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ranked :))))


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you should be able to q as a five man and have a comp ready from the get go, imagine the possibilities, i couldn't imagine that more than 2 people would ever not know each other and end up on the same team or in the same game just by queing at the same time that would be insane i don't believe it, how would that ever happen

also when are flat numbers going to be adjusted coefficients have feelings too you know.

also looked at a thread about some peoples favorite part of the game and literally 2 mentions of the game was just the fact that they don't have to play pvp and another was the fact that they won 501 to 500; what's your take on being the armpit of the game hmmm?

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Five player teams used to be available in ranked.That option was removed due to the many players complaining about being disadvantaged.Do not forget that the majority of players in PvP are solo queuers.If I remember correctly, there also was a time when even duo queue wasn't available due to the same complains.

If you want to queue as a full team and roll over the enemy team, unranked is your mode.

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@Nihil.9817 said:you should be able to q as a five man and have a comp ready from the get go, imagine the possibilities, i couldn't imagine that more than 2 people would ever not know each other and end up on the same team or in the same game just by queing at the same time that would be insane i don't believe it, how would that ever happen

also when are flat numbers going to be adjusted coefficients have feelings too you know.

also looked at a thread about some peoples favorite part of the game and literally 2 mentions of the game was just the fact that they don't have to play pvp and another was the fact that they won 501 to 500; what's your take on being the armpit of the game hmmm?

5 premade humans in ranked is like a....99% win because you will always be against from 1 to 5 bots.If there was a way to force 5 humans vs 5 humans it would be awesome.

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