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Great patch


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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@mes.4607 said:

@mes.4607 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:They removed ANOTHER amulet. This pvp is falling further into the dumpster.

Cele amulet should have never came back

And this is why the game is like this and several more people left. Nice job bud.

The amulet did too much by design unfortunately

Oh please, it had a lower stat value and still did too much? That's a sign we've got crappy options if Cele is too strong. What used it besides Renegade?

@mes.4607 said:

@mes.4607 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:They removed ANOTHER amulet. This pvp is falling further into the dumpster.

Cele amulet should have never came back

And this is why the game is like this and several more people left. Nice job bud.

The amulet did too much by design unfortunately

?? Did you not read the stats on that thing. It overall had LOWER stat values then ALL of the amulets currently within the game. Are you PURPOSEFULLY choosing to ignore that fact. When you picked celestial your RUNE mattered more because of how low the value was. Are you serious rn??

it's you guys who don't read the stats, celestial had higher vitality and toughness then paladin and did more damage then paladin with the combination of power/condition damage/precision/ferocity on top of having healing power

i like how only noob with no idea complains about removal of these amulets. you are really just getting carried by builds really..

Two minor stats have a lower total than Cele, big whoop. It's 60 points, and Paladin is a trash amulet to begin with. I don't use Cele builds but I'm also not so bad I thought they were busted. If we had better stat options then Cele would be even less relevant, but idiots that like taking amulets away don't realize this.

you realize what you saying make no sense right?

you realize there's barely any stats with toughness, and paladin was supposed to be the tanky double defense stats, yet celestial not only has more defense stats, also does more damage if you build for hybrid. that's what we call busted.

also celestial even nerfed, will only serve noobs to play cancer braindead build which will build toxicity to the game.

and " If we had better stat options then Cele would be even less relevant" what does it even mean, are you asking for more busted stat, are you saying you don't care about balance, because this is what it sounds like,

and yes you are skill less.

Paladin is a bad stat combo, end of story. If you're complaining Cele was better because you're a hybrid build, then congrats it's doing its job. Does Cele do more damge if you aren't a hybrid build? No because you've got wasted stats, obviously. So you can try to cherry pick situations where Cele is better and act like there was no alternative or downsides to it, but it just makes you look stupid. Anet's been taking out tanky amulets for a while now because of whining people like you, so if you're upset Paladin, the supposed Tanky amulet, is so weak, be upset at yourself and Anet for removing every other option. Eventually we'll be down to nothing but Berserker stats because Marauders is too tanky and does too much damage. /s but not really

100% the nerf to paladin was kitten.. it should;ve kept the 3k total start ..and deleting celestial is another dumb kitten .. ... also they just ruined the meta even more.. so now it gonna be just tanky core necro guardians.. and daredevil metal.. nice..

Funny how you said nerf to paladin was kitten then complain about tanky builds.you people are really clueless and have no idea what you talking about don't you.

the amu isnt the solution .. tanky core necro is tanky not just because of the amu.. sure its amu got 900 vit but its not why its op.. give reaper 900 vit will it be tanky ? no..and i didnt complain about core neco.. i said it will be part of the strict meta... i only have 1 complain and its stealth and daredevil the rest is fine as it is..

of course amulet isnt the solution, when most build using this amulet isn't toxic.with celestial, i'll teach you kids, has been toxic and busted whenever it become usable, it's either completely unplayed or if it's played it's toxic and busted.that only explain how flawed the design is.

also the stat combination enables toxic braindead build with no skill.just like how toughness/vitality/condition damage will never make it to pvp, because it is toxic and stupid.

You keep crying about toxic toxic toxic. What does that even mean? How is a stat combination toxic? It's not, it's just you whining about it because you couldn't handle or work around builds running it. I also missed calling out the stupidity of you saying Sage is Hybrid damage. Dude, just because it has power stats, which is literally EVERY AMULET BESIDES RABID, that doesn't make it Hybrid. You've got no ferocity, how tf do you plan to do any physical damage?

working around builds is the wrong approach because all it is doing is delaying the root cause problem and making excuse for it to continue. Facing the problem and tackling it head on, is the solution that is needed to address it.

Cele-Amulet was a key responsible player with Toxicity, removing it was the right approach.

-I look forward to more removal Toxic key elements to follow suit in the following patch-

Haven't we had enough of having to deal with the same repetitive past problems over and over again?

If It Is So,

Isn't It Time To Take Action To Prevent This From Happening Again?

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Anet really needs to lose the mindset that gutting meta builds into builds that are unviable in no way magically makes other non viable builds now viable, all their effectively doing is creating a mmo with a roster of classes that are unfun to play and full off garbage build options. Like the pvp scene hasn't shrunk enough lol.

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I get why they made the change, but this feels like somewhat of an indirect buff to Necro since it's already a heavily played class that is tanky as hell regardless of amulet and requires much less learning curve than many other professions. This may not be as much of an issue at high tier games, but it's already pretty over-represented at lower tiers of gameplay and often seems to be a preferred class for bots.

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I kind of agree. It is a solid patch, they addressed many important things.

The way they addressed them is not optimal and kind of lazy, required very low effort, but it is something. I fear the clever suggestions of how things could have been reworked properly is lost these days.

Might make a lot of unviable builds kind of playable and shakes up a lot of builds. Time to try out a couple of things, which is always good.

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@felix.2386 said:

@mes.4607 said:

@mes.4607 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:They removed ANOTHER amulet. This pvp is falling further into the dumpster.

Cele amulet should have never came back

And this is why the game is like this and several more people left. Nice job bud.

The amulet did too much by design unfortunately

Oh please, it had a lower stat value and still did too much? That's a sign we've got crappy options if Cele is too strong. What used it besides Renegade?

@mes.4607 said:

@mes.4607 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:They removed ANOTHER amulet. This pvp is falling further into the dumpster.

Cele amulet should have never came back

And this is why the game is like this and several more people left. Nice job bud.

The amulet did too much by design unfortunately

?? Did you not read the stats on that thing. It overall had LOWER stat values then ALL of the amulets currently within the game. Are you PURPOSEFULLY choosing to ignore that fact. When you picked celestial your RUNE mattered more because of how low the value was. Are you serious rn??

it's you guys who don't read the stats, celestial had higher vitality and toughness then paladin and did more damage then paladin with the combination of power/condition damage/precision/ferocity on top of having healing power

i like how only noob with no idea complains about removal of these amulets. you are really just getting carried by builds really..

Two minor stats have a lower total than Cele, big whoop. It's 60 points, and Paladin is a trash amulet to begin with. I don't use Cele builds but I'm also not so bad I thought they were busted. If we had better stat options then Cele would be even less relevant, but idiots that like taking amulets away don't realize this.

you realize what you saying make no sense right?

you realize there's barely any stats with toughness, and paladin was supposed to be the tanky double defense stats, yet celestial not only has more defense stats, also does more damage if you build for hybrid. that's what we call busted.

also celestial even nerfed, will only serve noobs to play cancer braindead build which will build toxicity to the game.

and " If we had better stat options then Cele would be even less relevant" what does it even mean, are you asking for more busted stat, are you saying you don't care about balance, because this is what it sounds like,

and yes you are skill less.

Says the one who complained about thief for ages and then has the nuts to say people are getting build carried. Actual ape LOL.

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