't sell individual waypoint unlocks, you can check what Anet offers in my post above. Also, there is no way to unlock waypoints in Season 3/4/5 maps or expansion maps. So your argument is irrelevant.

I countered your argument for the inclusion of MPs on the gem store "because they figured out pricing on Waypoints" which is proven to be a false argument.So your argument, as I said, is irrelevant.

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Let me make this easy for you ... you can't assume pricing is based on whatever reasons you think are valid for not offering individual MPs, whatever those may be ... so pricing individual MP's isn't a barrier for Anet to consider selling them. Somehow you think Anet couldn't put a price on an individual MP ... I GUARENTEE you they can.

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Let me make this easier for you: you claimed they priced individual WPs

Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's.

that's false because they did not.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:Let me make this easier for you: you claimed they priced individual WPs

Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's.

that's false because they did not.

Actually i didn't claim that but it's irrelevant anyways; one 'false' thing I said doesn't change this:

You can't assume pricing is based on whatever reasons you think are valid for not offering individual MPs, whatever those may be ... so pricing individual MP's isn't a barrier for Anet to consider selling them. Somehow you think Anet couldn't put a price on an individual MP ... I GUARENTEE you they can.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:Let me make this easier for you: you claimed they priced individual WPs

Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's.

that's false because they did not.

One 'false' thing I said doesn't change this:

You mean they sell individual waypoints? Please show me the gem store that does because I can't find it.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:Let me make this easier for you: you claimed they priced individual WPs

Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's.

that's false because they did not.

One 'false' thing I said doesn't change this:

You mean they sell individual waypoints? Please show me the gem store that does because I can't find it.

Whether they do or not doesn't change the fact that Anet can price individual MP's with whatever consideration they want, so the reasons you have presented and how they may or may not impact pricing aren't reasons that prevent Anet from selling individual MP's.

@maddoctor.2738 said:Anet can't put a price on individual MPs because their acquisition method varies ...

Untrue ... they absolutely can. You don't know how or even if acquisition method impacts pricing.

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again I say no, as what you are asking is for anet to sell achievements. All mastery points are tied to achievements, even the insight ones that are basically free points in the maps. Levels are not tied to achievements neither are the waypoints. if you can not get the hard achievements then don't go for them and just focus on the easy points or go for the points that you are willing to put the work in for.

The only masteries that actually block any kind of progress only cost 1-3 points if that and are at the very beginning of any of the mastery lines. Which you get the points for by either doing the story, the insights or just given to you by exploring the map. So all of those are basically a give me as you can get them extremely easy and unlock them real fast. All other masteries after those initial ones are secondary and are not really required to do anything else. So by you wanting Anet to sell mastery points, which are tied to achievements, means you want them to sell achievements in this game. Whatever happened to players actually playing a game to achieve a goal in the said game?

So should mastery points be sold in the gem store? No, as by doing so, would be selling achievements aka something that is achieved by performing a certain task. This would be like asking Anet to sell legendary armor, backpiece, or a legendary whatever on the gem store. It would be a slap in the face to those who actually put in the effort to "achieve" these things. So selling any of the mastery points, would be a slap in the face to those who put in the effort to achieve that particular mastery point in an achievement.

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:Like i said earlier in my post, "levels" in this game don't mean much when the game downlevels you in lower level areas and PvP. You gain nothing from a lvl 80 boost except convenience to skip the leveling if you don't want to. Which is mainly used for alts anyway, people who already have a main.And even then, should you want any special items - you still need to actually play the game and get map completion, and you have to get hero points to unlock elites because a lvl 80 boost is only going to cover core traits.And since masteries are account wide - you don't have to go through "hell" twice, so your point doesn't make sense.

And that being said, it's not mastery points I'd want to buy, it's hero points. THAT gets grindy after the first alt or so.

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@"Hesione.9412" said:Mastery points came out with Heart of Thorns: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/reimagining-progression-the-mastery-system/

I know this is an old post in this thread, but this is something really interesting, to all those saying that Anet allows us to "buy progression" from the gem store, and use it as an argument to allow the purchase of mastery points as well. Can you point out which of those progression you can "buy" affect an expansion?

You can buy waypoints, but only in central tyria. You can't buy any waypoints of the expansions.You can buy instant level 80, but expansions begin at level 80 so it doesn't affect them at all, you don't skip any expansion content by getting instantly to level 80. Furthermore, you cannot buy mastery experience, so another 80 levels after the first 80 to unlock mastery abilities.You cannot buy mounts, you need to unlock them yourself, you cannot buy a glider either. In general you cannot buy your way into any mastery line, you must play the content that awards it first.Even Generation 2 Legendary Weapons (which are tied to expansion content) cannot be bought from the TP, so you cannot buy them using gems either.

Mastery Points are exclusive expansion content. There is an argument in adding them to the gem store in this thread, but before they even consider that, they'd first have to expand the progression skippers, that they are ALREADY offering, to include expansions as well.

Arenanet sells progression so players can get out of the free/core part of the game because they want you to get to the paid staff as quickly as possible. After all, the drop off in any video game is very quick for the average player, the less time they spend as free players, the better for a conversion. Plus progression skippers are very common in free games, and are expected there. But Arenanet knows full well that in paid games, progression skippers on cash shops aren't needed.

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@Lyssia.4637 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:Like i said earlier in my post, "levels" in this game don't mean much when the game downlevels you in lower level areas and PvP. You gain nothing from a lvl 80 boost except convenience to skip the leveling if you don't want to. Which is mainly used for alts anyway, people who already have a main.And even then, should you want any special items - you still need to actually play the game and get map completion, and you have to get hero points to unlock elites because a lvl 80 boost is only going to cover core traits.And since masteries are account wide - you don't have to go through "hell" twice, so your point doesn't make sense.

And that being said, it's not mastery points I'd want to buy, it's hero points. THAT gets grindy after the first alt or so.

Wvw some get https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Testimony_of_Heroics to complete the more tedious hero points mate.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Hesione.9412" said:Mastery points came out with Heart of Thorns:

Can you point out which of those progression you can "buy" affect an expansion?

None (at least not DIRECTLY from the GS), but that isn't a reason that Anet shouldn't do it. This may be a technical reason Anet may not be able to sell such a thing in the current way the GS is setup but such technical issues aren't difficult to overcome. I mean, Anet implemented a whole build system just to sell build templates. I doubt expansion-specific progression couldn't be dealt with as well.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Hesione.9412" said:Mastery points came out with Heart of Thorns:

I know this is an old post in this thread, but this is something really interesting, to all those saying that Anet allows us to "buy progression" from the gem store, and use it as an argument to allow the purchase of mastery points as well. Can you point out which of those progression you can "buy" affect an expansion?

You can buy waypoints, but only in central tyria. You can't buy any waypoints of the expansions.You can buy instant level 80, but expansions begin at level 80 so it doesn't affect them at all, you don't skip any expansion content by getting instantly to level 80. Furthermore, you cannot buy mastery experience, so another 80 levels after the first 80 to unlock mastery abilities.You cannot buy mounts, you need to unlock them yourself, you cannot buy a glider either. In general you cannot buy your way into any mastery line, you must play the content that awards it first.Even Generation 2 Legendary Weapons (which are tied to expansion content) cannot be bought from the TP, so you cannot buy them using gems either.

Mastery Points are exclusive expansion content. There is an argument in adding them to the gem store in this thread, but before they even consider that, they'd first have to expand the progression skippers, that they are ALREADY offering, to include expansions as well.

Arenanet sells progression so players can get out of the free/core part of the game because they want you to get to the paid staff as quickly as possible. After all, the drop off in any video game is very quick for the average player, the less time they spend as free players, the better for a conversion. Plus progression skippers are very common in free games, and are expected there. But Arenanet knows full well that in paid games, progression skippers on cash shops aren't needed.

And those of us who had played before HoT came out weren't credited any Tyria masteries.

Beliefs are incredibly hard to change. I figure that's why so many have given their considered input and then bowed out of this thread.

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@Trise.2865 said:You'd rather reduce exploration, questing, and gameplay activity to mindless XP grindingYou might have a point - except, of course, lately way too many of the MPs are nothing but mindless grinding. If that were to be replaced with exploration, questing and gameplay, then sure, that would be for the best for everyone involved. Probbaly even for those that ask for them to be obtainable from gemshop.

@maddoctor.2738 said:Let me make this easier for you: you claimed they priced individual WPs

Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's.

that's false because they did not.Actually, there was that one case in Bitterfrost, wasn't it? (although i may remember it wrong, it may have been a vista or something). Although for sure that one
met with warm reception from the community.

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@"Astralporing.1957" said:Actually, there was that one case in Bitterfrost, wasn't it? (although i may remember it wrong, it may have been a vista or something). Although for sure that one wasn't met with warm reception from the community.

You had me look stuff up there! There isn't a "paid for" type of mastery in Bitterfrost: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Crack_in_the_Ice_(achievements)

I went hunting for the expensive achievement, which I thought was a mastery, but it's not: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Koda%27s_Blessing

I remember seeing that one and thinking: that's 5 AP I will never get. Is that the one you were thinking of?

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You'd rather reduce exploration, questing, and gameplay activity to mindless XP grindingYou might have a point - except, of course, lately way too many of the MPs are nothing
mindless grinding. If that were to be replaced with exploration, questing and gameplay, then sure, that would be for the best for everyone involved. Probbaly even for those that ask for them to be obtainable from gemshop.

@"maddoctor.2738" said:Let me make this easier for you: you claimed they priced individual WPs

Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's.

that's false because they did not.Actually, there was that one case in Bitterfrost, wasn't it? (although i may remember it wrong, it may have been a vista or something). Although for sure that one
met with warm reception from the community.

I think this is what your refering to.And no it dident give any progression at all, just a very expensive portal scroll to bitterfrost.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bitterfrost_Vantage_Point

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@Astralporing.1957 said:You might have a point - except, of course, lately way too many of the MPs are nothing but mindless grinding. If that were to be replaced with exploration, questing and gameplay, then sure, that would be for the best for everyone involved. Probbaly even for those that ask for them to be obtainable from gemshop.

Regarding the grind for MPs:To my knowledge the Icebrood Saga hasn't ended yet. So far we always had excess MPs, anyone that finds a MP too much of a grind, can skip it and go for others. This of course doesn't work while the season is in progress but allowing some players to pay to get more MPs than currently available for non-paying customers is exactly the definition of P2W, not really something Arenanet should look into. I see no reason why the Icebrood Saga won't have many excess MPs once it ends, at that point we can discuss how many are behind a heavy grind, or if that heavy grind can be skipped entirely, as was the case in all previous MP categories.

For reference (MPs needed to fully unlock / total MPs available):Central Tyria: 49 / 83Heart of Thorns: 144 / 198Path of Fire: 110 / 130Icebrood Saga: 63 / 58

Actually, there was that one case in Bitterfrost, wasn't it? (although i may remember it wrong, it may have been a vista or something). Although for sure that one wasn't met with warm reception from the community.

That case in Bitterfrost wasn't about selling progression, you didn't get access to a vista or waypoint by buying that in the gem store, yet there was quite an uproar about it. Imagine if they sold -actual- progression on the gem store as some are asking around here.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Astralporing.1957 said:You might have a point - except, of course, lately way too many of the MPs are nothing
mindless grinding. If that were to be replaced with exploration, questing and gameplay, then sure, that would be for the best for everyone involved. Probbaly even for those that ask for them to be obtainable from gemshop.

Regarding the grind for MPs:To my knowledge the Icebrood Saga hasn't ended yet. So far we always had excess MPs, anyone that finds a MP too much of a grind, can skip it and go for others.I have covered that already in another thread, i believe, but the main problem isn't that there's barely any leeway in MPs. It's that _compared to all three previous Mastery categories - Core, HoT and PoF - IBS masteries are in general way more grindy. So, sure, you might technically have some leeway, but it will be probably as grindy as the one you'd want to avoid. If we add to that the fact that the IBS masteries themselves are, for the most part, generally underwhelming, it really doesn't look good.

I see no reason why the Icebrood Saga won't have many excess MPs once it endsIt theoretically can, but any previous Mastery category at this comparable point had already been in a much better situation. In previous cases i don't really remember ever thinking that maybe the next chapter will give me access to more mastery points - i always had enough of them, without having to go for the most annoying ones. Now it is different.

At least we probably can count on getting 7 more of the easy MPs in DRMs. On the other hand, the rest of the mastery track that wil unlock will require significantly more than just 7 points.

That case in Bitterfrost wasn't about selling progression, you didn't get access to a vista or waypoint by buying that in the gem store, yet there was quite an uproar about it. Imagine if they sold -actual- progression on the gem store as some are asking around here.Oh, i can imagine that. That's why i'm not in support of the gemstore option, but rather for introducing more of a low hanging fruit in-game ones.

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