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Changing Your Display Name - Good or Bad?

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Hello and a Lovely Good day to the wonderful Community of our beloved past time which is Guild Wars 2 :)

So my question is quite a simple one. Has anybody reading this ever changed their Account Display Name? Did you experience any side effects from it and if so, was the Arena Net Team able to fix aforementioned side effects. I am wanting to change mine, and I received a response from one of their customer service agents telling me that they are happy to assist but informed me of some possible side effects. These may Include:

• Guild Lists• Guild Rosters• Inability to chat• Broken friend/block/social lists• The old and new name showing intermittently

So is it worth it or should I refrain? The worst one of the bunch would be the inability to chat, the others are less severe. All your thoughts and suggestions are highly appreciated.

Sending you all a Googolplex of happy and positive vibes and lots of love over the December Holidays <3

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