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mastery points should be available in the gemstore

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@Vayne.8563 said:Because once a game gets a reputation as a pay to win game it loses credibility. Some will say this game has already lost credibility but this is different. Pay to win is a stigma that you can't easily escape.It depend from one main thing - it is main requirement for mainstream, or some elitare bonus for elitare 0.02% players ..So if make achievement reali imposible to do and sell it for 1 euro - yes, it it not stigma, but some reputation lose exists.And If make possible for most, and price 200+ euro it is good feature for sponsorships..

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Mastery points are part of the gameplay. They are designed for players to have some goal and to have something to play. This game dont have typical quest packs with bunch of quests and dailies like some other MMOs. System is designed that they motivate you to do mastery points so you can unlock some cool ability or something for your character. I really like that and it is some of the reasons I have migrated from LOTRO to GW2 for example.

With that comes motivation for many players to join on landscape group events because some of those gives you MP. Also one day I have joined map-clearing train in PoF and got some MP with their help. Imagine if those hard earned mastery points you can buy in gem store, there would be less organisations for grouping. Which would eventually lead to that players losing oportunity to play with other people while they clearing maps.

LOTRO was destroyed with this kind of store stuff, believe me you dont want that. Their most populated EU server have only about 1000 no-anon people online in peak time (we can see that number in game). Someone mentioned it earlier on this thread that many left the game because of that and it is true.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Fuchslein.8639 said:Everybody says here that this is worse than LVL and strength boosters, but nobody says why.

I'm quite sure a lot would gladly remove level and strength boosters from the game as well. I know I would.

Mostly because I feel that as in this case, level boosters cause issues for new players in terms of connecting with the game and immersing themselves.

@Fuchslein.8639 said:What gives you a mastery what is so OP compared to others who don't have it?

I personally wouldn't argue masteries make player significantly more powerful, though some offer significant quality of life improvements.

Instead I would make the argument that skipping and actually not playing the game causes a disconect of the player from the game. Both via removing goals and guide lines of what to do.

@Fuchslein.8639 said:If a mastery is OP, it has in my opinion little lost in GW2 because some have access to it and others don't(because they don't have the episode and have to BUY it first).

There is nearly no financial argumant you can make when it comes to GW2. This game is far and wide the cheapest MMORPG.

If someone if having issues in acquiring content for this game, both expansions or living world (which can ba acquired via gem-gold conversion), they need to reevaulate if playing a game over other commitments is a good idea.

This reminds me of something I read somewhere else. That a certain big authority wants to tell others what to do. Related to another topic. And that that would be bad.We have the same thing here, but with players who want to tell others how to play the game.

I personally became a huge fan of the power and speed boosters when I started GW2 again. Because lvln in this game teaches you almost nothing. I myself and I know a lot of other people who do the same - but I don't speak for all (you have to point this out these days)- they didn't really get to know their classes until after lvl80 and I were really thankful that these rolls existid so that I could boost other characters 80 as well.So I personally never saw a problem when people later used these lvl 80 boosters for 2k(it's there money, not mine). That some couldn't handle it in the end is not the problem of the boosters.

And mastery point farming is not content for me. When I started out, it even stopped me from playing because I got so frustrated that my exp-bars were full but I missed points that were hidden behind annoying achievements (or points you only get when you have another mastery). Which by the way was the first point for me on my old account where I started not to like the game anymore and took a break. But at this time it was even easier because I had a connection and didn't have to catch up so much.But just try to move away from your point of view and look at someone new.If I didn't have my guild, I would have quit after the first mastery for the Raptor. Because GW2 is just a grind festival now. Sure, it has always been grind, but it's getting more and more. Content in GW2 consists 99% of Achievments now. So I can absolutely understand if there are people who want to skipp things to do other things that are more fun for THEM personally.If you don't like that, you don't have to buy the stuff.And it is still far from P2W. On the contrary, it would be more attractive for people who have less time and prefer to spend it on things they enjoy more. Because there are many masterys that you need 100% and others that you need because everybody else has them and otherwise you'll quickly fall behind.(I know that everyone here is an individual and not driven by peer pressure, but let's just for once assume that gw2 is an MMO where you have to play with others.)

This is my stand on the subject. I won't write anything more about it, because I know that discussions here go round and round. Besides, I have nothing more to say and I don't want to convince anybody. Who wants to exaggerate, does that anyway.And I doubt that Anet will introduce something like that anyway, it is something very special, because one point is often not enough. And how do you want to price something like that without making it as overpriced as the build templates. Whereby they are also bought although there was a free equivalent which was much be-

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@Fuchslein.8639 said:

@Fuchslein.8639 said:Everybody says here that this is worse than LVL and strength boosters, but nobody says why.

I'm quite sure a lot would gladly remove level and strength boosters from the game as well. I know I would.

Mostly because I feel that as in this case, level boosters cause issues for new players in terms of connecting with the game and immersing themselves.

@Fuchslein.8639 said:What gives you a mastery what is so OP compared to others who don't have it?

I personally wouldn't argue masteries make player significantly more powerful, though some offer significant quality of life improvements.

Instead I would make the argument that skipping and actually not playing the game causes a disconect of the player from the game. Both via removing goals and guide lines of what to do.

@Fuchslein.8639 said:If a mastery is OP, it has in my opinion little lost in GW2 because some have access to it and others don't(because they don't have the episode and have to BUY it first).

There is nearly no financial argumant you can make when it comes to GW2. This game is far and wide the cheapest MMORPG.

If someone if having issues in acquiring content for this game, both expansions or living world (which can ba acquired via gem-gold conversion), they need to reevaulate if playing a game over other commitments is a good idea.

This reminds me of something I read somewhere else. That a certain big authority wants to tell others what to do. Related to another topic. And that that would be bad.We have the same thing here, but with players who want to tell others how to play the game.

Nobody is telling anyone how to play the game. Players are opposing implementation of a way to play this game which is not yet present, if we want to call credit card warrior content skipping even playing. There is a difference.

@Fuchslein.8639 said:I personally became a huge fan of the power and speed boosters when I started GW2 again. Because lvln in this game teaches you almost nothing. I myself and I know a lot of other people who do the same - but I don't speak for all (you have to point this out these days)- they didn't really get to know their classes until after lvl80 and I were really thankful that these rolls existid so that I could boost other characters 80 as well.So I personally never saw a problem when people later used these lvl 80 boosters for 2k(it's there money, not mine). That some couldn't handle it in the end is not the problem of the boosters.

This is not about getting to know ones class. It is about engaging with the game and spending time in it. There is direct correlation between spending time on something and attachment. Though some time spent on a class or experiencing different content is seldom a detriment.

@Fuchslein.8639 said:And mastery point farming is not content for me. When I started out, it even stopped me from playing because I got so frustrated that my exp-bars were full but I missed points that were hidden behind annoying achievements (or points you only get when you have another mastery). Which by the way was the first point for me on my old account where I started not to like the game anymore and took a break. But at this time it was even easier because I had a connection and didn't have to catch up so much.But just try to move away from your point of view and look at someone new.

I which case one has to ask the question:Is the group of players who dislikes mastery points, and all the benefits they bring versus detriments, bigger or smaller than the group which likes the benefits and detriments they bring? This can be even as elusive as players not noticing that they are benefiting from this system in form of having goals to work towards.

The fact that a small minority wants something is not necessity to implement it. Never was. I have seen my share of new players leave after hitting level 80, buying their first exotic set, then leaving because in their eyes they were "done" with the game.

@Fuchslein.8639 said:If I didn't have my guild, I would have quit after the first mastery for the Raptor. Because GW2 is just a grind festival now. Sure, it has always been grind, but it's getting more and more. Content in GW2 consists 99% of Achievments now. So I can absolutely understand if there are people who want to skipp things to do other things that are more fun for THEM personally.

Then maybe this game is not for you. Harsh reality is: MMORPGs contain grind. There have been multiple implementations over the years both in terms of gear (the move to ascended back in the day, the announcement for legendary armory in hopes of encouraging more players to work on those), in terms of achievements, in terms of story even in terms of daily login achievement points in this game.

Those are in place to force players to spend time in the game. There is a reason for that. In essence all MMORPGs are the same, only you get to chose which grind or system you enjoy.

@Fuchslein.8639 said:If you don't like that, you don't have to buy the stuff.And it is still far from P2W. On the contrary, it would be more attractive for people who have less time and prefer to spend it on things they enjoy more. Because there are many masterys that you need 100% and others that you need because everybody else has them and otherwise you'll quickly fall behind.(I know that everyone here is an individual and not driven by peer pressure, but let's just for once assume that gw2 is an MMO where you have to play with others.)

The argument that if one does not like something and thus he has to not pay for it does not work IF the implemented item has a negative effect on the game. If the ability to buy mastery points causes more players to leave long-term, because they maybe got bored of the game after buying out all the "content" they could have worked towards, then that is a net negative (see my mention of players leaving after hitting level 80 and max exotic gear).

@Fuchslein.8639 said:This is my stand on the subject. I won't write anything more about it, because I know that discussions here go round and round. Besides, I have nothing more to say and I don't want to convince anybody. Who wants to exaggerate, does that anyway.And I doubt that Anet will introduce something like that anyway, it is something very special, because one point is often not enough. And how do you want to price something like that without making it as overpriced as the build templates. Whereby they are also bought although there was a free equivalent which was much be-

You are more than allowed to have your opinion, no one is denying you that. Obviously most in this thread disagree.

Personally I also doubt the developers will implement something along these lines, but mostly because of the content skipping effect it would have and the issues this would cause. To be more precise, if these kind of content skipping items were introduced to the gem store, I'd be far more concerned with the studio just wanting a short term cash grab before abandoning the game.

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Quite a few people say because I want mastery points in the gem store that takes away from game play. Well to some that may be true, but to me it doesn't. I played Guildwars since 2005 in which I ended up o my sin 35 maxed titles (that's 5 titles over god walking amongst mere mortals title), Got GWAMM on my Rit, and Mesmer too.
In the Hall of Monuments I have four fully maxed out halls for four different characters. So in that game I did the extra stuff and enjoyed doing it while playing.GW2 on the other hand does not have that system it has achievements which I am not interested in maxing out like titles in GW. If I get them I get them. The mastery points in the story are the same I do not want to go out of my way to get them while trying to get through the story to complete it.
We should not have to play the way we don't want too to max our masteries, and not be able compete all the mastery lines in the game. So putting the points in the gem store is not pay to win, but a quality of life thing. You still have to get the exp. to use them. It will not break the game at all.

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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:Quite a few people say because I want mastery points in the gem store that takes away from game play. Well to some that may be true, but to me it doesn't. I played Guildwars since 2005 in which I ended up o my sin 35 maxed titles (that's 5 titles over god walking amongst mere mortals title), Got GWAMM on my Rit, and Mesmer too.

In the Hall of Monuments I have four fully maxed out halls for four different characters. So in that game I did the extra stuff and enjoyed doing it while playing.GW2 on the other hand does not have that system it has achievements which I am not interested in maxing out like titles in GW. If I get them I get them. The mastery points in the story are the same I do not want to go out of my way to get them while trying to get through the story to complete it.

We should not have to play the way we don't want too to max our masteries, and not be able compete all the mastery lines in the game. So putting the points in the gem store is not pay to win, but a quality of life thing. You still have to get the exp. to use them. It will not break the game at all.

I wish people would read this. How many times has this been said in this thread? And people still come along, just play something else, its not the right game for you, ect.I'm surprised that people here still try to make suggestions.I mean look at the thread with the suggestion of a two-seater, which would be super practical and which is absolutely nothing new in MMO's. And even there, most people just make fun of it or say no, because anet ... sorry, I'm not allowed to write more about this without getting banned.

Good luck to convince anyone here.

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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:No pay to win please.

Explain how mastery points in the gemstore can be in any way pay to win? They are not used in pvp or wvw, they do not make your character stronger faster or better.

It makes your character a lot better in PvE. I appreciate the fact that some aspects like mastery points can be gained exclusively by achieving/leveling things in game.Not everything should be for sale. And this is one of them imo.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:No pay to win please.

Explain how mastery points in the gemstore can be in any way pay to win? They are not used in pvp or wvw, they do not make your character stronger faster or better.

It makes your character a lot better in PvE. I appreciate the fact that some aspects like mastery points can be gained exclusively by achieving/leveling things in game.Not everything should be for sale. And this is one of them imo.

Then maybe an alternative method of getting them, like trading tomes of knowledge for them instead of having to do whole lines of achievements to get one.

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@Fuchslein.8639 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Wait, is this a serious thread?why not? If someone feel rich and want spend more - why not give him that ?don't see nothing bad if someone can buy MP from 200+ euro each.

Because once a game gets a reputation as a pay to win game it loses credibility. Some will say this game has already lost credibility but this is different. Pay to win is a stigma that you can't easily escape. It follows you.

And what exactly do you gain if you can buy MP? P2W means that you can buy advantages over other players. For example if I could buy strength boosters in PVP or WVW for real money which makes me significantly stronger than other real players.Everybody says here that this is worse than LVL and strength boosters, but nobody says why.What gives you a mastery what is so OP compared to others who don't have it?If a mastery is OP, it has in my opinion little lost in GW2 because some have access to it and others don't(because they don't have the episode and have to BUY it first).

I would argue that this is the only thing that pushes selling game progression elements like MP into the 'OK' territory ... you aren't buying a win in this case, you are simply making an alternative path to something already available through an investment in time ... except instead of time, you pay with money. Perhaps the original idea isn't refined enough and there should be some restriction on not allowing the purchase of progression elements with real money-to-gem transfers.

I think another thing to consider ... if it's on the GS, you can buy it with ingame gold as well. Imagine (somehow) you can't get enough points through time investment through playing ... this is one of those things where you can imagine 'missing out' because of game design ... enabling progression purchases would bypass that issue ... if it even is one.

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:No pay to win please.

Explain how mastery points in the gemstore can be in any way pay to win? They are not used in pvp or wvw, they do not make your character stronger faster or better.

It makes your character a lot better in PvE. I appreciate the fact that some aspects like mastery points can be gained exclusively by achieving/leveling things in game.Not everything should be for sale. And this is one of them imo.

That's doesn't make it pay to win; something is pay to win if it offers advantage over other players ... the poster is right. Purchasing MP's doesn't give the player an advantage over anyone. It's simply an alternate way to obtain something already available in the game.

Really the idea of this thread is to allow alternate methods to get MP's ... and IMO, that's VERY reasonable request since not having MPs DOES limit your abilities in the game. Buying them outright (either on the GS or some other way like an ingame vendor) is not as crazy an idea as you all think. The 'bad' of buying your way through ... that's a stigma. Players want choices and that's especially relevant for elements of games that limit progression. I think many veterans of games have hit the wall on this kind of single-path unlock progression issue. That's a problem game devs should be looking at when they design.

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@Donutdude.9582 said:No. I am vehemently against this idea.

Mastery points are awarded for mastering aspects of the game, from exploration to combat.

C'mon now ... Mastery points are primarily awarded to people who zerg on Champ mobs or can get a portal. You don't have master anything to get them.

Put it this way ... if having to be a MASTER in PVE game aspects is necessary to get MPs to progress in the game ... then that is a HUGE problem that Anet needs to address ASAP because this game was NOT originally meant for the tryhard MMO market ... and CAN'T survive appealing to it.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Donutdude.9582" said:No. I am vehemently against this idea.

Mastery points are awarded for
aspects of the game, from exploration to combat.

C'mon now ... Mastery points are primarily awarded to people who zerg on Champ mobs or can get a portal. You don't have master anything to get them.

Put it this way ... if having to be a MASTER in PVE game aspects is necessary to get MPs to progress in the game ... then that is a HUGE problem that Anet needs to address ASAP because this game was NOT originally meant for the tryhard MMO market ... and CAN'T survive appealing to it.

I think we can agree it's not really "mastering" content. At least not in a blanket sense. It's for completing certain tasks across a variety of content - ie they encourage players to play different things, whereas the mastery xp bar can just be the same events over and over.

I agree they've kinda lost sight of the spread a little though and some are a little to skewed to heavy grinds and collections

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@"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:Quite a few people say because I want mastery points in the gem store that takes away from game play. Well to some that may be true, but to me it doesn't. I played Guildwars since 2005 in which I ended up o my sin 35 maxed titles (that's 5 titles over god walking amongst mere mortals title), Got GWAMM on my Rit, and Mesmer too.

In the Hall of Monuments I have four fully maxed out halls for four different characters. So in that game I did the extra stuff and enjoyed doing it while playing.GW2 on the other hand does not have that system it has achievements which I am not interested in maxing out like titles in GW. If I get them I get them. The mastery points in the story are the same I do not want to go out of my way to get them while trying to get through the story to complete it.

We should not have to play the way we don't want too to max our masteries, and not be able compete all the mastery lines in the game. So putting the points in the gem store is not pay to win, but a quality of life thing. You still have to get the exp. to use them. It will not break the game at all.

Something doesn't have to be technically "Pay to Win" to take away from the game and it's systems, also I don't quite understand this constant "We should not have to play the way we don't want to" be all end all argument in this community, against any form of interesting, challenging, group, diverse or new content, completely stagnating the game.

These systems, be it meta achievements, mastery points, gear acquisition, legendary crafting, etc., are in place for a reason and are supposed to drive long term engagement, expose players to different types of content and build up emotional investment to the game by giving players a sense of accomplishment.

All of those things could be sold in the Gemstore without being "pay to win", from legendaries to ascended gear to mastery points or achievements, since really, what is winning in PvE? Especially in a game as easy as this, but also where gear is far and wide outweighed by skill for the few challenging aspects of it.Yet, it would completely invalidate actually playing the game and any prestige, recognition or sense of accomplishment attached to anything.It's already hard enough to care about any cosmetic rewards when something better is always just a click away for real money.

Same concept of how Raid sellers pretty much completely invalidated any prestige and sense of accomplishment from any Raid CM titles and such.Sure, I don't have to buy them, I can legitimately earn them.. but even if I do I'm then just indistinguishable from someone who did, so what's the point in having them if everything is just a matter of money.

Do I still feel good about putting time and effort into a game when all I can accomplish can just as well be bought? Let alone if I bought it myself?

For Mastery Points the point about being "forced" to play a certain way or thing (even if we accept that being universally bad, which I disagree with) is especially mute though.There are 83 Central Tyria Mastery points available, for a 49 needed to max out everything.198 HoT Points for 144 needed.130 PoF Points for 110 needed.And the only remotely close (so far) 58 Ice Brood Saga Points for 46 needed.

If you can't find enough points without having to do things you hate too much to do them in that case, maybe you are just not enjoying the game, and that's fine.You don't have to max out everything if you don't actually care to do so.

Invalidating the whole system even further for anyone who does care and pushes through some inconveniences and stuff they don't like to max out everything by just adding a credit card cheat option is, imo, not an apt solution just for some who do not actually want to engage with the game and it's systems though.

And sure, the mastery system already isn't peak game design and ultimately doesn't matter or show anything because there are so many point to get anyway, but where is the line there with adding things to the Gemstore?And if players can just buy level 80, all masteries, hero points, ascended/legendary gear and so on, what's actually left to do and the point in having much of a game beyond the store, beyond "niche" content like PvP, Raids and Fractal's, which are satisfying for their own sake due to the challenge they provide?

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Donutdude.9582" said:No. I am vehemently against this idea.

Mastery points are awarded for
aspects of the game, from exploration to combat.

C'mon now ... Mastery points are primarily awarded to people who zerg on Champ mobs or can get a portal. You don't have master anything to get them.

Put it this way ... if having to be a MASTER in PVE game aspects is necessary to get MPs to progress in the game ... then that is a HUGE problem that Anet needs to address ASAP because this game was NOT originally meant for the tryhard MMO market ... and CAN'T survive appealing to it.

So it is easy to get mastery points then. Just zerg on champ mobs.

Masteries do give an advantage, just look at the fractals ones, as an example. Masteries also give you better mount abilities and later mounts in PoF are locked behind masteries of earlier mount abilities. The mount abilities are advantages.

Mastery points are not for the "try-hard" players. There are a lot more players with high levels of mastery points than there are raiding, for example. I have also seen high-end raiders with few masteries points because they are not interested in the mastery point aspects of the game - apart from those that give an advantage to raiding.

Masteries are gained by simply playing the game. No-one has to raid, for example, in order to get them. Many of them are given just from completing story chapters. So they are an inherent part of playing the game. Asking for them to be purchasable is asking for the ability to not play the game.

This is where I get stuck. Why do some players want to not play the game?

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@Fuchslein.8639 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Wait, is this a serious thread?why not? If someone feel rich and want spend more - why not give him that ?don't see nothing bad if someone can buy MP from 200+ euro each.

Because once a game gets a reputation as a pay to win game it loses credibility. Some will say this game has already lost credibility but this is different. Pay to win is a stigma that you can't easily escape. It follows you.

And what exactly do you gain if you can buy MP? P2W means that you can buy advantages over other players. For example if I could buy strength boosters in PVP or WVW for real money which makes me significantly stronger than other real players.Everybody says here that this is worse than LVL and strength boosters, but nobody says why.What gives you a mastery what is so OP compared to others who don't have it?If a mastery is OP, it has in my opinion little lost in GW2 because some have access to it and others don't(because they don't have the episode and have to BUY it first).

Pay to win isn't what it used to be. What it meant is not what it means to everyone and believe me, I know what it meant because I was there.

A few months back, everyone was saying over and over again, this game was in maintenance mode. They said there would never be a new expansion. That turned out to be incorrect, but it didn't matter, because so many people were saying it.

The same is true with pay to win. The closer you get to some kind of pay to win, the more people will say the game is pay to win and it's not so easy to backpeddle that reputation. Even marginally pay to win isn't really acceptable for that reason.

When the first gathering tool that gave you sprockets came out, there was a big pay to win outcry and it's not particularly a good look, whether one person personally considers it pay to win or not.

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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:No pay to win please.

Explain how mastery points in the gemstore can be in any way pay to win? They are not used in pvp or wvw, they do not make your character stronger faster or better.

At least one mastery gives you a very good PvE only downed skill though, and another gives you access to a table that makes bar breaking a whole lot easier. Others can heal your mount, help them survive longer, even launch you off your mount to allow you to climb while gliding. They do make you more powerful at least in PvE.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:No pay to win please.

Explain how mastery points in the gemstore can be in any way pay to win? They are not used in pvp or wvw, they do not make your character stronger faster or better.

It makes your character a lot better in PvE. I appreciate the fact that some aspects like mastery points can be gained exclusively by achieving/leveling things in game.Not everything should be for sale. And this is one of them imo.

Being level 80 makes your character a lot better in PvE as well, yet you can buy level 80 boosters.

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@"Hesione.9412" said:

This is where I get stuck. Why do some players want to not play the game?

This "not want to play the game" statement really confuses me, but I will try my best to answer you.

The simplest answer is, farming mastery points is boring. I don't see getting mastery points as a fun part of "playing the game", I see it as a thing I have to do to play the game. Just like leveling up, just like unlocking hero points. That is like asking "Why are you leveling up with tomes of knowledge? Don't people want to play the game?"Being able to buy mastery points will not have any negative impact anyone that doesn't like the idea. You can already buy hero points with ingame currency. Why would this be so different?

And for everyone saying it is pay to win, it is really not. Either way, I am not trying to change your mind, but I just want to point out that some people get enjoyment out of different aspects of the game and I find it crazy how people get so up in arms about someone wanting to be able to skip a pretty boring grindy part of it. Getting these mastery points doesn't take a whole lot of effort (for the most part) but it is extremely time consuming. That is the main reason I haven't gotten it done on any of my alts.

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Masteries are artificial content anyway. Convenience gated behind the grind. It's phone gaming without the option to pay. Might as well complete the cycle.

Reiterate: Having players grind to make map traversal less obnoxious is terrible game design. "This skill unlocks a new area" and "Without this skill, you have to spend an extra minute jumping up that cliff" are not equivalent concepts.

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@"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:Make mastery points available for gem store purchase for those that do not want to take the time to do all the cr(stuff)ap to get one point. Sometime an entire list has to be completed for just one point that's just bad, especially if people have to get x amount of experience to use them. I hate taking the time to get them wasting the time i could be getting the exp. to use them.


But in all seriousness, if this somehow managed to get implemented I'd drop this game for good.

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