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Fix dh and spellbreaker pull (stuck)


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They could always, add additional layer within map which would work like "if you touch that layer, you get forcibly teleported to closest 'playable' area". This could be just invisible wall, or they just could mark the area that shouldn't be accessible by any means(like no mount/glider zones) and work the same way to forcibly teleport you.

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@Cynz.9437 said:

@Bazsi.2734 said:Nice 2015 thread. With a 2015 problem. Which still isn't fixed. What year is it again?

Aaaand no valid path error on flat terrain and waste of resources still exists, SINCE LAUNCH. What year is it again xD?

I stopped reporting bugs and exploits around 2014 when we could still speedrun Arah by climbing into walls and breaking boss AI-s.

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