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Why is it so hard for Anet to ban pvp bots


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How anyone let alone Anet can look at this picture and think "Oh yeah this human really likes pvp aye" when what most players see is "Oh yeah another bot that can bot ranked pvp without repurcussions"

If pvp is so dead in this game Anet have to resort to having their own bots so people will get queue faster or that they let others bots pass they should let us know. I know this probably is not the case but having seen so many bots continue for so long i wouldnt be surprised. Not saying anything and having to see the same bots play every day even if you report them even with video evidence doesnt look very good for the game.

Seeing bots and teleport hackers reign free even in high plat games is discouraging and doesnt entice me to buy gems to support this game.

My suggestion is for anet to automatically flag accounts that reach 500 matches every season, then they can go and look at those accounts how they behave in match and if they are botting ban them. If a player can see if an account runs a bot program surely Anet has to have the tools to see this aswell.

I have played other games where bots are treated more harshly but in this game they seem to get a free pass or atleast free pass until "ban waves" happen which are not frequently enough.Other games dont handle bots with kid gloves, if they are botting they are banned.

Banning people in waves does not cut it, bans need to be handed out faster for bots, in my experience i have reported bots on monday with video evidence and still see them the next week. Anet needs to be faster handling these reports.

In a official forumpost not long ago Anet talk about reviewing every report, but this feels like empty words when the same bots spam 1k+ games every ranked season.

My idea is people would enjoy Guildwars 2 pvp more if bots reports are handled faster after reading others forumposts on this forum and on reddit.

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Bans probably have little priority right now because most botting is being done on newly made free accounts. So banning them will do nothing because the banned players will just make a new account. And previous ban waves also hit a number of innocent players which leads to frustration and many support tickets.

ArenaNet is aware of the botting problem but I suspect that they prioritize implementing changes that discourage botting, like a captcha.

To be clear: I'm not saying that the instrument of banning should be off the table. But that there are more effective solutions possible that actually fix the issue in the long run.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:Bans probably have little priority right now because most botting is being done on newly made free accounts. So banning them will do nothing because the banned players will just make a new account. And previous ban waves also hit a number of innocent players which leads to frustration and many support tickets.

The image of the post was posted in reedit 2 weeks ago. The same guy said that most of the bots he tracked were Scourges. Also he tracked their ap. Some accounts have 15k-18k and some others 30k. Free accounts can be bots, but the most problematics one are players that want free money and know that anet is not taking action at the moment.

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@"Fisheye.9147" said:

How anyone let alone Anet can look at this picture and think "Oh yeah this human really likes pvp aye" when what most players see is "Oh yeah another bot that can bot ranked pvp without repurcussions"

If pvp is so dead in this game Anet have to resort to having their own bots so people will get queue faster or that they let others bots pass they should let us know. I know this probably is not the case but having seen so many bots continue for so long i wouldnt be surprised. Not saying anything and having to see the same bots play every day even if you report them even with video evidence doesnt look very good for the game.

Seeing bots and teleport hackers reign free even in high plat games is discouraging and doesnt entice me to buy gems to support this game.

My suggestion is for anet to automatically flag accounts that reach 500 matches every season, then they can go and look at those accounts how they behave in match and if they are botting ban them. If a player can see if an account runs a bot program surely Anet has to have the tools to see this aswell.

I have played other games where bots are treated more harshly but in this game they seem to get a free pass or atleast free pass until "ban waves" happen which are not frequently enough.Other games dont handle bots with kid gloves, if they are botting they are banned.

Banning people in waves does not cut it, bans need to be handed out faster for bots, in my experience i have reported bots on monday with video evidence and still see them the next week. Anet needs to be faster handling these reports.

In a official forumpost not long ago Anet talk about reviewing every report, but this feels like empty words when the same bots spam 1k+ games every ranked season.

My idea is people would enjoy Guildwars 2 pvp more if bots reports are handled faster after reading others forumposts on this forum and on reddit.

What is more likely (of all the desired changes from the remaining 3.5 PvP players), what ANet would do or change is to make the view of this data invisible, so that players no longer have insight into how many games "each player or BOT" plays. And they would possibly justify it like this: "For privacy reasons we have to revise certain parts of the view and make data unrecognizable." Problem solved (not really, but that's about how I would imagine it).

And the funny thing is, the more bots conquer PvP, the less interesting and unimportant (if it ever was important *sarcasm off) the view becomes, i.e. it would then be superfluous. B)

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@Alkariel.5670 said:

@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:Bans probably have little priority right now because most botting is being done on newly made free accounts. So banning them will do nothing because the banned players will just make a new account. And previous ban waves also hit a number of innocent players which leads to frustration and many support tickets.

The image of the post was posted in reedit 2 weeks ago. The same guy said that most of the bots he tracked were Scourges. Also he tracked their ap. Some accounts have 15k-18k and some others 30k. Free accounts can be bots, but the most problematics one are players that want free money and know that anet is not taking action at the moment.

It looks something like this. Players become more careless and use their "real" (main) accounts. Especially since they know that not much will happen (and word gets around). It will be even funnier when ANet actually gets the idea to do something about it (which is long overdue). BUT, If by then the damage caused is not so high that they would cause (even) more damage as a result. Inflation etc.

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@Metzie.3012 said:

@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:Bans probably have little priority right now because most botting is being done on newly made free accounts. So banning them will do nothing because the banned players will just make a new account. And previous ban waves also hit a number of innocent players which leads to frustration and many support tickets.

The image of the post was posted in reedit 2 weeks ago. The same guy said that most of the bots he tracked were Scourges. Also he tracked their ap. Some accounts have 15k-18k and some others 30k. Free accounts can be bots, but the most problematics one are players that want free money and know that anet is not taking action at the moment.

It looks something like this. Players become more careless and use their "real" (main) accounts. Especially since they know that not much will happen (and word gets around). It will be even funnier when ANet actually gets the idea to do something about it (which is long overdue). BUT, If by then the damage caused is not so high that they would cause (even) more damage as a result. Inflation etc.

It is crazy to risk a 30k AP account by botting. Sooner or later they will get a ban. It may take long but the bans will come.

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Funny how ppl think scourges and mirages are free account specs

Most bot accounts are not free

Bots are farming gold, they're supposed to transfer all that gold to a main account or sell that gold

No, you cannot overprice a mat in tp and buy it your free account. You HAVE TO buy the cheaper mats in order to buy the most expensive.

We had a similar post yesterday, it got removed in less than 24 hours.

good luck


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@Alkariel.5670 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:Bans probably have little priority right now because most botting is being done on newly made free accounts. So banning them will do nothing because the banned players will just make a new account. And previous ban waves also hit a number of innocent players which leads to frustration and many support tickets.

The image of the post was posted in reedit 2 weeks ago. The same guy said that most of the bots he tracked were Scourges. Also he tracked their ap. Some accounts have 15k-18k and some others 30k. Free accounts can be bots, but the most problematics one are players that want free money and know that anet is not taking action at the moment.

I think this 30k ap guy was the that had accounts name from 1 to 20, i think this guy completely quit botting, i have some of those accounts in my friendlist, i haven't seen none of those accounts in pvp leaderboards, maybe he got a soft ban and stopped, one of those accounts was even doing fractals.

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Anet should implement overwatch community just like for CSGO and Dota 2.

A player in-game can report a player if he was feeding/afk/griefing then it will be decided by players in PVP lobby or World if he really was feeding/afk/griefing then he might get 1-3 days ban at pvp 1week then 1month

Overwatch Dota 2 :

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:Bans probably have little priority right now because most botting is being done on newly made free accounts. So banning them will do nothing because the banned players will just make a new account. And previous ban waves also hit a number of innocent players which leads to frustration and many support tickets.

ArenaNet is aware of the botting problem but I suspect that they prioritize implementing changes that discourage botting, like a captcha.

To be clear: I'm not saying that the instrument of banning should be off the table. But that there are more effective solutions possible that actually fix the issue in the long run.

Each acc needs to be at least pvp level 20 to play ranked, so making account that lasts only ~100 matches isnt really worth (i mean, if anet was banning)

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