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Craziest Glitches in GW2

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I had a glitch yesterday in Crystal Oasis which might be computer-related for me, but it was still funny.Basically the NPCs loaded but the actual environment did not and they were walking/floating in the air. It quickly resolved but it looked hilarious seeing merchants and villagers walking around on nothing =)

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I have several screenshots saved in my pc with weird occurences. But sometimes you rly gotta look deeply into what's shown to realize what gives. Amongst other things I've encountered: me floating (rather high up) while sitting after dismounting, my character using the oakheart vine thingies on Draconis Mons and glitching mid air, a dead trade post merchant floating several hundred units high in Dry Top, a siamoth walking vertically on top of a tree and resetting in the same position after getting struck and a moa going back and forth with a bandit at brisban, the two crossing paths indefinitely.

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@Grand Marshal.4098 said:I have several screenshots saved in my pc with weird occurences. But sometimes you rly gotta look deeply into what's shown to realize what gives. Amongst other things I've encountered: me floating (rather high up) while sitting after dismounting, my character using the oakheart vine thingies on Draconis Mons and glitching mid air, a dead trade post merchant floating several hundred units high in Dry Top, a siamoth walking vertically on top of a tree and resetting in the same position after getting struck and a moa going back and forth with a bandit at brisban, the two crossing paths indefinitely.

honestly fascinated by these hahaha ive never seen NPC's glitch like that

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In Draconis Mons, I got stuck in a superhero pose after interacting with Oakheart's Essence...

One of the most basic rules of gun safety: never fire into the air with a loaded gun. That bullet will land somewhere you don't want it to....but who cares about gun safety in a world with magic, dragons, and walking plants, right? Especially when it looks this cool! [facepalm]

! stodmzX.png

"Taimi, I'm fine. Or I will be. As soon as I liberate more of my magical ghost friends.""Oh boy."

! pyQUG2Z.png

It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S SUPER-VARI!!

! 3nC1c8Z.jpg

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Where do I begin?

Last year during Super Adventure Box, my Ranger tripped and fell and got stuck inside of a baby-mode rainbow and nothing I did would get him out, so I was forced to flute for help. He also managed to cheat death in world 1. In fact, that Ranger encounters a lot of strange and laughable glitches - I'm not even mad.

He's not the only one. There was the time male Sylvari couldn't sit still in chairs or the time their arms would twist like pipe cleaners when using the /laugh emote. For a hot second, the Jotun in Wayfarer Foothills got knocked down (but they got up again). Then, of course, there was that horrifying weekend when half the Scarab mobs in the game were buzzing around looking like this.

The bugs I've encountered since I started playing are vast and varied. Some have been fixed, and some just have to be taken as part of the experience. In the end, all I can really say is that I hope things keep breaking - just a little.

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Occasionally my toon will glitch into certain fixed animations. The first I see is when the level-up arm thrust gets stuck, and my toon runs around doing the superman flight pose. The second one is when the knockdowns get glitched, and my character spends the whole time power-skidding on their face instead of standing up and fighting.

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Me and my bad wifi adapter... often times I will mount up, but the camera doesn't move. In fact my mount doesn't even load thanks to my bad internet and bad laptop specs. This causes my character to actually be under the map when the camera snaps back to place, lol. It seems to happen often in Auric Basin at the steps where you break the vine doors down for the meta. Yes, they are accidentally shot under the ground, and I can explore it and stuff.

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Listing everyting would take too long. Here are a few:

  • For an extended period of time (1.5-2 years), I triggered the traps in guild-races while being NOT transformed. The glitch happened whenever I entered any guild-race that was active.

  • Unable to complete the Hydra Queen achievement for 5+ years. I killed Thaida so many times, but the achievement never triggered.

  • Unable to play the organ in the Stronghold of Ebonhawke. Every button I pressed for just a split-second held the tone of 5-10 seconds.

  • Friend of mine had a character that was not allowed to set foot into Fields of Ruin. Whenever they tried, the client crashed. Other characters worked without any issues. The person stopped playing a few years ago, so I do not know if it was ever fixed.

  • Once met a player, who had a character stuck in limbo. The player in question played the last time around one of the old Halloween or SAB festivals. I say old, because it was before they implemented the automated return to Lion's Arch once the event was over. This player decided to return after an extended break and found their character stuck in limbo. Everything pitch black, no minimap, no worldmap. They joined my LFG out of random and after calming them down, we broke them free. Easiest option: Enter WvW or sPvP and walk through the pink gate. It was extreme luck, that the player's character was alive. Teleporting a corpse out of limbo is almost impossible and would require the help of the support.

  • Character stuck in dead-pose/levelup pose (raised arm).

  • Character stuck in fire-breathing (guardian).

  • Extreme rubber-banding: I teleported from FGS to the Cursed Shore, killed a few mobs. Then got teleported within a split-second and spawned at the northern entrance of Bloodtide Coast.

  • Accidentally fell through the floor after a teleport.

  • Accidentally glitched through the floor in the Dragon's Domain (Heart of Thorns Instance). Very scary place.

  • Entered an Updraft and got launched to the map-ceiling. Siren's Landing 2x, while the map was extremely unstable. Hearts and Minds, almost every time ^^.

  • Griffon got stuck leaning sideways. Camera can still be used, but you lose control over the Griffon. You can only move slightly to the left and right.

  • Dislocated the camera a few times. Character was far below where my camera thought it would stand/walk.

  • Seasick camera: The camera gains momentum when used. When you stop, it will slowly swing a little further and then slightly upwards and swings back again. Opposite to every other glitch in the game, this one is actually harmful. If you run into it and not notice it early, you can get dizzy and a headache. Relog solves it.

  • Guild glitch: You log into the game and find your guild-roster empty. You are the only member of your guild. Guildchat is disabled. We once ran into this issue where the entire guild had that glitch.

  • Double Jump: Happened during exploring a cave. I noticed that my jump-animation looked a bit glitchy. Did a few tests and realized, I was able to do a double-jump. Jump up to the maximum height, then press the button again and jump up even further. Was not able to figure out how to set it up. Happened very long before Heart of Thorns.

  • Sometimes when I visit the city of Hoelbrak (Norn), I come by Kristyna Sohnstag and her monologue: "Take heed! I haven't taken leave of my sense. I've seen creatures of metal and steam!" This is what should happen. What I get: "Take hee, take hee, take hee, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, Take heed! I haven't taken leave of my sense. I've seen creatures of metal and steam!"

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Oh, I have a couple more.

One, there was a time when your character could get duplicated, maybe just in the dungeon in Mount Maelstrom. I can't seem to quickly find the screenshots but I know my Sylvari guardian was running around as twins for a bit.

Two, I had a guildie who happened to submit a name change on an alt in Lion's Arch at exactly the moment something big happened with ANet's servers (one of the super rare possibly singular times when there was a massive rollback). When things came back up, he couldn't log in on that alt, his main, though the rest were fine. He tried numerous times, and got an escalating ticket to Support. After a few days Support abruptly begged him not to try logging in until they verified his main's retrieval. Apparently each and every log in attempt he made crashed LA for everyone in it. It did get fixed. He firmly resisted the Ultimate Power he had over the fates of anyone in LA during that time.

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@"Batel.9206" said:In Draconis Mons, I got stuck in a superhero pose after interacting with Oakheart's Essence...

One of the most basic rules of gun safety: never fire into the air with a loaded gun. That bullet will land somewhere you don't want it to....but who cares about gun safety in a world with magic, dragons, and walking plants, right? Especially when it looks this cool! [facepalm]


"Taimi, I'm
. Or I will be. As soon as I liberate more of my magical ghost friends.""Oh boy."


It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S SUPER-VARI!!


hahahahha this is so funny

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This afternoon there was an underwater group fight where you are defending a group of lightning cannons and various actions would zap you to the surface as if you were standing on the water. Knocking down an enemy would leave them flat on the top of the water.

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@"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

  • Guild glitch: You log into the game and find your guild-roster empty. You are the only member of your guild. Guildchat is disabled. We once ran into this issue where the entire guild had that glitch.That's actually not a glitch per se, but a network issue. Basically, the guild stuff seems to be managed by a separate server process. If something happens with connection to said server, this happens. Can also happen as a byproduct of "lost connection to the login server". Depending on whether the connection issue is server- or clientside, can happen to whole guild (all guilds, actually), or to individual players.
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@HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

  • Once met a player, who had a character stuck in limbo. The player in question played the last time around one of the old Halloween or SAB festivals. I say old, because it was before they implemented the automated return to Lion's Arch once the event was over. This player decided to return after an extended break and found their character stuck in limbo. Everything pitch black, no minimap, no worldmap. They joined my LFG out of random and after calming them down, we broke them free. Easiest option: Enter WvW or sPvP and walk through the pink gate. It was extreme luck, that the player's character was alive. Teleporting a corpse out of limbo is almost impossible and would require the help of the support.

Some of the LW Portal scrolls will allow you to port dead so keeping one that does would help in this situation.

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@Milkshake.4370 said:I had a glitch yesterday in Crystal Oasis which might be computer-related for me, but it was still funny.Basically the NPCs loaded but the actual environment did not and they were walking/floating in the air. It quickly resolved but it looked hilarious seeing merchants and villagers walking around on nothing =)

That (partially) happens every time I port into Lion's Arch...I always go up the invisible ramp into the open-top TP and talk to the floating scales.(I'm guessing this is intentional to help load times, as no other city does it)

@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:Occasionally my toon will glitch into certain fixed animations. The first I see is when the level-up arm thrust gets stuck, and my toon runs around doing the superman flight pose. The second one is when the knockdowns get glitched, and my character spends the whole time power-skidding on their face instead of standing up and fighting.

Only yesterday, my flamethrower animation got stuck...so I was able to fly along while blasting the ground.

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I think this is by far my favorite glitch. It was related to a specific armor skin and it can still happen and be visible to other players when you pick up this one orb at the end of one of the Arah paths while having just one piece skinned. JBQfIrY.pngBXOyaZD.png

Here's a loading screen version of it wJZkPbV.png

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