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How do you climb out of gold?


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@Rodzynald.5897 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:Here's my 2 cents:

Contrary to common belief I will tell you this,: the rank you attain is not something you achieve, it is something that reflects youand your ability as a player (with variating precision of course, but thats not the point). So in order to climb, you must stop caring about climbing. Instead, focus on your own gameplay and how you could do better next match than what you did in the previous match. Win or lose, duo or solo, the only thing that should matter to you, is how you could have performed better. Many people like to just focus on their teammates bad decisions or bad comp or op classes on the enemy team. Instead I tell you, record your games and see where you could have played better, pick one thing and actively try to not make that mistake in the next games you play. Once you have ironed out your own shortcomings, your rank will adjust itself, almost magically.

Hope it helps.

This is a good advice, I take advantage of it always, and sometimes I do find a bit that could have done better every few matches. However, I am aware of many things that happen during the fight and I can count about 3 to 4 mistakes that I do every 8-9 matches or so. Even then, these are not grevious mistakes but rather miscalculations I would call it. I still have to practice and I know it, but there are just too many situations that could have gone better if some other people were more considerate of their environment and considered focusing targets. What am I supposed to do if I suggest something and the team doesn't want to cooperate? And I do not mean rushing far or smth like that, but rather focusing a target that is weak, or close to death and is not a full HP thief who roams the map. Too many times people just don't want to try, and if you don't play druid/mesmer/thief/scrapper it is hard to carry. Also I've noticed recently that when I had an opportunity to play on a better rig with better connection, smooth 60 fps and less than 50 ping makes a helpful difference while fighting others.

I guarantee you're making more mistakes than that. Basically you're saying half your games you're playing on a pro level (no mistakes). Feel free to ask pros or other good players about what mistakes you don't notice.

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@Rodzynald.5897 said:

@Pvt Frosty.6973 said:Here's my 2 cents:

Contrary to common belief I will tell you this,: the rank you attain is not something you achieve, it is something that reflects youand your ability as a player (with variating precision of course, but thats not the point). So in order to climb, you must stop caring about climbing. Instead, focus on your own gameplay and how you could do better next match than what you did in the previous match. Win or lose, duo or solo, the only thing that should matter to you, is how you could have performed better. Many people like to just focus on their teammates bad decisions or bad comp or op classes on the enemy team. Instead I tell you, record your games and see where you could have played better, pick one thing and actively try to not make that mistake in the next games you play. Once you have ironed out your own shortcomings, your rank will adjust itself, almost magically.

Hope it helps.

This is a good advice, I take advantage of it always, and sometimes I do find a bit that could have done better every few matches. However, I am aware of many things that happen during the fight and I can count about 3 to 4 mistakes that I do every 8-9 matches or so. Even then, these are not grevious mistakes but rather miscalculations I would call it. I still have to practice and I know it, but there are just too many situations that could have gone better if some other people were more considerate of their environment and considered focusing targets. What am I supposed to do if I suggest something and the team doesn't want to cooperate? And I do not mean rushing far or smth like that, but rather focusing a target that is weak, or close to death and is not a full HP thief who roams the map. Too many times people just don't want to try, and if you don't play druid/mesmer/thief/scrapper it is hard to carry. Also I've noticed recently that when I had an opportunity to play on a better rig with better connection, smooth 60 fps and less than 50 ping makes a helpful difference while fighting others.

You see, not trying to sound mean, but you contradict yourself in your statement.

You say it is good advice I offer by telling you NOT to focus on your teammates performance and then you go on to mention situations focusing solely on your teammates performance, which is exactly what I told you not to do.

I do not know which division you are in, but i PROMISE you with 200% certainty that you are making ALOT more mistakes than you claim, simply because even the top 10 on the leaderboards make tons of mistakes each game they play

I offer you to go over your footage with you (op I offer you the same) and to point out the situations where you should look to improve yourself, just so you get an Idea of the vast amount of areas people fail to realise they need to improve on.

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Then how do I improve myself in a situation (which is pretty frequent) where there are 2 to 3 fights at the same time, and I have to choose where to go to help out. I've already experienced it, that it is hard to be at two places or three at the same time, or rotate between them if you at least don't have the mobility which not every class has an access to. The problem that bugs me is that too many times I end up in situations that whenever I am not in a fight, the other encounters are lost because the rest of the team explodes on contact or die out in the first half of a minute in every fight that takes place. If that was a situation that happens from time to time, I can get on with that. But what should I do when every single fight is lost or lost in few seconds as long as I or someone else capable is not in it? Sadly I do not have a reliable duo partner during the hours I play or a smurf account to log out when a game turns to loss. What I do to improve myself is what I do every single match, I do realise my mistakes, but you can't carry a game if your team doesn't want to cooperate through at least /team (and target focus), or dies in about 80% of encounters that take place during a match.Another situation that takes place quite often too. What should I do when 2 or 3 of my team are being tanked by a player on an enemy capped point? I ask them on /team not to do it because we are left to fight 2v4 / 3v4 and it clearly costs a game. How do I carry it? Should I go and help to kill the bunker? But this is when the other enemy players join in to make the fight last longer, stalling for time to win. I always say that there is no need to go far if an enemy camps there and bunkers it, it's 4v5 for us... but there is almost always someone who goes there and then a second person joins in and my team ends up at a huge disadvantage. What am I supposed to do in such situation? Roll a druid/scrapper/mesmer and juke the crap out of the rest of the enemy team to win?

EDIT:As for rank, currently I am T2 platinum. And as for advice I meant that it is good if you focus on yourself, but this is a team game and too much depends on how others play.EDIT #2:I've just checked fraps but it sacrifices a lot of my framerate that it's hard to fight. Do you know any other ways of making vids that won't hinder my framerate?

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First a small help for a noob... How do I record my games? Second, Frosty since you now have to spend hours looking at other ppl game plays... can you extend the kindness for me? In low plat (plat 1 plat 2)... and I make tons of mistakes, rotations so long so forth, and Im eager to have a pro advice XD.... I play ostly solo as Necro...

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@MichalAniol.5807 said:Hi,Question in the title. I wonder what am I doing wrong since I'm stuck in gold 3 every last season with no sign of improvement over the time. I main guard and thief in pvp (guard I'm familiar the most). I played bunker builds, condi builds, power builds and nothing seems to help. I try my best at cap, decap, +1 the fights. Still I end up in blowouts - I win some but most of my time I'm on the loosing side. I'm loosing hope for any improvement so I just farm chests, cause that's the only thing I could do. It's frustrating to see (or should I say - NOT seeing) any sign of improve on my side. What else can I do except duo with some pro (which I don't know any). Due to work I don't have much time to play anyway so I guess one point is there but I have other things in life to. I just wish I could be better.

On the other hand the quality of matches is... well, mixed. I can see full condi enemy teams that apply insane stacks of conditions in a blink of an eye, tons of interrupts thrown in between then just a death screen.

So, any advice?

You don't need to duo. Play the right build and you can carry your team if you know how to control the map. For example, some things to note when entering a battle: are we outnumbered? If no -> continue fighting unless neither of you can kill each other then just leave IF they own the point!! Stay if you own it. Then the other player is wasting his time and your team should be able to control the rest of the map, unless you run a build focused more around team fights but then thats a totally other mindset you need have there are questions you have to constantly be asking in order to make the right rotations.

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duoing is essential. make sure you got the basics down (when/how/where to rotate, what fights to take what to avoid etc). having the basics down will instantly make you better then more then half the people out there. if youre not so good at the game, play a bunker build and get decent at it. look for a duo partner who has good game knowledge and decent fight skills. they don't have to be a pro, just someone who wants to win and is just about or a little bit better then you are. make sure one of you is playing bunker (really depends on what your team comp is but having a good bunker can make a huge difference and is a great thing to have in a duo team when the other duo class is a good +1er) and the other is playing a class that can make a big impact (decap thief most likely, or Mesmer, ventari rev if youre feeling cancerous). get on voip. if you start to get a losing streak / get horrible team mates / toxic waste cancer builds on enemy team stop q'ing for a couple minutes and try to reset it.

this site has some good instructional vids.http://qqmore.net/

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