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Please Buff Mistfire Wolf and Hounds of Balthazar


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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@alcopaul.2156 said:well no one made the petition yet so how can you be sure that ANET wants them to underperform?


Because they have come to us and said exactly that. That they are deliberately designed to be weak so race isn't a factor when picking class.

but mistfire wolf (not the hounds) can be used by all races and any classes.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@alcopaul.2156 said:well no one made the petition yet so how can you be sure that ANET wants them to underperform?


Because they have come to us and said exactly that. That they are deliberately designed to be weak so race isn't a factor when picking class.

Yep. It never got as far as anyone making a petition, they stated while the game was still in development that they didn't want race to be a factor in builds, they wanted all races to be equally viable in all builds so players never felt they had to pick a certain one or had to make a new character to be acceptable to meta groups. One of the ways they did that was to make racial skills underperform compared to profession skills so they're available for flavour or role-playing if you want them but there's almost no chance anyone is going to make meta builds which require a specific race.

(The Mistfire Wolf isn't a racial skill but if anything it would be even more of a problem if players felt like they had to buy the deluxe edition upgrade just to meet other player's standards for builds.)

I'd like it if they were a bit more useful, but I use the Mistfire Wolf anyway, and I'm not sure what they could safely change without running into problems.

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@alcopaul.2156 said:

@alcopaul.2156 said:well no one made the petition yet so how can you be sure that ANET wants them to underperform?


Because they have come to us and said exactly that. That they are deliberately designed to be weak so race isn't a factor when picking class.

but mistfire wolf (not the hounds) can be used by all races and any classes.

And Mistfire Wolf isn't available to all players.It's basically the same as all racial utilities not being available to all characters.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@alcopaul.2156 said:well no one made the petition yet so how can you be sure that ANET wants them to underperform?


Because they have come to us and said exactly that. That they are deliberately designed to be weak so race isn't a factor when picking class.

but mistfire wolf (not the hounds) can be used by all races and any classes.

And Mistfire Wolf isn't available to all players.

gems? it's up in the BLTC.

it is not available if it came only in boxes and no one is selling GW2 vanilla deluxe boxes anymore.

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Mistfire wolf can be bought by anyone if they upgrade to the deluxe edition. Also if it acted like the ogre rune rock dog or pirate runes parrot just skinned as the mistfire wolf I feel that would be perfectly acceptable. If anything it would still be less dps than most elites but still give us more then 5 seconds of flavor with a huge cd.

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Another major thing that screws over racial skills is the level locked access to utilities.By the time you've leveled up enough to unlock your utility and elite skill slots you've likely already unlocked class skills to fill them.

Anet could easily remedy this problem by removing those level locks and having all players able to use all their racial skills as soon as they create a new character.. basically racial skills would now act as starter skills until you replace them with class skills and players would be able to get a nice bit of use out of them, especially their racial elites in the earlier parts of the game.

This alone would be a pretty nice QoL improvement for racial skills imo and I expect it would be almost effortless for Anet to do as well.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@alcopaul.2156 said:well no one made the petition yet so how can you be sure that ANET wants them to underperform?


Because they have come to us and said exactly that. That they are deliberately designed to be weak so race isn't a factor when picking class.

Yep. It never got as far as anyone making a petition, they stated while the game was still in development that they didn't want race to be a factor in builds, they wanted all races to be equally viable in all builds so players never felt they had to pick a certain one or had to make a new character to be acceptable to meta groups. One of the ways they did that was to make racial skills underperform compared to profession skills so they're available for flavour or role-playing if you want them but there's almost no chance anyone is going to make meta builds which require a specific race.

Not only that, they nerfed some norn and sylvari skills, iirc, when those were proving way too useful in WvW. They really don't want racials to become part of any meta build and thus required before groups let you in.

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I just don't get why they can't at least be flavor though.For example if norn elite changed you into a bear (gives X vit) wolf (gives X agil) etc. You can make it only give you 20 or 0 for I all I care but the transformation is permanent until you turn off. No fancy skills they need to need just plain flavor. It would be major weak but still fun if you just want to be a bear or wolf running around. (Think combat tonic with a very small stat buff).

For human just makes hounds a perma summon like rock wolf or parrot from runes or flesh golem and cut the dmg as much as you want if it needs to just be flavor.

Same concept across board with the other races. I would just like to have a golem pet out always as an asura or dog as a human or leaf person if i so want. Even if it doesn't really increase my dps (probably would lower as no elite to use) but I would use it for fun. I never use the current elites because they are a very short duration and a huge cool down. Don't even really get to enjoy it so why bother.

Frankly every race has a summon except norn so just make all of them have the same weak dps and you are golden. No special race just different looks for your weak flesh golem elites. For norn just make the transformation a flavor like above and viola.

This is my 2 cents but it and many like have been long long ignored so don't expect anything to actually change.

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