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High ping and internet issues since the beginning of January 2021

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Hello everyone!

I would like to ask if there is also anyone who has these lag spikes from 34ms to almost 1000ms from time to time when playing GW2. The lags are mostly seen in PvP but also in PvE and lately I have seen them also in GW1 which makes me really sad...if it is my internet connection, could you pls help me to diagnose the problem?

Thanks a lot for every tip in advance!

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It may not be your connection. You will find the same complaint by a vast majority of players now. Some pve maps are so laggy they are unplayable. It started off with only a few, and now the few has grown. My ping in DSM's shows 246-260rtt, if I immediately go to a lagg pve map (wait 15min) the ping averages 970+. If I go directly to WvW from a DSM my ping goes from av 246rtt to at a minimum 1.4-1.7k rtt and will top before a dc at around 4k av then 0. Also getting login error popups while playing. 3 days ago ago, those login errors popped (no lie) EVERY 60s like clockwork (only in wvw however)

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