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How do you climb out of gold?


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@narcx.3570 said:Have a character ready that can rotate/decap/+1, one that can bunker/power rez, one that can boon strip/corrupt like crazy, and one that can team fight like a beast.

Swap to whichever of those your team seems weakest on/best counters the other team's comp before the game starts... I feel like more games are lost in solo queue from your team having a bad or ineffective composition than are from you just getting flat outplayed (although that CAN happen; it's not really something you can actively control).

If you're queueing as a duo, obviously that's two people making sure proper roles are being taken... Although I think it does make you queue at a higher MMR--BUT, if all you want to do is climb, that's actually a good thing.

Good advice... adding to that, run thing by your team before swapping so that 4 of you don't jump to the same thing.

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@Link.1049 said:Duo... for thief watch sindrener... only play a few matches a day. Many of the plat and legendary players I've spoken with have a rule that if they lose two matches, they are done for at least a few hours (most will give it a day). Some days you're just not "on".

From the mathematical point of view it makes sense, since the pool of players is small, this avoids being stuck to the same (bad) players and having defeats in sequence.

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Here's my 2 cents (I am in no way hardcore competitive/great at PvP but I enjoy playing it):

  • I placed T2/T3 gold and was stuck there for ~2 weeks or less (STOP Q'ing if you are on a loss streak and wait the next day otherwise you're setting yourself up for disappointment/triggering)
  • Started to play 12am AEST onwards since I seemed to be matched with players who actually wanted to try and play competitively (find a good hour-window)
  • Switched to Ventari bunker rev and broke into platinum (play it while you can, I smell a nerf inc)
  • All games were done solo (no duo-Q)
  • Communication at the start of the round goes a long way between allies including throughout the match! (Speaking out costs nothing while remaining silent could cost everything...)
  • Always be situational/map-aware and know where you are needed - for the love of all that is holy FIGHT ON POINT (See so many players get distracted and lured off point when all we needed to do was have ONE GUY stay on that point for another few ticks etc)
  • Be flexible with classes - it's often hindering to have duo thief if they're squishy/fighting off point etc

Hope that helps in some way or another.

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it's purely about rotation.

by the time you get to gold t3 everyone is competent with their build. being that mlg guy that can win 1v1 or maybe tank 1v2 does not work. to get out of gold t3 you need to start looking at you team what their build is who can tank who can attack, this is why some thifes can dominate the match, not because they are good but because they are in the right place at the right time and know when to run away.

examples:why are you fighting a engi/ele tank 1v1 when they have the cap?why did you not help come kill lord when we have 350 points?why are you dying 4v1 at mid when you should have ran away?why did you not go to centre at 8:30 or why did the thife not poke the guy at centre.

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@Obindo.6802 said:If you're stuck in gold, chances are u belong there and there's nothing you "should do" other than to git gud

I love and hate this kind of explanation for two reasons: 1) it may be true 2) the point of this thread is a question - how to actually "git gut"/what else can I do to improve myself. Saying "u should belong there" is no advice, just stating the "fact".

Truth is I hate the system that tells me "u suck u stuck git gut scrub" and stacks me with looses or blowouts in my favor just to keep me in point. It feels like fighting dumb machine instead of playing to actually get better.

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@MichalAniol.5807 said:

@Obindo.6802 said:If you're stuck in gold, chances are u belong there and there's nothing you "should do" other than to git gud

I love and hate this kind of explanation for two reasons: 1) it may be true 2) the point of this thread is a question - how to actually "git gut"/what else can I do to improve myself. Saying "u should belong there" is no advice, just stating the "fact".

Truth is I hate the system that tells me "u kitten u stuck git gut scrub" and stacks me with looses or blowouts in my favor just to keep me in point. It feels like fighting kitten machine instead of playing to actually get better.

Some people think of build and duo as if that's the problem. It isn't, it's you, and you being the problem (not being better than gold) shouldn't mean you should be higher. As long as u don't ruin games by getting those where everyone else is much better it doesn't matter, play the game and enjoy it instead.If you wanna get better just play the game and don't have a retarded mentality. Drop the ego and realize when u're the idiot

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@Starbreaker.6507 said:Gold is a mixed bag of...well I don't know what exactly to call it.

I guess it's people a little more mechanically sound than bronze/silver, but there are so many basics I've seen people in Gold just not do such as being on a team with multiple people that can grant swiftness to the whole team out of the gate and nobody doing it

Hi OP, I was plat-1 last season and ~1470 at the moment, and while there are some competent moments, my usual performance puts me at gold-3. That quote basically is gold in a nutshell, it's full of people with the potential to climb into platinum but there's just some things missing from the basics that keep them from pulling through in a clutch moment.

This can be the snap decision making in a downed-on-both-teams mid-fight scenario, the clutch 1v1 that you weren't exactly clear how you lost (you should know matchups and all skills), backing off a losing fight or chasing someone to prevent decap too late (you should anticipate), familiarity with a build (play something close to meta and use it as designed/intended 100% by top players), and only after exhausting things that can be fixed with experience, should we talk about the hard limit of player reflexes, and motor coordination, a.k.a. "skill". I know you're not aiming to be a top player and mostly just trying to get better, so you can ignore any responses that, be they valid or not, assert your worthiness to get among the best players. If people don't have any constructive criticism, I usually don't take their comments to heart, and will gauge their reasons for just throwing out statements with nothing backing them up. That said, don't get passive-aggressive against every negative comment, that's a barrier to improvement.

It's going to be hard to just "get good" by yourself if you don't know what to look out for, and there are a few things you can do. Fix yourself before you find issues in other people, though. I think a fighting game pro said something along the lines of know yourself, then know the enemy, and finally mind-game.

  1. Become familiar with the build you play, through dueling or unranked or even ranked. You don't want to falter in clutch moments. For some classes, this includes jump puzzles. You want to take your mind off HUD resource management (which you will be prone to when unfamiliar) to take in more of the minimap, scrolling deaths, what's on the screen (like enemy buffs) so that you can make more informed decisions.
  2. Knowledge of the meta builds and how they work, what are the main skills to watch out for? That way you can self-analyze why you lost and what you missed.
  3. Watch streams/gameplay. Sindrener (Thief), Frosty (Ranger), Frostball (Mes & Rev), Chaith (Engi), Crinn (Necro); these are recently active on Twitch or Youtube and are completely PvP focused with helpful commentary on their main classes.
  4. Ask streamers/better players/duel friends for tips, try to be specific to matchups. These theories can help you extrapolate to countering other classes. Blanket "how to get better at [class]" wouldn't get you a quality answer.

Anyone that knows better than this frog in a well, please correct me if I made grand and delusional assumptions.

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@Obindo.6802 said:

@MichalAniol.5807 said:

@Obindo.6802 said:If you're stuck in gold, chances are u belong there and there's nothing you "should do" other than to git gud

I love and hate this kind of explanation for two reasons: 1) it may be true 2) the point of this thread is a question - how to actually "git gut"/what else can I do to improve myself. Saying "u should belong there" is no advice, just stating the "fact".

Truth is I hate the system that tells me "u kitten u stuck git gut scrub" and stacks me with looses or blowouts in my favor just to keep me in point. It feels like fighting kitten machine instead of playing to actually get better.

People are talking about builds and who u duo q with as if that's the problem.If you wanna get better just play the game and don't have a kitten mentality. Drop the ego and realize when u're the idiot

This is pretty much the most hypocritical post ive ever seen.

Besides obviously his build can be a problem.

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@ZombieSlayeR.8702 said:

@Obindo.6802 said:

@MichalAniol.5807 said:

@Obindo.6802 said:If you're stuck in gold, chances are u belong there and there's nothing you "should do" other than to git gud

I love and hate this kind of explanation for two reasons: 1) it may be true 2) the point of this thread is a question - how to actually "git gut"/what else can I do to improve myself. Saying "u should belong there" is no advice, just stating the "fact".

Truth is I hate the system that tells me "u kitten u stuck git gut scrub" and stacks me with looses or blowouts in my favor just to keep me in point. It feels like fighting kitten machine instead of playing to actually get better.

People are talking about builds and who u duo q with as if that's the problem.If you wanna get better just play the game and don't have a kitten mentality. Drop the ego and realize when u're the idiot

This is pretty much the most hypocritical post ive ever seen.

Besides obviously his build can be a problem.

How so?

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@Obindo.6802 said:

@MichalAniol.5807 said:

@Obindo.6802 said:If you're stuck in gold, chances are u belong there and there's nothing you "should do" other than to git gud

I love and hate this kind of explanation for two reasons: 1) it may be true 2) the point of this thread is a question - how to actually "git gut"/what else can I do to improve myself. Saying "u should belong there" is no advice, just stating the "fact".

Truth is I hate the system that tells me "u kitten u stuck git gut scrub" and stacks me with looses or blowouts in my favor just to keep me in point. It feels like fighting kitten machine instead of playing to actually get better.

Some people think of build and duo as if that's the problem. It isn't, it's you, and you being the problem (not being better than gold) shouldn't mean you should be higher. As long as u don't ruin games by getting those where everyone else is much better it doesn't matter, play the game and enjoy it instead.If you wanna get better just play the game and don't have a kitten mentality. Drop the ego and realize when u're the idiot

What I am taking from Obindo's comments:

Before considering duo-queuing and build performance as factors for winning games, consider what you can fix on yourself, what can you improve on?

The only case of things outside your control that should be brought to attention are games that put a gold player in a match with 9 plat-3 players, which ruins the fun for everyone.

See past our own entitlements, be conscious of how good we actually are, admitting that we play like crap sometimes (don't be a living proof of the Dunning-Kruger effect), and play to improve with a healthy mentality.

I tend to rage pretty hard too, there are of course great games and those that are downright frustrating with your pug team hostile to each other, but I always fight the urge to just put the blame on everything else to feel better. I stick to the golden rule of queuing: 2 losses and I'm out (to cool down and evaluate). When you are angry, you lose all your higher cognitive functions, and you play like a monkey (personal experience, am monkey); it costs you many many games (like the chain of losses some players have achieved) where you might have contributed much more toward a win.

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Do a mesmer/thief combo duo and hope for a good dice toss that is MMR. If you are not ESL level, you won't make many changes during them match if you get 3 potatoes in your team against enemies on your level or above. But in the long run rank is worth little to be honest, mostly because of the matchmaking that forces you to a rank range that oscillates +/- 100 to 200 rank range per season, even if you know lots about pvp, your class, other classes, and how to fight + rotate. Only AT tournaments are premade vs premade while ranked is basically how good are the rest of randoms you get in your team, so you don't really have much of a choice here.

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@Rodzynald.5897 said:But in the long run rank is worth little to be honest, mostly because of the matchmaking that forces you to a rank range that oscillates +/- 100 to 200 rank range per season, even if you know lots about pvp, your class, other classes, and how to fight + rotate.

And this is what prolly bugs me the most in all of this. The feeling of kinda being forced in one spot after placement.

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Here's my 2 cents:

Contrary to common belief I will tell you this,: the rank you attain is not something you achieve, it is something that reflects youand your ability as a player (with variating precision of course, but thats not the point). So in order to climb, you must stop caring about climbing. Instead, focus on your own gameplay and how you could do better next match than what you did in the previous match. Win or lose, duo or solo, the only thing that should matter to you, is how you could have performed better. Many people like to just focus on their teammates bad decisions or bad comp or op classes on the enemy team. Instead I tell you, record your games and see where you could have played better, pick one thing and actively try to not make that mistake in the next games you play. Once you have ironed out your own shortcomings, your rank will adjust itself, almost magically.

Hope it helps.

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@Zephyra.4709 said:

  • Communication at the start of the round goes a long way between allies including throughout the match! (Speaking out costs nothing while remaining silent could cost everything...)

Most people that speak up rarely have anything of value to add. If you're the guy who's taking home it'd be great if you told everyone you're doing that, but if you're just going to go "home?" just shut up and take it yourself or watch your mini-map to see what the rest of your team is going to do and act accordingly.

@MichalAniol.5807 said:So, any advice?

Watch your mini-map and master your build. Don't be afraid to reset a fight if things go south. Stall as much as you can but don't ever let them kill you for as much as you can help it. If you're fighting on point in a team fight and you're team is getting wiped and it's going to be a 4vs1or2? Reset to home or decap/cap far as the occasion allows.

One of the best things you can learn in PvP is how to disengage. Play to the objective. Hope your teammates can do as much. Call targets, especially downed or low health targets. Set it to a hotkey you can easily hit. If someone on your team is calling targets, assist them. Set this as a hotkey as well.

Also watch your mini-map. Did I say that already? Because it's really important to know what's happening and where you need to be/can help.

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Thanks for all advices so far. I came back from work and started to play but got two losses so I just gave up already for today as some of you advised. Started to get angry and all of that.

Saddest part tho is in first match today I got top EU player in enemy team (rank 118) on his 2nd account cause he was boosting his friend in gold - you can tell the rest of the story yourself... we struggled to cap even our home node.

2nd match I got duo necro on my team camping mid early game. Lost by 200 points in the end.

Well, some day is just a shit day.... :s

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@MichalAniol.5807 said:Thanks for all advices so far. I came back from work and started to play but got two losses so I just gave up already for today as some of you advised. Started to get angry and all of that.

Saddest part tho is in first match today I got top EU player in enemy team (rank 118) on his 2nd account cause he was boosting his friend in gold - you can tell the rest of the story yourself... we struggled to cap even our home node.

2nd match I got duo necro on my team camping mid early game. Lost by 200 points in the end.

Well, some day is just a kitten day.... :s

Yes...but you only lost likely 20-30 points total as opposed to dropping an entire division and possibly damaging your laptop. Oh...one other thing, if you do manage to climb, avoid the last few days of the season except to avoid decay. You're more likely to get matched up with the top 10 players that week since most people just accept where they ended up and don't play. I was plat 2 last season until the very last few days, got matched up against number 1, 3, and 7 over, and over, and over again. Dropped to barely gold 2 because I didn't stop at 2 matches (wanted to hold on to plat 2 soo bad).

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Focus on what YOU can do to support the team, and don't waste your time and carpal-tunnel to constantly harass players on your own team...especially when you are winning. The higher you go in tier the more people know what they need to do... if they are not getting it done there is a reason.

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@Link.1049 said:Focus on what YOU can do to support the team,I admit, I am the weakest chain in all of this. You guys showed me in HEALTHY way (not in some kind of 'git gut' way). Many of good tips in this thread.and don't waste your time and carpal-tunnel to constantly harass players on your own team...especially when you are winning. The higher you go in tier the more people know what they need to do... if they are not getting it done there is a reason.Perhaps I should make a sticker and put it all over the screen :D

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@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:Here's my 2 cents:

Contrary to common belief I will tell you this,: the rank you attain is not something you achieve, it is something that reflects youand your ability as a player (with variating precision of course, but thats not the point). So in order to climb, you must stop caring about climbing. Instead, focus on your own gameplay and how you could do better next match than what you did in the previous match. Win or lose, duo or solo, the only thing that should matter to you, is how you could have performed better. Many people like to just focus on their teammates bad decisions or bad comp or op classes on the enemy team. Instead I tell you, record your games and see where you could have played better, pick one thing and actively try to not make that mistake in the next games you play. Once you have ironed out your own shortcomings, your rank will adjust itself, almost magically.

Hope it helps.

This is a good advice, I take advantage of it always, and sometimes I do find a bit that could have done better every few matches. However, I am aware of many things that happen during the fight and I can count about 3 to 4 mistakes that I do every 8-9 matches or so. Even then, these are not grevious mistakes but rather miscalculations I would call it. I still have to practice and I know it, but there are just too many situations that could have gone better if some other people were more considerate of their environment and considered focusing targets. What am I supposed to do if I suggest something and the team doesn't want to cooperate? And I do not mean rushing far or smth like that, but rather focusing a target that is weak, or close to death and is not a full HP thief who roams the map. Too many times people just don't want to try, and if you don't play druid/mesmer/thief/scrapper it is hard to carry. Also I've noticed recently that when I had an opportunity to play on a better rig with better connection, smooth 60 fps and less than 50 ping makes a helpful difference while fighting others.

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